Bill Debliso
To: Gender, Race, and Incarcertation conference Panel
Sent an email on 12/30/13 ;Deanna; concerning movie “Chasing Liberty” in which it is stated that Cynthia is helping secret service to track ANNA; Cynthia is my sibling’s name and Anna is my name; and presently at Cynthia in which she is manipulating food so that I eat to survive; but not maintain health while Cynthia knows of the abuse by people in local area; Of which Cynthia’s neighbors [Dedra]put up red bow over her door numbers to form the word “DO”-

as form of telling Cynthia that she can have the relationship that is suppose to be in my life; and Cynthia brought home magazine ““HE”alth” and placed it on coffee table in a manner so that the “HE” part of the “Health” magazine was placed as form of communication that the local people[trackers] have said that I have to be gay[which I am not] if I want to eat;
In which all of the local people who have wanted to be around me; have been intimidated, threaten, abused whenever they help me [all of which was done to control my actions or the help that I receive[including local social agencies that help people];After I sent you the first email the Target stores had a security breach of about 40 million people; that was to communicate to the members of the secret group that someone knew about what they are doing; in actuality it is millions of people for every major store in the United States; they just exposed that to intimidate someone into helping them-to let them know if they did one store they can do others;
As a result of sending the email to you on 12/30/13; the message sent out on the “Today Show” was that it was over and at the same time telling the people in their secret group to carry on; not to give up-which means that even though they know that somebody knows that they are tracking/harassing me; that those in the secret group are told to move forward; but be cautious; which I am asking the National Consumer League; if they have any solutions to address the issue; because at the present my movement has/is restricted do to their blocking my earning a legal income or even trying to raise funds on the internet in which I have not been able to get the right kind of food for my health.
The “Today Show”[channel 11/calble]and “CBS This Morning”[channel 9/cable] show both usually carry about the same coded messages to the local secret club/trackers; and both programs verify that the local people have sent the message that it is over; but with local people maintaining still possible to do what they had in mind; in fact on the Today show there was a segment where, Jenna Bush was sitting at a table full of kindergardners and one of the little girls name was “Vanessa” and there was a set of TWIN [japaneese] boys; one of the children’s goals was to go to their mother?=which when my mother passed at the funeral; the funeral home director made the statement to Anne, “Your mother wants you to know that she loves and wants to see you real soon.”; which is the same message this morning on ‘TODAY SHOW”; then followed local commercials to the local secret group[s] to help make tat happen;
Thus, even though the local secret groups are aware that people know; they are still told to not stop; and therefore being that all forms of normal solutions have been reached; am asking the National Consumer League for solutions as quickly as possible; not just for myself; but also other people that I am connected to; also am concerned because the same local secret group intimidated relative out of town; they had blocked their avenue to income also; along with concern about TWIN who I have seen on the internet;
Examples of local commercial/coded messages to secret group concerning tracking and harassing of me:
Rescue of ship on ice[secret club members being revealed] is not possible;
Predicting weather forecast;The Show must go on;Brooke Abraham[reporter];
local weatherProgressive-automatic discount;Balance Bar[find your balance];
Rolaids[that’s how you spell relief];Advil[Relief];Campbell soup[you may]
Honey[cereal];Intellengence[Man and technology are faster,stronger, better];
Alli[fight back with Alli];Alli[fight back with Alli];
They arrange the local commercials to send specific messages for specific purposes;
Thus the local message to the local secret club is that if I can not let Cynthia live my life; if I will not be gay, then their actions will be further intimidation, harassment and abuse; please help, not just me; but millions and millions of people are in the same situation.
note: tried to find a link to the television program"The doctors" where TWO African American females [Alexandria and Brandy]had their but hole and vagina check in authority vehicles [with unsanitary gloves]; and both filed suit through defense attorney's Ali Booker and Terry Long; STEVEN McGraw is in charge of public safety; Mr. Turner [authority] was fired; and the oldest Doctor on the TV program"The Doctors" told the two African American females that they should have told the authority that they wanted to go the jail where there would be more people; that what the authority did was a crime and you just don't do "PEOPLE" like that;
Alexandria and Brandy had their cavity [anus and vagina] checkedwhen they were coming home from the beach; the two male cops called a female cop and gave the female cop one pair of dirty gloves to check both females;Dr. Rachael said that she would have gone to jail;
Both the oldest doctor on the Doctors and Dr. Rachael ignorrance were showing;just because there are more people at the jail=means that there would have been more people that would have said that Alexandria and Brandy had given the authoritys probable cause and If an African American female who was did not professional title had gone to jail verse roadside=they would have been blacked out and other things did to their body;
Of which after today's incident in which the PRINTER FOR THE PUBLIC cumputer is OUT OF ORDER; word to the wise; don't ignore the bastards[nice word];and do like DUCK DYNASTY FAMILY-who is one of their targets becuause the Duck Dynasty family unit represent everything they don't like[unity within a family with the MALE as the head of the family unit]; which is a form of the represention of what AFrican American families did look like before gov. started helping out though doing things for females that the men should have been doing; but couldn't because of the barriers society had erected to ensure that the male head of the African American household was destroyed; which is the goal of the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration-because of his brown skin-it allowed for the increase and continuation of tearing down of African American families[ highest unemployment rate/females working in secret against African American family members are the head of the African American household-where they have to attack and block their own children[who represent the parents future] which society sees and accepts; and because of the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration's inside knowledge of how white males operate and is accepted among white males, the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration decisions that tear down the white male as head of the household or reordering of the white male as head of the household [part of what Obamacare is] and [part of what the attack on Phil Roberts] is; along with the passing of the gay rights laws which make it publically okay for a man not to be head of a family-which leads to the destruction of the United States;
which is all designed to d
email sent through on 12/20/13;

Picture of Kedras door where cintas comes out in the morning;kedra had merry christmas, took the sign off and now bow[red]is positioned so that it says do!;which is code to cintas that she has permission to do what is going on in Kedras apt.;which is that Kedra and boyfriend have been in church all their local life,like i have been and the guy who wants to date me; except black females working for white males in secret are paid and rewaeded for attacking the relationship by whitemales targeing the men the black female wants and forcing that black male back into the black females life;kedra and mate moved in cintas area to tell cintas what is happening in my relationship and after the today show where jane pauly[one od code names of secret group] and brian gumbo reunion on today show to communicat to block my relationship with guy that wants todate me and that cintas is to do the relationship that is suppose to be in my life-and do the relationship in her life;which is code that local white males and black females that work to break up black relationships not controlled by white males have passed thehe word to continue harassing, abusing blacks not working for white male;confirmation: tim moved out of cintas in nov.2013; today,dec.thirty,2013;chan.59;stated "TIM" T-bow was a new hire in sports and six coaches in sports were fired;which is code to secret "pauly" system and as each new coach is hired or a coach rehired to a different team,it will communicate what the secret group is to do based upon ccintas and tims relationship while telling cintas and the secret group what to do to block my relationship with the guy who wants to date me;of which cintas bought a "he"alth magzine;which was plced with the "he" part of the magazine in a manner as if to say, i have to be he [gay]in white male society if i want to eat[she put magazine by food;iam not gay! Neither am i tranferring any of my rights to cythia or any part of my life or relationships;to say iam gay to eat would violate my christian and social beliefs,;
Kedras door where she position red bow on door number to read "DO";TO COMMUNICATE TO CINTAS that she can do what kedra is doing;have a boyfriend;tim was ran off by white males;kedra moving to where cintas is,is suppose to tell cintas what is suppose to be in my life and that white male system has okayed her instead having the relationship because i wont do as they say;kedra and her boyfriend have been in church all their life as i and the guy who wants to date have been in the church all our life;cintas and tim havent and dont go to church;white males want cintas to have the relationship and go in the church to replace me and the guy who wants to date me because white males control citas and tim; and if cintas is in the church white males can control cintas and have control of black churches and with me white males would have to make real changes and they would not be able to steal and rob from african americans;kedra is a big, heman female and drives a hunter green volvo;but because she works in secret for white males is allowed to have and keep a male;
Thus i am not transferring my rights or bebfits of my marriage,life or relationship to tim or cintas;movie chasing liberty explains in detail how secret services track and even the fact that cynthia is helping secret service to inntimidate;she was trained by gladace washington who is an ex-warden at a prison and gladace is cintas immediate supervisor;
The movie "chasing liberty" shows what they are doing to me where they state they only allow ANNA to live a life of theory and not real life[which is a life so that everything i do is knocked or torn down and put in cintas life and the white ass bastards tell me that watching cintas live my life is my reward];which is why people reach beyond the theory into reality in a way they cant be denied;if they cant stop the bastards one way;they can stop them the other;adam lantza had black garbage bags as curtains;cintas has black curtains also that she closes when she wants to send an intimidating message;1;
Part 2; White males changed date of myrtle beach tip and then staged scene of mother of twins being upset about man harassing her chilren;the next day they parked a BLACK VW across the street at budget inn and since that time;cintas focus has been the use of the color black;adam lanza windows were of black garbage bags which sowed his mindset and he killed 20 children;cintass mind has been altered since a child and she now sits in front of a computer so they can manipulate her mood in which white males tell her how to treat me;
Which was started when cintas and mama would go the doctor for cintas epilepsy treatment where white males coerced Cintas mothre into doing what they wanted by threatening Cintas siblings and father[who white males of authority set up and put behind bars;
note:The movie "chasing liberty" shows what they are doing to me in real life -where they state they only allow ANNA to live a life of theory and not real life[which is a life so that everything i do is knocked or torn down and put in cintas life and the white ass bastards tell me that watching cintas live my life is my reward]; presently the bastards still are harassing to force me to serve them[think dvd "Living Color" put it; white males trying to finance what belongs to AFrican American people to control it-of which I don't want white males to control anything associate with my African American heritage:
The NEW mayor of NEW YORK [where relative was intimidated to and first place of visit was Rockerfeller plaza; now there is WHITE mayor with an entire black family[?=African from Africa[ born in country outside of United States with a goal to lessen the United States or African American born inside the United States with a goal to lift up the United States];Never could understand why they said that Bill Clinton was the first "BLACK" president-now the symbolic "First Black President" formally swears in Bill De Blasio; two bills right after 2013=13th year; all of which is the public stealing of African American heritage and wealth; The female[African American or African] is a black female prostitute working for white males in secret to rob from African Americans[somebody in her family has the name of Robert, robin, roberson, robeta/o];

And his statement about economic and social equality is suppose to be from an African American male; not a white male;Bill Clinton knows that; but Bill Clinton also KNOWS that white males of authority and who control the United States will kill any African American/person who stands up for African American rights to live as an equal to white males;[they can fool some of the people some of the time; but there are always some people who know the TRUTH; and for every fraction of a second that white males rob BILLS from African Americans; it offends me=and it is better that a milstone be hung around their necks than to offend one of Gods little ones and I reject all forms of false ethnics [stealing of jobs for foodstamps];
In Bill De Blasio speech he says that it is time to be PROGRESSIVE [name of insurance company that is use to communicate to white males in secret what is taking place concerning their goal of killing African Americans and robbery of African Americans [of which the local authority trying to force my joining their secret group/protect tion self and family members BUT in return have to do what they say[slavery/prostitution]-WHERE are the authority that do their jobs instead of use/abuse and take advantage of people=why teens/people/groups start gangs to protect themselves because authority won't; and ther is nothing inside of the United States Constitution that says a United States citizen has to agree to work as an agent to recieve protection as a United States citizen;
All those who care about the United States remaining a free country -Do not vote for Hillary Clinton;
note: After posting above that it was coincidental that the both white BILLS ; where one bill swore in another bill where family member was intimidated to NY; [and blogged about the black girl McMath being used to communicate to kill African American wealth through out the United States and sure enough Bill Bill De Blasio wife name is same as African American female librarian Sharlene at the Carver Road Branch library and similar to McMath's last name[code];and CUBA is involved
"De Blasio and his wife, activist and poet Chirlane McCray, met while both were working for the Dinkins administration.[76] They married in 1994 and honeymooned in Cuba.[16] They live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with their two children, Dante, a high school junior; and Chiara, a college student in California.[76][77] Both children attended or still attend public schools.[78] His daughter Chiara addressed her own challenges with substance abuse and depression in late December 2013, through a 4-minute video that the mayor's transition team released.[79]"[
Note: The Number three]is the number the white ass bastards assigned to relative intimidated out of the city; and today is the 3rd and Reynolda Branch library printer is not available to the public=harassment from authorities;
To: Gender, Race, and Incarcertation conference Panel
Sent an email on 12/30/13 ;Deanna; concerning movie “Chasing Liberty” in which it is stated that Cynthia is helping secret service to track ANNA; Cynthia is my sibling’s name and Anna is my name; and presently at Cynthia in which she is manipulating food so that I eat to survive; but not maintain health while Cynthia knows of the abuse by people in local area; Of which Cynthia’s neighbors [Dedra]put up red bow over her door numbers to form the word “DO”-

as form of telling Cynthia that she can have the relationship that is suppose to be in my life; and Cynthia brought home magazine ““HE”alth” and placed it on coffee table in a manner so that the “HE” part of the “Health” magazine was placed as form of communication that the local people[trackers] have said that I have to be gay[which I am not] if I want to eat;
In which all of the local people who have wanted to be around me; have been intimidated, threaten, abused whenever they help me [all of which was done to control my actions or the help that I receive[including local social agencies that help people];After I sent you the first email the Target stores had a security breach of about 40 million people; that was to communicate to the members of the secret group that someone knew about what they are doing; in actuality it is millions of people for every major store in the United States; they just exposed that to intimidate someone into helping them-to let them know if they did one store they can do others;
As a result of sending the email to you on 12/30/13; the message sent out on the “Today Show” was that it was over and at the same time telling the people in their secret group to carry on; not to give up-which means that even though they know that somebody knows that they are tracking/harassing me; that those in the secret group are told to move forward; but be cautious; which I am asking the National Consumer League; if they have any solutions to address the issue; because at the present my movement has/is restricted do to their blocking my earning a legal income or even trying to raise funds on the internet in which I have not been able to get the right kind of food for my health.
The “Today Show”[channel 11/calble]and “CBS This Morning”[channel 9/cable] show both usually carry about the same coded messages to the local secret club/trackers; and both programs verify that the local people have sent the message that it is over; but with local people maintaining still possible to do what they had in mind; in fact on the Today show there was a segment where, Jenna Bush was sitting at a table full of kindergardners and one of the little girls name was “Vanessa” and there was a set of TWIN [japaneese] boys; one of the children’s goals was to go to their mother?=which when my mother passed at the funeral; the funeral home director made the statement to Anne, “Your mother wants you to know that she loves and wants to see you real soon.”; which is the same message this morning on ‘TODAY SHOW”; then followed local commercials to the local secret group[s] to help make tat happen;
Thus, even though the local secret groups are aware that people know; they are still told to not stop; and therefore being that all forms of normal solutions have been reached; am asking the National Consumer League for solutions as quickly as possible; not just for myself; but also other people that I am connected to; also am concerned because the same local secret group intimidated relative out of town; they had blocked their avenue to income also; along with concern about TWIN who I have seen on the internet;
Examples of local commercial/coded messages to secret group concerning tracking and harassing of me:
Rescue of ship on ice[secret club members being revealed] is not possible;
Predicting weather forecast;The Show must go on;Brooke Abraham[reporter];
local weatherProgressive-automatic discount;Balance Bar[find your balance];
Rolaids[that’s how you spell relief];Advil[Relief];Campbell soup[you may]
[code language="name"][/code];Cogate total[It is not easy but you can do it
Honey[cereal];Intellengence[Man and technology are faster,stronger, better];
Alli[fight back with Alli];Alli[fight back with Alli];
They arrange the local commercials to send specific messages for specific purposes;
Thus the local message to the local secret club is that if I can not let Cynthia live my life; if I will not be gay, then their actions will be further intimidation, harassment and abuse; please help, not just me; but millions and millions of people are in the same situation.
note: tried to find a link to the television program"The doctors" where TWO African American females [Alexandria and Brandy]had their but hole and vagina check in authority vehicles [with unsanitary gloves]; and both filed suit through defense attorney's Ali Booker and Terry Long; STEVEN McGraw is in charge of public safety; Mr. Turner [authority] was fired; and the oldest Doctor on the TV program"The Doctors" told the two African American females that they should have told the authority that they wanted to go the jail where there would be more people; that what the authority did was a crime and you just don't do "PEOPLE" like that;
Alexandria and Brandy had their cavity [anus and vagina] checkedwhen they were coming home from the beach; the two male cops called a female cop and gave the female cop one pair of dirty gloves to check both females;Dr. Rachael said that she would have gone to jail;
Both the oldest doctor on the Doctors and Dr. Rachael ignorrance were showing;just because there are more people at the jail=means that there would have been more people that would have said that Alexandria and Brandy had given the authoritys probable cause and If an African American female who was did not professional title had gone to jail verse roadside=they would have been blacked out and other things did to their body;
Of which after today's incident in which the PRINTER FOR THE PUBLIC cumputer is OUT OF ORDER; word to the wise; don't ignore the bastards[nice word];and do like DUCK DYNASTY FAMILY-who is one of their targets becuause the Duck Dynasty family unit represent everything they don't like[unity within a family with the MALE as the head of the family unit]; which is a form of the represention of what AFrican American families did look like before gov. started helping out though doing things for females that the men should have been doing; but couldn't because of the barriers society had erected to ensure that the male head of the African American household was destroyed; which is the goal of the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration-because of his brown skin-it allowed for the increase and continuation of tearing down of African American families[ highest unemployment rate/females working in secret against African American family members are the head of the African American household-where they have to attack and block their own children[who represent the parents future] which society sees and accepts; and because of the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration's inside knowledge of how white males operate and is accepted among white males, the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration decisions that tear down the white male as head of the household or reordering of the white male as head of the household [part of what Obamacare is] and [part of what the attack on Phil Roberts] is; along with the passing of the gay rights laws which make it publically okay for a man not to be head of a family-which leads to the destruction of the United States;
which is all designed to d
email sent through on 12/20/13;

Picture of Kedras door where cintas comes out in the morning;kedra had merry christmas, took the sign off and now bow[red]is positioned so that it says do!;which is code to cintas that she has permission to do what is going on in Kedras apt.;which is that Kedra and boyfriend have been in church all their local life,like i have been and the guy who wants to date me; except black females working for white males in secret are paid and rewaeded for attacking the relationship by whitemales targeing the men the black female wants and forcing that black male back into the black females life;kedra and mate moved in cintas area to tell cintas what is happening in my relationship and after the today show where jane pauly[one od code names of secret group] and brian gumbo reunion on today show to communicat to block my relationship with guy that wants todate me and that cintas is to do the relationship that is suppose to be in my life-and do the relationship in her life;which is code that local white males and black females that work to break up black relationships not controlled by white males have passed thehe word to continue harassing, abusing blacks not working for white male;confirmation: tim moved out of cintas in nov.2013; today,dec.thirty,2013;chan.59;stated "TIM" T-bow was a new hire in sports and six coaches in sports were fired;which is code to secret "pauly" system and as each new coach is hired or a coach rehired to a different team,it will communicate what the secret group is to do based upon ccintas and tims relationship while telling cintas and the secret group what to do to block my relationship with the guy who wants to date me;of which cintas bought a "he"alth magzine;which was plced with the "he" part of the magazine in a manner as if to say, i have to be he [gay]in white male society if i want to eat[she put magazine by food;iam not gay! Neither am i tranferring any of my rights to cythia or any part of my life or relationships;to say iam gay to eat would violate my christian and social beliefs,;
Kedras door where she position red bow on door number to read "DO";TO COMMUNICATE TO CINTAS that she can do what kedra is doing;have a boyfriend;tim was ran off by white males;kedra moving to where cintas is,is suppose to tell cintas what is suppose to be in my life and that white male system has okayed her instead having the relationship because i wont do as they say;kedra and her boyfriend have been in church all their life as i and the guy who wants to date have been in the church all our life;cintas and tim havent and dont go to church;white males want cintas to have the relationship and go in the church to replace me and the guy who wants to date me because white males control citas and tim; and if cintas is in the church white males can control cintas and have control of black churches and with me white males would have to make real changes and they would not be able to steal and rob from african americans;kedra is a big, heman female and drives a hunter green volvo;but because she works in secret for white males is allowed to have and keep a male;
Thus i am not transferring my rights or bebfits of my marriage,life or relationship to tim or cintas;movie chasing liberty explains in detail how secret services track and even the fact that cynthia is helping secret service to inntimidate;she was trained by gladace washington who is an ex-warden at a prison and gladace is cintas immediate supervisor;
The movie "chasing liberty" shows what they are doing to me where they state they only allow ANNA to live a life of theory and not real life[which is a life so that everything i do is knocked or torn down and put in cintas life and the white ass bastards tell me that watching cintas live my life is my reward];which is why people reach beyond the theory into reality in a way they cant be denied;if they cant stop the bastards one way;they can stop them the other;adam lantza had black garbage bags as curtains;cintas has black curtains also that she closes when she wants to send an intimidating message;1;
Part 2; White males changed date of myrtle beach tip and then staged scene of mother of twins being upset about man harassing her chilren;the next day they parked a BLACK VW across the street at budget inn and since that time;cintas focus has been the use of the color black;adam lanza windows were of black garbage bags which sowed his mindset and he killed 20 children;cintass mind has been altered since a child and she now sits in front of a computer so they can manipulate her mood in which white males tell her how to treat me;
Which was started when cintas and mama would go the doctor for cintas epilepsy treatment where white males coerced Cintas mothre into doing what they wanted by threatening Cintas siblings and father[who white males of authority set up and put behind bars;
note:The movie "chasing liberty" shows what they are doing to me in real life -where they state they only allow ANNA to live a life of theory and not real life[which is a life so that everything i do is knocked or torn down and put in cintas life and the white ass bastards tell me that watching cintas live my life is my reward]; presently the bastards still are harassing to force me to serve them[think dvd "Living Color" put it; white males trying to finance what belongs to AFrican American people to control it-of which I don't want white males to control anything associate with my African American heritage:
The NEW mayor of NEW YORK [where relative was intimidated to and first place of visit was Rockerfeller plaza; now there is WHITE mayor with an entire black family[?=African from Africa[ born in country outside of United States with a goal to lessen the United States or African American born inside the United States with a goal to lift up the United States];Never could understand why they said that Bill Clinton was the first "BLACK" president-now the symbolic "First Black President" formally swears in Bill De Blasio; two bills right after 2013=13th year; all of which is the public stealing of African American heritage and wealth; The female[African American or African] is a black female prostitute working for white males in secret to rob from African Americans[somebody in her family has the name of Robert, robin, roberson, robeta/o];

And his statement about economic and social equality is suppose to be from an African American male; not a white male;Bill Clinton knows that; but Bill Clinton also KNOWS that white males of authority and who control the United States will kill any African American/person who stands up for African American rights to live as an equal to white males;[they can fool some of the people some of the time; but there are always some people who know the TRUTH; and for every fraction of a second that white males rob BILLS from African Americans; it offends me=and it is better that a milstone be hung around their necks than to offend one of Gods little ones and I reject all forms of false ethnics [stealing of jobs for foodstamps];
In Bill De Blasio speech he says that it is time to be PROGRESSIVE [name of insurance company that is use to communicate to white males in secret what is taking place concerning their goal of killing African Americans and robbery of African Americans [of which the local authority trying to force my joining their secret group/protect tion self and family members BUT in return have to do what they say[slavery/prostitution]-WHERE are the authority that do their jobs instead of use/abuse and take advantage of people=why teens/people/groups start gangs to protect themselves because authority won't; and ther is nothing inside of the United States Constitution that says a United States citizen has to agree to work as an agent to recieve protection as a United States citizen;
All those who care about the United States remaining a free country -Do not vote for Hillary Clinton;
note: After posting above that it was coincidental that the both white BILLS ; where one bill swore in another bill where family member was intimidated to NY; [and blogged about the black girl McMath being used to communicate to kill African American wealth through out the United States and sure enough Bill Bill De Blasio wife name is same as African American female librarian Sharlene at the Carver Road Branch library and similar to McMath's last name[code];and CUBA is involved
"De Blasio and his wife, activist and poet Chirlane McCray, met while both were working for the Dinkins administration.[76] They married in 1994 and honeymooned in Cuba.[16] They live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with their two children, Dante, a high school junior; and Chiara, a college student in California.[76][77] Both children attended or still attend public schools.[78] His daughter Chiara addressed her own challenges with substance abuse and depression in late December 2013, through a 4-minute video that the mayor's transition team released.[79]"[
Note: The Number three]is the number the white ass bastards assigned to relative intimidated out of the city; and today is the 3rd and Reynolda Branch library printer is not available to the public=harassment from authorities;
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