Winston-Salem Forsyth County Carver Road Branch Library, Michael Brown, Wake Forrest University[Brownsfield]
Watched a couple of DVD's recently in which was really looking forward to seeing one of the being that a lady left her husband because he couldn't understand why she was crying during the movie;of which know that the DVD's do not carry the entire message of the original movie; thus the two DVD's watched were ,"A Gangland LOVE STORY" and Disney's -"FROZEN":
In actuality both stories were about the same subject "LOVE" but carried different messages; one movie [A gangland love story]was to those who operate the systems in the United States and deal in the reality; the other movie[disney "Frozen" was to adults/people who seek "true love" and especially little girls who look forward to falling in love;
The Gangland Love Story was directed to people in the national secret system to let them know what is really going on[what the problem is]; and Disney "Frozen" was created to turn and discourage people/adults and little girls from believing in the "REAL True Love" by having a character who fakes being in love; which is to give them a mindset to reject whoever their heart falls in love with and instead to accept who white males put before them who the white male system has preselected for them; and the personal message to "ANNA" true love is not before you, but the one that we send to you;
Both stories are about the same [current]situation, "LOVE"; in disney's "Frozen" the bastards even start with what has been blogged about[2005 to present]-the fact that the bastards program my sibling as a child using their systems of mind control to not play,etc. with me[can be located on line/part of experiment by North Carolina when North Carolina did experimentation on AFrican American[s] and sterilized them[which they are trying hard to pay them]while there were other groups in other types of experiments that local/NC officials know about but are not making public and one of them is the mind control experimentation that they did on African Americans with epilipsy];
Note: brought back three DVD's to Carver Road Branch Library; one had the Watchmen had the wrong DVD in it; Melissa Williams gave me an empty cover for Watchmen and had note; "Wrong DVD"; had DVD and don't know how but DVD ended up at computer I was at earlier[but never logged in]; today gave CRBL the cover for Watchmen,they put DVD in cover; then asked CRBL where is the DVD that was in the cover of the Watchmen; no response; the child librarian took the info that the DVD that CRBL should have taken out of the cover of the Watchmen is "pride and glory"
The Cover for Pride and Glory is different from cover showed to child librarian;told child librarian that there was another DVD in the Watchman cover, went through all DVD's and only one there was not a DVD for was "Pride and Glory"-which means CRBL has to have the DVD and would appreciate it back; [the fact that Melissa Williams was the one who checked DVD's back in=is not good; she is trying to help her white male pimp[s] and therefore may try to keep the DVD thinking that if she keeps the DVD from me[ because in her mind[code]-that is way to keep anyting I do from having an effect on white males pride and glory][that's how their minds work];
2. On 8/27/14, noticed that the African American female teenage students from Quality Education Institute had on uniforms; but did not appear like regular teenagers; it was like they had a "sex" mindset[makeup/attitude]-which I was thinking something is wrong and after looking up books[sure Melinda Williams put up at CRBL]know that message to white males who control "QEI" administration is that they can " exploit the African American female teenagers in area; One of the name of the book[s] used to communicate to white males to exploit black teenage girls is:

Note: Sylvia Hamlin/Melissa are gatekeepers for white males-which means what takes place in Winston-Salem, NC is to take place throughout the United States;
Which would explain the conversation on Chris, Chris Show this morning-TWO white males talking to African American female [and making a joke about it]about birth control entrance,etc.]; everytime I listen at that show the issue is "sex" and they hired an African American female prostitute in training as the side kick who laughs at the two white males jokes:
Another book Melissa Williams had up is:
And to make sure that white males get the message that it is war on African American female teenage girls the CRBL/Melissa Williams put up:

Notice that the other two books are more current; but the book about NC war-1812 was written in 1971 [bet that was about the time that Melissa Williams was hired and is one of the foundations used to communicate war on/against AFrican American citizens who do no accept the role/lifestyle as a/of a servant or slave as Melissa Williams does]-which is a violation of the United States Constitutution based on court cases by the United States Supreme Court which stated that African Americans do not have to agree to abuse their heritage [be servant/salve to white males]to earn a living/work/socialize in the United States;
Watched a couple of DVD's recently in which was really looking forward to seeing one of the being that a lady left her husband because he couldn't understand why she was crying during the movie;of which know that the DVD's do not carry the entire message of the original movie; thus the two DVD's watched were ,"A Gangland LOVE STORY" and Disney's -"FROZEN":
In actuality both stories were about the same subject "LOVE" but carried different messages; one movie [A gangland love story]was to those who operate the systems in the United States and deal in the reality; the other movie[disney "Frozen" was to adults/people who seek "true love" and especially little girls who look forward to falling in love;
The Gangland Love Story was directed to people in the national secret system to let them know what is really going on[what the problem is]; and Disney "Frozen" was created to turn and discourage people/adults and little girls from believing in the "REAL True Love" by having a character who fakes being in love; which is to give them a mindset to reject whoever their heart falls in love with and instead to accept who white males put before them who the white male system has preselected for them; and the personal message to "ANNA" true love is not before you, but the one that we send to you;
Both stories are about the same [current]situation, "LOVE"; in disney's "Frozen" the bastards even start with what has been blogged about[2005 to present]-the fact that the bastards program my sibling as a child using their systems of mind control to not play,etc. with me[can be located on line/part of experiment by North Carolina when North Carolina did experimentation on AFrican American[s] and sterilized them[which they are trying hard to pay them]while there were other groups in other types of experiments that local/NC officials know about but are not making public and one of them is the mind control experimentation that they did on African Americans with epilipsy];
Note: brought back three DVD's to Carver Road Branch Library; one had the Watchmen had the wrong DVD in it; Melissa Williams gave me an empty cover for Watchmen and had note; "Wrong DVD"; had DVD and don't know how but DVD ended up at computer I was at earlier[but never logged in]; today gave CRBL the cover for Watchmen,they put DVD in cover; then asked CRBL where is the DVD that was in the cover of the Watchmen; no response; the child librarian took the info that the DVD that CRBL should have taken out of the cover of the Watchmen is "pride and glory"
The Cover for Pride and Glory is different from cover showed to child librarian;told child librarian that there was another DVD in the Watchman cover, went through all DVD's and only one there was not a DVD for was "Pride and Glory"-which means CRBL has to have the DVD and would appreciate it back; [the fact that Melissa Williams was the one who checked DVD's back in=is not good; she is trying to help her white male pimp[s] and therefore may try to keep the DVD thinking that if she keeps the DVD from me[ because in her mind[code]-that is way to keep anyting I do from having an effect on white males pride and glory][that's how their minds work];
2. On 8/27/14, noticed that the African American female teenage students from Quality Education Institute had on uniforms; but did not appear like regular teenagers; it was like they had a "sex" mindset[makeup/attitude]-which I was thinking something is wrong and after looking up books[sure Melinda Williams put up at CRBL]know that message to white males who control "QEI" administration is that they can " exploit the African American female teenagers in area; One of the name of the book[s] used to communicate to white males to exploit black teenage girls is:

Note: Sylvia Hamlin/Melissa are gatekeepers for white males-which means what takes place in Winston-Salem, NC is to take place throughout the United States;
Which would explain the conversation on Chris, Chris Show this morning-TWO white males talking to African American female [and making a joke about it]about birth control entrance,etc.]; everytime I listen at that show the issue is "sex" and they hired an African American female prostitute in training as the side kick who laughs at the two white males jokes:
Another book Melissa Williams had up is:
And to make sure that white males get the message that it is war on African American female teenage girls the CRBL/Melissa Williams put up:

Notice that the other two books are more current; but the book about NC war-1812 was written in 1971 [bet that was about the time that Melissa Williams was hired and is one of the foundations used to communicate war on/against AFrican American citizens who do no accept the role/lifestyle as a/of a servant or slave as Melissa Williams does]-which is a violation of the United States Constitutution based on court cases by the United States Supreme Court which stated that African Americans do not have to agree to abuse their heritage [be servant/salve to white males]to earn a living/work/socialize in the United States;
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