531-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, NC, CRB library
1.Today is the 13th [like the 13th Amendment[fFREEDOM];Walked to CRB library;City of Winston-Salem, fire truck/sirens; WSFC dog catcher, USmailman[Billy Pluck] came in drive way as walked up to CRB library; and utility white male workers parked truck at the utility place at corner of Lansing and Carver Road;
Upon going into the CRB library; mayhand and sharlene at desk;then shey and melonie[all black]; then stacy kept trying to walk in a circle around; then finally dicided to ask if was reading the paper; which she knew I was; meanwhile Melissa Williams was in office at CRB library;
2. Blogged about the fact that the issue with "water" for AFrican American[s] in the city of Winston-Salem,NC was not coinicdental; that the African American male who had a water bill of over $2,600 was intentionally being used to tell people who operated social program[s] to give African American[s] water problem[s]-by not helping them with water bills;and stated on blog that by not giving African American[s]help with water bills it served various purposes; one being that it "stressed" the person to give them all kinds of health issues; and another it occupied the person's time so that they could not prosper of be productive; of which was
By Dean Kamen in letter sent on 1/7/15 to:
To: Salvation Army,Major James Alliston, Winston-Salem, NC
Re: Access to water, food; and a community advocate
On 1-1-15; channel 6; Cspan; Dean Kamen stated:
"EVERYBODY needs clean water and electricity to be productive and join society;
1.Today is the 13th [like the 13th Amendment[fFREEDOM];Walked to CRB library;City of Winston-Salem, fire truck/sirens; WSFC dog catcher, USmailman[Billy Pluck] came in drive way as walked up to CRB library; and utility white male workers parked truck at the utility place at corner of Lansing and Carver Road;
Upon going into the CRB library; mayhand and sharlene at desk;then shey and melonie[all black]; then stacy kept trying to walk in a circle around; then finally dicided to ask if was reading the paper; which she knew I was; meanwhile Melissa Williams was in office at CRB library;
2. Blogged about the fact that the issue with "water" for AFrican American[s] in the city of Winston-Salem,NC was not coinicdental; that the African American male who had a water bill of over $2,600 was intentionally being used to tell people who operated social program[s] to give African American[s] water problem[s]-by not helping them with water bills;and stated on blog that by not giving African American[s]help with water bills it served various purposes; one being that it "stressed" the person to give them all kinds of health issues; and another it occupied the person's time so that they could not prosper of be productive; of which was
By Dean Kamen in letter sent on 1/7/15 to:
To: Salvation Army,Major James Alliston, Winston-Salem, NC
Re: Access to water, food; and a community advocate
On 1-1-15; channel 6; Cspan; Dean Kamen stated:
"EVERYBODY needs clean water and electricity to be productive and join society;
"Help for man’s water woes"
A local resident is breathing a sigh of relief after the city has decided to drop $2,659.45 off of his water bill. Randall Lindsay was facing a $3,259.45 water bill in November and was about to have his service disrupted.
“It felt real good to have it taken care of. I ain’t never had no water like that,” said Lindsay, who lives on a $721 monthly disability check.
[Posted On 31 Dec 2014;By : Chanel Davis;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/help-mans-water-woes/];
And being that the path to harassment by white male[s]
[ Anthony Baker, an assistant city attorney who handles RISK management for the city]
system[s] have been closed; the reason why the "new crime lab is a "priority"; because if white male[s] cannot control the African American male[s] time; then means a lot of them will have time to think and realize how they are being "railroaded by white male[s]" which will make them angry and they will want restoration; which white male is not going to do; which mean[s] that the African American[s] not willing to accept the robbery,abuse, stealing and killing from white male[s] will lead to the need for the white male[s] to develop system[s] where the African American male[s] have no choice[but only with society's permission] which is where the "new crime lab" come in to make it a "priority" to process the labs of specifically African American[s]:
"Winston-Salem hires private company for crime lab services"
Delays at North Carolina's state crime laboratory have grown so bad that Winston-Salem city officials are hiring a private company to test alcohol and drug evidence.The Winston-Salem Journal reports that law enforcement officials say the move will dramatically improve the prosecution of cases involving defendants accused of driving drunk or dealing drugs.
Published 9:31 AM EST Jan 05, 2015;[http://www.wxii12.com/news/Winston-Salem-hires-private-company-for-crime-lab-services/30531584];
Also blogged about the fact of AFrican American[s] being sent off the earth before their time and that those who were put behind bars in confinement were the lucky ones-which is why close relative thanked me for telling them to go the authorities when the authorities put it in the WSjournal newspapers that they had a warrent for their arrest, but kept driving past and "waving" at them; [after relative went to turn themselves into authorities, they spent 30 + years behind bars.]The statement that the African American[s] put in confinement behind bars were the lucky ones was confirmed by white female guest on one of local radio program that was talking about the "CHARLIE" attack incidents in France:
"When authority is not willing to put people behind bars[in confinement]; they start killing them"
[document][January, 2015]
Notee- Just like when the WSTA bus company in the City of Winston-Salem, NC hired African American female prostitute working for white males in secret to drive route #13 to harass,intimidate, patrons-so have those in charge of the staff of the new crime lab been "trained" to process lab tests when the race is marked African American[s] as automaticlly guilty[unless they fall under the "JOHNSON"/Gwyndolyn Gwyn system-that helps white males to abuse/commit ethnic intimidation/cultural transformation on other African American[s];
[Leroy Johnson with Randall Lindsay.]
Picture is CONFIRMATION:A. Of the fact that RandALL is to be used to communciate what those who work in secret for white male system[s] are to do All African American[s] who are not working in secret for white male[s] or who are not a part of the "JOHNSON"- underground "railroad" system; on the other hand anything associated with "JOHNSON" is to be done for blacks who work for white males in secret; [http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/help-mans-water-woes/];
Notee: White male in white jacket just walked in and around the library-to encircle all African American[s] spirits; then walked up to desk to Shey and walked out;
Note:Have blogged about the fact that white males consider AfricanAmerican[s] to be deer because most of them are ignorant of white male[s] tactics of attack and yield to thier system[s]:
Winston-Salem Journal newspaper front page story after "MARSHALL" is that there are "TWO" deer-code-kill the deer[African American[s]; along with article about graveyard[code-put the deer/AFrican American[s] in grave yard; for those who need 911 services- can now text; if they cannot call and if can't get through the reason is already given-which means that African American[s] who recieve cell phone tower service will not be allowed to access cell phone tower service so when they call 911; there will be no response:
A. The WSFC main library system is in the gov. center on Chest"NUT" street and recently posted on the WSFC public library page:

The "QUESTION MARK" is cue to target market; those who ask questions and using technology;
A. the news article: "NEED 911?"; Just TEXT "City, county offer another way to get "HELP";1/13/15;
by Wesley YOUNG;
A.The name "CHARLIE" has recently been in the news associated with "killing";
B. And article in newspaper about Rev. Jessie JACKSON been in news about "TECHNOLOGY";
"Jesse Jackson Calls Tech Hiring ‘Outrageous’"
[ By George E. Curry;NNPA Editor-in-Chief];[http://www.blackpressusa.com/jesse-jackson-calls-tech-hiring-outrageous/#sthash.thlLJfvs.dpbs];"The company acquiesced July 23, disclosing figures that show 59 percent of its staff in the U.S. is made up of Whites; 29 percent Asian; 3 percent Hispanic and 2 percent Black."
\"Most companies have between zero and 3 percent Blacks in their tech workforce; virtually the same for their non-tech workforce.";[notee-which confirms the same plight in the city of Winston-Salem, NC for employment in emergency, etc. services are held by whites];
In the hardcopy of the Carolina Peacemaker Newspaper, there is a picture of Jessie Jackson totally surrounded by white males/people; and the caption under the picture states:
"Jessie Jackson attends an annual Microsoft shareholders meeting, sitting next to former Microsoft CEO "STEVE" BALLmer, who is still the company's largest individual shareholder. Ballmer stepped down from Microsoft's board in August to fous on his $2 billion purchase of the Las Angeles "clippers";
[Therefore anything happening to me/relative, those connected to me; it is those at the WSFC CRB library; those who put/using the WSFC main library at the gov. center downtown on Chest"nut" street; and the local WSFC authoritie[s] who control and operate on Carver Road, Downtown Winston-Salem, NC area, Peterscreek Road area, Hanes Mall area, and Reynolda Road area]:
1. "CHARLIE" system is a 'go' is the article,
"Carver alumnus named state’s top assistant principal"
[Posted On 08 Jan 2015;By : Chanel Davis;[chanel=code for channel-path][http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/01/carver-alumnus-named-states-top-assistant-principal/];
Can't locate picture online; but in hardcopy of the North Carolina Peacemaker; vo.XLVIII, No.41;Jan.7,2015 (usps 091360) there is a picture of Jason Jowers poses with his mother Malinda,
grandmother dorothy D. PATTERSON, wife Monique and dad "JOHN" Jowers who is a decon who comes on the "CHARLIE" Clemmons 1340am radio program on Saturday morning at 8:30 am; which is the same radio station that Fluitt Sr. son [where the name of the church he was attending was changed to "LOVE" ?church to communicate to white males that he was helping them to take love relationship] speaks occasionally;
With the point being that "John" JOWERS who is friend to the "CHARLES" [that every body in the media[white boy network] were saying]who was the only one able to speak about racial issue-in which cityof Winston-salem was digging at Carver and Butterfield where "Charles" drives past on regular basis-which is sending the "Charles threats"; and the point being that the name of "CHARLIE" is code name; and the bastards that live in Carver School Road areas and the city of Winston-Salem are TWO areas where the people/bastards in secret system are recieving messages to attack; thus anything done will be in "SELF DEFENSE";
Note:2015 The Brookings Institution; http://www.brookings.edu/about/programs/economics;
Note: The people in the city of Winston-Salem/Carver School Road area are recieving instructions based on events in France, associated with name "CHARLIE" and "PARIS";which have aready encounter Gwyndolyn Gwyn son who pulled weapon on me-he put his garbage can beside my mailbox to communicate that everything connected with mailbox[since being put back up] is 'trash"-which is not good-means that the Gwydolyn Gwyn group is poised to attack;
Note: And picture of "K"athy [white female] whose name/picture is symbolic with "KKK" system was put back on front page of WSFC public library page with the page of the "Got TECH?" page;
Thus: the message from the "GOT TECH " webpage is threat to AFrican American[s] not workin in secret for white male[s]; that whites control the "technology"; therefore control[s] weather a phone call of any type -especially 911-gets answered or not:
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