60-llw-Pw-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Road WSTA city bus to CRB library; old female driver; white male[s] got on bus near CRB library[acted drunk]; melissa williams, sharlene, shey[rebellion] and Carl the communist security guard at CRB library;
2. Went to Crisis Control ministry today to get medicine; card expires today; doctor sent in prescriptions on 5/27/16; Crisis Control pharmacist[sp] stated that she would not fill prescription[s] doctor sent in because you cannot beat the card[not have extra medical supplies][code-means white bastards not in control];but which I wondered why they did fill prescription by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail-[where I did not sign my self in; but was forced to sign paper saying I signed myself in if I wanted to get out of hospital jail];
3.Saw the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspaper[May, 26,2016; vo.43,No.38] which the lead picture could confirmed possible answer to question asked on blog about a year ago:
[note: notice the code words written in ROYAL BLUE in upper RIGHT corner- WINN [with TWO n's]/PERFORM]
[note: "Donald Trump" already said, "get rid of them"[whoever won't cooperate]; "Farrakhan" is already known as the one to got rid of "Malcolm X"; thus if Trump's is elected, there would be no problem[s] because both already agree with "get rid of them[whoever won't cooperate]];
One of which was -"Where is Farrakhan?" and look he is pictured with the last AFrican American male that was standing in Winston-Salem as not being subserviant to white male[s] system[s] until he changed his mind, which was when white male[s] system[s] informed him [early 2000's at church on corner of Bonair Avenue and 30 Street] that if he did not help white male[s] he would be declared as one of the mentally ill; and likewise his whole demeanor changed of which the May 26,2016 edition of the Winston-Salem Chronicle went on to expound[by code of coarse] on the white male instructions that are to be followed, one of which is Winston-Salem Chronicle article on page A4, "Experts say build trust, prepare for worst with mental illnes" which is code and answers the question of why Crisis Control filled prescription today [5/31,2016]by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail; [code-lot of intellegent AFrican American[s] gonna be pist off and angry at being called one of the mentally ill, when the truth is that they are angry because no one addresses the wrong done to them and if they do have some form of mental illness it is because of the effects of the secret abuse done by white male[s] systems; and a lot of AFrican American[s] who are angry are not allowed to express or release their anger in a physcial manner[jobs for white male authority] except professsional sports[all others targeted for jail earlier to eleviant issues being brought before white public]:
"Experts say build trust, prepare for worst with mental illness"
Why is it ALL OF a SUDDEN, "PREPARE FOR THE WORST WITH MENTALLY ILL?"; why was it not "PREPARE FOR THE WORST WITH MENTALLY ILL", ten years ago, five years ago, last year; because the so called mentally ill are going to be AFrican American[s][mostly female] who reject white male[s] secret system[s] of slavery;[AFrican American male will be recycled to be used as bait to a black female white male[s] want to turn into a secret prostitute];
Which the article tells why they did fill prescription by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail-where did not sign my self in; but was forced to sign paper saying I signed myself in if I want to get out of hospital jail and the article is code to black bastards to not protest white male[s] attacking AFrican American[s] that white male system declared as "mentally ill" because when the blacks get angry and attack people[especially when their right to make decision[s] for themselves is taken away]-that will mean jobs for white male authority:
And number TWO code is on page "A2" is "rest assured you have got people[white male[s]] help as long as the right decisions are made to keep African American[s] down and to rob/steal/kill everything that belongs to African American[s]:
Which most of the "mentally ill" will be "WOMEN" because More than half of unmarried youngmothers with children are five times the number of married women with children. and as a result of those "young unmarried mothers" not yielding to white male[s] abuse, they will be declared "mentally ill" and a lot of their mothers who understand the white male[s] secret prostituting system will be paid by the same system to take and raise those unmarried mother[s] children-think they call it "Foster Care"[the same dam system that was being operated some decades ago; this time it will be a lot more elaborate because the family members will be paid to help white male[s] to mess up AFrican American children[s] lives even more; meaning that they already have messed up most of their lives by targeting their fathers and forcing their fathers to run off to the AFrican American female who prostitutes in secret for white male[s] and my question to those who read this who have no desire to rob from AFrican American[s] is, "What are you going to do about it?";the hardcopy of the article is on page A2; "UNMARRIED WOMEN ARE THE LARGEST SEGMENT OF THE NEW AMERICAN MAJORITY"[ usually African American[s]]:
2016 election
Visit Our Our New New Website Website www.WSChronicle.com www.WSChronicle.com Visit
T H E C H R ON I C LE;M AY 2 6 , 2 0 1 6;A7
"Unmarried mothers can make a difference in Over half of all babies born in the US today are born to u n m a r r i e d Guestmothers, a Columnist demographic trend with tremendous potential to reshape public policy for the better. Unmarried motherhood has economic implications for families and children; More than half of unmarried youngmothers with children under the age of 6 live below the poverty line; that’s five times the number of married women with children."
That is why they put a picture of the AFrican American female Harried Tubman on the cover of the TWENTY dollar bill/$20.00-TWO concept:
Harriet Tubman's picture on the front of a twenty dollar bill is PAYMENT [recognition by white male[s]system[s]]ahead of time for helping white male[s] to kill/steal/rob/torment AFrican American[s]; why not a black male that helped to advance African American culture[?];
Donald trump said, "get rid of them"[https://www.google.com/search?q=donald+trump+said%2C+%22get+rid+of+them&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=donald+trump+said%2C+%22get+rid+of+them&gs_l=heirloom-serp.12...453148.456117.0.461236.];
The following DVD on You Tube summerizes all of blogs and who Gwydolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon on me are-they were started in the projects through making deals with white male authority; where they try and intimidate a person to join their gang or white male authority will put in jail=illegal, which is what is being put in place now for all single AFrican American female[s] who do not join the legalized, organized gangs who usually are working with authority;
A. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtfpqVxmzU]
Gang Stalking - Targeted Individuals - Psychological Harassment
B. [https://sites.google.com/site/targetedindividuals101/definitions];
C. [https://harassmentterror.wordpress.com/2006/11/25/gang-styalking-psychological-harassment-technology-fumigation/];
"Gang Stalking / Organised Psychological Harassment poisoning, spying, and destroying lives"
How "gang stalking" operates.
The use of high tech communications and surveillance equipment, by tech savvy criminals make highly planned gang stalking initiatives do what they do.
It may be no question as to whether or not these protracted criminal initiative, gang stalking, use poisons, chemical gasses and psychotomimetic agents (clik), chemical weapons that act on the human mind.
Gang stalking’s covert harassments that included:
[note: And the only way that the gangs can continue the abuse of a person by ostracizing, isolating, and gaslighting someone into the hallways of behavior services and psyche wards is because no authority will intervene to address the abuse]
[note: Of which did state about three years ago, after over a decade of seeking intervention to stop the harassment through proper protocol that a person had to have a "gang" to be recognized by some authority and am now adding that the "gang" is recognized by authority because the "gang" is working for authority in secret; just like the secret prostitutes];
Which is why denise hartsfield is pictured with "YOUNG" female[s] of color to direct them towards being part of a "gang" as secret prostitutes:
School, speaks about relationships as part of a panel during the “Generational Conversations: A Day of Facilitated Fruitful & Positive Dialogue" event on May 21. Others from left to right are Judge Denise Hartsfield, the event facilitator; Shenell Thompson, Kymberly’s mother; and Cecilia Herrera-Santiago, a student at Hanes Middle School
[note: most of AFrican American female[s] with high titles are part of the secret "gang" and work as "secret prostitutes"];
5. The triad City BEAT magazine front page cover is "Weiner WARS of Winston-Salem" and a picture of a man of color with "BLUE EYES" is on the back page-which is CODE that the AFrican American male[s] "penis" is up for bid to the highest bidder by white male system[s]-which is selling of slaves-which is illegal;
1. Road WSTA city bus to CRB library; old female driver; white male[s] got on bus near CRB library[acted drunk]; melissa williams, sharlene, shey[rebellion] and Carl the communist security guard at CRB library;
2. Went to Crisis Control ministry today to get medicine; card expires today; doctor sent in prescriptions on 5/27/16; Crisis Control pharmacist[sp] stated that she would not fill prescription[s] doctor sent in because you cannot beat the card[not have extra medical supplies][code-means white bastards not in control];but which I wondered why they did fill prescription by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail-[where I did not sign my self in; but was forced to sign paper saying I signed myself in if I wanted to get out of hospital jail];
3.Saw the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspaper[May, 26,2016; vo.43,No.38] which the lead picture could confirmed possible answer to question asked on blog about a year ago:
[note: notice the code words written in ROYAL BLUE in upper RIGHT corner- WINN [with TWO n's]/PERFORM]
[note: "Donald Trump" already said, "get rid of them"[whoever won't cooperate]; "Farrakhan" is already known as the one to got rid of "Malcolm X"; thus if Trump's is elected, there would be no problem[s] because both already agree with "get rid of them[whoever won't cooperate]];
One of which was -"Where is Farrakhan?" and look he is pictured with the last AFrican American male that was standing in Winston-Salem as not being subserviant to white male[s] system[s] until he changed his mind, which was when white male[s] system[s] informed him [early 2000's at church on corner of Bonair Avenue and 30 Street] that if he did not help white male[s] he would be declared as one of the mentally ill; and likewise his whole demeanor changed of which the May 26,2016 edition of the Winston-Salem Chronicle went on to expound[by code of coarse] on the white male instructions that are to be followed, one of which is Winston-Salem Chronicle article on page A4, "Experts say build trust, prepare for worst with mental illnes" which is code and answers the question of why Crisis Control filled prescription today [5/31,2016]by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail; [code-lot of intellegent AFrican American[s] gonna be pist off and angry at being called one of the mentally ill, when the truth is that they are angry because no one addresses the wrong done to them and if they do have some form of mental illness it is because of the effects of the secret abuse done by white male[s] systems; and a lot of AFrican American[s] who are angry are not allowed to express or release their anger in a physcial manner[jobs for white male authority] except professsional sports[all others targeted for jail earlier to eleviant issues being brought before white public]:
"Experts say build trust, prepare for worst with mental illness"
[BY TEVIN STINSON;THE CHRONICLE;http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/05/experts-say-build-trust-prepare-worst-mental-illness/]

Why is it ALL OF a SUDDEN, "PREPARE FOR THE WORST WITH MENTALLY ILL?"; why was it not "PREPARE FOR THE WORST WITH MENTALLY ILL", ten years ago, five years ago, last year; because the so called mentally ill are going to be AFrican American[s][mostly female] who reject white male[s] secret system[s] of slavery;[AFrican American male will be recycled to be used as bait to a black female white male[s] want to turn into a secret prostitute];
Which the article tells why they did fill prescription by primary doctor from when forced into hospital jail-where did not sign my self in; but was forced to sign paper saying I signed myself in if I want to get out of hospital jail and the article is code to black bastards to not protest white male[s] attacking AFrican American[s] that white male system declared as "mentally ill" because when the blacks get angry and attack people[especially when their right to make decision[s] for themselves is taken away]-that will mean jobs for white male authority:
And number TWO code is on page "A2" is "rest assured you have got people[white male[s]] help as long as the right decisions are made to keep African American[s] down and to rob/steal/kill everything that belongs to African American[s]:
Which most of the "mentally ill" will be "WOMEN" because More than half of unmarried youngmothers with children are five times the number of married women with children. and as a result of those "young unmarried mothers" not yielding to white male[s] abuse, they will be declared "mentally ill" and a lot of their mothers who understand the white male[s] secret prostituting system will be paid by the same system to take and raise those unmarried mother[s] children-think they call it "Foster Care"[the same dam system that was being operated some decades ago; this time it will be a lot more elaborate because the family members will be paid to help white male[s] to mess up AFrican American children[s] lives even more; meaning that they already have messed up most of their lives by targeting their fathers and forcing their fathers to run off to the AFrican American female who prostitutes in secret for white male[s] and my question to those who read this who have no desire to rob from AFrican American[s] is, "What are you going to do about it?";the hardcopy of the article is on page A2; "UNMARRIED WOMEN ARE THE LARGEST SEGMENT OF THE NEW AMERICAN MAJORITY"[ usually African American[s]]:
2016 election
Visit Our Our New New Website Website www.WSChronicle.com www.WSChronicle.com Visit
T H E C H R ON I C LE;M AY 2 6 , 2 0 1 6;A7
"Unmarried mothers can make a difference in Over half of all babies born in the US today are born to u n m a r r i e d Guestmothers, a Columnist demographic trend with tremendous potential to reshape public policy for the better. Unmarried motherhood has economic implications for families and children; More than half of unmarried youngmothers with children under the age of 6 live below the poverty line; that’s five times the number of married women with children."
That is why they put a picture of the AFrican American female Harried Tubman on the cover of the TWENTY dollar bill/$20.00-TWO concept:
Harriet Tubman's picture on the front of a twenty dollar bill is PAYMENT [recognition by white male[s]system[s]]ahead of time for helping white male[s] to kill/steal/rob/torment AFrican American[s]; why not a black male that helped to advance African American culture[?];
Donald trump said, "get rid of them"[https://www.google.com/search?q=donald+trump+said%2C+%22get+rid+of+them&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=donald+trump+said%2C+%22get+rid+of+them&gs_l=heirloom-serp.12...453148.456117.0.461236.];
The following DVD on You Tube summerizes all of blogs and who Gwydolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon on me are-they were started in the projects through making deals with white male authority; where they try and intimidate a person to join their gang or white male authority will put in jail=illegal, which is what is being put in place now for all single AFrican American female[s] who do not join the legalized, organized gangs who usually are working with authority;
A. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtfpqVxmzU]
Gang Stalking - Targeted Individuals - Psychological Harassment
B. [https://sites.google.com/site/targetedindividuals101/definitions];
C. [https://harassmentterror.wordpress.com/2006/11/25/gang-styalking-psychological-harassment-technology-fumigation/];
"Gang Stalking / Organised Psychological Harassment poisoning, spying, and destroying lives"
How "gang stalking" operates.
The use of high tech communications and surveillance equipment, by tech savvy criminals make highly planned gang stalking initiatives do what they do.
- They are covert, and pervasive.
- They have mastered a sell, and can hire lawyers and others to do their PR and disseminate hate, via slander;[note: Law abiding AFrican American[s] cannot hire an attorney-another reason why they are so angry];
It may be no question as to whether or not these protracted criminal initiative, gang stalking, use poisons, chemical gasses and psychotomimetic agents (clik), chemical weapons that act on the human mind.
Gang stalking’s covert harassments that included:
- creating mishaps and complications,
- skits on the street that direct conversation towards the victim, using the victims personal information (street theater)
- baiting the victim to react emotionally or violently in planned and staged situations.
[note: And the only way that the gangs can continue the abuse of a person by ostracizing, isolating, and gaslighting someone into the hallways of behavior services and psyche wards is because no authority will intervene to address the abuse]
[note: Of which did state about three years ago, after over a decade of seeking intervention to stop the harassment through proper protocol that a person had to have a "gang" to be recognized by some authority and am now adding that the "gang" is recognized by authority because the "gang" is working for authority in secret; just like the secret prostitutes];
Which is why denise hartsfield is pictured with "YOUNG" female[s] of color to direct them towards being part of a "gang" as secret prostitutes:
School, speaks about relationships as part of a panel during the “Generational Conversations: A Day of Facilitated Fruitful & Positive Dialogue" event on May 21. Others from left to right are Judge Denise Hartsfield, the event facilitator; Shenell Thompson, Kymberly’s mother; and Cecilia Herrera-Santiago, a student at Hanes Middle School

[note: most of AFrican American female[s] with high titles are part of the secret "gang" and work as "secret prostitutes"];
5. The triad City BEAT magazine front page cover is "Weiner WARS of Winston-Salem" and a picture of a man of color with "BLUE EYES" is on the back page-which is CODE that the AFrican American male[s] "penis" is up for bid to the highest bidder by white male system[s]-which is selling of slaves-which is illegal;
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