539.Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University, CRB library
1.Rode the WSTA route ? bus to CRB library; dead bird had been placed at corner of Carver Road and Lansing Dr[threat to African Americans];
2a. Posted on blog some months ago[during the summer/fall of 2014] that has sent an email[posted email on blog/have copies]to :
Johnnie Taylor,
WSFC Sanitation Director
Stated to Johnnie Taylor that to remove the sanitation container at the corner where royal blue WSFC bin had been, would have communicated to the group around me that they could do whatever they wanted to me; like they did to the 3 people/musl-ms thate were killed over the weekend:[Of which mr. Johnnie Taylor was sentmesage that if he assisted/interfered to help person being harassed; that he would fall to a fate that was similar to the 3people/musl-ms which was communicated through article published about/during the same week [help was sought to stop harassment]by the other TAYLOR who has a organization that help black mails that had been jailed:
City Council
1.Rode the WSTA route ? bus to CRB library; dead bird had been placed at corner of Carver Road and Lansing Dr[threat to African Americans];
2a. Posted on blog some months ago[during the summer/fall of 2014] that has sent an email[posted email on blog/have copies]to :
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WSFC Sanitation Director
Stated to Johnnie Taylor that to remove the sanitation container at the corner where royal blue WSFC bin had been, would have communicated to the group around me that they could do whatever they wanted to me; like they did to the 3 people/musl-ms thate were killed over the weekend:[Of which mr. Johnnie Taylor was sentmesage that if he assisted/interfered to help person being harassed; that he would fall to a fate that was similar to the 3people/musl-ms which was communicated through article published about/during the same week [help was sought to stop harassment]by the other TAYLOR who has a organization that help black mails that had been jailed:
City Council

Council Member
Democrat, Southeast Ward
email James Taylor, Jr.
858 Shalimar Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27107
This week the media said that three people/musl-ms were killed by a person who was angry because the musl-ms would not stop parking in the "visitors" parking space;whch everybody said made no since; in actuality the issue was that the newly "WED" musl-ms female would not turn over control of her marriage to white males; so since the musl-m female would not turn over secret control of the marriage; the punishment was the result-the three musl-ms were killed; with the "parking" in spaces being used as coded communication;
In Chapel Hill Shooting of 3 Muslims, a Question of Motive
[ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/12/us/muslim-student-shootings-north-carolina.html];Which is why have not removed the sanitation bin/after the WSFC warning ticket was given after clost to two years of having the royal blue bin in the same exact location with no nterference from WSCF depts.'
2b. Fortunately or unforunately the above was confirmed about the TWO different systems to the point that on Redi Radio on 2/12/15 -both of the radio show talk hosts were in shock because if people move the idem or park in the parking space-the result could be the equivalent of the 3/people/ musl-ms that habe been killed over the weekend;
And based on Redi radio program radio talk show host the system operates on no one has rights unless the group gives you rights, with the "group" decding who can have, do or say, to the point that the "group"decides who the person is regardless of who they actually are-whichhave stated on blog that white male system leaving the boarders open to the United States, as well as trying to flood the african American neighborhoods with hispanics, and those who knocked down the World Trade Towers/Twin Towers; which a 2nd system just like the first in in the process of being developed with Prince William and Dutches "Kathy" baby[name] being used as code to communicate about the 'new' system;
Note: by killing NEWLY WEDDED couple-sent message to all musl-m females that if they do not work as prostitutes for white males in secret -results will be the same;
3. The Lowrance,.Hanes Middle schools have ben divided up with each grad going to a different school; because the parents/white were upset about the contamination of chemicals under the schools; which both schools were in news papers with WHITE students shining-making the schools identified on a national basis as white- when the majority of the students who have been at Hanes/Lowrance have been 100% African American[s]; but now that there are white students/parents who were position to get compensation for breathing fouls air and drinking fowl water; the both schools are moving and splitting up the grades so it willharder to track who gets what money;
And know that system of robbery is being operated by re routing the black parents and students to avoid their getting moneyh and routing white students and parents so that they get paid money; same system is being operated at Carver High School; where bats are living in/above/around the CRB school; which were there at remodeling; but were not removed-because means black parents would have to be paid; white students parent now in process of being position to identify the crb school as white-while the African American student and parent are being redirected to other locations;know because the tree that Duke Energy cut wrongly; left opening in tree-where bats trying to make home-them come from Carver School;
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