100-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston Salem North Carolina,Carver Road Branch library
1.Was waiting on WSTA route 1 to Lansing Drive at 2:20pm-which did not show; called WSTA spoke to black female who stated that WSTA route 1 left at quarter after or til the hour and should have been there already; and if it had not shown, means the bus already had passed the bus stop and should be coming back down;
There was a big fat girl who came after I did and was waiting for the bus who cursed and then said, where is the bus?, I have been out here since 2:25 and that no bus had shown;[by that time it was 2:47pm]-she said she called her grandma to come and take her to the WSTA bus station downtown; she said that the bus not coming as schedule has happened before;
So I asked the girl if she would put it in writing that the WSTA route 1 bus for 2:35pm had not shown; and she did; took picture of the statement; said she had to be downtown to transfer to another bus so that she could go to work;
The WSTA route 1 did not show because of white male system[s] of robbery; by the WSTA route 1 bus not showing [is suppose to be symbolic of blocking/robbing/stopping riders from accessing wealth-based on Black Wallstreeet before white males destroyed Black Wallstreet; and it is suppose to be white males transfering what belongs [specifiically relationship with guy who wears royal blue]to African American female not working as prostitute in secret for white males to African American female in training to become a prostitute in secret that work for white males;[note:1a-blogged about Zack and Shey [CRB Library,(county employees)]were messing with the research computer on 11/4/14;when the computer said that "the computer is assigned to another person at 4:00pm; please release the computer at 4:00pm"-the research computer was assigned to me; but the message "comuter is assigned to another person; please release computer" was harassment from CRB library staff to send message about the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me[like Debra Jordan kat the employment security commission] which was code-the guy who wears royal blue is assigned to another person; please release the guy who wears royal blue clothes; which they can go to hell][Let them go down quick into hell and let death seize upon them because wickedness is in and among them; but the Devine God will save me every time][and specifically let death "quickly" sieze upon the AFrican American female prostitute working for white males and the white male bastards today who selected a "replacement wife" for the guy who wears royal blue that wants to date me];
[Let death seize on them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.][Psalm 55:15][http://biblehub.com/psalms/55-15.htm];
While waiting for the 2nd WSTA route 1 or route 11 to come, the hispanic male who lives at 1320 Airport turned left off of Carver Road onto Airport Road; and another hispanic male driving small silver truck turned left off of Carver Road onto Airport Rd and there were at least three to four authority vehicles that drove in area; when someone gave me a ride;[White authority vehicle with red and blue stripes with hispanic driver drove pass; [car #1325];which means that white males have hired hispanics [illegal gangs]to attack African American[s] in the Carver School Road area who are not subservent to white males; that is why there are hispanic[s] at 3720 Carver Road, and 1320 Airport Road; the authority car with the hispanic driver turned right out of Carver High School onto Carver Road-means hispanic males targeting young African American males [who would not accept abuse] to remove out of white males way to bring in hispanic males to abuse innocent African American males and females;
2. Security guard was outside when got to the CRB library[probably had been told to stand outside til WSTA bus had passed the bus stop as form of harassment-then wait as form of harassment-except I caught a ride before the WSTA bus showed; And standing by the parking lot talking to AFrican American male-while the CRB security guard watched-was a white male authority[fully clothed/gear];
3. Upon coming inside, the CRB security guard kept trying to walk around me like in a cirle; each time I broke the circle; and again when requesting that research computer be reserved-lot of issues; "shey" had to come and turn the computer on and off;
4. AS confirmation of post on blog 11/4/14 about white males system[s] being designed to kill African American[s] systematically and especially about the "TRADE " for the "store" that should be built in the African American neighborhood, and where white male[s] kill African American who the store would belong to [why white truck [with word -"PULSE" driven by the white males was parked at end of street corner]; The Winston-Salem Journal front page article says it all -"TILLIS defeats Hagan" by associated press;
Guess you have to see to know exactly what I am talking about [but being that bastards blocking my pictures; will have to describe]; LCV Victory Fund, Washington DC. sent an ad that says:
This is DUKE Energy's mess hole[picture of a pipe hole][like the kind the white male workers from "professional Air SYSTEMS had pointed where I ususally sit at window at CRB library]under the picture of the pipehole is "With TOM Thillis, "You may be on the cleanup duty";
With the point being that TOM is code word for "killing"; which is exactly what the DUKE Energy "OIL" spill was about[way to communicate about the fact that the public knows what white males are doing to blacks[African American[s];and with "TOM" being in office[winning] it confirms what blogged about on 11/4/14;[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/11/michael-brown-fergurson-mo-winston.html];
which the "placements and subttitles on page A5 of the Winston-Salem Journal confirm posts on blog;
They have an article in the Winston-Salem Journal,11/5/14; "Kaplan defeats "Whiteheart"; front page;by Meghann Evans; Do not believe the article's title it is a "JOKE", "Whiteheart will be stronger than ever because of TOM[Tillis]=killing of African American[s] in secret; so outfront it looks like "whiteheart"is defeated but in acutatily the "white males" heart is still the winner; because they will be killing blacks who don't serve any white male in the spirit of the "whiteheart";
The article makes the locals feel better because "whiteheart" was defeated in writing; but in real life; think again;
A. That the closing of the WSFC 5th Street Main Public Library is abuse and that there are alternative motives other than serving the public is Ted Kaplan's statement:
"Kaplan would like to check with the county attorney to see if the board can reconsider the Central Library site choice, because he thinks the board did not fully take into account public comments."
Out of the horses mouth: that something is very wrong within the operation of the Central Library[which was located on 5th Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina];
B. Gov. McCrory appointed attorney SEAMOORE [name given on wsjs 600 radio; 12:38[m]to replace Superior Court Judge:
"Gov. Pat McCrory announced Monday that Kernersville lawyer Eric C. Morgan will fill the unexpired term of Forsyth Superior Judge Ron Spivey, who retired Friday."code- from Gov. Mccrory-give African American[s]MORE of the same abuse;
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/mccrory-appoints-kernersville-lawyer-to-replace-retiring-superior-court-judge/article_9d866e63-2031-5417-8a3c-237b5d2da513.html]1.Was waiting on WSTA route 1 to Lansing Drive at 2:20pm-which did not show; called WSTA spoke to black female who stated that WSTA route 1 left at quarter after or til the hour and should have been there already; and if it had not shown, means the bus already had passed the bus stop and should be coming back down;
There was a big fat girl who came after I did and was waiting for the bus who cursed and then said, where is the bus?, I have been out here since 2:25 and that no bus had shown;[by that time it was 2:47pm]-she said she called her grandma to come and take her to the WSTA bus station downtown; she said that the bus not coming as schedule has happened before;
So I asked the girl if she would put it in writing that the WSTA route 1 bus for 2:35pm had not shown; and she did; took picture of the statement; said she had to be downtown to transfer to another bus so that she could go to work;
The WSTA route 1 did not show because of white male system[s] of robbery; by the WSTA route 1 bus not showing [is suppose to be symbolic of blocking/robbing/stopping riders from accessing wealth-based on Black Wallstreeet before white males destroyed Black Wallstreet; and it is suppose to be white males transfering what belongs [specifiically relationship with guy who wears royal blue]to African American female not working as prostitute in secret for white males to African American female in training to become a prostitute in secret that work for white males;[note:1a-blogged about Zack and Shey [CRB Library,(county employees)]were messing with the research computer on 11/4/14;when the computer said that "the computer is assigned to another person at 4:00pm; please release the computer at 4:00pm"-the research computer was assigned to me; but the message "comuter is assigned to another person; please release computer" was harassment from CRB library staff to send message about the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me[like Debra Jordan kat the employment security commission] which was code-the guy who wears royal blue is assigned to another person; please release the guy who wears royal blue clothes; which they can go to hell][Let them go down quick into hell and let death seize upon them because wickedness is in and among them; but the Devine God will save me every time][and specifically let death "quickly" sieze upon the AFrican American female prostitute working for white males and the white male bastards today who selected a "replacement wife" for the guy who wears royal blue that wants to date me];
[Let death seize on them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.][Psalm 55:15][http://biblehub.com/psalms/55-15.htm];
While waiting for the 2nd WSTA route 1 or route 11 to come, the hispanic male who lives at 1320 Airport turned left off of Carver Road onto Airport Road; and another hispanic male driving small silver truck turned left off of Carver Road onto Airport Rd and there were at least three to four authority vehicles that drove in area; when someone gave me a ride;[White authority vehicle with red and blue stripes with hispanic driver drove pass; [car #1325];which means that white males have hired hispanics [illegal gangs]to attack African American[s] in the Carver School Road area who are not subservent to white males; that is why there are hispanic[s] at 3720 Carver Road, and 1320 Airport Road; the authority car with the hispanic driver turned right out of Carver High School onto Carver Road-means hispanic males targeting young African American males [who would not accept abuse] to remove out of white males way to bring in hispanic males to abuse innocent African American males and females;
2. Security guard was outside when got to the CRB library[probably had been told to stand outside til WSTA bus had passed the bus stop as form of harassment-then wait as form of harassment-except I caught a ride before the WSTA bus showed; And standing by the parking lot talking to AFrican American male-while the CRB security guard watched-was a white male authority[fully clothed/gear];
3. Upon coming inside, the CRB security guard kept trying to walk around me like in a cirle; each time I broke the circle; and again when requesting that research computer be reserved-lot of issues; "shey" had to come and turn the computer on and off;
4. AS confirmation of post on blog 11/4/14 about white males system[s] being designed to kill African American[s] systematically and especially about the "TRADE " for the "store" that should be built in the African American neighborhood, and where white male[s] kill African American who the store would belong to [why white truck [with word -"PULSE" driven by the white males was parked at end of street corner]; The Winston-Salem Journal front page article says it all -"TILLIS defeats Hagan" by associated press;

Guess you have to see to know exactly what I am talking about [but being that bastards blocking my pictures; will have to describe]; LCV Victory Fund, Washington DC. sent an ad that says:
This is DUKE Energy's mess hole[picture of a pipe hole][like the kind the white male workers from "professional Air SYSTEMS had pointed where I ususally sit at window at CRB library]under the picture of the pipehole is "With TOM Thillis, "You may be on the cleanup duty";
With the point being that TOM is code word for "killing"; which is exactly what the DUKE Energy "OIL" spill was about[way to communicate about the fact that the public knows what white males are doing to blacks[African American[s];and with "TOM" being in office[winning] it confirms what blogged about on 11/4/14;[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/11/michael-brown-fergurson-mo-winston.html];
which the "placements and subttitles on page A5 of the Winston-Salem Journal confirm posts on blog;
They have an article in the Winston-Salem Journal,11/5/14; "Kaplan defeats "Whiteheart"; front page;by Meghann Evans; Do not believe the article's title it is a "JOKE", "Whiteheart will be stronger than ever because of TOM[Tillis]=killing of African American[s] in secret; so outfront it looks like "whiteheart"is defeated but in acutatily the "white males" heart is still the winner; because they will be killing blacks who don't serve any white male in the spirit of the "whiteheart";
"Kaplan defeats Whiteheart in rematch for at-large seat "
Posted: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:30 am
The article makes the locals feel better because "whiteheart" was defeated in writing; but in real life; think again;
A. That the closing of the WSFC 5th Street Main Public Library is abuse and that there are alternative motives other than serving the public is Ted Kaplan's statement:
"Kaplan would like to check with the county attorney to see if the board can reconsider the Central Library site choice, because he thinks the board did not fully take into account public comments."
Out of the horses mouth: that something is very wrong within the operation of the Central Library[which was located on 5th Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina];
B. Gov. McCrory appointed attorney SEAMOORE [name given on wsjs 600 radio; 12:38[m]to replace Superior Court Judge:
"McCrory appoints Kernersville lawyer to replace retiring Superior Court judge "
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm
"Gov. Pat McCrory announced Monday that Kernersville lawyer Eric C. Morgan will fill the unexpired term of Forsyth Superior Judge Ron Spivey, who retired Friday."code- from Gov. Mccrory-give African American[s]MORE of the same abuse;
Note:2a-CRB library security guard just walked in a circle around me again;
Note :2b- Email sent to friendseeeee@yahoo.com titled: "Harassment by white males/Melissa Williams/ and new security guard and Sylvia Hamlin" went to email with no problem; but pictures sent to email have not gone to email address above;
Which "ZACK" is the name of white male who grew up with "Cynthia" son Brandon[who works at the Children's home]-payment to Cynthia for helping white males to harass, intimidate, threaten me through threating innocent relative[which is part of what Bill Oreilly was talking about; the disintgreation of the African American family];"ZACK" white male was sent to the Carver Road Branch Library by the WSFC library personnel as form of "continuation of blocking/stopping relationship with guy who wears royal blue"-which is why they closed the WSFC 5th Street Main Library [so guy who wear royal blue would not know how to find me] as a way to stop my life and what is suppose to be in my life from existing and in return giving it to Cynthia[who is working with the white ass bastards];thus upon closing the WSFC 5th street main library[to take away from me] then "ZACK" was sent by white males as way to give Cynthia what belongs to "me";[why white truck with "PULSE" driven by white males was parked at the end of my street on 11/4/14];and why a male in brown skin was sent as security guard to protect "ZACK" in case someone decides to attack the white ass bastard;
Melissa Williams is very happy;along with "shey"[who both are secured African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males];note:2c-what is interesting is that the bitches have no one around when they encounter the African American[s] that they have helped white males to attack; thus let death sieze upon them and let them go down quick into hell, for wickedness is in and among them but the Devine God will save me every time;
When first met "ZACK" got the message, "you are a nigger" and I do not have to respect you!" It was so bad that "shey" had to stop doing what she was doing and wait on me so that it was not so obvious of what "ZACK' mindset is; [which was given to him from birth by white male[s]-AFrican American females not working as prostitutes for white males are to be attacked by white males;
Anybody touching me in any way/method,procedure,porcess I am KILLING to the best of my ability;which includes, somebody better tell "ZACK" because the real "ZACK"[cynthia's] KNOW and have been warned do not mess with what belongs to me;
[note: 2d-And if you don't believe me; check with cynthia at mbf on R-----da Road];
[Note: 2e-Cynthia remodeling bathroom-gave me the broken pieces of tile from old bathroom, which were in a "bucket" which she said I could take home, which Cynthia said, "I want my bucket back!"; imagine making close to 40,000.00 a year as an individual and wanting a bucket back when compared to an individual who made approximately 1800.00 in seven months that is to last for the entire year; so could somebody tell Cynthia "I want my life back";and tired of "suffering for Cynthia"[anything happens to Cynthia because I seek what rightfully belongs to me-white males in authority in Carver Road/hanes mall blvd, Reynolda Road/Peterscreek Pkwy area connected];
Again let death sieze upon white males and their African American/hispanic/white/ prostitutes that work for white males in secret that abuse/steal/kill African American[s];
Sad part is that with the democrats; blacks are blocked from wealth/employment and working; and with the republican[s] the same thing except the republican[s] yell, "You can make it"; yes you can nigger; you can make it" while all the time knocking the person in the head secretly;
Thus it doesn't make any difference for African American[s] who are not subservent to white males weather the democrats or the republicans are in office; either way they get the same; and are attacked for not being subservent to white males; so that as radio announcer said,"The people in the United States are tired of the "curruption"" just imagine how tired African American[s] are; thus why people[normal/nice people]all of a sudden go off; because they just get tired; white folks tired after 2 years, because it took them 4 years to realize what was being done to them; African American[s] knew all the time because African American[s] life from birth has been exactly what white people say they are tired of from the man in the brown skin in the house that is white and the sad thing is that he is just taking orders; not giving orders; white males tell him what to do; why he doesn't care; probably glad a lot of people are finding out about how crooked white male[s] system[s] are;
5. Heard on local radio 88fm; 11/4/14 that Miami Day County charged blacks for crossing a track in black neighborhoods; the white male authorities put up a "no trespassing" sign t the track; the blacks say there is no train; but black people who cross the track are put in jail for trespassing; and the blacks say they don't understand it;a hispanic attorney[?] said that it is the "crminializlation" of people [walking]who try to just make their way through the community:
"Overtown Residents Systematically Arrested for Crossing Train Tracks"
A. Blogg posted that the local white male authority communicated intimidation like was not suppose to walk on the street; with the key word being "WALK"; only to find out that the Mazzie Woodruff Center had started a "walking class two years earlier[about four years after the harassed me walking to CRB library];like African American[s] could not walk in their neighborhoods[which is result of Obama requiring that cars pass certain emmison tests; since blacks will not be allowed to drive; white males have to find another way to make money off of them;
" On May 20, 2013, Edduard Prince began walking from his home on 17th Street in Overtown to his job at a legal processing company at 15th and Biscayne, just as he does every day. He crossed the railroad tracks that bisect his street between NW First and North Miami avenues, just like everybody else does.
And then a few minutes later, he was arrested for trespassing, just like hundreds of others have been -- all for walking through their own neighborhood."
Note: 3a-Picture of Black male security guard sent to harass African American[s] who are not subservent to white males;
[Email sentWednesday, November 5, 2014 5:52 PM]
[Picture taken:11/3/14;5:14pm];
Note: 3B- The "NEW" website , "The CONVERSATION" just started in October, 2014 where people who have done/doing research can publish as long as they can identify that they are an expert in an area;
The Conversation US launched as a pilot project in October 2014. It is an independent source of news and views from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.
Our team of professional editors work with university and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.[Note: 3C-which is what I do not want[my knowledge used for the wider public-which is what they have been forcing me to do in order to remain in a natural body];
Note: 3d-Posted on blog on 11/4/14 that headline view of the 11/4/14 Winston-Salem Journal gave the view of a "grave"-which was secret code information that white males would kill the person who the store belong to in the African American neighborhood in secret in return for TRADE Street store where TWO upper levels residential[white] and to allow blacks to shop at new "store in the basement;
Prayer: Devine God please forgive my human side; but I pray supernatual strength to KILL with joy every white male system of abuse/robbery/killing/stealling of African American[s] wealth,etc. based upon Black Wallstreet before white males destroyed Black Wallstreet; thank you for angels from above to do the work that African American[s] are to weak to do;
And can you please kill those who read/monitor my life,etc. or who will ever monitor anything in my life or will ever try to put me in confinement and thank you for giving me some privacy;Thank You
" On May 20, 2013, Edduard Prince began walking from his home on 17th Street in Overtown to his job at a legal processing company at 15th and Biscayne, just as he does every day. He crossed the railroad tracks that bisect his street between NW First and North Miami avenues, just like everybody else does.
And then a few minutes later, he was arrested for trespassing, just like hundreds of others have been -- all for walking through their own neighborhood."
Note: 3a-Picture of Black male security guard sent to harass African American[s] who are not subservent to white males;
[Email sent
Note: 3B- The "NEW" website , "The CONVERSATION" just started in October, 2014 where people who have done/doing research can publish as long as they can identify that they are an expert in an area;
The Conversation US launched as a pilot project in October 2014. It is an independent source of news and views from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.
Our team of professional editors work with university and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.[Note: 3C-which is what I do not want[my knowledge used for the wider public-which is what they have been forcing me to do in order to remain in a natural body];
Note: 3d-Posted on blog on 11/4/14 that headline view of the 11/4/14 Winston-Salem Journal gave the view of a "grave"-which was secret code information that white males would kill the person who the store belong to in the African American neighborhood in secret in return for TRADE Street store where TWO upper levels residential[white] and to allow blacks to shop at new "store in the basement;
[Email sent-Wednesday, November 5, 2014 5:54 PM]
[Picture taken:11/4/14;5:50pm];Prayer: Devine God please forgive my human side; but I pray supernatual strength to KILL with joy every white male system of abuse/robbery/killing/stealling of African American[s] wealth,etc. based upon Black Wallstreet before white males destroyed Black Wallstreet; thank you for angels from above to do the work that African American[s] are to weak to do;
And can you please kill those who read/monitor my life,etc. or who will ever monitor anything in my life or will ever try to put me in confinement and thank you for giving me some privacy;Thank You
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