560-llu-0i Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Was waiting on the WSTA city bus, route 1 and the bus driver drove about 25 feet pass the bus stoop; know he saw me-which was the same one that shut the door in my face:
Earlier older bus driver[african][[?] with a cap on;Can see his sillowette[sp] through WSTA bus;
[Spoke to lisa sides about the above bus driver in about June of 2015, which lisa sides investigated and said that she saw where he shut the door in my face when I was getting off the bus on North Point Blvd. and Bethabra Rd]thes called the WSTA city clerk and she said she would speak to the bus driver about it;
2. After going in the Carver Road Branch library; computer siad that could not get on computer and thus went to front desk; wher it ws said I owe for book about health, which I did have the book and went back to house, got the health book and then went back to the bus stop, where once again the black male bus driver drove pass the bus stop:

and again I called and put in a complaint:
The first bus driver was older with a cap on; the second wsta bus driver was younger with no cap;but both drove pass the bus stop[because they are being given instructions by bastard white male authority;
Pictures of BILLY PLUCK:[code for "PLUCK" African Americans DOLLAR BILLS]:
see how he is going behind the AFrican American female [form of harassment][he uses his size to intimidate[especially the females who only recieve male for themselves] at the CRB library;person can have a picture of him physically abusing an African American[male/female] who did nothing provoke him other than being black and he still would not be fired and would be able to keep his "JOB"=thats waht "JOE" the carpenter was all about when Obama was running for office-white male[s] regardless of what they do to blacks can keep their job[s]; uniform is toally under Obama;
Billy Pluck the WHITE mailman in an 99.99% African American neighborhood on assignment to target and harass African American[s]-specially African American females, and in the back ground is CArl the communist security guard's grey corvette[?]security guards must get paid a lot of MONEY[?];
3. Of which headline in the New York Amsterdam News newspaper head lines read, which is really the real issue/FREEDOM to live, earn/and use OWN MONEY as one desires vs. doing as told by whit male[s], which the headlines read, "BLACK- OUT OF BLACK FRIDAY AND BEYOND":
We will make it a real ‘Black Friday,’” warned Minister Louis Farrakhan, “because there won’t be a Black person in sight.”
[note: it may be me; butit is one of the FIRST time have heard anything/quote in newspaper from Minister Louis Farrakhan; must be why those who practice "ISLAM" are not to be considered violent; just the Musl-ms];
Notice the word "MARSHALL" in the back ground with the word "BEST BUY+niggers for sale; specifically Black females= increase the African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret PAY[subliminal message= since ALL the violence and uproar in the streets, provides a good opportunity for those who working for whit males in secret to PROTEST without threat of being killed;
A. Of Charter schools being operted in secret to raise up the children of the African American prostitutes who work in secret for white males like the Quality Education Institute across the street from CRB library wi the article:
Activist DEMAND charter school investigation"
[Stephen Johnson 12/2/2015;[ http://amsterdamnews.com/news/]
Did not locate article on the internet so took picture of hard copy;
[Stephen Johnson 12/2/2015;[ http://amsterdamnews.com/news/]
Picture taken of WS Chronicle hard copy for LOCAL secret club members working for white male[s]=UNITE=code-African Americans uniting to help white male[s] abuse/rob/stilll/kill African American[s]/heritage/culture is ALLOWED; but not UNITY of African Americans to rebuke white male[s] system to control/rob/steal/kill, etc. African American heritage/culture[do your research];
Google: tamera hall;
Tamron HALL is used to communicate to the white male[s] what is happening concerning E----a Hall who white male general[s] probably ran a "TRAIN" on E----a Hall" every day she worked; [wonder if Tamron HALL having to let white male[s] run "TRAINS" on her to 'work"[?]];
Of Which am sure that Tamron HALL thinks she is super special[wait til they do her they way they did the Today show ANNE Curry] for being selected to be seen so much on television;
[note: rebuking/canceling ALL "SOCIAL" contracts that substract or take away anything good in African American culture based on "BLACK" Wall street];
[notee: I am not giving to CINTAS what belongs to me in LIFE; and DO EXPECT to see my spirit woman to hunt you to death if you bastards do anything to my body];
1. Was waiting on the WSTA city bus, route 1 and the bus driver drove about 25 feet pass the bus stoop; know he saw me-which was the same one that shut the door in my face:
He turned his back so could not see his face;
Earlier older bus driver[african][[?] with a cap on;Can see his sillowette[sp] through WSTA bus;
[Spoke to lisa sides about the above bus driver in about June of 2015, which lisa sides investigated and said that she saw where he shut the door in my face when I was getting off the bus on North Point Blvd. and Bethabra Rd]thes called the WSTA city clerk and she said she would speak to the bus driver about it;
2. After going in the Carver Road Branch library; computer siad that could not get on computer and thus went to front desk; wher it ws said I owe for book about health, which I did have the book and went back to house, got the health book and then went back to the bus stop, where once again the black male bus driver drove pass the bus stop:

and again I called and put in a complaint:
The first bus driver was older with a cap on; the second wsta bus driver was younger with no cap;but both drove pass the bus stop[because they are being given instructions by bastard white male authority;
Pictures of BILLY PLUCK:[code for "PLUCK" African Americans DOLLAR BILLS]:
see how he is going behind the AFrican American female [form of harassment][he uses his size to intimidate[especially the females who only recieve male for themselves] at the CRB library;person can have a picture of him physically abusing an African American[male/female] who did nothing provoke him other than being black and he still would not be fired and would be able to keep his "JOB"=thats waht "JOE" the carpenter was all about when Obama was running for office-white male[s] regardless of what they do to blacks can keep their job[s]; uniform is toally under Obama;
Billy Pluck the WHITE mailman in an 99.99% African American neighborhood on assignment to target and harass African American[s]-specially African American females, and in the back ground is CArl the communist security guard's grey corvette[?]security guards must get paid a lot of MONEY[?];
3. Of which headline in the New York Amsterdam News newspaper head lines read, which is really the real issue/FREEDOM to live, earn/and use OWN MONEY as one desires vs. doing as told by whit male[s], which the headlines read, "BLACK- OUT OF BLACK FRIDAY AND BEYOND":
"Black Dollars Matter: Black-out of Black Friday and beyond"
Nayaba Arinde, Cyril Josh Barker and Autodidact 17 | 11/26/2015, midnight;[ http://amsterdamnews.com/news/2015/nov/26/black-out-urged-black-friday-and-beyond/];
[note: It took THREE people to right the article for safety; specifically for protection from the sublimianal message from the picture beside the article:We will make it a real ‘Black Friday,’” warned Minister Louis Farrakhan, “because there won’t be a Black person in sight.”
[note: it may be me; butit is one of the FIRST time have heard anything/quote in newspaper from Minister Louis Farrakhan; must be why those who practice "ISLAM" are not to be considered violent; just the Musl-ms];
Notice the word "MARSHALL" in the back ground with the word "BEST BUY+niggers for sale; specifically Black females= increase the African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret PAY[subliminal message= since ALL the violence and uproar in the streets, provides a good opportunity for those who working for whit males in secret to PROTEST without threat of being killed;
A. Of Charter schools being operted in secret to raise up the children of the African American prostitutes who work in secret for white males like the Quality Education Institute across the street from CRB library wi the article:
Activist DEMAND charter school investigation"
[Stephen Johnson 12/2/2015;[ http://amsterdamnews.com/news/]
Did not locate article on the internet so took picture of hard copy;
In the article,
Activist DEMAND charter school investigation"[Stephen Johnson 12/2/2015;[ http://amsterdamnews.com/news/]
The parents were upset because their pre kindergarden and kindergarder children were being discipline to the point of being thrown out of the school because of behavior problems[confirmation of fact that African American children are targeted at an early age]; the real issue is tht the African American children are rebelling against being taught to hate their own culture and people, and thus identified as trouble makers destine for "school to prison system" and a waste of the administration training black students in secret to serve and build up on the white male culture-whichis why a lot of charter schools will start having hispanics and islamist/musl-ms to feel the void of African Americans who are not willing to kill other African Amrican[s] for white male[s];
The article stated, "They[black parents] accused a prinicipal in one Success Academy school of having a "Got to GO" list of students who they deemed "TOO HARD to educate, who they would suspend until their parents got the message to remove them from their school. Activitis also said that one Success Academy school handed out 44 suspensions to 203 kindergardners and first graders. Justice League NYC's Executive Carmen "Perez"[hispanic] noted how this action could be a child's first introduction to the "school- to -prison pipeline. No child should be harshley disciplined in the classroom, but the overt racism exposed by the overwhelming disproportionality of children of color receiving such discipline over their WHITE counterparts is especially disconcerting."[note: Justice League NYC's Executive Carmen "Perez"[hispanic] is positioned to put hispanic children over AFricanAmerican[s] vs. having an "REAL" African American speak for AFrican American children];
A. Headlines in the Wisnton-Salem Chronicle; November 26,2015; Vol.43,Number 12; reads:
"Lawmakers urge black Democrats to unite"
Posted On 25 Nov 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/11/lawmakers-urge-black-democrats-unite/];[By Cash Michaels]
The above is the view on the WS chronicle website=no names of males of color/black male[s]
The names under the first picture is "BLUE"[like in reference to royal BLUE recycle bin issue] and "HALL" [likein refernce to E----a Hall who was a prostitute that white males kidnapped,hired in the "Petigon"; rand "TRAINS on her[of which have found out that everytime there is a "TRAIN wreck" E----a HALL and [group] get paid through stocks and bonds[?]=payment for white male generals running "sexual trains" on her; and white male generals used E----a Hall to attack E----a HALL's African American uncle and keep imprisoned for over 32 years, while keeping any relatives that E----a Hall's uncle like or that liked E----a Hall's uncle from getting and keeping a "JOB"; Of which Tameron HALL of the TODAY SHOW;
Tamron HALL is used to communicate to the white male[s] what is happening concerning E----a Hall who white male general[s] probably ran a "TRAIN" on E----a Hall" every day she worked; [wonder if Tamron HALL having to let white male[s] run "TRAINS" on her to 'work"[?]];
Of Which am sure that Tamron HALL thinks she is super special[wait til they do her they way they did the Today show ANNE Curry] for being selected to be seen so much on television;
A. Message to local black population: IF YOU WANT TO EAT=UNITE:
"Organizations unite to provide food to families"
Posted On 25 Nov 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/11/organizations-unite-provide-food-families/]
Photo by Tevin Stinson Just ahead of the holiday season, the Chris Paul Family Foundation and the Triad Dream Center come together to provide 100 families with food for seven to eight meals.
[note: and their[white male system is already in place-which is how they kept FOOD from me, which cause me to go to ICU[emergency at hospital];
b.Of how African Americans are THREATEN to stay in line;be THANKFUL white males allow them to have a LIFE and EAT:
Under the article,"Organizations unite to provide food to families, is the "People on the "STREET" statement/answer , "What I am thankfrul for is "LIFE" by S. "THOMAS"[code for DEATH];
[note the entire paper is designed around communicating-do as white males say or increase the expection of searching for food it they live];
Picture of one of the signs coming off in the back of the bus of the upper part of the WSTA bus; if it falls and hits somebody in tace, etc., they will not be compensated if not working in secret for white males;
[note: rebuking/canceling ALL "SOCIAL" contracts that substract or take away anything good in African American culture based on "BLACK" Wall street];
[notee: I am not giving to CINTAS what belongs to me in LIFE; and DO EXPECT to see my spirit woman to hunt you to death if you bastards do anything to my body];
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