60-llw-Pan-b-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Caught ride to CRB library; GERMSN shephard dog still on corner acting agressive;
2. Verification that there is a group of African American prostitutes/johns and pimps working for white male in secret is the article for the Winston-Salem Chronicle that reads, 'There are TWO Americas,' minister group says"; by Chronicle staff reporter[strange -writer don't want to take the credit];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2017/01/two-americas-ministers-group-says/];
Can't get the picture or the article to post;[either the ES Chronicle or the WS Forsyth C libray have put a block on copy and paste at the WS Chronicle];
Quote from the Winston-Salem Chronicle Newspaper/1/9/17' Vol.43,No.20:
"The Rev. Dr.Lamonte Williams, president of the MCWSV, said the theme for the evening service was to be "Two America'sdivided and struggling for genuine equality." He says the Conference decided to choose this particular t heme for the service because America is divided. "Now we find ourselves in this moment in histroy where we have basically two classes of citizens, the haves and the have nots
Where there has been an attempt by the black bastards helping white males in secret to clean up the what the black bastards have done-helped white males to rob African Americans; NOW with TRUMP in [who don't play by the same rules]-the black bastards trying to make it appear that they have been working to help AFrican Americans all the time [system to again rob African Americans of wealth-becasue white males will raise the blacks helping them to steal from other blacks up while doing every thing to block the real AFrican Americans that should be raised up] with the black bastards that did not help African Americans pretending they are helping AFrican Americans when in reality still are not working towards prosperity for the AFrican American culture; The majority of the African American people in Winston-Salem, NC are so discouraged by the black bastards selling them out that they don't even turn out to march in the MLK parade[which is good-because the only thing the parade is for is to identify African Americans who still seek freedom from white males control; then the white male systems harass, target, abused, rob, them/and or their families even more and when or if the blacks who are abused try and tell people what is being done to them; they are classied as "crazy"-having some kind of "mental illnes"[new system to block/rob blacks while white males make money off of the blocking AFrican Americans];
For example know have posted on blog[if they have not taken the post off] that Gwydolyn Gwyn/Ellen King/ and "COOKIE" that lives in the 3700 block of Carver School Road helped white males in stealing of TWIN child; thus wrote/called[documented] the North Carolina Dept. of Justice concerning issues including the stealing of TWIN child; and what is all over the television/national media-TWIN located after being stole and what is the TWIN saying-"DON'T LOCK UP THE "bitch that stole her"-which is why they selected that set of twins; because trust-they have a whole country where they have stolen AFrican American twins[got something to do with the TWO concept-why they name the World TRADE Center, THE "TWIN TOWERS"-where what is currently in the news-another "TOWER"-Trump "TOWERS"-which confirms that Donald Trump is alread primed concerning the communications crookedness of the local and national media and those who are suppose to protect the president of the United States; that is why he does not want them to have access to him to try and manipulate him; AND in response to writing the NC Dept. of Justice;there was an article that stated that the "C"-"I"-"A" had made a settlement for discrimination; while Duke Energy threaten to turn my lights off that are needed for me to eat healthy so as not to go back to the ICU again;where did call city and asked for intervention being that the Salvation ARmy is practicing ethnic inimidation/blocking local AFriacan Americans wealth; Crisis Control on 10th Street[with 10 being a MONEY number] which is coincidently right around the corner from where first boyfriend Donald [hall] lived on 10th street and where the "WSPD" always keeps cars parked at 10th and "PATTERSON"; and coinicidently again one of Donald Trump's daughter [Ivanka][sp] advisor's will be named Powell-which is the last name of initials for CW who lived on "PATTERSON" Ave., who had his money taken by white males after he would work to 70 to 80 hours; CW would happily go into RJR tobacco company to get his check and come back cursing like a sailor because over half of CW's MONEY had been taken;[CW left the face of the earth some years ago; but the bastards act just like they saw him yesterday- in other words when they stole money from CW,they did not just steal from CW; they also stole from CW's family; therefore when someone in CW's family-knowingly or unknowly does something that connects them with CW's money that white males stole; the white male[authority]go into action to attack CW's offspring-to create a disconnect-which is why the issue of the TWIN[s] being stolen-have appeared for other people on televison at least five times on televison- and is put in the public to happen to other people; but not to CW's relative where white males, Gwyndolyn Gwyn, Ellen KING,"COOKIE"[who lives in the 3700 block of Carver School Road]-stole CW's relative TWIN to ensure the continued robbery of CW-who again physically left the face of the eath some years ago;
On "The Doctors" Heidi Powell and Chris Powell appeared; they wrote a book[];point coded message to HIDE POWELL-which means an ILLEGAL/IMMORAL action;[google-heidi powell chris powell new book][http://www.bing.com/search?q=heidi+powell+chris+powell+new+book&go=Search&qs=bs&form=QBRE];
3. ELLEN Degenerate won the People's Choice award for the 20th time[which means that is how long AfricanAmnericans who have sought the real GOD have been fooled by Ellen KING at Carver road Christian Church;

Think there was ONE BLACK MALE in the line of 20 males holding one of ELLEN's Peoples Choice Awards-message to Ellen KING at Carver Road Christian Church that she gets to keep a black "john"-as long as she is a secret prostitute and don't have to be gay-which Ellen Degenerate the TV show host is or was forced to be;
which is code to Ellen KING to continue ethinic intimidation at "Carver Road Christian Church"[bastards need to change them name because their behavior is not christian]
1. Caught ride to CRB library; GERMSN shephard dog still on corner acting agressive;
2. Verification that there is a group of African American prostitutes/johns and pimps working for white male in secret is the article for the Winston-Salem Chronicle that reads, 'There are TWO Americas,' minister group says"; by Chronicle staff reporter[strange -writer don't want to take the credit];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2017/01/two-americas-ministers-group-says/];
Where there has been an attempt by the black bastards helping white males in secret to clean up the what the black bastards have done-helped white males to rob African Americans; NOW with TRUMP in [who don't play by the same rules]-the black bastards trying to make it appear that they have been working to help AFrican Americans all the time [system to again rob African Americans of wealth-becasue white males will raise the blacks helping them to steal from other blacks up while doing every thing to block the real AFrican Americans that should be raised up] with the black bastards that did not help African Americans pretending they are helping AFrican Americans when in reality still are not working towards prosperity for the AFrican American culture; The majority of the African American people in Winston-Salem, NC are so discouraged by the black bastards selling them out that they don't even turn out to march in the MLK parade[which is good-because the only thing the parade is for is to identify African Americans who still seek freedom from white males control; then the white male systems harass, target, abused, rob, them/and or their families even more and when or if the blacks who are abused try and tell people what is being done to them; they are classied as "crazy"-having some kind of "mental illnes"[new system to block/rob blacks while white males make money off of the blocking AFrican Americans];
For example know have posted on blog[if they have not taken the post off] that Gwydolyn Gwyn/Ellen King/ and "COOKIE" that lives in the 3700 block of Carver School Road helped white males in stealing of TWIN child; thus wrote/called[documented] the North Carolina Dept. of Justice concerning issues including the stealing of TWIN child; and what is all over the television/national media-TWIN located after being stole and what is the TWIN saying-"DON'T LOCK UP THE "bitch that stole her"-which is why they selected that set of twins; because trust-they have a whole country where they have stolen AFrican American twins[got something to do with the TWO concept-why they name the World TRADE Center, THE "TWIN TOWERS"-where what is currently in the news-another "TOWER"-Trump "TOWERS"-which confirms that Donald Trump is alread primed concerning the communications crookedness of the local and national media and those who are suppose to protect the president of the United States; that is why he does not want them to have access to him to try and manipulate him; AND in response to writing the NC Dept. of Justice;there was an article that stated that the "C"-"I"-"A" had made a settlement for discrimination; while Duke Energy threaten to turn my lights off that are needed for me to eat healthy so as not to go back to the ICU again;where did call city and asked for intervention being that the Salvation ARmy is practicing ethnic inimidation/blocking local AFriacan Americans wealth; Crisis Control on 10th Street[with 10 being a MONEY number] which is coincidently right around the corner from where first boyfriend Donald [hall] lived on 10th street and where the "WSPD" always keeps cars parked at 10th and "PATTERSON"; and coinicidently again one of Donald Trump's daughter [Ivanka][sp] advisor's will be named Powell-which is the last name of initials for CW who lived on "PATTERSON" Ave., who had his money taken by white males after he would work to 70 to 80 hours; CW would happily go into RJR tobacco company to get his check and come back cursing like a sailor because over half of CW's MONEY had been taken;[CW left the face of the earth some years ago; but the bastards act just like they saw him yesterday- in other words when they stole money from CW,they did not just steal from CW; they also stole from CW's family; therefore when someone in CW's family-knowingly or unknowly does something that connects them with CW's money that white males stole; the white male[authority]go into action to attack CW's offspring-to create a disconnect-which is why the issue of the TWIN[s] being stolen-have appeared for other people on televison at least five times on televison- and is put in the public to happen to other people; but not to CW's relative where white males, Gwyndolyn Gwyn, Ellen KING,"COOKIE"[who lives in the 3700 block of Carver School Road]-stole CW's relative TWIN to ensure the continued robbery of CW-who again physically left the face of the eath some years ago;
On "The Doctors" Heidi Powell and Chris Powell appeared; they wrote a book[];point coded message to HIDE POWELL-which means an ILLEGAL/IMMORAL action;[google-heidi powell chris powell new book][http://www.bing.com/search?q=heidi+powell+chris+powell+new+book&go=Search&qs=bs&form=QBRE];
3. ELLEN Degenerate won the People's Choice award for the 20th time[which means that is how long AfricanAmnericans who have sought the real GOD have been fooled by Ellen KING at Carver road Christian Church;

Think there was ONE BLACK MALE in the line of 20 males holding one of ELLEN's Peoples Choice Awards-message to Ellen KING at Carver Road Christian Church that she gets to keep a black "john"-as long as she is a secret prostitute and don't have to be gay-which Ellen Degenerate the TV show host is or was forced to be;
which is code to Ellen KING to continue ethinic intimidation at "Carver Road Christian Church"[bastards need to change them name because their behavior is not christian]
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