60-llw-Pz-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Yesterday was 6/6/16=3'6's=666; and Chris Hayes and Michael Moore kept walking back and forth in front of house from 3713 to 3723 with a cell phone; look like they were taking a video; Chris Hayes had on orange shirt that he wears just about every day after put orange item[s] up;
2. Road the wsta city bus to RB library; sad; African American male[young]; talking loudly about the problems he is going through and that it is just a "TEST"-that is what they tell African American Christians who are not worshipping white male[s]/system[s]-it is just a test that God is putting them through=lie-abuse of/by white male[s] who never recieve any type of punishment because they are the ones who control the system[s]; if you were doing wrong and got caught-would you punish yourself; don't think so; it was just sad to see another group of AFrican American[s] not worshipping white male male[s] system[s] go through the same thing=bE "RECYCLED" to the point as someone else said, to discover that all along they have been on the path of "DISABILITY", because no matter what they do,white male[s] system[s] around the world[why the partnership[s] will go into force to knock the AFrican American male born in the United States that seeks their wealth and to use their wealth to prosper the AFriccan American culture as an AFrican American based on "BLACK WALL STREET"; thus only thing left living is "DISABILITY"[LIFESTYLE/INCOME];
3. Have posted blog many times about the fact that when Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] son, Pookie- pulled a weapon on me that had to call outside of Winston-Salem, NC to get response from local authority and even then the local authority that came wanted to know how they got the call, because they[the local authority ] were not suppose to be there;and that I had to called to get someone from another city to call; and verification of concerns is in article "DOZENS DECRY VIOLENCE" by Jordan Howse on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal hard copy:
"Thompson said at least three calls were made before police showed up";.
The Winston-Salem Journal website had the article titled:
"Dozens turn out in Winston-Salem to talk about violence"
[Posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:49 pm;

A City Hall meeting room was packed Tuesday night for a forum about violence in the community and what could be done to prevent it.[note: notice that the picture is 99.99% African American people in the picture who look like regular folk; just trying to make it from day to day; and the fact that beside the picture of the 99.99% African American[s]is the article, "WSJS moving to new site" by Tim Clodfelter [subtitle-AM rdio station to trade Fifth Street for Kernersville-code-killings] is not good;WSJS is owned by CURTIS media[which came into existance after my sibling by the name of Curtis was murdered and authority never located the person that did it;however the name of Curtis is used to intimidate the so called local AFrican American leaders];
"Crystal Thompson is the mother of Christopher Reshawn Thompson, who was shot to death on Gilmer Avenue in 2014. She said changes need to be made within the police department. Thompson said at least three calls were made before police showed up when her son was shot.;“It should not have taken three calls for someone to come out there,” she said.
[Notice how manly the AFrican American female mother looks; that is because of the enviornment that she lives in; if she does not try to hold onto her femanity; she will begin to look and act more like a male and she is the example of females who are trying to hold onto their femanity which after Obama's law will intimidate into saying they are gay-even if they are not- if they want to earn money or be alive; and just like there is no authority to answer when violent things happen to AFrican American male[s]; there will be no authority to answer when white male[s] system[s] do things that the bathroom law was created to do; and the AFrican American female mother looks manly because she has to take on the role of a man because the AFrican American male[s] around her are not allowed to help her by doing the manly things that a man would do; because if the AFrican American male helps her; the AFrican American male is attacked by the white male system[s] through AFrican American[s] who are working for the white male system[s], which is called ethnic intimidation, which is illegal; but since there is no authority to address the violent attack of AFrican American males, nor ethnic intimidation, so it will be with AFrican American female[s] getting attacked by white male[s] system[s] with Obama's bathroom law;
And as confimrationon local radio station [88.5 fm/600 wsjs am/94.5 fm] by one of the announcer[s][documented], "Obama is creating a situation to cause crime/violence/trauma";[note-Obama is creating the environment as punishment to an/a AFrican American female that will not worship the white male[s] system[s] because the white male[s] system[s] are at war with AFrican American[s] who do not work for or worship white male[s] system[s];, which is why Donald Trump, called the ONLY black male at one of his rally's , "MY black man"; Donald Trump knows to certain people in the African American race are only acting AFrican American, in reality they are helping the culture of the white male[s] and those he[Donald Trump] can recognize; which is what he was doing when he said, "My Black man":
Of which CINTAS/cynthia already said that she is suppose to come into a lot of "MONEY" and why NOW?; because that is her payment from white male[s] bastards for her keeping food from me twice that caused me to go into the local hospital ICU unit twice;the MONEY belongs in the AFrican American family and white male bastards want to be fair and since the AFrican American who serves the God of heaven vs serving white male[s] don't have the energy to utilize the MONEY, the white male[s] solution is give the "MONEY" to CINTAS who works/serves white male[s] in order to keep a "DICK"; in fact when out and about because the white male bastard[s] use their communication system to try and express who or what I am to CINTAS, it lead to CINTAS having a knife [think she calls it a gutter]; [note: know part of the payoff is CINTAS son "B" getting married; his job as a "diabetic" coach- who makes 79,000.00 a year of which I qualify for; but would be put in the white male[s] system[s] of confinement if I work];
The proper term for CINTAS and people of color [Obama]who work to help destroy African American culture and prosper white male[s] system[s] is:
"An agent provocateur is a person assigned to provoke unrest, violence, debate or argument by or within a group while acting as a member of the group but covertly representing the interests of another. In general, agents provacateur seek to secretly disrupt a group's activities from within the group.
Agents provocatuer are employed to disrupt or discredit a group by performing acts for which the group will be falsely accused, by leading the group into activities that they would not otherwise pursue or by creating discord between group members. Provacateurs may encourage illegal acts, recomend belligerant tactics a group might otherwise reject, spread false rumors intended to provoke hasty action by a group, spread malicious rumors within a group about a group member or employ other tactics intended to provoke improper action by a group or to divert a group from its chosen purpose. An agent provocateur might attempt to implicate as an accomplice an innocent target who the agent unwittingly involves in a crime or criminal conspiracy.
Agents provocateur sometimes try to disrupt a group by creating discord between group members. They may argue for unity, while themselves promoting diviseness. They may argue against factionalism, while consistently advancing the positions or actions of one faction in the group. Disruptive group members might not be agents provocateur if they do not represent an outside interest; the term "agent" usually implies representation of or employment by another interest."
On 6/5/16, 94.5fm, Jay Pge[sp] radio show it was stated by Ken Paxton of Texas:
"Obama is creating a problem with rewriting of bathroom law; It is an illegal law/policy; Clinton is forcing the Justice Dept. to IGNORE LAW";
4. And to those bastards who want to say that I am paranoid, then so is half of the country-in reference to the hispanics; applied for financial assistance through SSI/disability and who is the one who informs me of the approval of half of what I applied for-RUSSELL-like Russel funeral home]?]; with "russell" being an AFrican American female prostitute] and a hispanic male[gang member] who informs me that "IF I don't report any income or come to their appointments that they[hispanics gang member working for the government]will stop my benefits; yet am threaten with confinement if I do honest work to earn hones "MONEY"; of which Donald Trump will be educated about the hispanics; just like he was educated about the crooked AFrican American[s] working for white male[s] in secret;
[NOTE: Posted on blog, the C-Span hearing, of female who spoke to Congress in 2015 about enforcing the law concerning hispanic violence/hispanic gang violence that had cause one of her family members death];
[note: what is interesting is that on "google" there is no link to the fact that over half the country want illegal immigrants out of the United States=why?];
5. Heard on radio/88.5fm the segment about "Crimes Against Humanity"[which is what the bathroom law is] where one of the people who helped to kill the jews kept 42 books of diary; the book is call East/West Street-Crimes against humanity; the guest stated that, "The haunting is not the dead, but gaps of SECRETS of other[s]; Legacy of Trauma[Diane Rehmn Show]-coming up Donald Trump;
6. DVD's:
1. JK'S House, where at the end of every scene is a car that looks like "ART" [black male that hangs out on street that goes from house to house of the people in the "group"]; almost as if code=coincidental[?]; will post picture;
2. Collision Course with Pat Mortia and"JAY" Leno, where there were scenes with "DUKE", etc,=code= "JAY" z,etc.;
7. Total issue is "SOCIAL OPPRESSION" African American[s] are not allowed to "SOCIALIZE"-person can drive down any African American neighborhood and the children/people/ not allowed to be outside "living their own life:-they can only appear where white male[s] system[s] allowed them to go and/or who they allow them to go with-OTHERWISE they are attacked; such as when went with sibling brother/sister-when came back home-the top of the bathroom sink was broke and a flying roach-never seen one before; they did that when they let my earthly daddy [RED/Charlie] out of confinement/prison-everytime I came home after seening him-there was always a great big cock roach running around[not coincidental]:
Ms. Besty who stayed beside by earthy father/RED/CHARLIE kept an extremely clean house; after my father passed; went to see Ms. "BESTy" and she was covered in "roaches" crawling all over her; and she sat there like she was a "queen" as if they did not exist as she carried on the conversation; and there is nothing that can be done; but I do know that it was not from her not being clean; it was from the white male[s] system[s] releasing on of their roach experiment[s] on her because of her name "BESTy"; code for that is what is "best" for AFrican American[s] not serving white male[s]-Ms. Besty stayed in the church;
And they are now in the process of doing relative [Howard] that came when Gwdolyn Gwyns son pulled a weapon on me; he and his wife have always been clean; but was there the other day and he again was sitting as if the roaches do not exist; because he doesn't know what to do; confirmation is the fact that his airconditioner all of a sudden broke; that is one of the key/code items that reveals that white male system[s] are at work;
Presently there is nothing wrong at house [kitchen sink only]amd being that suppose to be getting
some MONEY, if anything suddenly breaks it is the white male[s] that go to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house [posted last week] A toZ-LOCK and KEY-ROYAL BLUE pickup truck/ and the K-9 unit that was at work; and again; no authority to address the violence against AFrican American[s], no authority to address people illegally going in AFrican American[s] house[s];
8. On 6/1/16, 12:05am; 94.5 fm it ws stated,
"System designed and used by Obama's administration/democrats is to attack and abuse people and
the ones who benefit are the pharmasutical[sp]/drug companies";
Rush Limbough
9. What blogs summarize based on "DISTRACTION PROGRAM" is "Gang stalking"; Gang stalker;criminal harassment; cyberstalking; organized stalking by groups; cause stalking; and Dhehumanization-is tomake somebody less human by taking away his or her individuality, the crative and intersting aspects of his or her personality or his or her compassion and sensitivety towards others. It may be directed by state(or other organizations), such as against local or ethnic groups, nationalities,religious groups, genders, minorities, etc.; disinformation and electronic harassment;
1. Yesterday was 6/6/16=3'6's=666; and Chris Hayes and Michael Moore kept walking back and forth in front of house from 3713 to 3723 with a cell phone; look like they were taking a video; Chris Hayes had on orange shirt that he wears just about every day after put orange item[s] up;
2. Road the wsta city bus to RB library; sad; African American male[young]; talking loudly about the problems he is going through and that it is just a "TEST"-that is what they tell African American Christians who are not worshipping white male[s]/system[s]-it is just a test that God is putting them through=lie-abuse of/by white male[s] who never recieve any type of punishment because they are the ones who control the system[s]; if you were doing wrong and got caught-would you punish yourself; don't think so; it was just sad to see another group of AFrican American[s] not worshipping white male male[s] system[s] go through the same thing=bE "RECYCLED" to the point as someone else said, to discover that all along they have been on the path of "DISABILITY", because no matter what they do,white male[s] system[s] around the world[why the partnership[s] will go into force to knock the AFrican American male born in the United States that seeks their wealth and to use their wealth to prosper the AFriccan American culture as an AFrican American based on "BLACK WALL STREET"; thus only thing left living is "DISABILITY"[LIFESTYLE/INCOME];
3. Have posted blog many times about the fact that when Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] son, Pookie- pulled a weapon on me that had to call outside of Winston-Salem, NC to get response from local authority and even then the local authority that came wanted to know how they got the call, because they[the local authority ] were not suppose to be there;and that I had to called to get someone from another city to call; and verification of concerns is in article "DOZENS DECRY VIOLENCE" by Jordan Howse on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal hard copy:
"Thompson said at least three calls were made before police showed up";.
The Winston-Salem Journal website had the article titled:
"Dozens turn out in Winston-Salem to talk about violence"
[Posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:49 pm;

A City Hall meeting room was packed Tuesday night for a forum about violence in the community and what could be done to prevent it.[note: notice that the picture is 99.99% African American people in the picture who look like regular folk; just trying to make it from day to day; and the fact that beside the picture of the 99.99% African American[s]is the article, "WSJS moving to new site" by Tim Clodfelter [subtitle-AM rdio station to trade Fifth Street for Kernersville-code-killings] is not good;WSJS is owned by CURTIS media[which came into existance after my sibling by the name of Curtis was murdered and authority never located the person that did it;however the name of Curtis is used to intimidate the so called local AFrican American leaders];
"Crystal Thompson is the mother of Christopher Reshawn Thompson, who was shot to death on Gilmer Avenue in 2014. She said changes need to be made within the police department. Thompson said at least three calls were made before police showed up when her son was shot.;“It should not have taken three calls for someone to come out there,” she said.
[All the people in thepicture that showed up know that something is not right, even through they cannot identify what "it"is- most of them are not working to advance white male[s] system[s]Distraction Program];
And as confimrationon local radio station [88.5 fm/600 wsjs am/94.5 fm] by one of the announcer[s][documented], "Obama is creating a situation to cause crime/violence/trauma";[note-Obama is creating the environment as punishment to an/a AFrican American female that will not worship the white male[s] system[s] because the white male[s] system[s] are at war with AFrican American[s] who do not work for or worship white male[s] system[s];, which is why Donald Trump, called the ONLY black male at one of his rally's , "MY black man"; Donald Trump knows to certain people in the African American race are only acting AFrican American, in reality they are helping the culture of the white male[s] and those he[Donald Trump] can recognize; which is what he was doing when he said, "My Black man":
"Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here"
Redding, California (CNN)Donald Trump sought to tout his support among African-Americans on Friday by pointing out a black man in the crowd and calling him "my African-American."
"Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him," Trump said. "Are you the greatest?"
[notice that the black man happens to be in "REDDING"-RED was earthly father's street name along with "CHARLIE"];
"Donald Trump Points Out Black Rally Attendee, Tells Crowd To ‘Look At My African-American’"
“Look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about? OK.”[notice that the black man happens to be in "REDDING"-RED was earthly father's street name along with "CHARLIE"];
"Donald Trump Points Out Black Rally Attendee, Tells Crowd To ‘Look At My African-American’"
Donald Trump has already been educated about the fact that some blacks, look black but are actually working for white male[s] to attack African American[s], which a lot accured through his TV show, "The Apprentice":
"How Donald Trump Rode Reality TV Fame to a Bid for the White House"
[http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/donald-trump-presidential-campaign-the-apprentice-1201760236/];Of which CINTAS/cynthia already said that she is suppose to come into a lot of "MONEY" and why NOW?; because that is her payment from white male[s] bastards for her keeping food from me twice that caused me to go into the local hospital ICU unit twice;the MONEY belongs in the AFrican American family and white male bastards want to be fair and since the AFrican American who serves the God of heaven vs serving white male[s] don't have the energy to utilize the MONEY, the white male[s] solution is give the "MONEY" to CINTAS who works/serves white male[s] in order to keep a "DICK"; in fact when out and about because the white male bastard[s] use their communication system to try and express who or what I am to CINTAS, it lead to CINTAS having a knife [think she calls it a gutter]; [note: know part of the payoff is CINTAS son "B" getting married; his job as a "diabetic" coach- who makes 79,000.00 a year of which I qualify for; but would be put in the white male[s] system[s] of confinement if I work];
The proper term for CINTAS and people of color [Obama]who work to help destroy African American culture and prosper white male[s] system[s] is:
"An agent provocateur is a person assigned to provoke unrest, violence, debate or argument by or within a group while acting as a member of the group but covertly representing the interests of another. In general, agents provacateur seek to secretly disrupt a group's activities from within the group.
Agents provocatuer are employed to disrupt or discredit a group by performing acts for which the group will be falsely accused, by leading the group into activities that they would not otherwise pursue or by creating discord between group members. Provacateurs may encourage illegal acts, recomend belligerant tactics a group might otherwise reject, spread false rumors intended to provoke hasty action by a group, spread malicious rumors within a group about a group member or employ other tactics intended to provoke improper action by a group or to divert a group from its chosen purpose. An agent provocateur might attempt to implicate as an accomplice an innocent target who the agent unwittingly involves in a crime or criminal conspiracy.
Agents provocateur sometimes try to disrupt a group by creating discord between group members. They may argue for unity, while themselves promoting diviseness. They may argue against factionalism, while consistently advancing the positions or actions of one faction in the group. Disruptive group members might not be agents provocateur if they do not represent an outside interest; the term "agent" usually implies representation of or employment by another interest."
On 6/5/16, 94.5fm, Jay Pge[sp] radio show it was stated by Ken Paxton of Texas:
"Obama is creating a problem with rewriting of bathroom law; It is an illegal law/policy; Clinton is forcing the Justice Dept. to IGNORE LAW";
4. And to those bastards who want to say that I am paranoid, then so is half of the country-in reference to the hispanics; applied for financial assistance through SSI/disability and who is the one who informs me of the approval of half of what I applied for-RUSSELL-like Russel funeral home]?]; with "russell" being an AFrican American female prostitute] and a hispanic male[gang member] who informs me that "IF I don't report any income or come to their appointments that they[hispanics gang member working for the government]will stop my benefits; yet am threaten with confinement if I do honest work to earn hones "MONEY"; of which Donald Trump will be educated about the hispanics; just like he was educated about the crooked AFrican American[s] working for white male[s] in secret;
[NOTE: Posted on blog, the C-Span hearing, of female who spoke to Congress in 2015 about enforcing the law concerning hispanic violence/hispanic gang violence that had cause one of her family members death];
[note: what is interesting is that on "google" there is no link to the fact that over half the country want illegal immigrants out of the United States=why?];
5. Heard on radio/88.5fm the segment about "Crimes Against Humanity"[which is what the bathroom law is] where one of the people who helped to kill the jews kept 42 books of diary; the book is call East/West Street-Crimes against humanity; the guest stated that, "The haunting is not the dead, but gaps of SECRETS of other[s]; Legacy of Trauma[Diane Rehmn Show]-coming up Donald Trump;
6. DVD's:
1. JK'S House, where at the end of every scene is a car that looks like "ART" [black male that hangs out on street that goes from house to house of the people in the "group"]; almost as if code=coincidental[?]; will post picture;
2. Collision Course with Pat Mortia and"JAY" Leno, where there were scenes with "DUKE", etc,=code= "JAY" z,etc.;
7. Total issue is "SOCIAL OPPRESSION" African American[s] are not allowed to "SOCIALIZE"-person can drive down any African American neighborhood and the children/people/ not allowed to be outside "living their own life:-they can only appear where white male[s] system[s] allowed them to go and/or who they allow them to go with-OTHERWISE they are attacked; such as when went with sibling brother/sister-when came back home-the top of the bathroom sink was broke and a flying roach-never seen one before; they did that when they let my earthly daddy [RED/Charlie] out of confinement/prison-everytime I came home after seening him-there was always a great big cock roach running around[not coincidental]:
Ms. Besty who stayed beside by earthy father/RED/CHARLIE kept an extremely clean house; after my father passed; went to see Ms. "BESTy" and she was covered in "roaches" crawling all over her; and she sat there like she was a "queen" as if they did not exist as she carried on the conversation; and there is nothing that can be done; but I do know that it was not from her not being clean; it was from the white male[s] system[s] releasing on of their roach experiment[s] on her because of her name "BESTy"; code for that is what is "best" for AFrican American[s] not serving white male[s]-Ms. Besty stayed in the church;
And they are now in the process of doing relative [Howard] that came when Gwdolyn Gwyns son pulled a weapon on me; he and his wife have always been clean; but was there the other day and he again was sitting as if the roaches do not exist; because he doesn't know what to do; confirmation is the fact that his airconditioner all of a sudden broke; that is one of the key/code items that reveals that white male system[s] are at work;
Presently there is nothing wrong at house [kitchen sink only]amd being that suppose to be getting
some MONEY, if anything suddenly breaks it is the white male[s] that go to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house [posted last week] A toZ-LOCK and KEY-ROYAL BLUE pickup truck/ and the K-9 unit that was at work; and again; no authority to address the violence against AFrican American[s], no authority to address people illegally going in AFrican American[s] house[s];
8. On 6/1/16, 12:05am; 94.5 fm it ws stated,
"System designed and used by Obama's administration/democrats is to attack and abuse people and
the ones who benefit are the pharmasutical[sp]/drug companies";
Rush Limbough
9. What blogs summarize based on "DISTRACTION PROGRAM" is "Gang stalking"; Gang stalker;criminal harassment; cyberstalking; organized stalking by groups; cause stalking; and Dhehumanization-is tomake somebody less human by taking away his or her individuality, the crative and intersting aspects of his or her personality or his or her compassion and sensitivety towards others. It may be directed by state(or other organizations), such as against local or ethnic groups, nationalities,religious groups, genders, minorities, etc.; disinformation and electronic harassment;
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