RICKY BROWN, Michael BROWN, Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University
On way to CRB Library, white male in white truck with "BROWN" on side=was stopped at entrance where one of local African American female prostitutes who have helped white males to rob/steal from African Americans live[?] [another BROWN][have noticed BROWN Pest Control for some time now[about 2yrs] in the African American neighborhoods;[Aslo white males in white UTILITY vehicles had signs up[PREPARE TO STOP] and do not think they were talking about traffic; they were communicating to their African American prostitutes and those who work for white males in other capacities that they need to get ready to stop doing what they are doing or STOP recieving or looking to recieve the benefits of working in secret for white males=punishment for one not working for white males in secret; but whatever the [PREPARE TO STOP] signs[going and coming] were talking about; those in the secret system know it means something else;
BROWN PEST CONTROL-code-surely that's an easy one-anyone who is not white is a pest and needs to be controlled; and most people know what is done to pest;
Brown Pest Control
North Patterson Ave.
Winston-Salem, NC

On way to CRB Library, white male in white truck with "BROWN" on side=was stopped at entrance where one of local African American female prostitutes who have helped white males to rob/steal from African Americans live[?] [another BROWN][have noticed BROWN Pest Control for some time now[about 2yrs] in the African American neighborhoods;[Aslo white males in white UTILITY vehicles had signs up[PREPARE TO STOP] and do not think they were talking about traffic; they were communicating to their African American prostitutes and those who work for white males in other capacities that they need to get ready to stop doing what they are doing or STOP recieving or looking to recieve the benefits of working in secret for white males=punishment for one not working for white males in secret; but whatever the [PREPARE TO STOP] signs[going and coming] were talking about; those in the secret system know it means something else;
BROWN PEST CONTROL-code-surely that's an easy one-anyone who is not white is a pest and needs to be controlled; and most people know what is done to pest;
Brown Pest Control
North Patterson Ave.
Winston-Salem, NC

Note: pictures on the Brown Pest Control page are meant to send coded-message to white people[s] protect yourself from African American[s];
The location of the BRWON PEST CONTROL have blogged about North PATTERSON Ave. where they have ROCK [like Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Chruch] Quarries[ Eddie Murphy movie told people what they are doing ar Rock Quarries]; and a whole lot of tractor trailers not to mention the new road leading from PATTERSON Ave. to SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT [or the new road leads from Carver Road to the tractor trailers] either way not good for innocent African Americans lying in their bed late at night and they are taken in their sleep[dr-gs] and their family members can't get anyone to address the issue[because everybody is white that is in authority][PROOF-on late night talk radio [8/27/14] one of the radio commentators stated, "I will not be covering the FERGERSON shooting on this show";then went on to explain the reasoning because people are not waiting for the facts to come out]of which it took me almost twenty minutes to locate his talk show who even mentioned the FERGERSON shooting; and when he said that he was NOT covering the FERGERSON shooting anymore; that left nobody talking about the FERGERSON shooting on local radio stations; which left no infomation in the AFrican American neighborhoods about anything about the FERERSON shooting; it was just an information BLACKOUT;-[meaning if white males don't want AFrican Americans to know about anything there is no way to access the information/especially when lot of African Americans have been intentionally knocked off/out of the television information system; and can't afford either the new television system or the new radio system[satalite] or access to the internet];
Of the above:
1. The Winston-Salem Journal front page headline story- "FINALIST for WSSU chancellor have NC ties[like a tie-no loser, no winner]; code- that the three applying for the WSSU title of chancellor is very much aware of the TIE system-means always do what white males say;means white males have permission from AFrican Americans who hold key highlevel position to keep attacking abusing AFrican American[s] as long as the African Americans in key highlevel positions keep getting paid to turn their back; three of them are as follows:
Finalists for WSSU chancellor job have ties to N.C
[ http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/finalists-for-wssu-chancellor-job-have-ties-to-n-c/article_e8de4def-5220-5b54-87b6-eb31eaaed25a.html]
The question is which system to put AFrican Americans on in the TIE = means African Americans throughout the United States will go up under the TIE system[like Tyree who works for Vern Sw-tzer in which Tyree's first three letters in his license plate say it all; Tyree is an African American male basically just starting out; his license plate says ZYF= that he is to be treated as a Zombie,young,female=and a zombie is dead, he make work all his life; but white males will not recognize anything he does, he will be stripped of his manhood; and that is the "TIE"; where as white males will be treated like men and everything the do will be counted and recognized to the fullest extent of the Preamble of the United States Constitution;
2. The Winston-Salem Journal Article, "UNITED Furniture moving to historic WEEKS plant[where local authority keep cars parked and were always parked when hispanics kept harassing for 2 1/2 years; and EEOC gave letter to sue-1997appx]
Notice the TWO African American males pushing the sofa's [with a little imagination could be African American males pushing coffins]-which means the NEW JOBS at the WEEKS plant are to intimidate/harass/abuse,etc. any and all AFrican Americans not working in secret for white males[everybody knows that blacks are the ones who lost the jobs];
3. The Winston-Salem Journal BUSINESS section article, "BB &T promotes Ricky BROWN to President"-which is code -Michael BROWN-kill African American[s] males
Ricky Brown
DVD [HOLY MAN]watch couple of days ago with EDDIE Murphy-code DVD had "RICKY" as main Character made in 1998, which is siblings name who white males have been using and gave him an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males;
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