535-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University,CRB library
1. Road the WSTA city bus;"ROBIN" bus driver-extremely nasty attitude; which coincides with the spirit of the elwood "ROBINSON" the new chancellor for WSSU:
Note: Article has "mapping" subtitle[code for "direction";
Which follows with the other " robbers"-mean, 'robinsons"
A. Marietta S. Robinson | CPSC.gov
B. time.com/3678616/obamas-police-task-force-ferguson/
4 days ago ... US President Barack Obama speaks after a meeting on building trust in ... Law
and Society Laurie Robinson, who were appointed by Obama to ...;
C. George Mason Professor to Co-Chair Obama's Task Force... - DC Inno
1. Road the WSTA city bus;"ROBIN" bus driver-extremely nasty attitude; which coincides with the spirit of the elwood "ROBINSON" the new chancellor for WSSU:
"Setting a vision"
ROBinson isn't at university to follow, but to lead;
[Posted: Sunday, January 18, 2015 6:10 am; Note: Article has "mapping" subtitle[code for "direction";
Which follows with the other " robbers"-mean, 'robinsons"
A. Marietta S. Robinson | CPSC.gov
President Barack Obama nominated Ms.marietta Robinson on January 24, 2013, she
was confirmed by the Senate on June 27, 2013, and was officially sworn in on
July ...;
President Barack Obama nominated Ms.marietta Robinson on January 24, 2013, she
was confirmed by the Senate on June 27, 2013, and was officially sworn in on
July ...;
B. time.com/3678616/obamas-police-task-force-ferguson/
and Society Laurie Robinson, who were appointed by Obama to ...;
C. George Mason Professor to Co-Chair Obama's Task Force... - DC Inno
dcinno.streetwise.co/.../george-mason-professor-laurie-robinson-to-co-chair- president-obama-policing-task-force/
D.ec 2, 2014 ... The White House announced Monday that GEORGE Mason University professor
Laurie Robinson has been named co-chair of...;
E. Heard on local radio talk show that there was another "Robinson" appointed by the male in the brown skin in the house that is white;
*Tried to locate article with the following wording; but the would not come up on "google":
The drone debate hits close to home for White House - Roanoke ...
Lawn of the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. ... at home at the time of
the incident with their grandmother, Marian Robinson. .... Alvin, two daughters,
Pat Cassell and Jeania Wilson and a granddaughter, Skylar Wilson.
[note: Pat Cassell/Jeania WILSON and granddaughter skylar WILSON-code-wilson is code name];
A. Of "START" of robbery system is article in the Winston-Salem Journal; front page[hard copy]; January 25,2015;
Note: Googled-"Free speech organizations and results were:
Note: Confirmation of all of post on blog about Scott SEXTON confirmed in the Winston-Salem Journal special report from
Note: left message for harweda coe that there is a "block" on the research computer that does not allow for the posting of pictures from emails or any other website;and am finding that can't access the Winston-Salem Chronicle articles which are taking anywhere from five to ten or more minutes to load up;
Note:White male[s] system[s] holding relatives hostage in Winston-Salem and various other cities to force them to work for white male[s];
D.ec 2, 2014 ... The White House announced Monday that GEORGE Mason University professor
Laurie Robinson has been named co-chair of...;
E. Heard on local radio talk show that there was another "Robinson" appointed by the male in the brown skin in the house that is white;
Which coincides with:
"Obama sees need to move on drone rules now"
[Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:09 pm | Updated: 1:45 pm, Tue Jan 27, 2015.
*Tried to locate article with the following wording; but the would not come up on "google":
The drone debate hits close to home for White House - Roanoke ...
www.roanoke.com/...drone.../article_fecff287-f5a5-56f4-b06d- e113fa84c6f5.html
10 hours ago ... Drone crashes at White House; hobbyist says it's his ... the grounds of the North Lawn of the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. ... at home at the time of
the incident with their grandmother, Marian Robinson. .... Alvin, two daughters,
Pat Cassell and Jeania Wilson and a granddaughter, Skylar Wilson.
A. Of "START" of robbery system is article in the Winston-Salem Journal; front page[hard copy]; January 25,2015;

An Ambitious Start
"ROBINSON" know their job[s]; why most have been working a "long time"; the name ROBINSON is the same name as the mother in law [ROBINSON]-of the john that married the African American prostitute in secret[which is an entire system of robbery of AFrican American[s] in the United States who are not subserviant to white males]:
Notee: ROBINSON start; is to coincide with white males system[s] of Robbery of AFrican American[s] in Patterson Ave, Carver School Road area;prayer-that every dollar/wealth of any type stolen will lead to death of all who participating and may the DEVINE GOD bless them all;
Note: Googled-"Free speech organizations and results were:
"Free Speech"
"Freedom of speech is protected in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and is guaranteed to all Americans. Since 1920, the ACLU has worked to preserve free speech."https://www.aclu.org/free-speech;
which had that the authorities were interferring with people's free speech on/through the internet;
Note: All of the Law books and books associated with studying the body have been removed from the Carver School Road Branch library and have been replaced with books about the "holocaust" by the director, "Melissa Williams"-which is code that she is helping white males in their intimidation, forces assimilation and "cultural transformation" of the AFrican American culture;
A. Local 311 business area in AFrican American neighborhood has put words " A TRANSFORMED community";
B. The company [posted on blog] that Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son [who pulled weapon on me] works/ed at has truck [with the same logo] parked at the gas station on corner of 311 and Carver School Road where African American male was killed because he would not allow them[white males] to transform his service station;
C. Article- "Toxic Legacy"; WS Journal; front page; hard copy; by Arika Herron;with picture of map;and picture of Forsyth County Public library[1940];
[Posted: Saturday, January 24, 2015 9:37 pm
which is an article about Lowrance elementary and Hanes Jr. High Schools sitting atop contaminated earth; and people asking questions about health risks,testing raise concerns;
"Toxic Legacy Schools sit on contaminated earth"
"As students walk up to Hanes and Lowrance middle schools in northern Winston-Salem;a manufacturer across the street to clean up a large plume of underground toxic waste.[notee:of which relative with"T" name mother worked at the manufacturer[and works for white males in secret] of which white males will try and pay through secret means for helping them to block me from wealth-where went to Hane Jr. High and Lowrance elementary for five years]-where white males will try and say black females that work for them at factory can get paid; but African American females not subservient to white males who went to Hanes and Lowance can't];[Posted: Saturday, January 24, 2015 9:37 pm
which is an article about Lowrance elementary and Hanes Jr. High Schools sitting atop contaminated earth; and people asking questions about health risks,testing raise concerns;
However; heard local radio white male commentator state that the issue started between 2005, 2007; not before and the water and air were good before then; that all the issues being addressed through the HANES Jr. HIGH SCHOOL [now called Hanes MIDDLE school] where bunch of white males blocked African American students[by scattering them] and then raising up bunch of white students[in media]; as if there were not ever any AFrican American[s] that ever attended Hanes Jr. High School]; that somehow the cantimination only affected white people; which means that IF ANY "MONEY" is paid out for health issues breathing in fumes or drinking the contaminated water;that ONLY WHITES will get money-which is "CRAP" and "ROBBERY" of African American[s] wealth and health];
Just one of the system[s] which Reynolds is giving Wake Forest a building which is technically just down the street from the school that sits on the "contaminated earth" which is around the corner from where white male[s] DOT closed highway 52 [ to AFrican American neighborhoods]; yet in the WS Journal the white male who origanally help for two years to develop plan to give Reynolds building to Wake Forest stated that the RJR building is in an excellent location [down the street from highway 52]- in which the RJR building is much futher away from highway 52 than the school that sits atop of "contaminated earth"; the school is approx. five minute walk; whereas the RJR building is approx. twenty to twenty five min. walk;
The article "Toxic Legacy" is telling white males what the next step is in stealing, killing, and robbery of AFrican American[s] and the AFrican American neighborhoods;[Since they have blocked off African American[s] from flow of wealth[highway]; then next step is to steal the "MONEY" that should be in their life for suffering though decades of drinking contaminated water and breathing contiminated air;[issue with the FORSYTH COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY-connected with moving AFrican American[s] from the 5th Street main public library from downtown-in which on Sunday's lot of African American males being sent out on 311 and Carver School Road area to some place;
"Toxic Legacy Schools sit on contaminated earth"
[picture is of:]

Bill Powell (left), the construction manager for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, and Sam Dempsey, the EC Director for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, present a plan for destruction and reconstruction at Lowrance Middle School on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015, in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Note:Of which heard on 980 am radio;bill flynn; program; guest; white male-Tim Daughty;author and trained psychologist;article written-"Conditioned Helplines"
[Above is a picture of BILL Powell and SAM Dempsey, which is the same concept of person with some of those names who brought case against SAM'S Club in 2009];[BILL code-Dollar BILL][Powell-name of African American male that white males intimidated, harassed, threaten, robbed and eventually was KILLed by white males; did and tring to do his offspring and relatives the same way which is the reason for BILL Powell's name being in the newspapers [especially the continuation part in the WS JOurnal hard copy that says "DISPUTE" on the opposite page];[notee: heard on WSJS radio 1/27/14 where two white males robbed a man in his house and then took a selfie which went to the man's computer and the man notified authorities; the article "Toxic Legacy with the picture of BILL Powell and SAM dempsey are "selfies of/by white males" different version same concept; white males put it in the news and media -who they are robbing and how;difference is white male who got a picture of the robbers who took selfie could go to the authorities and AFrican American[s] seeking justice to stop robbery in progress by white males based on the movie "SNIPERS" will not get same response;
White male guest on the bill flynn radio program; article, "Conditioned Helpliness; stated that the main stream republicans are beginning to accept the condition of helpliness mindset [what the African American neighborhoods suffer from] [told you white folks next]and to stated what good white folk need to do to stop it];
Note: Confirmation of all of post on blog about Scott SEXTON confirmed in the Winston-Salem Journal special report from
by unknown party-with the key word being "butler"-like slave and Kenny like gay;
Note: Still cannot access pictures in or out of email to post on blog; bastards blocking, message appears:
"To help protect your secrity, internet explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. click here for options..."[notee: on another computer via pictures show?];
Note: left message for harweda coe that there is a "block" on the research computer that does not allow for the posting of pictures from emails or any other website;and am finding that can't access the Winston-Salem Chronicle articles which are taking anywhere from five to ten or more minutes to load up;
Note:White male[s] system[s] holding relatives hostage in Winston-Salem and various other cities to force them to work for white male[s];
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