60-llw-Pr-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Today is FRIDAY the 13th; road WSTA route 16 to Reynolda Road,first got on route 11-there was no marquee sign on the green bus; ask the driver what day/time and route was the bus being that her marquee was not working:
went in Burger King-all hispanics and white male[s] in groups-had on clothes like working[don't know WHY people can't locate the illegal hispanic[s]];went to "HanCOCK" fabrics where have to purchase 2 yards of anything[?]; been sewing over 30 years and never had that scenerio before, especially being that the store is closing; then went to the "DOLLAR GENERAL" store= a white VAN-"FED-EX" was waiting outside the "Han "COCK" fabric store-then went and parked in front of the "DOLLAR GENERAL" store, which took picture:
Then upon coming from "DOLLAR GENERAL" store -[where white male[only cashier in store] was standing outside the door-waiting for me to go into the store, asked why I was taking the white guy driver of "Fed-ex"picture; I did not answer him; walked across the parking lot to cross"FAIRlawn" and there was a big traffic backup-all the cars were backed-up from Reynolda Road to the Reynolda Branch library-why[?]-saw white suv with flashing red and blue lights, then saw white males in what looked like uniforms walking back and forth across the street-pretending to [?]:
[note:backup of traffic on FAIRLAWN to-in front of Reynoda branch library]
After I did not cross "FAIRlawn" street,an old white authority vehicle with a white male authority[looked like they were in uniformed drove to the Reynolda Branch library and then circled the Reynolda branch library and then went back up the street to where the white suv with the red and blue flashing lights;
2.Relative "Ryck" and ex[?] breaking up; CINTAS in the middle=DVD "Contagion" put in motion=ROBBERY;where "FORSYTHIA" is the ONLY one/solution to STOP the spread of an issue:
The issue that white male[s] are systematically ROBBING AFrican American[s] of their wealth; through forcing a family member to work for them in secret and then paying that family member to do the white male[s] dirty work through giving up and coming young AFrican American[s] the wrong information to direct them away from accessing their African American wealth based on Black WALL STREET;Which relative "Ryck" has a learning disability; but been trained by white male system[who is suing him and he, unlike CINTAS is unaware of certain issues; which after "Ryck's" mate who was helping white males to steal from him,left him the door is open for "Ryck" to access his WEALTH; which is where CINTAS comes in-"Ryck's" sibling to give "Ryck" the wrong information for white male[s] to rob him; while the white male[s] pay CINTAS through "Bryndon", CINTAS son; where while in "hospital jail" where roommate was name "ellen SIDES"; a white male [who called himself a nurse]by the name of "RICK" came into the room I was in and touched me on the behind=threat; of which where had a doctor's appointment as a result of the "hospital jail"-the location/office of the doctor where had an appointment,the doctors first name was "Rick":
"Dr. Ricky R. Sides, DC, Sides Chiropractic, P.A."
1570 Westbrook Plaza Dr; Winston Salem; North Carolina;27103
The ONLY person who had signed in ahead of me was name "KURT"= Curt=name of "Ryck's" sibling that was murdered;
[note: Can't get pictures to post];
3. Of which heard on local radio station 88.5 fm that there were four authority people given an award of 4.1 million dollars through the Winston-Salem Forsyth County COURTS[?]:
A jury has awarded $4.1 million to three former Mocksville police officers who said in a lawsuit that they were fired from their jobs for raising concerns about how their department was run."
"Maj. Ken Hunter, Lt. Rick Donathan and Detective Jerry Medlin, they filed a lawsuit claiming that former Mocksville Police Chief Robert Cook and Town Manager Christine Bralley had violated their free-speech rights in firing them."
4. On MOTHERS day, woke up to loud noise, there were a bunch of white male[s] 10 to 12 of them across the street at Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house, whose son pulled a weapon on me; one of the main vehicles was a ROYAL BLUE pickup truck with the slogan:
"A TO Z"
[NOTE: That is how they have been getting into house]
When I went outside,saw were someone had cut out a round circle on the ceramic porch;after the 10 to 12 white male[s] saw me taking pictures they started getting into their vehicles, which was about six vehicles altogether; the licence plates of the ROYAL BLUE pickup truck was" ZRD3174"; "BUKIT"-license plate of the Black SUV; "WOOKIE" -license plate of silver SUV;; last white pickup truck that was backed up to Gwyndonly Gwyn's son's door- POOKIE who pulled weapon on me last four digits was "2351";
1. Today is FRIDAY the 13th; road WSTA route 16 to Reynolda Road,first got on route 11-there was no marquee sign on the green bus; ask the driver what day/time and route was the bus being that her marquee was not working:
[notice the camera in the center-all passengers up under a 24 hour watch[on or off the wsta bus]; no marquee=in spirit realm=wsta bus #1370]
she said route 11, time 11:30am; Carver Road bus; while on route 11-apprx. 11: 25 am African American female prostitute in secret drove past a young AFrican American female at Delabrook and 311[kkk] and made her walk across the street where church is and get on the bus; African American female on the bus[young] was upset and asked the bus driver why she kept moving the bus, when she saw the girl was walking towards the bus, the bus driver said something under her breath;[whichhave posted that WSTA city bus driver[s] treat the black pass-engers of the WSTA any kind of way they want to;Of which asked the African American female to put in writing what she saw:went in Burger King-all hispanics and white male[s] in groups-had on clothes like working[don't know WHY people can't locate the illegal hispanic[s]];went to "HanCOCK" fabrics where have to purchase 2 yards of anything[?]; been sewing over 30 years and never had that scenerio before, especially being that the store is closing; then went to the "DOLLAR GENERAL" store= a white VAN-"FED-EX" was waiting outside the "Han "COCK" fabric store-then went and parked in front of the "DOLLAR GENERAL" store, which took picture:

Then upon coming from "DOLLAR GENERAL" store -[where white male[only cashier in store] was standing outside the door-waiting for me to go into the store, asked why I was taking the white guy driver of "Fed-ex"picture; I did not answer him; walked across the parking lot to cross"FAIRlawn" and there was a big traffic backup-all the cars were backed-up from Reynolda Road to the Reynolda Branch library-why[?]-saw white suv with flashing red and blue lights, then saw white males in what looked like uniforms walking back and forth across the street-pretending to [?]:
[note:backup of traffic on FAIRLAWN to-in front of Reynoda branch library]
['note:backup of traffic on FAIRLAWN to-in front of Reynoda branch library] [note:backup of traffic on FAIRLAWN to-in front of Reynoda branch library]
After I did not cross "FAIRlawn" street,an old white authority vehicle with a white male authority[looked like they were in uniformed drove to the Reynolda Branch library and then circled the Reynolda branch library and then went back up the street to where the white suv with the red and blue flashing lights;
2.Relative "Ryck" and ex[?] breaking up; CINTAS in the middle=DVD "Contagion" put in motion=ROBBERY;where "FORSYTHIA" is the ONLY one/solution to STOP the spread of an issue:
The issue that white male[s] are systematically ROBBING AFrican American[s] of their wealth; through forcing a family member to work for them in secret and then paying that family member to do the white male[s] dirty work through giving up and coming young AFrican American[s] the wrong information to direct them away from accessing their African American wealth based on Black WALL STREET;Which relative "Ryck" has a learning disability; but been trained by white male system[who is suing him and he, unlike CINTAS is unaware of certain issues; which after "Ryck's" mate who was helping white males to steal from him,left him the door is open for "Ryck" to access his WEALTH; which is where CINTAS comes in-"Ryck's" sibling to give "Ryck" the wrong information for white male[s] to rob him; while the white male[s] pay CINTAS through "Bryndon", CINTAS son; where while in "hospital jail" where roommate was name "ellen SIDES"; a white male [who called himself a nurse]by the name of "RICK" came into the room I was in and touched me on the behind=threat; of which where had a doctor's appointment as a result of the "hospital jail"-the location/office of the doctor where had an appointment,the doctors first name was "Rick":
"Dr. Ricky R. Sides, DC, Sides Chiropractic, P.A."
1570 Westbrook Plaza Dr; Winston Salem; North Carolina;27103
The ONLY person who had signed in ahead of me was name "KURT"= Curt=name of "Ryck's" sibling that was murdered;
[note: Can't get pictures to post];
3. Of which heard on local radio station 88.5 fm that there were four authority people given an award of 4.1 million dollars through the Winston-Salem Forsyth County COURTS[?]:
"Jury awards $4.1 million to 3 former Mocksville police officers in lawsuit over firings"
[Published 9:53 AM EDT May 12, 2016;[http://www.wxii12.com/news/Jury-awards-4-1-million-to-3-former-Mocksville-police-officers-in-lawsuit-over-firings/39512234];
A jury has awarded $4.1 million to three former Mocksville police officers who said in a lawsuit that they were fired from their jobs for raising concerns about how their department was run."
"Maj. Ken Hunter, Lt. Rick Donathan and Detective Jerry Medlin, they filed a lawsuit claiming that former Mocksville Police Chief Robert Cook and Town Manager Christine Bralley had violated their free-speech rights in firing them."
4. On MOTHERS day, woke up to loud noise, there were a bunch of white male[s] 10 to 12 of them across the street at Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house, whose son pulled a weapon on me; one of the main vehicles was a ROYAL BLUE pickup truck with the slogan:
"A TO Z"
[NOTE: That is how they have been getting into house]
When I went outside,saw were someone had cut out a round circle on the ceramic porch;after the 10 to 12 white male[s] saw me taking pictures they started getting into their vehicles, which was about six vehicles altogether; the licence plates of the ROYAL BLUE pickup truck was" ZRD3174"; "BUKIT"-license plate of the Black SUV; "WOOKIE" -license plate of silver SUV;; last white pickup truck that was backed up to Gwyndonly Gwyn's son's door- POOKIE who pulled weapon on me last four digits was "2351";
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