529-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winstons-salem, NC, Wake Forest University
1. Walked to the CRB library;got papers[WSJournal(sunday, and todya's 1/12/15) and the last four WS Chronicle); requested reservation for research computer at 1:00pm; which Melodie said it was reserved; I asked for a statement; by 12:35pm Melodie came and gave me statement that the computer had bumped me off of the research computer for 1:00pm and put me on at 1:30pm-harassment; then after went to research computer at 1:30pm black male[loud][trained from 5th St.WSFC main public library before closed][African American males in public places don't have the confidence to be loud unless they know they have backup[working for white males in secret] from downtown] with cain came to me and tried to intimidate my giving him one of the Newspapers that I had spent almost an hour folding and marking so that it would be easier for me to refer to articles; told him and I will try and finish with newspaper as soon as possible and give him the paper; asked him which one he wanted first and when I did not yield the newspaper to him, he went to "Zack",sharlene, and Melissa Williams; which do not know what they told him; but he is sitting at table behind me-which is not good;
2. In the WS Journal newspaper front page; Jan.11, 2015; Sunday article, "ROAD to Opportunities by RICHard Craver article[update] has a map that is not locatable online by either myself or the CRB library; the map shows where INDIANA and AKRON Drive intersect -which is also where there is a graveyard-behind the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center[who put in what looks like gas pipes in stairwell in new building]-so people would not question why the digging; Akron Drive is also where "Rip" wilkins had a business that was attacked by white males;and heard white male who helped with the "TWO" year prepraration of the Reynolds and Wake Forest transfer of "property" that the "whitaker park" building is close to "Highway 52"-which is strange because the ramps to the African americna neighborhoods were closed by white males[DOT] but increased publicity is given for white park to access Highway 52;
Note: Diane Rehm Show guests confirms posts/concepts on blogs that somethings happening at the same time are not coincidences but done intentional;

[Is the photo a true picture of diane Rehm or one of older photos that make her look younger?];
Monday, Jan 12 • 10 a.m. (ET)

Notee: "CHARLIE" is same system as "uncle" "Charlie"[referring to the "CHARLIE" who is an African american who white males develope system to rob][
The above statement held by demostrators in "PARIS"(France) is something about ,"I am "CHARLIE";[notee:close relative name "CHARLIE" and relative name "PARIS"; and as white male guest on the Diane Rehm show stated:
"It is no coincidence that these "TWO" things occured at the same time!"
The white male guest of the Diane Rehm Show speaks of just "two" things occuring at the same time and states that is not a coincidence; where have blogged since 2005 about the "coincidences" which KNOW they are not coincidences];
Note: when listening to the Diane Rehm ShowI am not one of her guest and do not support her ideology of robbery, stealing and killing of innocent African American[s]or global system[s] of robbery;[nottee-which means that when anyone listens to Diane rehm show she is forcing them to agree and particpate in system[s] of robbery devised by white male[s] systems through the statement:
"One of her guests is always you." And as a result a lot of innocent people seeking the truth will be put in categories that makes them the equivalent of crooks and participating in illegal activities];
A. Page A6, WSJournal, Contuation of article, "Lawmaker: reducing delays will be priority"-"LAB"[code-to make NEW Crime Lab a priority and to use the NEW CRIME "LAB" to "TAYLOR" path to "reducing delays";

[Reps. Debra Conrad- a Republican]

TaylorJames Taylor, chairman of the city council's PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, explained why the city decided to move ahead with the lab;[note: blogged about fact that "Burke" [who was chair of city council"s Public Safety Committe] passed the abuse of AFrican American[s] who do not work for white males in secret to James Taylor and that the real purpose of the city council's Public Safety Committe is to devise systems to attack any African American seeking to protect theirself or use self defense to stop abuse by white males system[s];[Notee-have blogged about the fact that James taylor name is used as code word to taylor negative situations for African American[s] in the the city of Winston-Salem, NC.;
"Between January 2010 and the first half of 2014, 35 departing scientists, or 28 percent of the lab's case working scientists, gave "better employment" as an explanation for leaving, according to the annual report by the State Crime Lab, dated Oct. 1."[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/lawmaker-reducing-delays-will-be-priority/article_120d7d5b-ba4d-52d1-bffa-046c6904efe2.html?mode=story];Notee-The 35 scientists and 28% of the lab's case working scientists left because they know the inside secret system that is getting ready to be released on African American[s] and don't want to be a part of it and know that there is nobody to go to stop the abuse/RAILROADING of innocent AFrican American[s];
Attrition is the top concern, he said;
"Attrition: the act of wearing or grinding down by friction"[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%20attrition];=threats to scientists if they did not do as told/join or back down;
"Hanes said last week that he has been in discussions with House Republican leaders to MUSTer bipartisan support for a bill he plans to file. The DETAILS of the BILL must still be worked out; in general terms, it would PROVIDE a "WAY" for local governments PAYING for in-house "EVIDENCE" testing TO BE REIMBUSED by the STATE."[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/lawmaker-reducing-delays-will-be-priority/article_120d7d5b-ba4d-52d1-bffa-046c6904efe2.html?mode=story];
[code-develope secret payment system to pay those who are falsyfying lab tests to entrap African American[s] to remove AFrican American[s] off of the street];
A. Page A6; WS Journal, continuation of article froam page A1 "ROAD"[code-Make "LAB" the "ROAD";
1. "DOT" MONEY may be there;
2. What to do with railroad line?;
3.A challenge to market;
Note:Scott Sexton wrote an article in the WSJournal the day before about the fact that nobody contested the removal of the soldier statue; the next day or so-the following article appeared in the WSJOURNAL:
Note:The article below was entitled, "ROAD to OPPORTUNITIES" by RICHard Craver; but could not locate "map" that article has where the possible road work is to take palce at "AKRON" and "INDIANA" with Akron being the street where the man "Wilkins" had a business but white males attacked so bad that it was closed and the street where "HANES" hosiery recreation center is located; and "INDIANA" is one of the "places where "KEDRA"[neighbor to Cintas] is being sent by "employer' along with trip to "CANada" over next three months-Kedra going to Canada suppose to be code to CINTAS that she [can]steal relationship,lifestyle because white male system[s][which is why "road work" is being done to communicate to "ART" Blevins what or how he is suppose to harass African American]s]if they go to/in area; along with fact that "Hanes" Hosiery recreation center has tubes[like for gas chambers] suppose to be working on blocking wealth of sibbling who does not work in secret for white male[s] system[s];[note:: asked Shey at the Carver Road Branch library to look up article online-she did not; gave article[front page of WSjournal paper to Zacck[white male] to put back on CRB library newspaper stand-which was suppose to go and get the front of the WS Journal newspaper with article"road to opportunities" to communicate working with white males ystem];

[ Name-Whitaker Park-code-WHITE Park]
[Posted: Sunday, January 11, 2015 12:05 am
1. Walked to the CRB library;got papers[WSJournal(sunday, and todya's 1/12/15) and the last four WS Chronicle); requested reservation for research computer at 1:00pm; which Melodie said it was reserved; I asked for a statement; by 12:35pm Melodie came and gave me statement that the computer had bumped me off of the research computer for 1:00pm and put me on at 1:30pm-harassment; then after went to research computer at 1:30pm black male[loud][trained from 5th St.WSFC main public library before closed][African American males in public places don't have the confidence to be loud unless they know they have backup[working for white males in secret] from downtown] with cain came to me and tried to intimidate my giving him one of the Newspapers that I had spent almost an hour folding and marking so that it would be easier for me to refer to articles; told him and I will try and finish with newspaper as soon as possible and give him the paper; asked him which one he wanted first and when I did not yield the newspaper to him, he went to "Zack",sharlene, and Melissa Williams; which do not know what they told him; but he is sitting at table behind me-which is not good;
2. In the WS Journal newspaper front page; Jan.11, 2015; Sunday article, "ROAD to Opportunities by RICHard Craver article[update] has a map that is not locatable online by either myself or the CRB library; the map shows where INDIANA and AKRON Drive intersect -which is also where there is a graveyard-behind the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center[who put in what looks like gas pipes in stairwell in new building]-so people would not question why the digging; Akron Drive is also where "Rip" wilkins had a business that was attacked by white males;and heard white male who helped with the "TWO" year prepraration of the Reynolds and Wake Forest transfer of "property" that the "whitaker park" building is close to "Highway 52"-which is strange because the ramps to the African americna neighborhoods were closed by white males[DOT] but increased publicity is given for white park to access Highway 52;

Note: Diane Rehm Show guests confirms posts/concepts on blogs that somethings happening at the same time are not coincidences but done intentional;
"One of her guests is always you."

[Is the photo a true picture of diane Rehm or one of older photos that make her look younger?];
Monday, Jan 12 • 10 a.m. (ET)
"Terror In France And The Global Response"
"Demonstrators make their way along Place de la Republique during a mass unity rally following the recent terrorist attacks on January 11, 2015 in Paris, France. An estimated one million people converged in central Paris for the Unity March in solidarity with the 17 victims of this week's terrorist attacks in the country. "
Notee: "CHARLIE" is same system as "uncle" "Charlie"[referring to the "CHARLIE" who is an African american who white males develope system to rob][
The above statement held by demostrators in "PARIS"(France) is something about ,"I am "CHARLIE";[notee:close relative name "CHARLIE" and relative name "PARIS"; and as white male guest on the Diane Rehm show stated:
"It is no coincidence that these "TWO" things occured at the same time!"
The white male guest of the Diane Rehm Show speaks of just "two" things occuring at the same time and states that is not a coincidence; where have blogged since 2005 about the "coincidences" which KNOW they are not coincidences];
Note: when listening to the Diane Rehm ShowI am not one of her guest and do not support her ideology of robbery, stealing and killing of innocent African American[s]or global system[s] of robbery;[nottee-which means that when anyone listens to Diane rehm show she is forcing them to agree and particpate in system[s] of robbery devised by white male[s] systems through the statement:
"One of her guests is always you." And as a result a lot of innocent people seeking the truth will be put in categories that makes them the equivalent of crooks and participating in illegal activities];
Note: Like the article, "LAWMAKER: reducing delays will be priority"; front page; January 11,2015, by Bertrand M. Gutierrez[pictures of Conrad[white female] and Hanes[black male]; subttitle: "Reason for problem";
A. Page A6, WSJournal, Contuation of article, "Lawmaker: reducing delays will be priority"-"LAB"[code-to make NEW Crime Lab a priority and to use the NEW CRIME "LAB" to "TAYLOR" path to "reducing delays";
"Lawmaker: Reducing delays will be priority "
[Posted: Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:05 am
[Reps. Debra Conrad- a Republican]

TaylorJames Taylor, chairman of the city council's PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, explained why the city decided to move ahead with the lab;[note: blogged about fact that "Burke" [who was chair of city council"s Public Safety Committe] passed the abuse of AFrican American[s] who do not work for white males in secret to James Taylor and that the real purpose of the city council's Public Safety Committe is to devise systems to attack any African American seeking to protect theirself or use self defense to stop abuse by white males system[s];[Notee-have blogged about the fact that James taylor name is used as code word to taylor negative situations for African American[s] in the the city of Winston-Salem, NC.;
"James Taylor, chairman of the city council's public safety committee, explained why the city decided to move ahead with the lab.";"If you have people who need to be in jail, and you have people who should be exonerated, and you have the state not doing what it's supposed to do, then that's something that we have to deal with. At the local level, we have to hold the line," Taylor said last week."
"Between January 2010 and the first half of 2014, 35 departing scientists, or 28 percent of the lab's case working scientists, gave "better employment" as an explanation for leaving, according to the annual report by the State Crime Lab, dated Oct. 1."[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/lawmaker-reducing-delays-will-be-priority/article_120d7d5b-ba4d-52d1-bffa-046c6904efe2.html?mode=story];Notee-The 35 scientists and 28% of the lab's case working scientists left because they know the inside secret system that is getting ready to be released on African American[s] and don't want to be a part of it and know that there is nobody to go to stop the abuse/RAILROADING of innocent AFrican American[s];
Attrition is the top concern, he said;
"Attrition: the act of wearing or grinding down by friction"[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%20attrition];=threats to scientists if they did not do as told/join or back down;
[Ed Hanes, a Democrat]
[Hanes][note:like Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center where Art Blevins is "coach"]"Hanes said last week that he has been in discussions with House Republican leaders to MUSTer bipartisan support for a bill he plans to file. The DETAILS of the BILL must still be worked out; in general terms, it would PROVIDE a "WAY" for local governments PAYING for in-house "EVIDENCE" testing TO BE REIMBUSED by the STATE."[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/lawmaker-reducing-delays-will-be-priority/article_120d7d5b-ba4d-52d1-bffa-046c6904efe2.html?mode=story];
[code-develope secret payment system to pay those who are falsyfying lab tests to entrap African American[s] to remove AFrican American[s] off of the street];
"Until we find a solution to clear out the backlog, I think the lawmakers have a duty to ... make the wheels of justice run smoothly," Hanes said.[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/lawmaker-reducing-delays-will-be-priority/article_120d7d5b-ba4d-52d1-bffa-046c6904efe2.html?mode=story];[code-everybody KNOWS that AFrican American[s] do not get "JUSTICE" in the United States; and Hanes is referring to Justice for white male[s] system[s] to ensure that white males system[s] of robbery are to run smoothly by hiding the white male[s] crimes against humanity,nature and society];
A. Page A6; WS Journal, continuation of article froam page A1 "ROAD"[code-Make "LAB" the "ROAD";
1. "DOT" MONEY may be there;
2. What to do with railroad line?;
3.A challenge to market;
Note:Scott Sexton wrote an article in the WSJournal the day before about the fact that nobody contested the removal of the soldier statue; the next day or so-the following article appeared in the WSJOURNAL:
"Community members gather for peaceful protest at King Veteran’s Memorial "
[Posted: Sunday, January 11, 2015 11:15 pm[http://www.journalnow.com/]
Note:The article below was entitled, "ROAD to OPPORTUNITIES" by RICHard Craver; but could not locate "map" that article has where the possible road work is to take palce at "AKRON" and "INDIANA" with Akron being the street where the man "Wilkins" had a business but white males attacked so bad that it was closed and the street where "HANES" hosiery recreation center is located; and "INDIANA" is one of the "places where "KEDRA"[neighbor to Cintas] is being sent by "employer' along with trip to "CANada" over next three months-Kedra going to Canada suppose to be code to CINTAS that she [can]steal relationship,lifestyle because white male system[s][which is why "road work" is being done to communicate to "ART" Blevins what or how he is suppose to harass African American]s]if they go to/in area; along with fact that "Hanes" Hosiery recreation center has tubes[like for gas chambers] suppose to be working on blocking wealth of sibbling who does not work in secret for white male[s] system[s];[note:: asked Shey at the Carver Road Branch library to look up article online-she did not; gave article[front page of WSjournal paper to Zacck[white male] to put back on CRB library newspaper stand-which was suppose to go and get the front of the WS Journal newspaper with article"road to opportunities" to communicate working with white males ystem];
"Potential improvements on Akron Drive could bode well for future use of Whitaker Park"
"Road to opportunities"

[ Name-Whitaker Park-code-WHITE Park]
[Posted: Sunday, January 11, 2015 12:05 am
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