560 13L-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB library
1. Today is a TWO day;
2. Melissa Williams-running around with a blouse with a ‘royal blue’ cross on the back[?]; kept walking in area where research computer is;
3.Posted about "JOBS on:
"How to get a job"
4.Of which find it interesting about the TWO small plane crashes[which road on a small plane to visit relative about two years ago];
A. [WSJ] "TWO die in samll-plance crash in "Davie"[david code name] county", "The plane had just departed TWIN" Lakes Airport"; by "Jordan" Howse
B. [WSJ] "Officials identify 3 killed in plane crash",Cause of crash that killed Pa. Attorney, his family still unknown;by Wesley "YOUNG";September 9, 2015;
with article "LOVING" touch[loving code for "sex]; by Walt Unks; September 9, 2015;[Of which the TWO small airplane crashes occured within a small fraction of time];like "DAVIS" a white female in Kentucy was set free from jail for not doing what white males say; but "DAVIS"[white male by name of Davis was found guilty of child molestion and sentenced to years in prison in Winston-Salem courts];
5. [WS Chronicle]Article, "Black Doctor from DUKE[name of the sports team of guy why wears royal blue who wanted to date me] tells of bias during career, "Dr. Damon[first name of Damon Sanders -Pratt who picture is on the fornt page of the WSJ in article, "County to set library contract", forsyth commissioners scheduled to vote sepot. 14 on $28 million]Tweedy set to speak during Bookmarks Festival of Books; by Tevin Stinson;
In which Dr. Tweedy stated [p.A2;WS chronicle]that "Not so long ago, they were segregating wards, and experimenting on blacks with permission[in reality they are still experimenting on blacks-the $28 million is pay off to blacks working in white male library system[s] to keep quiet-why there are TWO "Damon's" in the media-the damon at the WSFC library is probably well aware of blacks being used for experiment[s] without their permission;
Copy of article posted on "How to get a Job"
1. At the CRB library; road the WSTA city bus; minister walker driver-who after young african american female got on bus and i got off at the next stop-put down the senior level on the green bus for me to get off of-how bus drivers are trained that if they want to stay young and don't die they better make sure that African Americans over 25 are treated as seniors;
2. Came into the CRB library, where when tried to sign in on computers; computer stated that i was not allowed to sign in and check with librarian; which checked with "mayhand" in the childrens dept. who said that there was a 20.00 fine on ticket for a dvd of "children's ten pack"; which she gave me a slip that said "forgive"; which I gave back to her and told her that I was giving her back the $20.00 slip because I never checked out the dvd; which asked "shey" while "mayhand" was looking for the maybe displaced dvd, to give me a printout of my account and it had one book on it; which is what it should have had; "mayhand" call herself taking over in spirit realm and knows that her participation in the abuse/ethnic intimidation is wrong; along with her trying to fixx white males systems of abuse of AFrican American[s] to help them while keeping her job= ?; point is all of it is a "LIE" created and designed by workers of white males=not good for AFrican American[s] not working for white males;
3. Which brings me to the 3rd point is that of:
"Kentucky county clerk refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses"

"The Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples"
White female "jailed" for not doing what white male[s] told her to do[which is why most AFrican American[s] are put in jail]; and the result was that of being rescued by the good white male[s][which most African Americans never get to experience]; which the issue was related to Rowan County Clerk "Kim Davis" "JOB; which is why most AFrican American[s] were terminated during the 2008 "bail out" crisis-which now know was code to "get out African American[s] out of employment that are not doing what white males tell them to do; thus the millions of African American[s] who income stopped suddenly ;
A. Includes the headlines in the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, NC.:[done by date]:
1.[WSJ] Winston-Salem Open poised to make first "profit" Officials estimate local economic impact of $4million by "RICH"ard Craver; August 25,2015;
2.[Response by the Winston-Salem Chronicle]:
""GOODWILL" career and "Prosperity" wants to spread the word: We're here"; by Telvin Stinson;August 27,2015;[message is that there is no need for blacks to lack "JOBS"; they can come to the goodwill center where - the code is to train all blacks for transition of what belongs to AFrican American[s] to whites;[where bridget [who works for white males in secret] son work[s] and where those in charge and at the goodwill on University would not stop him from harassing me-because bridget is part of the secret group];
3. [WSJ]Forsyth County DSS facing 95 vancancies" blacklog of medicaid applications at 500; by Meghann Evans[code for even];Auguest 28,2015;[which is response that there are jobs available; 95 jobs at the DSS alone, so what is the problem?];
4.[WSJ] "The road to glory days"key change, loss started asu's magical run 10 years ago";by Brant[bridgets son name] Wilkerson-NEW; August 30, 2015:
5.[WSJ] "TRUNOVER at the TOP" 21 shcools in Forsyth County welcome new principals; by Arika HERron; August 30,2015:
6. [WSJ] "SLEEP LAB technician fings right "JOB" fit for limited vision; by "RICH"ard Craver;September 7, 2015:[code about where white males were experimenting on AFrican American[s] who were raised to not be subservant to white males who were students at A&T State University in Greensboro, NC]
7. [WSJ] "Local employers scale back hiring plans"; page A11 [code for 9-11;TWIN towers;World trade center]; by "RICH"ard Craver; September 8,2015;[code to local employers to scale back hiring of AFrican American[s];[RIC];
8.[WSJ] "Forsyth schools STILL HIRING", high school math positions are partuicularly hard to fill, officials say; by Arika HERron; Spetember 9,2015;[code that jobs are available if people get the training-but there is nothing about the fact that the same bastards threaten AFrican American[s]who have been trained educationally and trained not to be subservent to white male are threaten with "confinement/jail" if they pursue a "JOB" in the white male[s] systems:
"Schools still hiring"[Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 10:30 pm;
Of which find it interesting about the TWO small plane crashes[which road on a small plane to visit relative about two years ago];
A. [WSJ] "TWO die in samll-plance crash in "Davie"[david code name] county", "The plane had just departed TWIN" Lakes Airport"; by "Jordan" Howse;
questionable=[WSJ]" Activist who brought down rebel flag: 'Enough is enough';p.a4;by "JOHN" hinton;September 3, 2015;
with the article, by SEXton, "Judge overstepped role in lengthy, costly trial [6,200 a day-being offered to somebody];
which am also posting picture to show how white male[s] systems give other white people illusions concerning AFrican American[s] and "JOBS"
Which thing the subheadlines are worth mentioning on page A5 where there is a picture of Melissa Harris Perry from wake forest university; with the subheadlines being in order:
1. FLAG; 2. CASE; 3. SEXton;
And the subheadline on page A4 under the article of "Enough is Enough' with three black females sitting on stage with TWO white males:
4. TEXT ALERT: When syncing gets you "sunk"- CASE hightlights need to keep "work" private, phones seperate"; by Margaret Moffett;with side article, "gasoline a LABOR day "BARGAIN""=code to Melissa Harris Perry and others to keep quiet about their being secret prostitutes working for white males in secret and they will get a good deal[money,etc] to the tune of $6,200 a day-when things calm down,etc.]
B. [WSJ] "Officials identify 3 killed in plane crash",Cause of crash that killed Pa. Attorney, his family still unknown;by Wesley "YOUNG";September 9, 2015;
with article "LOVING" touch[loving code for "sex]; by Walt Unks; September 9, 2015;
[Of which the TWO small airplane crashes occured within a small fraction of time];like "DAVIS" a white female in Kentucy was set free from jail for not doing what white males say; but "DAVIS"[white male by name of Davis was found guilty of child molestion and sentenced to years in prison in Winston-Salem courts];
Which all of the above are codes transmited throught he local newspaper to local group of people who when it all comes out in the washing are working for other countries that are trying to take the United States over; which is why in all of the local news-there is nothing about Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis [http://news.yahoo.com/photos/kentucky-county-clerk-refuses-to-issue-same-sex-marriage-licenses-1441111490-slideshow/] and the issue on her job-because 99.99% of the people have to do what white males tell them or they do not have a job-usually the white male employers just fire them;
Of which [WSJ] article, "Tougher rules for jobless benefits", bill stirs impassioned debatye fefore NC house approves it; by "RICH"ard Craver; August 21, 2015;
which is confirmation that while white male[s] sytem[s] put it in the media that there are plenty of jobs, etc. while at the same time informing African American[s]-most people know that white people can get jobs if they apply themselves-sort of like an in house secret;
Which heard on the 9/7/15 on 97 am radio show; Hugh Hewitt Labor day radio show guest -Joe Hill, who was talking about AFrican Americans in the labor market and made the statement, "There are over 900,000 vacant houses in Detroit, why doesn't the city just give the houses to people instead of knocking them down? The answer was, "FIRST" there must be LAW and ORDER=translatioin-First AFrican American[s] have to understand that 'everything' that they do to earn an income or to prosper is done to prosper the culture and lifestyle of White[s] male[s]; their family, etc.; which is why African American[s] do not have businesses that advance the AFrican American culture; they have jobs/businesses but only if they agree to advance white male[s] family/system[s] which are designed to tear down/destroy AFrican American culture and it makes no difference if the African American[s] are good/honest/God fearing/loving people who would not hurt a fly; the issue is what culture are they[African American[s]] working to advance-Black or white?
Which the commentator HUGH Hewitt asked the same question I asked way before 2008; when the Wachovia built a new building and moved a few blocks away, mindset was not African American[s] can move up economically-like down town=wrong, the old wachovia building stood empty until about two years ago with the message being-white males will let the building rot, before they would allow African American[s] who are not subserviant to white males to have access to it; which is why what is happing in Detroit, the white males had control over all the blacks, when they encountered a black person who would not yield to white males control like "Kim Davis"; the white males started the process to destroy the black city; and that is why white male[s] who control Detroit will not give African American[s] houses/buildings unless they agree to be subserviant/slaves to white male[s] which is agreeing to let white male[s] be in control of everything in their life-which is what Melissa William[s], shey,[carl the communist security guard] etc. do-give control of their life-especially thier bed to white male[s]-which is prostitution;
Which is why the real African American[s] should be in the streets, but in actuality the real African American[s] are still sleep because the fake African American[s]-like Melissa Harris Perry/Melissa Williams,etc. who are some of the ones working for white males in secret and who symbolize they blacks that are the ones out in the streets working for white male[s] to take over what belongs to AFrican American[s]; may God have mercy when the real African American[s] wake up and realize what the fake blacks and the white male[s] have stolen and done to them as a race;especially concerning "JOB" and earning "income";
[note: new screen on the WSFC public library computers[took picture][the words, "personal session man" keeps popping up; Shey the CRb libarian stated-it is something connected to "sam"-the library monitoring system]-Thus am not in agreement with nothing you bastards do concerning "men"/man in my life-watch];
[note: there is a new hispanic female volunteer=? at theCRB library-who just tried to walk a circle around me];
1. Today is a TWO day;
2. Melissa Williams-running around with a blouse with a ‘royal blue’ cross on the back[?]; kept walking in area where research computer is;
3.Posted about "JOBS on:
"How to get a job"
4.Of which find it interesting about the TWO small plane crashes[which road on a small plane to visit relative about two years ago];
A. [WSJ] "TWO die in samll-plance crash in "Davie"[david code name] county", "The plane had just departed TWIN" Lakes Airport"; by "Jordan" Howse
B. [WSJ] "Officials identify 3 killed in plane crash",Cause of crash that killed Pa. Attorney, his family still unknown;by Wesley "YOUNG";September 9, 2015;
with article "LOVING" touch[loving code for "sex]; by Walt Unks; September 9, 2015;[Of which the TWO small airplane crashes occured within a small fraction of time];like "DAVIS" a white female in Kentucy was set free from jail for not doing what white males say; but "DAVIS"[white male by name of Davis was found guilty of child molestion and sentenced to years in prison in Winston-Salem courts];
5. [WS Chronicle]Article, "Black Doctor from DUKE[name of the sports team of guy why wears royal blue who wanted to date me] tells of bias during career, "Dr. Damon[first name of Damon Sanders -Pratt who picture is on the fornt page of the WSJ in article, "County to set library contract", forsyth commissioners scheduled to vote sepot. 14 on $28 million]Tweedy set to speak during Bookmarks Festival of Books; by Tevin Stinson;
In which Dr. Tweedy stated [p.A2;WS chronicle]that "Not so long ago, they were segregating wards, and experimenting on blacks with permission[in reality they are still experimenting on blacks-the $28 million is pay off to blacks working in white male library system[s] to keep quiet-why there are TWO "Damon's" in the media-the damon at the WSFC library is probably well aware of blacks being used for experiment[s] without their permission;
Copy of article posted on "How to get a Job"
1. At the CRB library; road the WSTA city bus; minister walker driver-who after young african american female got on bus and i got off at the next stop-put down the senior level on the green bus for me to get off of-how bus drivers are trained that if they want to stay young and don't die they better make sure that African Americans over 25 are treated as seniors;
2. Came into the CRB library, where when tried to sign in on computers; computer stated that i was not allowed to sign in and check with librarian; which checked with "mayhand" in the childrens dept. who said that there was a 20.00 fine on ticket for a dvd of "children's ten pack"; which she gave me a slip that said "forgive"; which I gave back to her and told her that I was giving her back the $20.00 slip because I never checked out the dvd; which asked "shey" while "mayhand" was looking for the maybe displaced dvd, to give me a printout of my account and it had one book on it; which is what it should have had; "mayhand" call herself taking over in spirit realm and knows that her participation in the abuse/ethnic intimidation is wrong; along with her trying to fixx white males systems of abuse of AFrican American[s] to help them while keeping her job= ?; point is all of it is a "LIE" created and designed by workers of white males=not good for AFrican American[s] not working for white males;
3. Which brings me to the 3rd point is that of:
"Kentucky county clerk refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses"

"The Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples"
White female "jailed" for not doing what white male[s] told her to do[which is why most AFrican American[s] are put in jail]; and the result was that of being rescued by the good white male[s][which most African Americans never get to experience]; which the issue was related to Rowan County Clerk "Kim Davis" "JOB; which is why most AFrican American[s] were terminated during the 2008 "bail out" crisis-which now know was code to "get out African American[s] out of employment that are not doing what white males tell them to do; thus the millions of African American[s] who income stopped suddenly ;
A. Includes the headlines in the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, NC.:[done by date]:
1.[WSJ] Winston-Salem Open poised to make first "profit" Officials estimate local economic impact of $4million by "RICH"ard Craver; August 25,2015;
2.[Response by the Winston-Salem Chronicle]:
""GOODWILL" career and "Prosperity" wants to spread the word: We're here"; by Telvin Stinson;August 27,2015;[message is that there is no need for blacks to lack "JOBS"; they can come to the goodwill center where - the code is to train all blacks for transition of what belongs to AFrican American[s] to whites;[where bridget [who works for white males in secret] son work[s] and where those in charge and at the goodwill on University would not stop him from harassing me-because bridget is part of the secret group];
3. [WSJ]Forsyth County DSS facing 95 vancancies" blacklog of medicaid applications at 500; by Meghann Evans[code for even];Auguest 28,2015;[which is response that there are jobs available; 95 jobs at the DSS alone, so what is the problem?];
4.[WSJ] "The road to glory days"key change, loss started asu's magical run 10 years ago";by Brant[bridgets son name] Wilkerson-NEW; August 30, 2015:
5.[WSJ] "TRUNOVER at the TOP" 21 shcools in Forsyth County welcome new principals; by Arika HERron; August 30,2015:
6. [WSJ] "SLEEP LAB technician fings right "JOB" fit for limited vision; by "RICH"ard Craver;September 7, 2015:[code about where white males were experimenting on AFrican American[s] who were raised to not be subservant to white males who were students at A&T State University in Greensboro, NC]
7. [WSJ] "Local employers scale back hiring plans"; page A11 [code for 9-11;TWIN towers;World trade center]; by "RICH"ard Craver; September 8,2015;[code to local employers to scale back hiring of AFrican American[s];[RIC];
8.[WSJ] "Forsyth schools STILL HIRING", high school math positions are partuicularly hard to fill, officials say; by Arika HERron; Spetember 9,2015;[code that jobs are available if people get the training-but there is nothing about the fact that the same bastards threaten AFrican American[s]who have been trained educationally and trained not to be subservent to white male are threaten with "confinement/jail" if they pursue a "JOB" in the white male[s] systems:
"Schools still hiring"[Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 10:30 pm;
Of which find it interesting about the TWO small plane crashes[which road on a small plane to visit relative about two years ago];
A. [WSJ] "TWO die in samll-plance crash in "Davie"[david code name] county", "The plane had just departed TWIN" Lakes Airport"; by "Jordan" Howse;
questionable=[WSJ]" Activist who brought down rebel flag: 'Enough is enough';p.a4;by "JOHN" hinton;September 3, 2015;
with the article, by SEXton, "Judge overstepped role in lengthy, costly trial [6,200 a day-being offered to somebody];
which am also posting picture to show how white male[s] systems give other white people illusions concerning AFrican American[s] and "JOBS"
Which thing the subheadlines are worth mentioning on page A5 where there is a picture of Melissa Harris Perry from wake forest university; with the subheadlines being in order:
1. FLAG; 2. CASE; 3. SEXton;
And the subheadline on page A4 under the article of "Enough is Enough' with three black females sitting on stage with TWO white males:
4. TEXT ALERT: When syncing gets you "sunk"- CASE hightlights need to keep "work" private, phones seperate"; by Margaret Moffett;with side article, "gasoline a LABOR day "BARGAIN""=code to Melissa Harris Perry and others to keep quiet about their being secret prostitutes working for white males in secret and they will get a good deal[money,etc] to the tune of $6,200 a day-when things calm down,etc.]
B. [WSJ] "Officials identify 3 killed in plane crash",Cause of crash that killed Pa. Attorney, his family still unknown;by Wesley "YOUNG";September 9, 2015;
with article "LOVING" touch[loving code for "sex]; by Walt Unks; September 9, 2015;
[Of which the TWO small airplane crashes occured within a small fraction of time];like "DAVIS" a white female in Kentucy was set free from jail for not doing what white males say; but "DAVIS"[white male by name of Davis was found guilty of child molestion and sentenced to years in prison in Winston-Salem courts];
Which all of the above are codes transmited throught he local newspaper to local group of people who when it all comes out in the washing are working for other countries that are trying to take the United States over; which is why in all of the local news-there is nothing about Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis [http://news.yahoo.com/photos/kentucky-county-clerk-refuses-to-issue-same-sex-marriage-licenses-1441111490-slideshow/] and the issue on her job-because 99.99% of the people have to do what white males tell them or they do not have a job-usually the white male employers just fire them;
Of which [WSJ] article, "Tougher rules for jobless benefits", bill stirs impassioned debatye fefore NC house approves it; by "RICH"ard Craver; August 21, 2015;
which is confirmation that while white male[s] sytem[s] put it in the media that there are plenty of jobs, etc. while at the same time informing African American[s]-most people know that white people can get jobs if they apply themselves-sort of like an in house secret;
Which heard on the 9/7/15 on 97 am radio show; Hugh Hewitt Labor day radio show guest -Joe Hill, who was talking about AFrican Americans in the labor market and made the statement, "There are over 900,000 vacant houses in Detroit, why doesn't the city just give the houses to people instead of knocking them down? The answer was, "FIRST" there must be LAW and ORDER=translatioin-First AFrican American[s] have to understand that 'everything' that they do to earn an income or to prosper is done to prosper the culture and lifestyle of White[s] male[s]; their family, etc.; which is why African American[s] do not have businesses that advance the AFrican American culture; they have jobs/businesses but only if they agree to advance white male[s] family/system[s] which are designed to tear down/destroy AFrican American culture and it makes no difference if the African American[s] are good/honest/God fearing/loving people who would not hurt a fly; the issue is what culture are they[African American[s]] working to advance-Black or white?
Which the commentator HUGH Hewitt asked the same question I asked way before 2008; when the Wachovia built a new building and moved a few blocks away, mindset was not African American[s] can move up economically-like down town=wrong, the old wachovia building stood empty until about two years ago with the message being-white males will let the building rot, before they would allow African American[s] who are not subserviant to white males to have access to it; which is why what is happing in Detroit, the white males had control over all the blacks, when they encountered a black person who would not yield to white males control like "Kim Davis"; the white males started the process to destroy the black city; and that is why white male[s] who control Detroit will not give African American[s] houses/buildings unless they agree to be subserviant/slaves to white male[s] which is agreeing to let white male[s] be in control of everything in their life-which is what Melissa William[s], shey,[carl the communist security guard] etc. do-give control of their life-especially thier bed to white male[s]-which is prostitution;
Which is why the real African American[s] should be in the streets, but in actuality the real African American[s] are still sleep because the fake African American[s]-like Melissa Harris Perry/Melissa Williams,etc. who are some of the ones working for white males in secret and who symbolize they blacks that are the ones out in the streets working for white male[s] to take over what belongs to AFrican American[s]; may God have mercy when the real African American[s] wake up and realize what the fake blacks and the white male[s] have stolen and done to them as a race;especially concerning "JOB" and earning "income";
[note: new screen on the WSFC public library computers[took picture][the words, "personal session man" keeps popping up; Shey the CRb libarian stated-it is something connected to "sam"-the library monitoring system]-Thus am not in agreement with nothing you bastards do concerning "men"/man in my life-watch];
[note: there is a new hispanic female volunteer=? at theCRB library-who just tried to walk a circle around me];
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