560-gm7 Michael Brown, Ferguson, Mo., Wake Forest University,winston-Salem, NC
1. Recently[especially yesterday][after sent letter to Mayor] Beverly at the CRRC has has to "touch" me and my personal belongings-because white male[s] sent the message they should excercise caution when dealing with me vs harassing and treating any kind of way;
2. CINTAS appars to be doing the opposite-because the white male[visus] has communicated that CINTAS needs to fear me; being that posted that AFrican American[s] need to be like a body that is healthy under attack by a vrus-which is "fight back";
3. Upon reflecting on the post posted on 7/2/15-white male[s] virus are in the process of altering their appearance-which is that the letter sent to the Mayor's office should/would produce a response; which there has been a response in/through the local newspaper[s]; just not in the mail to a "citizen"[which has a lot of resemblence to what "burke" did when informed about harassment/intimidtion about "job" and "work"]:
A. 1st title to article=upper right hand corner=RARE plant in "K"ernersville garder-code="KKK's" be cautious "rare" situation concerning issues;
B. 2nd article-"HER"blife adding 300 more "JOBS" by 2018 with a picture of McCory and Mayor Joines[appearance] to the left;
Article by "RICH"ard Craver=code-come join white male[s] and be "rich";
[note: coded page-"Officers" supervisors aware; they will not suffer-payment is join, white males-payment through a "JOB" and long as you do as told =Money-more payment than the other people in Winston-Salem-that is how Bernard "powell" got his 50,000.00 a year "job"];
C.3rd.- Article/front page-[to far left]Seeds of "HOPE" by Jenny Drabble;"Faith based[church] day camp helps "children" devleop charcter, establish self-worth-code- White male[s] virus changing/altering it's appearance to achieve the same objective;[picture of a little black boy swinging while a little white boy sits on a table beside "cautious" cones][note: posted on 7/2/15 on blog that Mia "LOVE" and Jean[name of relative] "Dominique" were connected with white male[s] seeking control of AFrican American "love" relationship-confirmation="faith based article" in the WS Journal-which is to send "hope" to all of the African American prostitutes sitting in the black churches who work for white males in secret];
D. 4th- Article [to the far right]- "Officer charged in fatal crash; by Michael Hewlett;-code the authority[s] will be delth with;[note-first article about "officer"-code-the authority supervisors are aware-they will lose nothing-business as usual];
E. 5th-Article[to far right under the 4th article]-TWO officers " cleared in shooting;by Michael Hewlett;[note=2nd article about "officer"-code-however what ever authority did-will not be delt with];
Confirmation of above code:
1. On the front page of the WS Journal website the ad for "Mast" [code for master]general store comes up:
2. The 2nd issue dealing with "boy scouts" and black male;[which is the theme of the "mormon" religion]; in the Winston-salem Journal; the first was with "Jean Dominique:

[James Thomas Davis, a former Winston-Salem scoutmaster, pleaded guilty to charges he sexually abused two boys 30 years ago.]; [http://www.journalnow.com/news/crime/former-winston-salem-scout-leader-pleads-guilty-to-molesting-members/article_6ab81286-2123-11e5-aad4-9b4b5b181432.html]
3. Page A6. aricle-"Woman charged with helping prison escapee-who is a black male; vs. Joyce-the white lady who helped TWO white male prisioners escape;cont. article: DAVIS[name of person who contacted the WS authorities for me when Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son pulled weapon on me; cont. article: Shark; cont.artitcle: Remains; cont. article: Moped;
F. Article in"BUSINESS" section: Food Lioin to Pay worker over religious "claim"; by RICHard Craver;page A13; july 3,2015; which the article is almost exactly what I have experienced-EXCEPT the EEOC fought that person's case and they won and Food Lion has to pay them within 15 days; "Jean Dominique" sued for 6.5 million dollars because some white males did not respond to 4 times; I filed with the EEOC in 2009 and this is 2015, not to mention how many times I have not gotten a response=1-to recognized as a human being that has been abused=code-through the WS Journal=black "b-i-t-ch" reconize-everything that is suppose to happen in my life=there should have been "money payment along with outrage at what city of winston-salem employees, etc., have done to me-instead-the use my pain to pay their bastards=f-u-c-k you bastards;= bastard Carl Rowe[the communist] just came and forcibly knocked down some chairs because did not accept their SECRET TRADE system=black old female came and sat at computer beside me-if had stayed=meant I was in agreement-I moved and exactly as I thought-she immediately left; then Carl Lowe came to seat beside and and started slamming around chairs to desk in an intimidating manner-code-don't take what white male[s] offering-jail only other option=there are no security guards at any of the other libraries except the black one[s]=WHY?;[kind of like what hitler did/keep people from books/knowledge];
J. Front page article of the WS Chronicle by "Wake " Forest University about any "skin" color can "BURN"=[kkk] code-like burning of skin;
4. Since been talking to local agency about doing story about my needing help-living in house with no lights and water/the WS chronicle has produced TWO stories; one last week or week before last and in the July 2,2015 is the following story-which posted blog about the bastard [who works for white males in secret]that kept my relative[s] cars and one had to "beg" to get their car back to go to work] D. C. Dodd[church member, member of gospel band-go to church every sunday]:this is not to all verteran[s] but DC Dodd is a crook and a robber of AFrican American[s] wealth:
D. C. Dodd]
[Posted On 02 Jul 2015;By : Todd Luck][http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/07/veteran-wounded-korean-war-needs-help/]; fact that the article is by tod "LUCK"-code to secret group-person in place to block the real person who suppose to get help and DC DODD to get paid=robbery;
5. Confirmation is also article:
[In above photo: Suzanne Reynolds who was just named the new Dean of the School of Law (Submitted photo:from Wake Forest law school)[Suzanne Reynolds was promoted because of name=code=sue=reynolds- whose name will be used to let white male[s] know when someone is suing them];[note: that is the building where the security guard-illegally put me out of and gave a "warning" ticket; which Wake Forest Univerisity was a federally funded "PULBIC ACCESS" library;[see how people get rewarded and promoted from my pain];http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/07/wfu-names-1st-woman-law-school-dean/
http://www.justice.gov/crt/complaint/ [would appreciate if a real person who reads the post about the letter sent to the Mayor of Winston-Salem would send it to the United States Justice Dept. because haven't been able to get an email to work];
1. Recently[especially yesterday][after sent letter to Mayor] Beverly at the CRRC has has to "touch" me and my personal belongings-because white male[s] sent the message they should excercise caution when dealing with me vs harassing and treating any kind of way;
2. CINTAS appars to be doing the opposite-because the white male[visus] has communicated that CINTAS needs to fear me; being that posted that AFrican American[s] need to be like a body that is healthy under attack by a vrus-which is "fight back";
3. Upon reflecting on the post posted on 7/2/15-white male[s] virus are in the process of altering their appearance-which is that the letter sent to the Mayor's office should/would produce a response; which there has been a response in/through the local newspaper[s]; just not in the mail to a "citizen"[which has a lot of resemblence to what "burke" did when informed about harassment/intimidtion about "job" and "work"]:
A. 1st title to article=upper right hand corner=RARE plant in "K"ernersville garder-code="KKK's" be cautious "rare" situation concerning issues;
B. 2nd article-"HER"blife adding 300 more "JOBS" by 2018 with a picture of McCory and Mayor Joines[appearance] to the left;
Article by "RICH"ard Craver=code-come join white male[s] and be "rich";
[note: coded page-"Officers" supervisors aware; they will not suffer-payment is join, white males-payment through a "JOB" and long as you do as told =Money-more payment than the other people in Winston-Salem-that is how Bernard "powell" got his 50,000.00 a year "job"];
C.3rd.- Article/front page-[to far left]Seeds of "HOPE" by Jenny Drabble;"Faith based[church] day camp helps "children" devleop charcter, establish self-worth-code- White male[s] virus changing/altering it's appearance to achieve the same objective;[picture of a little black boy swinging while a little white boy sits on a table beside "cautious" cones][note: posted on 7/2/15 on blog that Mia "LOVE" and Jean[name of relative] "Dominique" were connected with white male[s] seeking control of AFrican American "love" relationship-confirmation="faith based article" in the WS Journal-which is to send "hope" to all of the African American prostitutes sitting in the black churches who work for white males in secret];
D. 4th- Article [to the far right]- "Officer charged in fatal crash; by Michael Hewlett;-code the authority[s] will be delth with;[note-first article about "officer"-code-the authority supervisors are aware-they will lose nothing-business as usual];
E. 5th-Article[to far right under the 4th article]-TWO officers " cleared in shooting;by Michael Hewlett;[note=2nd article about "officer"-code-however what ever authority did-will not be delt with];
Confirmation of above code:
1. On the front page of the WS Journal website the ad for "Mast" [code for master]general store comes up:
2. The 2nd issue dealing with "boy scouts" and black male;[which is the theme of the "mormon" religion]; in the Winston-salem Journal; the first was with "Jean Dominique:
"Former Winston-Salem Scout leader pleads guilty to molesting members of troop in 1980s"

[James Thomas Davis, a former Winston-Salem scoutmaster, pleaded guilty to charges he sexually abused two boys 30 years ago.]; [http://www.journalnow.com/news/crime/former-winston-salem-scout-leader-pleads-guilty-to-molesting-members/article_6ab81286-2123-11e5-aad4-9b4b5b181432.html]
3. Page A6. aricle-"Woman charged with helping prison escapee-who is a black male; vs. Joyce-the white lady who helped TWO white male prisioners escape;cont. article: DAVIS[name of person who contacted the WS authorities for me when Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son pulled weapon on me; cont. article: Shark; cont.artitcle: Remains; cont. article: Moped;
F. Article in"BUSINESS" section: Food Lioin to Pay worker over religious "claim"; by RICHard Craver;page A13; july 3,2015; which the article is almost exactly what I have experienced-EXCEPT the EEOC fought that person's case and they won and Food Lion has to pay them within 15 days; "Jean Dominique" sued for 6.5 million dollars because some white males did not respond to 4 times; I filed with the EEOC in 2009 and this is 2015, not to mention how many times I have not gotten a response=1-to recognized as a human being that has been abused=code-through the WS Journal=black "b-i-t-ch" reconize-everything that is suppose to happen in my life=there should have been "money payment along with outrage at what city of winston-salem employees, etc., have done to me-instead-the use my pain to pay their bastards=f-u-c-k you bastards;= bastard Carl Rowe[the communist] just came and forcibly knocked down some chairs because did not accept their SECRET TRADE system=black old female came and sat at computer beside me-if had stayed=meant I was in agreement-I moved and exactly as I thought-she immediately left; then Carl Lowe came to seat beside and and started slamming around chairs to desk in an intimidating manner-code-don't take what white male[s] offering-jail only other option=there are no security guards at any of the other libraries except the black one[s]=WHY?;[kind of like what hitler did/keep people from books/knowledge];
J. Front page article of the WS Chronicle by "Wake " Forest University about any "skin" color can "BURN"=[kkk] code-like burning of skin;
4. Since been talking to local agency about doing story about my needing help-living in house with no lights and water/the WS chronicle has produced TWO stories; one last week or week before last and in the July 2,2015 is the following story-which posted blog about the bastard [who works for white males in secret]that kept my relative[s] cars and one had to "beg" to get their car back to go to work] D. C. Dodd[church member, member of gospel band-go to church every sunday]:this is not to all verteran[s] but DC Dodd is a crook and a robber of AFrican American[s] wealth:
"Veteran wounded in Korean War needs help"
D. C. Dodd]
[Posted On 02 Jul 2015;By : Todd Luck][http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/07/veteran-wounded-korean-war-needs-help/]; fact that the article is by tod "LUCK"-code to secret group-person in place to block the real person who suppose to get help and DC DODD to get paid=robbery;
5. Confirmation is also article:
'WFU names 1st woman law school dean"
[In above photo: Suzanne Reynolds who was just named the new Dean of the School of Law (Submitted photo:from Wake Forest law school)[Suzanne Reynolds was promoted because of name=code=sue=reynolds- whose name will be used to let white male[s] know when someone is suing them];[note: that is the building where the security guard-illegally put me out of and gave a "warning" ticket; which Wake Forest Univerisity was a federally funded "PULBIC ACCESS" library;[see how people get rewarded and promoted from my pain];http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/07/wfu-names-1st-woman-law-school-dean/
http://www.justice.gov/crt/complaint/ [would appreciate if a real person who reads the post about the letter sent to the Mayor of Winston-Salem would send it to the United States Justice Dept. because haven't been able to get an email to work];
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