526-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB library
Note: When riding the WSTA city of Winston-Salem, NC bus-would take route 16 -which would leave walmart and go to Reynolda Road where it would make a left ?[name of street] onto Reynold Road'; at the corner is a daycare center and they use to have a logo with "hand"; just one had royal blue like it was waving; to show the extent of the bastards tracking; they had the day care center to remove the royal blue hand on their marquee so that now there is something completely different;
The hand on the marquee at the corner of Reynolda Road and [?] across street from a drug store looked like the hands in the Top priority services, llc website[ http://www.topprioritycareservices.com/];
by the white male system[s] having the royal blue hand removed it is suppose to be symbolic of the white male system[s] taking over/winning because the royal blue hand was taken down and suppose to represent knocking down anything good or any good associations;
Posted on blog on 1/7/15 about the fact the the Winston-salem Journal posted picture of African American male and hispanic female with the word "TOP" over the hispanic females head;
A. Confirmation:
African American female prostitute working in secret for white males gave me a ride home from the Salvation Army and gave me a card from where they work:
"TOP"-Priority Care Services, llc:
*The Vision
*Our Mission
Picture in the Winston-salem Journal in the "BUSINESS" section of hispanic under the word "TOP" is code to make hispanics "top" priority over African American[s]-jobs, education, etc.;
Note: [loud pink]Pamlet books for January & Februrary, 2015 are on the counter of the CRb library for computer training [technology] with CRB library http://www.forsythcomputertraining.org/ComputerSkillBuilding.aspx] being listed intentionally twice [typing and basics] and all other classes or "HIGHER" learning at white library's; which include an invitation to "freegal" [music] download listed on the back cover; it reads:
"Select from about 3 million titles from "SONY" Music's catelog contraining some of the most legendary names in the business." [code-every person who selects songs automatically targeted to be tracked and to be harassed, intimidated, life story to be stolen and used by "sony" movie devision][notee-legendary means that "sony" has been stealing/using and defaming people lives for a "long" time, which is why the issue in the news about "sony" pictures being targeted if the show movie "Interview" about the foreign male who lives in a country that the leading countries do not like]:
Note: The Winston-Salem Journal code through "titles" equal threat from Wake Forest to attack Cynthia at Reynolds dept. if continue:

Who [JG] is ever so glad to communicate negative communication to any African American female not working as a prostitute in secret for white males; because he knows he is one of the AFrican American "johns" and knows that the African American female he is involved with is an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males and in order to protect[his relationship with his personal prostitute and the white male system of stealing African American males and giving them to African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret] in the spirit realm, [JG] goes out of his way to communicate to white males/ and any African American female not working as prostitute in secret for white males by communicating negative behavior:
For example instead of going right he may turn around to intentionally go left and if what they say are true that everything takes places in the spirit realm first then it would explain the ["gladman" John's] real job-which is when in an African American females presence who is not working in secret as a prostitute for white males, to send negative communications; and to ensure confirmation amber DICKson was hired temporarily to communicte message;
[picture taken:1/7/17;11:47am];
[Email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 3:48 PM]
[Picture taken:1/7/15;11:47am];
Note: pink blouse behind door shows Johnson's office across the hall:
[Email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:43 PM]
[Picture taken:1/7/15;11:45am];
Note: New White male placed behind me 4 harasment:
[Email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 9:48 PM]
[Picture taken: November/december 2014];
Note:Blogged about the fact that the new movie "ANNIE" is about African American and wealth and that the TV show about Bernie Mac was/connected with same person; also blogged about the fact that bastards told secret group suppose to be gay and couldn't date "males":
In the DVD the nanny is name "ANNIE" and there is "BERNIE" who was the nanny to same white boy; also in DVD there are scenes that give "ANNIE" 's status, title, relationship, etc. and lists various things about "ANNIE" such as gay, then not gay and dating; movie was made in 2007[new];
Also in the DVD Nanny Diaries was the mention of "JOHNny COCKerham" the African American attorney that all of a sudden died from a sudden illness-which posted on blog that the white male[s] medical system killed him so that he could not be called to be attorney for 20+years of documented harassment=would have meant African American[s] beating the white male system;
In the DVD- "Nanny Diaries" in one of the commercials for a movie, it is stated, "OH! so you killed Johnny Cockerham too?"
Note:White male put in front 4 harassment;crb library-one of the new white male[s].jpg
[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:42 PM]
[Picture taken:in November, 2014];
White male in picture[knows what he is doing like the white male that was put at the 5th street publci library in the small business section to tell African Amerians- "JESUS wants you to start a cleaning business";
he is one of the white males who started showing up after the 5th street WSFC main public library recently closed; and has tried to approach with his inner knowledge that white males abuse African American females who do not prostitute for white males;\
Note: When riding the WSTA city of Winston-Salem, NC bus-would take route 16 -which would leave walmart and go to Reynolda Road where it would make a left ?[name of street] onto Reynold Road'; at the corner is a daycare center and they use to have a logo with "hand"; just one had royal blue like it was waving; to show the extent of the bastards tracking; they had the day care center to remove the royal blue hand on their marquee so that now there is something completely different;
The hand on the marquee at the corner of Reynolda Road and [?] across street from a drug store looked like the hands in the Top priority services, llc website[ http://www.topprioritycareservices.com/];
by the white male system[s] having the royal blue hand removed it is suppose to be symbolic of the white male system[s] taking over/winning because the royal blue hand was taken down and suppose to represent knocking down anything good or any good associations;
French police swoop on villages after Paris attack suspects seen
Posted on blog on 1/7/15 about the fact the the Winston-salem Journal posted picture of African American male and hispanic female with the word "TOP" over the hispanic females head;
A. Confirmation:
African American female prostitute working in secret for white males gave me a ride home from the Salvation Army and gave me a card from where they work:
"TOP"-Priority Care Services, llc:
*The Vision
*Our Mission
Picture in the Winston-salem Journal in the "BUSINESS" section of hispanic under the word "TOP" is code to make hispanics "top" priority over African American[s]-jobs, education, etc.;
Note: [loud pink]Pamlet books for January & Februrary, 2015 are on the counter of the CRb library for computer training [technology] with CRB library http://www.forsythcomputertraining.org/ComputerSkillBuilding.aspx] being listed intentionally twice [typing and basics] and all other classes or "HIGHER" learning at white library's; which include an invitation to "freegal" [music] download listed on the back cover; it reads:
"Select from about 3 million titles from "SONY" Music's catelog contraining some of the most legendary names in the business." [code-every person who selects songs automatically targeted to be tracked and to be harassed, intimidated, life story to be stolen and used by "sony" movie devision][notee-legendary means that "sony" has been stealing/using and defaming people lives for a "long" time, which is why the issue in the news about "sony" pictures being targeted if the show movie "Interview" about the foreign male who lives in a country that the leading countries do not like]:
Note: The Winston-Salem Journal code through "titles" equal threat from Wake Forest to attack Cynthia at Reynolds dept. if continue:

In which Reynolds and Wake Forest/Univeristy have been working together in partnership for a long time; and being that like "SONY" pictures[legendary] have developed a secret code system-which includes that of Cynthia being harassed, intimidated, etc. if help family members; specifically ones associated with the secret code system associated with the name "SAVANAH" on the today show:
A. New white female was just hired at the -------s ---cock ---------n [non-profit] by the name of "SAVANAH" who it was reported that worked for "CNN" as a freelancer[?];[notee-also suppose to be the bastards stealing what "Today" show is suppose to be communicating about me-which is extremely negative];
"Reynolds donates Whitaker Park to group that includes Wake Forest "
[Posted: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 10:51 am | Updated: 7:51 pm, Wed Jan 7, 2015.
Whitaker park-code name for white park- pay cynthia at --------- ---cock ---------- with promise to keep Godly African American females from "cock"[African American male[s]];
Note: Picture of amber dickson-dixon,who had pink blouse hanging behind her door:
[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 2:07 PM]
[Picture taken: 1/7/15;12:06pm];
Originally amber dixon introduced herself amber "DICKson", then laughed, noticed there was a sign behind door that said, "Quite recording in process" and a webcam on her computer; did not give anyone permission to record me in any manner;
Note:Picture of the gladman john:
[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 7:08 PM]
[Picture taken: 1/7/15;11:48am];
[Notice JOHN Gladman's pink shirt]Who [JG] is ever so glad to communicate negative communication to any African American female not working as a prostitute in secret for white males; because he knows he is one of the AFrican American "johns" and knows that the African American female he is involved with is an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males and in order to protect[his relationship with his personal prostitute and the white male system of stealing African American males and giving them to African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret] in the spirit realm, [JG] goes out of his way to communicate to white males/ and any African American female not working as prostitute in secret for white males by communicating negative behavior:
For example instead of going right he may turn around to intentionally go left and if what they say are true that everything takes places in the spirit realm first then it would explain the ["gladman" John's] real job-which is when in an African American females presence who is not working in secret as a prostitute for white males, to send negative communications; and to ensure confirmation amber DICKson was hired temporarily to communicte message;
Note: Picture of the pink blouse hanging behind amber dixon/DICKson door:
[Email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 3:48 PM]
Proof and confirmation about the bastards stealing "pink" PJ's; why they have pink blouse behind door-suppose to represent female-behind the door of Dixon/DICKson office-suppose to be the "dick" door is behind person in life[call it witch craft];
Note: Pink blouse BEHINDamber dixon/dickson door:
Note: pink blouse behind amber dixon door:

[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:21 PM]
[picture taken:1/7/15; 11:45am];

[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:21 PM]
[picture taken:1/7/15; 11:45am];
Another picture of the same shir pink shirt behind door/view shows black chair and floor; there was no space behind the door;
Note: pink blouse behind door shows Johnson's office across the hall:
[Email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:43 PM]
[Picture taken:1/7/15;11:45am];
Note: New White male placed behind me 4 harasment:
Note:Blogged about the fact that the new movie "ANNIE" is about African American and wealth and that the TV show about Bernie Mac was/connected with same person; also blogged about the fact that bastards told secret group suppose to be gay and couldn't date "males":
The Nanny Diaries (2007)
[Cover of DVD is different from the above DVD]
In the DVD the nanny is name "ANNIE" and there is "BERNIE" who was the nanny to same white boy; also in DVD there are scenes that give "ANNIE" 's status, title, relationship, etc. and lists various things about "ANNIE" such as gay, then not gay and dating; movie was made in 2007[new];
Also in the DVD Nanny Diaries was the mention of "JOHNny COCKerham" the African American attorney that all of a sudden died from a sudden illness-which posted on blog that the white male[s] medical system killed him so that he could not be called to be attorney for 20+years of documented harassment=would have meant African American[s] beating the white male system;
In the DVD- "Nanny Diaries" in one of the commercials for a movie, it is stated, "OH! so you killed Johnny Cockerham too?"
Note: resent two pictures of white males at the CRB library that did not show in email sent over the Christmas holidays;which other pictures such as those taken at the Salvation army have come through email; but not the picture of the Two white males[?];
Note:White male put in front 4 harassment;crb library-one of the new white male[s].jpg
[email sent-Thursday, January 8, 2015 4:42 PM]
[Picture taken:in November, 2014];
White male in picture[knows what he is doing like the white male that was put at the 5th street publci library in the small business section to tell African Amerians- "JESUS wants you to start a cleaning business";
he is one of the white males who started showing up after the 5th street WSFC main public library recently closed; and has tried to approach with his inner knowledge that white males abuse African American females who do not prostitute for white males;\
"Sexton: Police restraint after local shooting speaks volumes "
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