Social Understandings

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Glenn Beck


Saw the last [part of the Kelly File] where Glenn Beck was apologizing for "Tearing America Apart”;

                                                                     Glenn Beck

Called  Glenn Beck [white male] radio/news commentator  in approx 2005/6 and asked for help to stop the abuse,intimidation and harassment by white males[which has not stopped to this day]; what I got was three white males on the other end of the telephone who put me on hold while leaving the phone so that I could here their snide remarks as  they laughed;their remarks were snide because they already knew what was going on; they knew that white males operate a system of dogging  out African American females/make them prostitutes and servants to white males[which is part of the foundation of their system] to ensure a foundation to maintain their white male empires;

As situations began to change in the United States and white males began to communicate through their secret codes that the next wave of robbery of African American[s] was in the process of taking place; Glenn Beck got so happy that he created a group of white males that wore "BLACK" robes as symbolism of robbery of African Americans and encourage all his white MALE friends to join;with the objective of developing various systems to continue the robbery of African American[s]; Glenn Beck invited BILLy Graham Jr., whose father is also a member of the secret[paula] group; but BILLy Graham,Jr. did not join;
At the time that Glenn Beck was creating his "The Black Robe Regiment: Glenn Beck's Redundant New Group"[Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/31/2010 1:32 pm][];

                                                    glenn becks Black Robe Regiment

Glenn Beck was very confident that  white males would make a few moves and that would be the end of that; they also knew that the man in the brown skin in the house that is white was necessary,temporary and it was just a matter of time and he would be gone; but then the man in the brown skin in the house that is white stayed for a second term; and what is very important [he is not six feet under]; white males know that their system is air tight; so Glenn Beck  knows that something is really wrong so that the new white is BROWN and for white males who are use to white is right; that means a major shift in every area of their life[means stability is lessoned];

For those of you who read what is posted; inform Glenn Beck that until the white males stop the  harassment,intimidation, abuse and threats of African Americans expect more, they can do so through just stopping, or having it put in writting through the "Preamble of the United States Constitution",
["We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."][];

and that is even over the African American female prosititutes that work in secret for white males because the  African American female prosititutes that work in secret for white males are not as much of a secret as white males think and people are tired of them and you! Watch!
As somebody said; there is a difference from people who is running around terr-rizing people and people who are fighting for their rights

Heard this lady on local evening news [documented] who had survived the holocaust; and she said one of the things that the Germans could not do was to recognize the Jews; regardless of what the Jews did they were not recognized; being recognize as a part/piece of a person is the full recognition that the United States Constitution gives to citizens born in the United States;

Notice the wedding ring[what is used to control AFrican Amrican females; if they don't dowhat white males say,white males attack the African American  females husband/mate]

Glenn Beck admitted this week that his divisive language and bizarre conspiracy theories may have played a role in tearing the country apart.
The conservative radio host made the shocking statement an interview (video above) with Megy Kelly on former employer channel Fox News.
“I remember it as an awful lot of fun and that I made an awful lot of mistakes,” he told Kelly. “I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart.”
“I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language,” Beck said. “I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were. I thought we were kind of a little more in it together. And now I look back and I realize if we could have talked about the uniting principles a little bit more, instead of just the problems, I think I would look back on it a little more fondly.”
While CNN host Piers Morgan called Beck “brave” for making the humble admission on “The Kelly File,” Bob Beckel of The Five made rather scathing comments about his former colleague.
“That may be the most foolish, ridiculous, disgraceful — no wonder the son-of-a-b***h is off the TV,” Beckel said after watching a few clips from Beck’s interview with Megyn Kelly


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