911 Commission/ MIchael Brown, Winston-Salem, NC
1.Today is the 6th; it has taken me an hour to access blog; was on computer #6; which would not allow me to access blog; sent email to "Blackonomics.com" two ways; their website and through yahoo.com email:
"Presently there are hispanics that moved into a house where the African American male went to the hospital, but did not come back as everyone was expecting; the house number is 3720 airport rd. in winston-salem, nc.; if not the correct address; it is the house behind the closed store owned by Mr. Harvey;the owner of the gas station on the corner of 311[3-k's]and Carver Road was killed[somebody said hispanics did it]; after he was killed then dollar General built a store beside the old gas station, where originally the hispanics were the employees;and am sending you this email because of artile read and the fact that hispanics have been used to intimidate/harass me; and my income has been hindered to the point of being threaten with confinement if I do honest work;along with the fact that presently am not able to access blog site that have accessed almost daily since 2005; am concerned about safety;
note: The Carver road branch printer again took three pages of my print oneof which was confirmation that email went to blackonomics.com; but manage to print all of the hispanics;
2. Posted on blog one day last week that Ron Johnson who was put in charge of the Fergerson riots was a code to white male system in Winston-Salem, NC which was based W.E. Johnson[called dean/because he was dean at a bible college he started] at Carver Road Branch Library who helps white males block African Americans based on the under ground railroad[African Americans not to be allowed in white male mainstream; only illusion of blacks in white mainstream]; in which W.E. Johnson[s] relative was a slave in the under ground railroad;
[email sent Saturday, September 6, 2014 12:39 PM];
[discolorations on picture/addresses];

[email sent-Saturday, September 6, 2014 12:38 PM];
Ronald Johnson Sr., Men's Fellowship at Carver Road Christian Chruch;
1.Today is the 6th; it has taken me an hour to access blog; was on computer #6; which would not allow me to access blog; sent email to "Blackonomics.com" two ways; their website and through yahoo.com email:
"Presently there are hispanics that moved into a house where the African American male went to the hospital, but did not come back as everyone was expecting; the house number is 3720 airport rd. in winston-salem, nc.; if not the correct address; it is the house behind the closed store owned by Mr. Harvey;the owner of the gas station on the corner of 311[3-k's]and Carver Road was killed[somebody said hispanics did it]; after he was killed then dollar General built a store beside the old gas station, where originally the hispanics were the employees;and am sending you this email because of artile read and the fact that hispanics have been used to intimidate/harass me; and my income has been hindered to the point of being threaten with confinement if I do honest work;along with the fact that presently am not able to access blog site that have accessed almost daily since 2005; am concerned about safety;
note: The Carver road branch printer again took three pages of my print oneof which was confirmation that email went to blackonomics.com; but manage to print all of the hispanics;
2. Posted on blog one day last week that Ron Johnson who was put in charge of the Fergerson riots was a code to white male system in Winston-Salem, NC which was based W.E. Johnson[called dean/because he was dean at a bible college he started] at Carver Road Branch Library who helps white males block African Americans based on the under ground railroad[African Americans not to be allowed in white male mainstream; only illusion of blacks in white mainstream]; in which W.E. Johnson[s] relative was a slave in the under ground railroad;

killing everything not in line with what was decided[to turn African American men who want to
earn an honest living -GAY-in order for white males not to attack them];[article located to the
far right of paper];

ARTS Council president Jim Sparrow, aldermen Jeff MacIntosh and Vivian Burke, artist VANdorn Hinnant, and Mayor Allen Joines attend the unveiling of Vandorn Hinnant's "Together We Rise," a sculpture representing the towns of Winston and Salem. The sculpture was unveiled in Corpening Plaza in downtown Winston-Salem on Friday, September 5, 2014;[The above picture is confirmation to local African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males[notice only ONE African American female standing with a bunch of white males [like a black prostitute with white males]; ART system will be used as/for communication to tell what is happening in/with system to turn African American
males gay; and to communicate what is being done to the mother [why artist has the name of VANdorn-has part of the mother name of the twin that was stolen];[that is why there are TWO
Which brings in the article "Key to HEALTH"; front page WinstonSalem Journal;9/6/14- because of tracking; bastards are aware of boarder line health issues and think health would be a good proposition/control mechanism now; along with the fact that they[white males know what they are doing];
It was written in Carolina Peacemaker; page 3A; by Velta Bland, MD; "When your HEALTH requires a lifestyle change;8/24/14:
"that The last prong in the "lifestyle" change is to incorporate social and community support in your lifestyle; Social support is feeling that you are cared for and tha basically somebody has your back; Companionship is important. The Caveat in social and community support is that they need to be healthy relationships.
These changes affect the way your genes express themselves and may affect your life in as little as three months. Think of your lifestyle as your medicine. In a lot of cases it is TRUELY the BEST medicine we have to offer."[http://peacemakeronline.com/];
Thus the offer by the local bastards concerning health; including if person wants health, money or a good lifestyle, they had better learn to be gay; that is the deal the bastards and the African American male and females who are prostitutes in secret for white males came up with or else;
Of which white males through local hospital killed African American male that lived at 3720 ------- Rd,WS, NC to position them to do what ever white males want; and know that HAROLD MARTIN [wssu/A&T UNIVERSITY] involved-being that he has already been bought by local white male authority; hispanics been position to carry through what Martin was told to do; help hispanics help white males to abuse African Americans;
1. Harold Martin in Picture with old people on front page of The Carolina Peacemaker Newspaper;
deal-Harold Martin in picture with young African American males on back page[6B] of the Carolina Peacemaker newspaper: code to white males to keep youth will help to rob African American male youth of heritage/wealth, etc.=secretly direct them in the wrong direction;
note-tried to send note to the 911 commission about WSTA turned one of the two buses of route 1 on WSTA to route 11; after turning the evening route for route 1 to 1717; with issue of TWIN child stolen in 1983 by local people where community has been trying to hide stealing of twin child, which after mother rejected system-the world trade center[called the TWIN towers]was also knocked down; and there is a Towers building located in downtown Winston-Salem used as code to local secret group;
Note-After looking at above postings of pamlet for Carver Road Christian Chruch in Winston-salem, NC, notice no date=posting date [August 24,2014]of pamlet was about a week after Ron Johnson in Fergerson, Mo was put in charge of riot control;99.99% of AFrican Americans have do desire to be slave to white males; however they do desire to eat [even if they don't have a normal lifestyle, which is what white males know=thus Devine God=I wish above all things that thou[he did not put a color] prosper and be in health[as article from newspaper [greensboro,nc]article stated one of the KEYS to persons health is a healthy relationship- and being told that the only way to make/earn money in white males system is if gay/monkey/dog=NOT HEALTHY;and neither is [having members of family being told to abuse,etc. me by as James Cliingmen listed , CEO's of major corporations, governors[blogged about], mayors[blogged about];prosecuters[incest-blogged about-prosecuter helped the abuser];chief of authority[posted note [name of WSchief of authority] of family member hand writing-who was taken off earth before their time]and local authority of which have posted pictures up of situations that were questionable];
[Email sent-Monday, September 8, 2014 6:29 PM]
[Picture taken-9/8/14;6:28pm];
[Email sent-Monday, September 8, 2014 6:29 PM]
[Picture taken-9/8/14;6:28pm]
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