Social Understandings

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

60-llw-Pan-d-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Road the wsta rte 96 to the CRB library from downtown WSTA city bus station where reported that fell on WSTA rte 83[route 13 was changed to route 83-thesame year that alledged twin was born]where hispanic male was driving route 83; was running to catch the bus-which know people told him to hold the bus someone was running for the bus; he[the hispanic shut the door as I got to the bus and then reopened the door and I fell in the floor of the door of wste route 83 bus because the stop to get on the bus was about two and a half to three feet high; while riding on route 96 to the CRB library; white male sat behind me; so I moved; when got to corner of Carver School Road and Lansing drive, after crossing Carver School Road waiting to cross Lansing drive; there appeared a black car[very shiny extras];waited to cross the street and the car was an authority vehicle with a BIG white male who was in a black or dark blue suit who was driving the all black authority vehicle;

Also had to get off of wsta city bus route 83 on Peterscreek parkwy [location of the restaurant where guy who wears royal blue use  to work where he was demoted, paid less, worked more hours, transfered accross town by the shell service station on the food lion side [old white female driver of wsta city bus route 83]; there was a GREAT BIG DIGGING MACHING[the kind that dig holes] in front of the WSTA route 83bus stop by the Wells FAR-go BANK-hispanic in charge of the digging machine[code-keep coming to location-will kill relatives-which I have been through before-point-If the bastards killing my relatives-I am killing theirs; took pictures; hispanic wanted to know what I was doing; asked him what was he building beside WELLS FAR-go bank and he said Dackery's Restaurant, so googled, "Dackery's Restaurant" and  "Daiquiri Dick's Restaurant, Bar & Grill" came up];  which is quiet coincidental because the "Dick" in the restuarant being build on Peterscreek Parkway beside the Wells FAR-go BANK is synonomous with "BO"-like "it's "BO" time" in the Bojangles commercial in which the old BOjangles [where an African american female[s] husband was shot by authorities on Peterescreek Parkway] was closed about a month after the NEW "BO" jangles restaurant was opened on Peterscreek Parkway, which is where the water in the creek on Peterscreek Parkway turned RED[close relative street name] in color;

Bojangles also just started a local commercial where a little white girl makes a presention in front of her class where she says her "HERoes are  "BO"jangles biscuit makers[2] [being that Godnepst was a biscuit maker by the name of "LOVE" who harassed]; The commerical with the little white girl saying that the TWO most important people in here life are the "BO"jangles biscuit makers coincides with the commerical done by Simone BILES [on the weather station 2.3-locally] to request that people buy MATTRESSES to help raise money to help  "CHILDREN"- which is coded message to the white male[s] secret system[s] that it is okay to rape foster children/specificially African American female children:

"MATTRESS"  Firm 'Foster Kids' Campaign: "Pajama Drive" Ad, Featuring Simone Biles"


[NOTE: Mattress is code word for "SEX"];

"HOUSTON, Sept. 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Mattress Firm and three-time World Champion Simone Biles announced today a multi-year partnership to create awareness of the retailer's national Mattress Firm Foster Kids program and help promote the importance of sleep, especially for children."

In other words the beginning of a NEW rape system of African American female children, which is why Simone BILES is to be an announcer at the "SUPER BOWL" so the message will go world wide;And there is a BIG MATRESS AD on the corner of WATERworks Rd and 311 that says, buy a MATTRESS and help raise funds to help children;Waterworks Rd and 311 is where a bunch of white males in authority vehicles  and Duke Energy vehicles lined the streets of Waterworks Rd and 311 to Northwest Blvd[where sibling "curtis was murdered] and 311;

The city of Winston-Salem, NC  WSTA city bus, route 1/route 11 was changed to route 96 where the wsta route 96 now makes TWO turns right on to TEREASA going to town and TWO turns left coming back on to Carver School Road-right after route 96 makes a left off of 311 onto Carver School Road; where it is no coincidence that the city of Winston-Salem, NC chaged the wsta city route 1/route11 to route 96 to turn at TEREASA, which coincides with Donald Trump meeting Prime Minister "          MAY" of Britian[code-now britian has African American's birth rights][?];

"President Trump meets with British Prime Minister May"

[As a candidate, Donald Trump called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization "obsolete." But as he stood next to British Prime Minister Theresa May Friday, she told the world that he was "100% behind" the alliance.   [Why is Donald Trump holding her hand-then before he let go of it; he patted TWICE-code-like she is beneath him and a little child];

2. After coming intot he CRB Library white GERMAN female-everybody is looking at Trump-the male-but not TRUMP the female who has a GERMAN heritage; who danced at the Presidental "BALL" with a hispanic:

‘Look what happens when Melania dances with a Hispanic’


 So there is a GERMAN[female] and a hispanic male[ which have documented the harassment and intimidation by hispanic males in the Carver School Road area and have filed complaints with the officials of the City of Winston-Salem, NC, the North Carolina Dept. of Justice, the national Dept. of Justice,etc.]; with the GERMAN female at the CRB library-who was put in place as to perform harassment/intimidation and with a hispanic male driver of wsta NEW route 83[same year twin was stolen-coincides with TRUMPS NEW position as head administator of the United States]who caused me to fall on the wsta new route 83;

Thus message to D. Trump the exchange is HISPANICS be allowed to dog out African Americans[why the hispanic was dancing with Trump's wife] in exchange for being allowed to do what he wants for "white males"; that is why the issue of the ban of  MUSL-MS is all in the MEDIA-have posted on blog[s] before that white male[s] consider African American[s] not subservent/obediant/not bowing to white males to be "TERR-RIST"; it is like a secret; which D. Trump is learning or knows; think he knows[because he is so smart; not to mention that it is the SAME system-D. Trumps pastor as stated on the television that I was watching is "PAULA" WHITE-with an emphasis on "PAULA"-in which D. Trump is operating under the matriachial system;not the patriarchial system; in other words D. Trump being carried by a female; just like African American male "john's", who have secret prostitutes with a title of wife;

3. In which have seen numerous coded messages that revolve around:


With the "case" being the issue of "RED's" relative want their MONEY associated with WELL Far-GO to stop- robbery by white male system-WITH  "WELL" being code for part of name asssocited with POW-ll; the case -spotlight on White male[s] systems of robbing African American[s]-especially associated with POW-ll;which means D. Trump looking for how to identify issue connection-which is why the BAN where part of issue is "what is the last website you went to"-
Musl-m working for white males [and eventually D. Trump]are given specific information-not coincidence;

4. Last but not least Dena "POWELL" is Evanka Trumps advisor[?]-which is the wrong "POWELL"-suppose to be the "POWELL"  connected to PATTERSON Avenue where "STEVE WHITEheart" located down the street;

5. Note: Never seen so many "STEVES" in the news/media since Donald Trump because the head of the administration of the United States;

6. Pray for innoncent African American[s] because after posting if they killing my relatives; I'm killing theirs-the bastards assign the value I assign to a situation to millions of other people who do not have a clue[can verify]-which means a lot of AFrican Americans will be attacked-in secret-PROOF-with the so called racist white male in office in history-there are no African American[s] marches to address specific African American issues; however Evanka Trump got a BIG response from the world-"WOMAN'S ISSUES"-"women" from all around the WORLD protested about every issue imaginable; but there has not been on protest by a race of people-African American[s] who supposedly have the most to lose[why is that?];




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