World soccer championship 2014 United States and Germany
1.Posted [];Friday, June 27, 2014
“U S soccer team advances in 2014 World Soccer championship”
Friday, June 27, 2014
2. Sports page-message= a. "A bump in the road"=code-that fact that information about system of abuse to kill African American boys is being designed by white males is just a little bump in the road, nothing major;
note: there are sports pictures like on the hardcopy sports page of the Winston-Salem Journal; had to take pictures:
and verification that white males have nothing to worry about is the picutre/title in the upper right hand corner;[confirmation of system[2] and that 2 system is about African Americans=there are two pictures of Jason Coats;page b2 and page b5 and in both pictures JASON Coat is with an African American male];
Title="TOP seed survives fall, injury scare"
And on page B3 of the sports section is picture of African American male in "suit" with title, about "park", "hart", "win" and "Day 1";
which is in "harmony" with picture above [a2] where African American Player has "MAY 1"=TWO "ones";

1.Posted [];Friday, June 27, 2014
"U S soccer team advances in 2014 World Soccer championship"
V. Sw-tzer intentionally gave me the wrong information, so that the wrong vegetable was picked, then accused me of picking the wrong vegetable, which he told me to pick; thought about it and again, V. sw-tzer had picked up his grandson "JaquaR" =code to white males-reward JaquaR for abusing, intimidating, practicing ethnic intimidation on me=not allowed to work/earn $20.00 for the day;but forgot to post the fact that V. Sw-tzer grabbed me by the arms like a little child and pulled me to the vegetable he wanted picked[and as he was pulling/grabbing asked him not to pull on me];
2. Saw movie, "Hunger Games"
in which the movie "Hunger Games" represent the exact situation that is occuring in the African American community; an African American is selected to represent local neighborhoods through overcoming all the setups of those who have been given a public position; then the person is dressed up or not and the African American who overcame all of the white male systems obsticles have to present themselves to the local people who have the money, position or power and try to convince them to support or sponsor them[tell white males to back off]=means the person is allowed to flow/continue [without being attacked by white males] which usually means the continuance of the person being put through stressful/strenuous situations created for them by white male system; and if there is a love relationship; white male system tries to put with somebody they selected;
African Americans are forced to participate; if they want to eat. Just as in the movie "Hunger Games", those in charge ignored people having rights were paticpatory in making/forcing people to fight and do crimes against each other or be killed them-selves:
"Chicago murders top Afghanistan death toll"
City where no handgun purchases allowed sets pace for violence
Thus just as the contestants in "Hunger Games" had no protection through/from authority; so it is in African American communities/districts where the African American who has overcome white males obsticles will not join in secret with white males to commit ethnic intimidation against other African American[s];note: as soon as the African American who has overcome white males systems obsticles agrees to help white males commit "ethnic intimidation" on other African Americans, instead of using information to help African Americans overcome white male systems of ethnic intimidation; then the killings in chicago will stop;
3.Confirmation of the "SAME" system operated in the "Hunger Games" is being operated in the African American neighborhoods= in the movie,
a. the "Hunger Games" the trainer tells the girl before she goes out on to the field that ""WATER" is her new best friend [sent email to local WS city official [SD]that "WATER" issue [represents life]-way of saying did not think that equipment that brings water in house was "SUDDENLY"broken:
"The morning of May 7th, 2014; coincidentally TWO of the City of Winston-Salem Dept. of Transportation trucks came and parked in front of house [took pictures] then moved across the street to pick up a tree which coincidentally had been cut by family of guy who pulled weapon on me in 2013; the tree had been cut about a month to two months prior; later that day Duke Energy Truck pulled up as was walking to the WSTA bus stop, the next morning[May 8, 2014] coincidentally, the water meter would not stop running; there was no water running inside the house; the water had just been turned on about three weeks earlier and the water amount use was being monitored on a daily basis; so called the Winston-Salem Water Dept. where informed customer representative of situation and their conclusion was that something had to have happened from when new water meter was first put in April 9, 2014 to May 8, 2014 when the water meter would not stop; coincidentally presently there is no water [water represents life] and have not had any problems with water prior to;
b. Everwhere the contestants, especially the girl went in/during "hunger games", cameras tracked them; [African Americans that ride the WSTA city buses are tracked where ever they go; infact WSTA just put in new and better cameras]
c. When those who were controlling the "hunger games" saw that the girl contestant was about to escape thier games; they created a new crisis to redirect the girl back into a negative situation [hunger games], which is where they wanted the girl[which is what the "sudden" broken equipment was suppose to do in my situation];
4. Confirmation of postings on:
"U S soccer team advances in 2014 World Soccer championship"
Friday, June 27, 2014
a. that local white male system, Winston-Salem Journal article: "Planners make case for public "ART" by Wesley "YOUNG"p.A6[]; where
code-to Coach Art[sports coach at Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center]= Bio Tech Center on Patterson Ave plan [associated with street where Steve WHITEHEART tire businsess is located] is to move forward, which if newspapers articles read opposite concerning African Americans-code-meaning that the BIO Tech Center on Patterson will do the opposite of preventing future tragedies concerning "Brothers-in ART";
b. That the response to the blog posted on 6/27/14 to :
“U S soccer team advances in 2014 World Soccer championship”
Friday, June 27, 2014
is the Winston Salem Journal front page[ and especially the "sports" page]:
1. Front page-message=a. "RUN the COURSE" [white males out front/use/keep few African American males for show that work for white males in secret]
"Skateboarders watch each other practice "TRICKS" during the FAIRgrounds Fridays events"
[caption under picture=code-use tricks on fridays is fair ground=most African Americans go out and socialize on a friday-usually drinking=easy targets];
b. connect/have mindset that AFrican American boys [not protected by African American working in secret for white males]get same fate as Hasani Wesley[parents don't and can't get access to system-will be just another black boy killed];c. NEW white male owner of REYNOLDS[connection to Wake Forest Univeristy][]note: hard copy reads "Grand OLD lady=code to those operating system of how to treat AFrican American females who don't work in secret for white males; those that do get a john; those that don't treated like an old lady]=Coarse is to steal what belongs to AFrican American male by name of ANDREW [wife/marriage]and the guy who wears royal blue clothes and give to white females[picture of white female holding blue flowers]-let death seize upon all white females who recieve any benefit in a marriage as result of white males robbery marriage relationship an any African American marriage;
"Skateboarders watch each other practice "TRICKS" during the FAIRgrounds Fridays events"
[caption under picture=code-use tricks on fridays is fair ground=most African Americans go out and socialize on a friday-usually drinking=easy targets];
b. connect/have mindset that AFrican American boys [not protected by African American working in secret for white males]get same fate as Hasani Wesley[parents don't and can't get access to system-will be just another black boy killed];c. NEW white male owner of REYNOLDS[connection to Wake Forest Univeristy][]note: hard copy reads "Grand OLD lady=code to those operating system of how to treat AFrican American females who don't work in secret for white males; those that do get a john; those that don't treated like an old lady]=Coarse is to steal what belongs to AFrican American male by name of ANDREW [wife/marriage]and the guy who wears royal blue clothes and give to white females[picture of white female holding blue flowers]-let death seize upon all white females who recieve any benefit in a marriage as result of white males robbery marriage relationship an any African American marriage;
2. Sports page-message= a. "A bump in the road"=code-that fact that information about system of abuse to kill African American boys is being designed by white males is just a little bump in the road, nothing major;
note: there are sports pictures like on the hardcopy sports page of the Winston-Salem Journal; had to take pictures:
and verification that white males have nothing to worry about is the picutre/title in the upper right hand corner;[confirmation of system[2] and that 2 system is about African Americans=there are two pictures of Jason Coats;page b2 and page b5 and in both pictures JASON Coat is with an African American male];
Title="TOP seed survives fall, injury scare"
And on page B3 of the sports section is picture of African American male in "suit" with title, about "park", "hart", "win" and "Day 1";
which is in "harmony" with picture above [a2] where African American Player has "MAY 1"=TWO "ones";

Note: Exploitation is violation of the United States Codes=Conspiracy against Civil/human rights of citizens; along with fact that Gen. Stat. 18-4001 Control by Attorney General; "The attorney general may establish and conduct industries, farms, and other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation;
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