The United States Supreme Court states that I have a right to be myself and to fight anybody who tries to deny me of my self;
To those who are earnestly and truthfully seeking solutions to social problems; the term "Selfie" came to mind while watching "Today Show/television program last week in which they were discussing the new words for 2013 with one of the new words being "Selfie" which comes from the root word ""SELF" and being that "Selfie" is now an official word and has been put into an official dictionary and;
Self is defined as:an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being;[];
The problem that white males have given African Americans and other minority races is that white people are allowed to live who and how they define their self to be [without punishment][even the crooks and criminals(2008 bail out] and the future 2014 insurance bailout[scam coming for 2014]; White people can take "Selifies" [pictures of themselves]all day long as white people and living the individual consciousness of the picture of "selfie"[or those who have sold their "self" out as slaves to who white males say their self is];BUT for African Americans true to their "SELF" they are punished by white male[s] systems designed to do everything to remove and destroy that person's individual consciousness of who their SELF is;
As white people are allowed to live their individual consciousness of the "SELFIE" they take; in reality African Americans can hold the camera in life and take a photograph; but it will not be of a true "SELFIE"; the picture taken by the African American[espeically if they have a JOB] will be the SELF imposed on the African American by white male system[s]; and most white people can't understand that;
For example;
Presently at Cintas-white male system[s] communicating to Cintas-that for me to eat; the only SELF they will allow in their system for the female sibling is white male[s] robbery of the femanity of Cintas sibling in which Cintas sibling would have to agree to be gay; regardless of Cintas siblings individual's consciousness of her own identity or being or Cintas sibling has to suffer the punishment of white male[s] which is confinement=NO other options given by/through white male[s] dominant system[s] of robbery/abuse and threats to any African American female who is not working for white males in secret;
Which is why when coming to Reynolda Branch library-Two sheriffs in black authority vehicle appeared after Cintas allowed key [covering her but move][after white males system communicated to Cintas that some people had been informed of abuse [techinical starving,etc.]from Cintas who was following instructions communciated through white male system[s];
Thus=to all-the "SELF of this blogger is a female/person" based upon the following definition: "Self is defined as:an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being"[];and NO other concept of self by anybody else will be excepted ever;[word to the wise];
If the world has to be turned upside down; the self concept of this blogger is and always will be female;
Examples of white male system[s] redefining the individual consciousness of individual's personal identity and/or being:"Canadian Indian residential school system"[];where
On June 11, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a formal apology, on behalf of the sitting Cabinet, in front of an audience of Aboriginal delegates, and in an address that was broadcast nationally on the CBC, for the past governments' policies of assimilation.[37] The Prime Minister apologized not only for the known excesses of the residential school system, but for the creation of the system itself.
The process of robbery is called assimilation:
A key goal of the system, which often separated children from their families and communities, has been described as cultural genocide or "killing the Indian part of the Indian/child".Specific laws also linked the apparatus of the residential schools to the compulsory sterilization of students;the government made a Statement of Reconciliation – including an apology to those people who were sexually or physically abused; forcing a person to be gay when they are not is sexual abuse;
Thus: referring to court cases that give the protection of the United States Constitution through the United States Supreme Court decision[s] that state it is a violation of the United States Constitution to force a person to live a substandard lifestyle because of the color of their skin or their race; or to force a family member [CINTAS, cintas siblings and their offspring and other connected]to live in a lesser identity imposed by white male[s]systems designed to degrade,rob or/ and oppressing a race or to punish individuals because one family member refuses to yeild to agreeing to being less than to satify white male[s] system[s] of robbery;
[Phil Robertson is on their 'to lessen" radar; that is why he and his family released a whole new line of g-ns[as a form of response to the system[s] designed to degrade his family and heritage]

‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Launches New G-n Line[By Michael Rothman@TheRealRothman];Jan 3, 2014 2:19pm;
[My daddy had Phil Robertson color[lot of people thought he was white[his color came from his white daddy]-in fact he kind of looked like him at one point in his life and he probably would have had the wealth of Phil Robertson if he had not stayed under constant harassment, intimidation and threats by white male[s];know he had mindset in thinking that he is a man entitled to "be"[seeking to do good-willing to change based on knowledge-seeking to be fair] but my dad did not have the privileges of Phil Roberson [white male]because he had a black mama and white males made him pay for the color of his black mother];
Changes does need to take place; that is why people put man with the brown skin in office in the house that is white, "to hold those who are suppose to enforce the protection of/for African Americans and all others who suffer from white male[s] system[s] of abuse that the " United States Suprme court cases which gave to African Americans, protections of the United States Constitution that offer protection when African Americans, etc. are forced live white male[s] to live white male[s] substandard concept assigned to an African American individual's consciousness identity or being, which violates the African Americans individual's consciousness of his own identity or being which leads to a substandard lifestyle because of the color of their skin or their race;
Everybody who takes a picture of their self has a concept of who that "self is" and man/society does not have right to intrude upon a person's concept of who their self is because man[white males] desire to rob the individual of their consciousness of their individual wealth/heritage and prosperity which does not fit in white male society;nor does man/white males have the right to change/control an individuals consciousness of their own being[regardless of outside forces/situations created by man/white males];
The definition of the term "Selfie" is:
"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:
occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself everyday isn’t necessary
Origin: early 21st century: from self + -ie
A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking. In the Korean entertainment industry the word selca (short for "self camera") means photos taken of oneself.[1][2][3] They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arm's length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus. Selfies taken that involve multiple people are known as "group selfies". In August 2013 the Guardian produced a film series titled Thinkfluencer[4] exploring selfie exposure in the UK. Denoting a pathological condition: Selfieism.
The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create and share, and the control they give self-photographers over how they present themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of the person, especially to friends whom the photographer expects to be supportive.[13][14] However, a 2013 study of Facebook users found that posting photos of oneself correlates with lower levels of social support from and intimacy with Facebook friends (except for those marked as Close Friends);[19] The lead author of the study suggests that "those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real-life relationships."[20] The photo messaging application Snapchat is also largely used to send selfies. Some users of Snapchat choose to send intentionally-unattractive selfies to their friends for comedic purposes.
Posting intentionally unattractive selfies has also become common in the early 2010s—in part for their humor value, but in some cases also to explore issues of body image or as a reaction against the perceived narcissism or over-sexualization of typical selfies.[21]
Gender roles, sexuality, and privacy
Selfies are particularly popular among girls and young women. Sociologist Ben Agger describes the trend of selfies as "the male gaze gone viral", and sociologist and women's studies professor Gail Dines links it to the rise of porn culture and the idea that "there’s only one way to visibility, and that’s fuckability."[22] Writer Andrew Keen has pointed out that while selfies are often intended to give the photographer control over how their image is presented, posting images publicly or sharing them with others who do so may have the opposite effect—dramatically so in the case of revenge porn, where ex-lovers post sexually explicit photographs or nude selfies (sexting photos) to exact revenge or humiliate their former lovers.[22] Copyright law may be effective in forcing the removal of private selfies from public that were forwarded to another person.[23]
Psychology and neuroscience
According to a study performed by Nicola Bruno and Marco Bertamini at the University of Parma, selfies by non professional photographers show a slight bias for showing the left cheek of the selfie-taker.[24] This is similar to what has been observed for portraits by professional painters from many different historical periods and styles ,[25] indicating that the left cheek bias may be rooted in asymmetries of brain lateralization that are well documented within cognitive neuroscience. In a second study [26] , the same group tested if selfie takers without training in photography spontaneously adhere to widely prescribed rules of photographic composition, such as the rule of thirds. It seems that they do not, suggesting that these rules may be conventional rather than hardwired in the brain’s perceptual preferences.
Space selfies
In modern art
In 2013 artist Patrick Specchio and the Museum of Modern Art presented an exhibit called Art in Translation: Selfie, The 20/20 Experience, in which viewers use a provided digital camera to take photographs of themselves in a large mirror.[30][];
Synonyms for self-adj individual[]human;[];Synonyms for human[adj characteristic of people];];having the attributes of man as opposed to animals,divinebeings, or machines[]
Selfie refers to a persons concept of SELF; and in the Oxford Dictionary it states that posting a new picture of yourself everyday isn’t necessary ; which may be true when talking about taking a photograph of oneself; BUT that is not true when relating to everyday life; a person canno run from who their true self is;
Even the most powerful and affluent people in the world take "Selfie's" in public-ignoring the consequences of society's opinion of wheather or not they should have taken a picture of their "SELF"[Selifie];

Changes does need to take place one of them being that somebody needs to understand I am not a PUBLIC SERVANT-never applied, never wanted to be; therefore all situations forced through to force analysis to you bastards asses could use is robbery, theft, kiddnapping and other legal terms I am not aware of at present; STOP!; and for everything you bastards did/doing to hinder my "individual consciousness of my own identity or being" to force assimilation in white male[s] society so that you can lift up Cintas[forced to assimilate into white society] [who was also robbed of right to make own decisions through coercion and mind control];STOP; I am NOT a PUBLIC SERVANT and I reject any and all forced system[s] that stole, robbed, and killed that hindered my social, financial, etc. good life. Everyhing that you have used to force me to go through negative situations; I pray it results in the equivalvent of ZERO because there is a DEVINE God"And I reject your system[s] of robbery of putting your white ass mayor in office in NY with my relatives name-it is robbery,intimidation and a threat;
You or your ancetory will answer [It is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck and they be cast into the sea than to offend one of the Devine God's little ones][Mark 9:42 BBE-And whoever is a cause of trouble to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him if a great stone was put round his neck and he was dropped into the sea.][];It offends me to know that my entire life has been constantly attacked because of white male[s] system[s] to force a person to assimilate, which have caused great social, financial pain AND said to say after walking to local Reynolda Branch library that they have not stop;[look for it];
And especially to those who think stopping me from printing out copies of posts on blogs everyday changes anything concerning concept of "Self" of person posting this blog;please know-the Devine God sees everything;
The United States Supreme Court states that I have a right to be myself and to fight anybody who tries to deny me of my self;
To those who are earnestly and truthfully seeking solutions to social problems; the term "Selfie" came to mind while watching "Today Show/television program last week in which they were discussing the new words for 2013 with one of the new words being "Selfie" which comes from the root word ""SELF" and being that "Selfie" is now an official word and has been put into an official dictionary and;
Self is defined as:an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being;[];
The problem that white males have given African Americans and other minority races is that white people are allowed to live who and how they define their self to be [without punishment][even the crooks and criminals(2008 bail out] and the future 2014 insurance bailout[scam coming for 2014]; White people can take "Selifies" [pictures of themselves]all day long as white people and living the individual consciousness of the picture of "selfie"[or those who have sold their "self" out as slaves to who white males say their self is];BUT for African Americans true to their "SELF" they are punished by white male[s] systems designed to do everything to remove and destroy that person's individual consciousness of who their SELF is;
As white people are allowed to live their individual consciousness of the "SELFIE" they take; in reality African Americans can hold the camera in life and take a photograph; but it will not be of a true "SELFIE"; the picture taken by the African American[espeically if they have a JOB] will be the SELF imposed on the African American by white male system[s]; and most white people can't understand that;
For example;
Presently at Cintas-white male system[s] communicating to Cintas-that for me to eat; the only SELF they will allow in their system for the female sibling is white male[s] robbery of the femanity of Cintas sibling in which Cintas sibling would have to agree to be gay; regardless of Cintas siblings individual's consciousness of her own identity or being or Cintas sibling has to suffer the punishment of white male[s] which is confinement=NO other options given by/through white male[s] dominant system[s] of robbery/abuse and threats to any African American female who is not working for white males in secret;
Which is why when coming to Reynolda Branch library-Two sheriffs in black authority vehicle appeared after Cintas allowed key [covering her but move][after white males system communicated to Cintas that some people had been informed of abuse [techinical starving,etc.]from Cintas who was following instructions communciated through white male system[s];
Thus=to all-the "SELF of this blogger is a female/person" based upon the following definition: "Self is defined as:an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being"[];and NO other concept of self by anybody else will be excepted ever;[word to the wise];
If the world has to be turned upside down; the self concept of this blogger is and always will be female;
Examples of white male system[s] redefining the individual consciousness of individual's personal identity and/or being:"Canadian Indian residential school system"[];where
On June 11, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a formal apology, on behalf of the sitting Cabinet, in front of an audience of Aboriginal delegates, and in an address that was broadcast nationally on the CBC, for the past governments' policies of assimilation.[37] The Prime Minister apologized not only for the known excesses of the residential school system, but for the creation of the system itself.
The process of robbery is called assimilation:
A key goal of the system, which often separated children from their families and communities, has been described as cultural genocide or "killing the Indian part of the Indian/child".Specific laws also linked the apparatus of the residential schools to the compulsory sterilization of students;the government made a Statement of Reconciliation – including an apology to those people who were sexually or physically abused; forcing a person to be gay when they are not is sexual abuse;
Thus: referring to court cases that give the protection of the United States Constitution through the United States Supreme Court decision[s] that state it is a violation of the United States Constitution to force a person to live a substandard lifestyle because of the color of their skin or their race; or to force a family member [CINTAS, cintas siblings and their offspring and other connected]to live in a lesser identity imposed by white male[s]systems designed to degrade,rob or/ and oppressing a race or to punish individuals because one family member refuses to yeild to agreeing to being less than to satify white male[s] system[s] of robbery;
[Phil Robertson is on their 'to lessen" radar; that is why he and his family released a whole new line of g-ns[as a form of response to the system[s] designed to degrade his family and heritage]

‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Launches New G-n Line[By Michael Rothman@TheRealRothman];Jan 3, 2014 2:19pm;
[My daddy had Phil Robertson color[lot of people thought he was white[his color came from his white daddy]-in fact he kind of looked like him at one point in his life and he probably would have had the wealth of Phil Robertson if he had not stayed under constant harassment, intimidation and threats by white male[s];know he had mindset in thinking that he is a man entitled to "be"[seeking to do good-willing to change based on knowledge-seeking to be fair] but my dad did not have the privileges of Phil Roberson [white male]because he had a black mama and white males made him pay for the color of his black mother];
Changes does need to take place; that is why people put man with the brown skin in office in the house that is white, "to hold those who are suppose to enforce the protection of/for African Americans and all others who suffer from white male[s] system[s] of abuse that the " United States Suprme court cases which gave to African Americans, protections of the United States Constitution that offer protection when African Americans, etc. are forced live white male[s] to live white male[s] substandard concept assigned to an African American individual's consciousness identity or being, which violates the African Americans individual's consciousness of his own identity or being which leads to a substandard lifestyle because of the color of their skin or their race;
Everybody who takes a picture of their self has a concept of who that "self is" and man/society does not have right to intrude upon a person's concept of who their self is because man[white males] desire to rob the individual of their consciousness of their individual wealth/heritage and prosperity which does not fit in white male society;nor does man/white males have the right to change/control an individuals consciousness of their own being[regardless of outside forces/situations created by man/white males];
The definition of the term "Selfie" is:
"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:
occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself everyday isn’t necessary
A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking. In the Korean entertainment industry the word selca (short for "self camera") means photos taken of oneself.[1][2][3] They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arm's length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus. Selfies taken that involve multiple people are known as "group selfies". In August 2013 the Guardian produced a film series titled Thinkfluencer[4] exploring selfie exposure in the UK. Denoting a pathological condition: Selfieism.
The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create and share, and the control they give self-photographers over how they present themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of the person, especially to friends whom the photographer expects to be supportive.[13][14] However, a 2013 study of Facebook users found that posting photos of oneself correlates with lower levels of social support from and intimacy with Facebook friends (except for those marked as Close Friends);[19] The lead author of the study suggests that "those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real-life relationships."[20] The photo messaging application Snapchat is also largely used to send selfies. Some users of Snapchat choose to send intentionally-unattractive selfies to their friends for comedic purposes.
Posting intentionally unattractive selfies has also become common in the early 2010s—in part for their humor value, but in some cases also to explore issues of body image or as a reaction against the perceived narcissism or over-sexualization of typical selfies.[21]
Gender roles, sexuality, and privacy
Selfies are particularly popular among girls and young women. Sociologist Ben Agger describes the trend of selfies as "the male gaze gone viral", and sociologist and women's studies professor Gail Dines links it to the rise of porn culture and the idea that "there’s only one way to visibility, and that’s fuckability."[22] Writer Andrew Keen has pointed out that while selfies are often intended to give the photographer control over how their image is presented, posting images publicly or sharing them with others who do so may have the opposite effect—dramatically so in the case of revenge porn, where ex-lovers post sexually explicit photographs or nude selfies (sexting photos) to exact revenge or humiliate their former lovers.[22] Copyright law may be effective in forcing the removal of private selfies from public that were forwarded to another person.[23]
Psychology and neuroscience
According to a study performed by Nicola Bruno and Marco Bertamini at the University of Parma, selfies by non professional photographers show a slight bias for showing the left cheek of the selfie-taker.[24] This is similar to what has been observed for portraits by professional painters from many different historical periods and styles ,[25] indicating that the left cheek bias may be rooted in asymmetries of brain lateralization that are well documented within cognitive neuroscience. In a second study [26] , the same group tested if selfie takers without training in photography spontaneously adhere to widely prescribed rules of photographic composition, such as the rule of thirds. It seems that they do not, suggesting that these rules may be conventional rather than hardwired in the brain’s perceptual preferences.
Space selfies
Main article: Space selfie
Selfies have also taken beyond the earth. A space selfie is a selfie that is taken in space. This include selfies taken by astronauts,[27] machines[28] and by an indirect method to have self-portrait photograph on earth retaken in space.[29][]
In modern art
In 2013 artist Patrick Specchio and the Museum of Modern Art presented an exhibit called Art in Translation: Selfie, The 20/20 Experience, in which viewers use a provided digital camera to take photographs of themselves in a large mirror.[30][];
Synonyms for self-adj individual[]human;[];Synonyms for human[adj characteristic of people];];having the attributes of man as opposed to animals,divinebeings, or machines[]
Selfie refers to a persons concept of SELF; and in the Oxford Dictionary it states that posting a new picture of yourself everyday isn’t necessary ; which may be true when talking about taking a photograph of oneself; BUT that is not true when relating to everyday life; a person canno run from who their true self is;
Even the most powerful and affluent people in the world take "Selfie's" in public-ignoring the consequences of society's opinion of wheather or not they should have taken a picture of their "SELF"[Selifie];

Changes does need to take place one of them being that somebody needs to understand I am not a PUBLIC SERVANT-never applied, never wanted to be; therefore all situations forced through to force analysis to you bastards asses could use is robbery, theft, kiddnapping and other legal terms I am not aware of at present; STOP!; and for everything you bastards did/doing to hinder my "individual consciousness of my own identity or being" to force assimilation in white male[s] society so that you can lift up Cintas[forced to assimilate into white society] [who was also robbed of right to make own decisions through coercion and mind control];STOP; I am NOT a PUBLIC SERVANT and I reject any and all forced system[s] that stole, robbed, and killed that hindered my social, financial, etc. good life. Everyhing that you have used to force me to go through negative situations; I pray it results in the equivalvent of ZERO because there is a DEVINE God"And I reject your system[s] of robbery of putting your white ass mayor in office in NY with my relatives name-it is robbery,intimidation and a threat;
You or your ancetory will answer [It is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck and they be cast into the sea than to offend one of the Devine God's little ones][Mark 9:42 BBE-And whoever is a cause of trouble to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him if a great stone was put round his neck and he was dropped into the sea.][];It offends me to know that my entire life has been constantly attacked because of white male[s] system[s] to force a person to assimilate, which have caused great social, financial pain AND said to say after walking to local Reynolda Branch library that they have not stop;[look for it];
And especially to those who think stopping me from printing out copies of posts on blogs everyday changes anything concerning concept of "Self" of person posting this blog;please know-the Devine God sees everything;
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