60-llw-Pu-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Got ride to CRB library from sibling;Shey and German female on desk[?]-Shey[rebellion in charge];
2. Saw "John-ll T. H-nter" at WS Chronicle newspaper in front of building clearing posion oak; asked how how to get ride of a sn--e; talked about an hour; two days later news report on the radion about a sn--e biting a ladies HUSBAND at home depot who said they do not know how the sn--e got into the store[?]; which googled, "winston-salem home depot store ladies husband is bitten on hand by a
sn--e" [winston-salem home depot store ladies husband is bitten on hand by a sn--e]
and nothing comes up for Winston-Salem, N.C.[?];[88fm.5 radio/may,2016];
3. Obama spoke at Rucker University/college -reported by local radio station 88.5 fm as the FIRST president to speak at the shcool in 200 years.[Rucker-name of people,etc. at Carver Road Church, where Ella Given[s] in charge, where roommate was name Ella in hospital jail as form of threat from white male[s] system to try and stop person from going back to Carver Road Church to visit;
4. Posted on blog about the ROYAL BLUE pickup truck that had, "A to Z-LOCK AND KEY" that
was parked in front of mailbox; after posting the next sunday there was a Silver SUV sign on the passenger side of Gwyndolyn Gwyns house parked beside mailbox in front of house; the Silver SUV had the words "CAUTION-WORKING K9" , which did not go outside and take pictures; did take pictures from inside house; and instead of there being about 5 to 7 cars; there were about 12 to 15 or more cars and more white people than before;
5. DVD Swinger:

The DVD, "SWINGER" had characters and code words=Curt[sibling that was murdered]; ROB[name used as code to rob]; Mike[name of guy who broke out my windows when he was a little boy]; Michelle[female who is in house that is white]; and a commerical about a [BABY and TIRES], both of which are code words -twin baby stolen at birth and tires code for STEVE WHITEHEART on Patterson Ave.;[5/5/15];

has all of the code words/names that have posted on blog since 1995 and had just got through watching Alex and Emma about two hours and the news reported that a plane that had left Kyroe had just disappeared from the sky; somebody may say, so what about it?; If a bastards put a camera in a person's eye who is watching a DVD with all code words=SHAW[man even look like Jim SHAW[black male/john that lives in Winston-Salem, N.C.,etc] then they would know when that person has enough evidence to destroy the white male[s] system of Robbery associated with code word[CHARLIE/CHARLES,etc.] In the DVD "Alex and Emma" the location throughout the movie is St. CHARLES; the airplane crashed about two hours after/as I was watching the DVD Alex and Emma; but know heard on the radio that the airplane had just left CHARLES airport and crashed at least two hours after watching DVD Alex and Emma:
"EgyptAir flight data show smoke alerts in plane’s last moments"

French soldiers patrol at Charles de Gaulle airport, outside of Paris, Friday, May 20, 2016. The search continued on Friday for missing EgyptAir flight 804, which disappeared from the radar while carrying 66 passengers and crew from Paris to Cairo. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)[note not to mention that the picture is at terminal "2" [?];[https://www.google.com/search?q=EgyptAir+flight+data+show+smoke+alerts+in+plane%E2%80%99s+last+moments&hl=en&gbv=2&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjd48WvguzMAhWLrB4KHUM5B-sQqAIIFA];
Code words in DVD Alex and Emma:
"Tony; Alex; ANNA; Emma; PAULINE; ART; ROB; lawyer-VAN; SHAW; MARTY;JOHN; 2nd PAULINA;ELDORA; TRAIN; MICHELLE, ANDREA;ZACK; TAYLOR"=with the white man playing the first SHAW looking just like the real black Jim SHAW;
[note:watched three movies[dvd] with ALEX and two of them had ALEX and Emma and Alex and Emily as main characters][?];
In the DVD Alex and Emma, Alex is the code word-same title of the Movie that tyler perry made as code for the same area;
7. Because sibling and x broke up and their x is now with hispanics=not coincidental-siblings punishment for relative/sibling not bowing/yielding to white male system; of which hispanic[s] trying to intimidate while driving city of Winston-salem cars=not coincidental=punishment for AFrican American that does not agree to be subservant to white male[s] while hispanics rewarded for helping white male[s] to attack AFrican Americans; following is a letter dated to 2009 concerning hispanics being assigned to every situation associtated with the EEOC;[none of the bastards addresssed the issue];
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal
100Alabama Street, SW, Suite 4R30
Atlanta , Georgia 30303
Greensboro , North Carolina ,
A fax was sent to your office (first two weeks of December) in regards
to concern about hispanics ONLY dealing with charge at the Greensboro EEOC
office. After reviewing a copy of the
file; the section “DISCRIMINATION BASED ON” did not have “SEX” checked and the
section “THE PARTICULARS ARE” statement that there were only (4) Caucasian
males was also an incorrect statement, a letter requesting correction was faxed
and transmitted to the Greensboro, North Carolina EEOC office at 336-547-4032.
[note and if they ever wrote back, never got the response-JOHN[white male]postman;Billy Pluck[white male]postman or new JOHN[white male] postman ran interferance-given permission by their boss];
8. After sibling and x broke up; phone was cut off; thus could not get on internet; got a new phone and someone said if you have a cell phone then you canprobably get on the internet by using wi-fi; which checked and listed on the wi-fi list was:
EDWINA [which is the name of mother of the boy who broke out all my windows and glass in my front screen door]it also had [SECURED WITH wpa/wpa 2(AVAILABLE ]and EDWINA'S GUEST -open=code= white males created a wi-fi- system to take over area to try and get to get on the internet through EDWINA[whose father is an ex dupty sher-ff] as a way of forcing people person to be behind the dum ass EDWINA=WHO does not come out of the house; think that she is really being held captive-she has a"LEARNING disability";
9. Think posted; but in case- in May 2016 earlier part Red truck parked at GWyns with WATER DAMAGE=code white male[s] repairing damage; license plate =[CKR-3148]
[note: white male who wears DUKE cap; SHEY librarian and white german female keep walking around computer intentionally as harassment];
10. Heard on radio 88.5 fm that PHil Nicholous[actor] and Walter had been caught doing"insider trading" through the use of "CODE" words[when google=nothing come up][?];
1. Got ride to CRB library from sibling;Shey and German female on desk[?]-Shey[rebellion in charge];
2. Saw "John-ll T. H-nter" at WS Chronicle newspaper in front of building clearing posion oak; asked how how to get ride of a sn--e; talked about an hour; two days later news report on the radion about a sn--e biting a ladies HUSBAND at home depot who said they do not know how the sn--e got into the store[?]; which googled, "winston-salem home depot store ladies husband is bitten on hand by a
sn--e" [winston-salem home depot store ladies husband is bitten on hand by a sn--e]
and nothing comes up for Winston-Salem, N.C.[?];[88fm.5 radio/may,2016];
3. Obama spoke at Rucker University/college -reported by local radio station 88.5 fm as the FIRST president to speak at the shcool in 200 years.[Rucker-name of people,etc. at Carver Road Church, where Ella Given[s] in charge, where roommate was name Ella in hospital jail as form of threat from white male[s] system to try and stop person from going back to Carver Road Church to visit;
4. Posted on blog about the ROYAL BLUE pickup truck that had, "A to Z-LOCK AND KEY" that
was parked in front of mailbox; after posting the next sunday there was a Silver SUV sign on the passenger side of Gwyndolyn Gwyns house parked beside mailbox in front of house; the Silver SUV had the words "CAUTION-WORKING K9" , which did not go outside and take pictures; did take pictures from inside house; and instead of there being about 5 to 7 cars; there were about 12 to 15 or more cars and more white people than before;
5. DVD Swinger:

The DVD, "SWINGER" had characters and code words=Curt[sibling that was murdered]; ROB[name used as code to rob]; Mike[name of guy who broke out my windows when he was a little boy]; Michelle[female who is in house that is white]; and a commerical about a [BABY and TIRES], both of which are code words -twin baby stolen at birth and tires code for STEVE WHITEHEART on Patterson Ave.;[5/5/15];

has all of the code words/names that have posted on blog since 1995 and had just got through watching Alex and Emma about two hours and the news reported that a plane that had left Kyroe had just disappeared from the sky; somebody may say, so what about it?; If a bastards put a camera in a person's eye who is watching a DVD with all code words=SHAW[man even look like Jim SHAW[black male/john that lives in Winston-Salem, N.C.,etc] then they would know when that person has enough evidence to destroy the white male[s] system of Robbery associated with code word[CHARLIE/CHARLES,etc.] In the DVD "Alex and Emma" the location throughout the movie is St. CHARLES; the airplane crashed about two hours after/as I was watching the DVD Alex and Emma; but know heard on the radio that the airplane had just left CHARLES airport and crashed at least two hours after watching DVD Alex and Emma:
"EgyptAir flight data show smoke alerts in plane’s last moments"

French soldiers patrol at Charles de Gaulle airport, outside of Paris, Friday, May 20, 2016. The search continued on Friday for missing EgyptAir flight 804, which disappeared from the radar while carrying 66 passengers and crew from Paris to Cairo. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)[note not to mention that the picture is at terminal "2" [?];[https://www.google.com/search?q=EgyptAir+flight+data+show+smoke+alerts+in+plane%E2%80%99s+last+moments&hl=en&gbv=2&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjd48WvguzMAhWLrB4KHUM5B-sQqAIIFA];
Code words in DVD Alex and Emma:
"Tony; Alex; ANNA; Emma; PAULINE; ART; ROB; lawyer-VAN; SHAW; MARTY;JOHN; 2nd PAULINA;ELDORA; TRAIN; MICHELLE, ANDREA;ZACK; TAYLOR"=with the white man playing the first SHAW looking just like the real black Jim SHAW;
[note:watched three movies[dvd] with ALEX and two of them had ALEX and Emma and Alex and Emily as main characters][?];
In the DVD Alex and Emma, Alex is the code word-same title of the Movie that tyler perry made as code for the same area;
7. Because sibling and x broke up and their x is now with hispanics=not coincidental-siblings punishment for relative/sibling not bowing/yielding to white male system; of which hispanic[s] trying to intimidate while driving city of Winston-salem cars=not coincidental=punishment for AFrican American that does not agree to be subservant to white male[s] while hispanics rewarded for helping white male[s] to attack AFrican Americans; following is a letter dated to 2009 concerning hispanics being assigned to every situation associtated with the EEOC;[none of the bastards addresssed the issue];
December 18, 2009
To: Bernice Williams-Kimbrough
Re: 000-0000-00000
A copy of letter faxed to the EEOC Greensboro Office is included. Please inform of proper procedures to have
statements of both sections of the EEOC form 5 (5/01) corrected; please fax answer
to 336-000-0000 and send a copy to 0000 -------- -----, Winston-Salem , North Carolina 00000 .
Thank you,
Deanna[communication name]
cc, Regional Attorney:- Robert Dawkins, etc.. 8. After sibling and x broke up; phone was cut off; thus could not get on internet; got a new phone and someone said if you have a cell phone then you canprobably get on the internet by using wi-fi; which checked and listed on the wi-fi list was:
EDWINA [which is the name of mother of the boy who broke out all my windows and glass in my front screen door]it also had [SECURED WITH wpa/wpa 2(AVAILABLE ]and EDWINA'S GUEST -open=code= white males created a wi-fi- system to take over area to try and get to get on the internet through EDWINA[whose father is an ex dupty sher-ff] as a way of forcing people person to be behind the dum ass EDWINA=WHO does not come out of the house; think that she is really being held captive-she has a"LEARNING disability";
9. Think posted; but in case- in May 2016 earlier part Red truck parked at GWyns with WATER DAMAGE=code white male[s] repairing damage; license plate =[CKR-3148]
[note: white male who wears DUKE cap; SHEY librarian and white german female keep walking around computer intentionally as harassment];
10. Heard on radio 88.5 fm that PHil Nicholous[actor] and Walter had been caught doing"insider trading" through the use of "CODE" words[when google=nothing come up][?];
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