Posted an article, "Block African American men from marrying AFrican American females" [social understanding blog] in which the issue of white males being ordered to marry African American females to hinder and rob the prosperity and development of the African American culture is not a good thing for the African American[s]; and tried to give public situations to confirm; thus added today as a note:
"That Janet Jackson was probably raped because of system seeking to control either one of Michael Jacksons children or the guy that Janet Jackson was dateing who came on the Oprah Show with her";
And to show that AFrican American men are basically auctioned off to the highest bidding female[ and most African American men don't have clue/very ignorant]by showing a picture of the recent African American male that was brough down, ex-Mayor Patrick CANnon of Charlotte, NC.; in which the picture in the Winston-Salem Journal of Patrick Cannon being sworn in answers it all;

in the picture the husband [Patrick Cannon] is forced to look in one direction[at African American female that is swearing him in] and the wife[Trenna is forced to look in another direction; so that if anyone takes sections of the picture it almost looks like there are two pictures/events and that Trenna and Patrick Cannon are not a couple;

Mecklenburg Coounty District Court Judge Tyyawdi HANDS(left) administers the oath of office to Patrick Cannon in December as Cannon's wife, Trenna, and son, Patrick, look on.[WSJournal/hard copy]
[could not locate the above picture online for the WS Journa]; and Page A10 and A11 both have subliminal messages to the African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=specifically ad "Oak Island AUCTION"=auctioning beginning for all AfricanAmrican females who work in secret who want to keep their john[s] out of jail; ad beside it is for "Salvage"=code salvage their man; don't let their john go down like Mayor Patrick Cannon-is the message and answer to the question in the article "Why did the sting on mayor take so long? answer because it was necessary to ensure that African American female prostitutes get back in line[based on coded communications that some AFrican American females are not serving white males and are still going to get a husband; there fore to ensure that the African American female prostitutes who are working for white males in secret continue to do their job and don't get the big head; there needed to be somebody to send the message=nothing has changed; don't get any big/good ideas; thinking they[African American females working in secret for white males] don't have to continue to work in secret for white males] thus the timeing of the story of the sting had to be position to get the right attention from the right people[Black females working in secret for white males]

In the first frame, Patrick Cannon is looking at the Mecklenburg county District JUDGE Tyyawdl HANDS [MayHAND just hired in the children's dept at the Carver Road Branch library?]; i

in the second frame -Trenna and Patrick Cannon are in picture together but Patrick body language says I am not with Trenna[and he probably isn't in some way because he is not allowed to be/and if they see signs of it[whatever it is-that white couples are allowed to have-they will attack Trenna and/or son Patrick];

in the third frame Trenna and her son Patrick are together-almost as if there is no Patrick Cannon as the the father [now that he will be sentenced to jail-there won't be the phsyical presence of a African American father]; and the look on Trenna's face says it all-a very extremely stressful smile[forced and painted on]; scared to look any any direction other than that given; and based on the third frame of the photo, white male system intend to take son Patrick and do what father Patrick would not do?; and Trenna is to follow instructions and not interfere with what white males do to son Patrick, keep her mouth quite or they will get both husband and father Patrick Cannon and/or son Patrick Cannon;
Thus what could not be done with father Patrick Cannon; son Patrick will be used to complete a future system that did not work with the father Patrick Cannon which the "Ash Spill" by Duke had a lot to do with the development of a system using Patrick Cannon;And since Trenna knows a lot about the development of the system that was to develop; in order to secure Trenna alliance [mouth]; for security Patrick Cannon was set up[but he and she knew that going in the white males secret system for African American[s]];
CONFIRMATION: of message to Trenna Cannon about threat to husband Patrick and son Patrick is in article: Will Cannon's wife face trouble?" by Kathleen Purvis; Thursday, Mar. 27, 2014
note: above article is confirms threat of confinement if "HONEST" work is obtained ; then authorites can not make money off person and they are going to make a lot of money off of ex-Mayor Patrick Cannon; thus also confirms why social agencies have blocked my access to resources to eat, have lights, water, heat[if can't get access legally and been threaten if money obtained in an honest manner; the only thing left is begging or doing something dishonest]; which is why the request for online donations at[please donate to help with food, water, lights, heat,etc..] and please ask your friends to donate at
Thank You,
Will Cannon’s wife face legal trouble?
Read more here:
One of the people who may have known about former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon’s interactions with undercover federal agents was his wife.
The affidavit alleges that Trenna Cannon thanked agents for $1,000 in spending money in Las Vegas. Among the items seized from the Cannon residence were financial records related to Patrick or Trenna Cannon.
She was not charged Wednesday. Legal experts speculated that troubles for her could depend on whether Patrick Cannon cooperates and how much federal authorities can prove she knew about the bribes Cannon allegedly accepted.
Trenna Cannon may face more difficulty from tax issues, said James Wyatt III, a criminal defense lawyer with Wyatt and Blake. If the Cannons filed jointly and didn’t report the payments that he and she allegedly received, she could face tax charges along with her husband, he said.
“If she simply had knowledge but wasn’t an active participant, then it may be difficult to bring criminal charges,” Wyatt said.
Scott Broyles, a former federal prosecutor who is now an associate professor with the Charlotte School of Law, says a lot will hinge on whether Patrick Cannon cooperates with federal officials investigating the case.
“If the husband and wife are cooperating, they both get whatever breaks are fair,” he said. Spouses can’t be forced to testify against one another, but they can be used as leverage.
Trenna Cannon is a licensed real estate agent. However, the firm she was associated with, Allen Tate Real Estate of Charlotte, said Thursday that she was no longer an agent there.
Susan Larkins, a spokesperson for Allen Tate, could not confirm when Trenna Cannon’s connection there ended. She was listed on a Tate Web page Wednesday that was no longer operating Thursday.
The Cannons, who met as students at N.C. A&T State University in Greensboro, have been married since 1996. They live in Ballantyne with their two children, ages 10 and 13.
The U.S. attorney’s office won’t comment on whether further charges are possible. But her involvement in the case against her husband was detailed in two sections of the affidavit released Wednesday:
She accompanied Patrick Cannon to Las Vegas to meet with investors who actually were undercover agents, later thanking an agent over a speakerphone for $1,000 they were given during that trip, the affidavit says.
And when Patrick Cannon received a briefcase with $20,000 in a Charlotte meeting, according to the affidavit, he told an undercover agent, “I told Trenna she has a point.”
When an agent asked for clarification, he said, “A point, 1 percent,” which agents said meant that he was asking for a 1 percent payoff, or $1.25 million, from a potential $125 million project being discussed, the affidavit says.
Both Broyles and Wyatt said the descriptions of the trip to Las Vegas and the money received there, if proven, were the least damaging allegations. She could have been told the trip involved legitimate business and that the $1,000 was a campaign contribution.
Broyes said the 1 percent comment, if true, could be more troublesome. It could suggest she was advising her husband, making her an accomplice.
However, Wyatt was less convinced. Because the alleged statement was reported by Patrick Cannon, he said, there’s no proof she actually said it.
“The issue is whether there’s more evidence that establishes her knowledge,” he said. Whether a spouse is actively involved usually depends on whether he or she is engaged in a transaction, such as depositing or spending money that he or she knew came from bribes
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Posted an article, "Block African American men from marrying AFrican American females" [social understanding blog] in which the issue of white males being ordered to marry African American females to hinder and rob the prosperity and development of the African American culture is not a good thing for the African American[s]; and tried to give public situations to confirm; thus added today as a note:
"That Janet Jackson was probably raped because of system seeking to control either one of Michael Jacksons children or the guy that Janet Jackson was dateing who came on the Oprah Show with her";
And to show that AFrican American men are basically auctioned off to the highest bidding female[ and most African American men don't have clue/very ignorant]by showing a picture of the recent African American male that was brough down, ex-Mayor Patrick CANnon of Charlotte, NC.; in which the picture in the Winston-Salem Journal of Patrick Cannon being sworn in answers it all;

in the picture the husband [Patrick Cannon] is forced to look in one direction[at African American female that is swearing him in] and the wife[Trenna is forced to look in another direction; so that if anyone takes sections of the picture it almost looks like there are two pictures/events and that Trenna and Patrick Cannon are not a couple;

Mecklenburg Coounty District Court Judge Tyyawdi HANDS(left) administers the oath of office to Patrick Cannon in December as Cannon's wife, Trenna, and son, Patrick, look on.[WSJournal/hard copy]
[could not locate the above picture online for the WS Journa]; and Page A10 and A11 both have subliminal messages to the African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=specifically ad "Oak Island AUCTION"=auctioning beginning for all AfricanAmrican females who work in secret who want to keep their john[s] out of jail; ad beside it is for "Salvage"=code salvage their man; don't let their john go down like Mayor Patrick Cannon-is the message and answer to the question in the article "Why did the sting on mayor take so long? answer because it was necessary to ensure that African American female prostitutes get back in line[based on coded communications that some AFrican American females are not serving white males and are still going to get a husband; there fore to ensure that the African American female prostitutes who are working for white males in secret continue to do their job and don't get the big head; there needed to be somebody to send the message=nothing has changed; don't get any big/good ideas; thinking they[African American females working in secret for white males] don't have to continue to work in secret for white males] thus the timeing of the story of the sting had to be position to get the right attention from the right people[Black females working in secret for white males]

In the first frame, Patrick Cannon is looking at the Mecklenburg county District JUDGE Tyyawdl HANDS [MayHAND just hired in the children's dept at the Carver Road Branch library?]; i

in the second frame -Trenna and Patrick Cannon are in picture together but Patrick body language says I am not with Trenna[and he probably isn't in some way because he is not allowed to be/and if they see signs of it[whatever it is-that white couples are allowed to have-they will attack Trenna and/or son Patrick];

in the third frame Trenna and her son Patrick are together-almost as if there is no Patrick Cannon as the the father [now that he will be sentenced to jail-there won't be the phsyical presence of a African American father]; and the look on Trenna's face says it all-a very extremely stressful smile[forced and painted on]; scared to look any any direction other than that given; and based on the third frame of the photo, white male system intend to take son Patrick and do what father Patrick would not do?; and Trenna is to follow instructions and not interfere with what white males do to son Patrick, keep her mouth quite or they will get both husband and father Patrick Cannon and/or son Patrick Cannon;
Thus what could not be done with father Patrick Cannon; son Patrick will be used to complete a future system that did not work with the father Patrick Cannon which the "Ash Spill" by Duke had a lot to do with the development of a system using Patrick Cannon;And since Trenna knows a lot about the development of the system that was to develop; in order to secure Trenna alliance [mouth]; for security Patrick Cannon was set up[but he and she knew that going in the white males secret system for African American[s]];
CONFIRMATION: of message to Trenna Cannon about threat to husband Patrick and son Patrick is in article: Will Cannon's wife face trouble?" by Kathleen Purvis; Thursday, Mar. 27, 2014
note: above article is confirms threat of confinement if "HONEST" work is obtained ; then authorites can not make money off person and they are going to make a lot of money off of ex-Mayor Patrick Cannon; thus also confirms why social agencies have blocked my access to resources to eat, have lights, water, heat[if can't get access legally and been threaten if money obtained in an honest manner; the only thing left is begging or doing something dishonest]; which is why the request for online donations at[please donate to help with food, water, lights, heat,etc..] and please ask your friends to donate at
Thank You,
Will Cannon’s wife face legal trouble?
Read more here:
One of the people who may have known about former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon’s interactions with undercover federal agents was his wife.
The affidavit alleges that Trenna Cannon thanked agents for $1,000 in spending money in Las Vegas. Among the items seized from the Cannon residence were financial records related to Patrick or Trenna Cannon.
She was not charged Wednesday. Legal experts speculated that troubles for her could depend on whether Patrick Cannon cooperates and how much federal authorities can prove she knew about the bribes Cannon allegedly accepted.
Trenna Cannon may face more difficulty from tax issues, said James Wyatt III, a criminal defense lawyer with Wyatt and Blake. If the Cannons filed jointly and didn’t report the payments that he and she allegedly received, she could face tax charges along with her husband, he said.
“If she simply had knowledge but wasn’t an active participant, then it may be difficult to bring criminal charges,” Wyatt said.
Scott Broyles, a former federal prosecutor who is now an associate professor with the Charlotte School of Law, says a lot will hinge on whether Patrick Cannon cooperates with federal officials investigating the case.
“If the husband and wife are cooperating, they both get whatever breaks are fair,” he said. Spouses can’t be forced to testify against one another, but they can be used as leverage.
Trenna Cannon is a licensed real estate agent. However, the firm she was associated with, Allen Tate Real Estate of Charlotte, said Thursday that she was no longer an agent there.
Susan Larkins, a spokesperson for Allen Tate, could not confirm when Trenna Cannon’s connection there ended. She was listed on a Tate Web page Wednesday that was no longer operating Thursday.
The Cannons, who met as students at N.C. A&T State University in Greensboro, have been married since 1996. They live in Ballantyne with their two children, ages 10 and 13.
The U.S. attorney’s office won’t comment on whether further charges are possible. But her involvement in the case against her husband was detailed in two sections of the affidavit released Wednesday:
She accompanied Patrick Cannon to Las Vegas to meet with investors who actually were undercover agents, later thanking an agent over a speakerphone for $1,000 they were given during that trip, the affidavit says.
And when Patrick Cannon received a briefcase with $20,000 in a Charlotte meeting, according to the affidavit, he told an undercover agent, “I told Trenna she has a point.”
When an agent asked for clarification, he said, “A point, 1 percent,” which agents said meant that he was asking for a 1 percent payoff, or $1.25 million, from a potential $125 million project being discussed, the affidavit says.
Both Broyles and Wyatt said the descriptions of the trip to Las Vegas and the money received there, if proven, were the least damaging allegations. She could have been told the trip involved legitimate business and that the $1,000 was a campaign contribution.
Broyes said the 1 percent comment, if true, could be more troublesome. It could suggest she was advising her husband, making her an accomplice.
However, Wyatt was less convinced. Because the alleged statement was reported by Patrick Cannon, he said, there’s no proof she actually said it.
“The issue is whether there’s more evidence that establishes her knowledge,” he said. Whether a spouse is actively involved usually depends on whether he or she is engaged in a transaction, such as depositing or spending money that he or she knew came from bribes
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