Chris Christie, Governor MCCory, Sylvia Hamlin
note: third time posting [info did not save of which there were pictures and statement put on blog from? which were deleted and when signing in the result were that 3/4 of post to blog had disappeared];
Below is posted an email sent to :
Center for American Progress ; 1333 H Street, NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
And the result of the email sent to in the in box are as follow:
1. Advantage Sales & Marketing - Hawaii Community;Follow the new members of your Advantage Sales & Marketing - Hawaii community;01/16/14;7 KB;It's time to change the world. Will you join us?;01/16/14;8 KB
3. ConsumerInjurySettlements;Johnson and Johnson to settle $4 Billion in Hip Implant Lawsuits ;01/16/14;4 KB
4. ConsumerInjurySettlements;Johnson and Johnson to settle $4 Billion in Hip Implant Lawsuits;01/16/14;4 KB;
5.FHALoansForHomes;Lower your mortgage payments by refinancing!; 01/15/14;10 KB;1/15/14
And in the spam box were the following emails that were sent to
1.Discounted Cruises;Cheap Cruises: Up to 80% OFF. 20+ Different Cruise Lines.
01/14/14;6 KB
2.Discounted Cruises;Cheap Cruises: Up to 80% OFF. 20+ Different Cruise Lines.
01/16/14;6 KB
3.Antarctica Cruise;Get An Amazing Deal On A Once-In-A-Lifetime Antarctica Cruise Today!
01/14/14;6 KB;Ink & Toner Sale Today + 10% OFF Coupon;01/14/14;4 KB;Ink & Toner Sale Today + 10% OFF Coupon ;01/14/14;4 KB
Of which based upon the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration

[can't get articles from local websites to post? that "Obama proposes new limits on NSA phone collections;
Thus the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated on C-Span; channel 6 on 1/17/14; that the surveillance LAWS did not include individuals acting on their own after 911; that the authorities surveillance system[s] did not violate the privacy safeguards presently in place; that it was important for the suveillance regulations to maintain PROTECTION that OUR Constitution require [concerned about the reach of knowledge revealing the participation of the violations of the United States Constitution by the man in the brown skin [who is the current re-elected? head of the United States] Administration:
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated :
If ANY INDIVIDUAL can take secret information and reveal it to the public [blog or magazine] it will stop the SAFETY of the NATION[which nation?;Communist or Republic?]
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration also stated that Ordinary American[s] [he means WHITE people and those working in/for white secret group(s)] have nothing to worry about because the authorities are made up of "FAMILY", FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS" who know more than most people , the value of privacy and the consequences of loss of privacy." and that it depends on LAW to restrain those in power[current Winston-Salem, NC Forsyth County agencies are not abiding by written law-they are operating by secret law which put individuals not serving their purpose in a category of being the enemy];
Then the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration spoke of reforms that authorities will take [in which those who are born in the United States who seek to keep and maintain FREEDOM that is not dependent on yielding life of freedom to those in authority that seek to control every aspect of their life[which is "Totalitarianism]which is to have the authorities to ISSUE a "NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER to the agency to inquire about the INDIVIDUAL [and this is important [WITHOUT LETTING THE INDIVIDUAL know about the inquiry]-which is a violation of the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution;which is exactly what is being dealt with for decades and presently;
In fact because the martriach member of the family who was forced to work for the white secret group[s] of authority who would call the employers, resturants, grocery stores, service station, convieint stores, shopping centers, dotors, hospitals, every where the martriach member of the family went so that every where the martriach member of the family went there was an inquiry about the actions of the martriach member of the family who was forced, intimidated, threaten to act as CINTAS[sibling/family/ presently in the process of being forced to do to Deanna[WARNING]:
Those in who operate the Surveillance systems of African American[s] are in the process of guiding CINTAS to "FINDING ROLE[S] which is to be UNDERCOVER BOSS[Today Show] and Authority[po---eman] in her family; so that the CINTAS is forced to put all of her family members under SECRET surveillance through CINTAS being FORCED to work in/for white secret group(s) who doing wear sheets, now in suits and use African American[s] against African American[s] to to try and accomplish control of African American[s]=called ETHNIC INTIMIDATION ]
In which ALL of the above destroys a person[s] privacy and violates thier Civil Rights which are TWO violations of the United States Constitution;
Thus the recommendations [of the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration] for "change" do NOT include nor does "the change" need to include the ORDIANARY PERSON [meaning WHITE PEOPLE] so that the authorities do not have to ISSUE a "NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER" to an agency to inquire about the INDIVIDUALORDIANARY PERSON [meaning WHITE PEOPLE] [this is important] [WITHOUT LETTING THE INDIVIDUAL know about the inquiry:
[note: of which while posting the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library system of surveillance had a short [ brown tan short hair],white male middle age withblack hat [BMW][associated with AFrican American male that white males in authority intimidated]came and sate at computer # in front of computer #5 while the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library system of surveillance put up NEW website since my sitting here:

[]threat=the sign says "You can KILL a MAN; but you can't KILL an IDEA=reverse the statement and "the Idea may live but the man won't[of Which guy by the name of LARRY was just killed[they found him in his house and nobody knows what happen to him][Tuesday]];
Because white people are already in the secret group; their skin makes them a part of the secret group;
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated that "It depends on LAW to restrain those in power" which confirms the application to the United States Supreme Court who are the only ones who can stop the abuse of African American[s] like the denial of financial relief to African American[s] during the Sandy Storm and stop the robbery of African American[s] such as what is in the process of taking place through the election of the NEW WHITE Mayor Mike Duggan [2014] and Governor McCory who has recieved instructions from Mayor Chris Christie through the blocking/closing of the ACCESS LANES on the George Washington Bridge to block and close ACCESS to MONEY[GEorge Washington bridge] to African American[s] by any means necessary; in which the present man in the brown skin [who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration] is Public camouflage for white males
note: third time posting [info did not save of which there were pictures and statement put on blog from? which were deleted and when signing in the result were that 3/4 of post to blog had disappeared];
Below is posted an email sent to :
Center for American Progress ; 1333 H Street, NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
And the result of the email sent to in the in box are as follow:
1. Advantage Sales & Marketing - Hawaii Community;Follow the new members of your Advantage Sales & Marketing - Hawaii community;01/16/14;7 KB;It's time to change the world. Will you join us?;01/16/14;8 KB
3. ConsumerInjurySettlements;Johnson and Johnson to settle $4 Billion in Hip Implant Lawsuits ;01/16/14;4 KB
4. ConsumerInjurySettlements;Johnson and Johnson to settle $4 Billion in Hip Implant Lawsuits;01/16/14;4 KB;
5.FHALoansForHomes;Lower your mortgage payments by refinancing!; 01/15/14;10 KB;1/15/14
And in the spam box were the following emails that were sent to
1.Discounted Cruises;Cheap Cruises: Up to 80% OFF. 20+ Different Cruise Lines.
01/14/14;6 KB
2.Discounted Cruises;Cheap Cruises: Up to 80% OFF. 20+ Different Cruise Lines.
01/16/14;6 KB
3.Antarctica Cruise;Get An Amazing Deal On A Once-In-A-Lifetime Antarctica Cruise Today!
01/14/14;6 KB;Ink & Toner Sale Today + 10% OFF Coupon;01/14/14;4 KB;Ink & Toner Sale Today + 10% OFF Coupon ;01/14/14;4 KB
Of which based upon the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration

[can't get articles from local websites to post? that "Obama proposes new limits on NSA phone collections;
Thus the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated on C-Span; channel 6 on 1/17/14; that the surveillance LAWS did not include individuals acting on their own after 911; that the authorities surveillance system[s] did not violate the privacy safeguards presently in place; that it was important for the suveillance regulations to maintain PROTECTION that OUR Constitution require [concerned about the reach of knowledge revealing the participation of the violations of the United States Constitution by the man in the brown skin [who is the current re-elected? head of the United States] Administration:
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated :
If ANY INDIVIDUAL can take secret information and reveal it to the public [blog or magazine] it will stop the SAFETY of the NATION[which nation?;Communist or Republic?]
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration also stated that Ordinary American[s] [he means WHITE people and those working in/for white secret group(s)] have nothing to worry about because the authorities are made up of "FAMILY", FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS" who know more than most people , the value of privacy and the consequences of loss of privacy." and that it depends on LAW to restrain those in power[current Winston-Salem, NC Forsyth County agencies are not abiding by written law-they are operating by secret law which put individuals not serving their purpose in a category of being the enemy];
Then the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration spoke of reforms that authorities will take [in which those who are born in the United States who seek to keep and maintain FREEDOM that is not dependent on yielding life of freedom to those in authority that seek to control every aspect of their life[which is "Totalitarianism]which is to have the authorities to ISSUE a "NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER to the agency to inquire about the INDIVIDUAL [and this is important [WITHOUT LETTING THE INDIVIDUAL know about the inquiry]-which is a violation of the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution;which is exactly what is being dealt with for decades and presently;
In fact because the martriach member of the family who was forced to work for the white secret group[s] of authority who would call the employers, resturants, grocery stores, service station, convieint stores, shopping centers, dotors, hospitals, every where the martriach member of the family went so that every where the martriach member of the family went there was an inquiry about the actions of the martriach member of the family who was forced, intimidated, threaten to act as CINTAS[sibling/family/ presently in the process of being forced to do to Deanna[WARNING]:
Those in who operate the Surveillance systems of African American[s] are in the process of guiding CINTAS to "FINDING ROLE[S] which is to be UNDERCOVER BOSS[Today Show] and Authority[po---eman] in her family; so that the CINTAS is forced to put all of her family members under SECRET surveillance through CINTAS being FORCED to work in/for white secret group(s) who doing wear sheets, now in suits and use African American[s] against African American[s] to to try and accomplish control of African American[s]=called ETHNIC INTIMIDATION ]
In which ALL of the above destroys a person[s] privacy and violates thier Civil Rights which are TWO violations of the United States Constitution;
Thus the recommendations [of the man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration] for "change" do NOT include nor does "the change" need to include the ORDIANARY PERSON [meaning WHITE PEOPLE] so that the authorities do not have to ISSUE a "NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER" to an agency to inquire about the INDIVIDUALORDIANARY PERSON [meaning WHITE PEOPLE] [this is important] [WITHOUT LETTING THE INDIVIDUAL know about the inquiry:
[note: of which while posting the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library system of surveillance had a short [ brown tan short hair],white male middle age withblack hat [BMW][associated with AFrican American male that white males in authority intimidated]came and sate at computer # in front of computer #5 while the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library system of surveillance put up NEW website since my sitting here:

[]threat=the sign says "You can KILL a MAN; but you can't KILL an IDEA=reverse the statement and "the Idea may live but the man won't[of Which guy by the name of LARRY was just killed[they found him in his house and nobody knows what happen to him][Tuesday]];
Because white people are already in the secret group; their skin makes them a part of the secret group;
The man in the brown skin who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration stated that "It depends on LAW to restrain those in power" which confirms the application to the United States Supreme Court who are the only ones who can stop the abuse of African American[s] like the denial of financial relief to African American[s] during the Sandy Storm and stop the robbery of African American[s] such as what is in the process of taking place through the election of the NEW WHITE Mayor Mike Duggan [2014] and Governor McCory who has recieved instructions from Mayor Chris Christie through the blocking/closing of the ACCESS LANES on the George Washington Bridge to block and close ACCESS to MONEY[GEorge Washington bridge] to African American[s] by any means necessary; in which the present man in the brown skin [who is the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration] is Public camouflage for white males
New mayor takes office in Detroit
Laughing " ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK " [white males and scared black males working in secret for secret white groups];
Keep it real-sweat shirt [young white male][computer #1] and Zero Dark Thirty[older white male][computer #3] are theTwo White Males at round table];white male that sit on the corner to intimidate and harass African American[s] at Reynolda and Fairlawn wears hat that says: "Zero Dark Thirty" and have seen the term "Zero Dark Thirty"on television []
email sent to:
Center for American Progress
Seeking help outside of Winston-Salem, NC:
Sent email to:
Center for American Progress
1333 H Street, NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Katie Peters
Economy, education, health care, gun-violence prevention
Contact Us
First Name* Last Name* Email* Subject*
"Heard Melissa Boteach on local television station and the topic was how to help people [specifically females] concerning obtaining an income that is steady as well as an income that can help the person prospser; which is why the following question[tryingto be as specific as possible;
What is a person who has no income to do if threaten with confinement [jail] if their income is not from an illegal activity and the threat is from those who are suppose to stop activity that is illegal?
Other than seek out the local legal aid and attorneys[being that they operate like Chris Christie's group who closed the "access lanes" on the George Washington Bridge;Deanna[]"[1st email];
"Presently boarding on starvation[lack of proper nutrients] as punishment for not participating in a group that operates like Chris Christie's group; thus even though I am in a house where there are three peopel with incomes 30K or above and nephew and wife who have an income at or above 40k";Deanna[]"[2nd email];
Could not locate contact information directly to Melissa Boteach[?];so asked Katie Peters to get/send email to Melissa Boteach[?];
Tried to post the "Center for American Progress" logo and only
"CAP en Español " would post;
Thank You for Contacting Us
We appreciate your comments, questions, and concerns. Your comment has been forwarded to the appropriate department, and we will address your concern as soon as possible.
DETROIT -- Mike Duggan, a political bulldog with a knack for cutting deals, had sat at the Detroit mayor's desk plenty of times in the past — as a guest.
On Wednesday, he sat in the big leather chair behind the desk — as the new mayor of Detroit.
A smiling Duggan was officially sworn in as the 75th mayor of Detroit in a brief ceremony at the Coleman Young Municipal Center.
The oath lasted just 10 seconds, but it was preceded by months of campaigning, several legal challenges, an opponent with a similar name, and a historic primary election that ended with Duggan winning as a write-in candidate and moving on to win the general election.
After taking the oath, Duggan's first words were praise for outgoing mayor Dave Bing, who also attended the ceremony.
STORY: What's next in Detroit bankruptcy case?
"I'm going to continue to build on what he started, and I just want to say thank you," Duggan said, noting he also has met with all of the city council members personally.
Duggan was all smiles as he took questions from the media, often using humor to deflect any controversial issues, such as his relationship with the city's emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, and any potential power struggle between the two.
"He's got the office next door," Duggan said, triggering laughter. "The work relationship has been good." Still, he added, "I'm going to disagree on some things.
As mayor, Duggan will oversee most of the city's daily operations, while Orr — who will have some veto power over Duggan's decisions — handles financial matters involving the city's municipal bankruptcy case and the police department.
"I need to be realistic about what's in my control ... it's the most pressing issue facing the city," Duggan said of crime.
Orr was not at the ceremony.
New mayor takes office in Detroit
DETROIT -- Mike Duggan, a political bulldog with a knack for cutting deals, had sat at the Detroit mayor's desk plenty of times in the past — as a guest.
On Wednesday, he sat in the big leather chair behind the desk — as the new mayor of Detroit.
A smiling Duggan was officially sworn in as the 75th mayor of Detroit in a brief ceremony at the Coleman Young Municipal Center.
The oath lasted just 10 seconds, but it was preceded by months of campaigning, several legal challenges, an opponent with a similar name, and a historic primary election that ended with Duggan winning as a write-in candidate and moving on to win the general election.
After taking the oath, Duggan's first words were praise for outgoing mayor Dave Bing, who also attended the ceremony.
STORY: What's next in Detroit bankruptcy case?
"I'm going to continue to build on what he started, and I just want to say thank you," Duggan said, noting he also has met with all of the city council members personally.
Duggan was all smiles as he took questions from the media, often using humor to deflect any controversial issues, such as his relationship with the city's emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, and any potential power struggle between the two.
"He's got the office next door," Duggan said, triggering laughter. "The work relationship has been good." Still, he added, "I'm going to disagree on some things.
As mayor, Duggan will oversee most of the city's daily operations, while Orr — who will have some veto power over Duggan's decisions — handles financial matters involving the city's municipal bankruptcy case and the police department.
"I need to be realistic about what's in my control ... it's the most pressing issue facing the city," Duggan said of crime.
Orr was not at the ceremony.
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