1. Rode the wsta rte 96 and 83; on wsta rte 83 HUGE WHITE male[black male[black kkk] assisting the white male [kkk] got off rte 83 and huge white male [kkk] took seat of black male[black kkk]]; and at Office Depot was a skin head; white male with specific haircut;code=Donald Trump okayed white male [kkk's] not hiding while sending the message any African American who wants to prosper can be a black kkk=no thank you;[note: white skin head standing at angle to try and see what I am posting;
2. Which posted approximately four months ago that white male authority had put a uniform shop in at shopping center to replace ANNA's[retail store that opened the day the killed Charlie Wade]as code of white male kkk [who is and has been in charge of authority in the United States [after Civil War was won]-which why the killing of the African Ameican male with no penalty to white males-are you going to punish yourself for fulfilling your mission; don't think so; Sad part is that African Americans even with the kkk/Nazi being in the street still in a state of not being awake=why there were whites fighting whites=one group of white[s] fighting the other group of white[s] to stop the AWAKENING of the African American Male, which is what the movie [Miracle at St. ANNA'S]made by Spike Lee was about-the "sleeping giant";
3. Went to 2.00 movie of Tuesday and saw "BAND-AID", which was newly made[2017]:
![]() | Zoe Lister-Jones | ... |
![]() | Adam Pally | ... |
![]() | Brooklyn Decker | ... |
![]() | Vivien Lyra Blair | ... |
Anna=code name/Ben=code name/Candice=code name/Isis=code name for African Americans not doing what white male[s] want [Blacks to attack blacks for white male];Vivien-code for Winston-Salem Alderman's area[Carver School Road] in Winston-Salem=the blacks won't participate=isis;
$. "ric" could not respond to movie "Aliens in the Attack; "ANN" mocked in movie "Band Aid"=sorry that your mother and father[the makers of movie Band Aid] skrewed your husband or wife[white bastards];
4. The park across the street from the Wells Fargo is infested with masqitoes[sp]; can someone please inform the city of Winston-Salem, NC but they may already know being that the new RESEARCH park which is connected to downtown area on the WEST side was opened a few days ago=in the African American neighborhood; where Salem Lake is located and where there was just recently remodeling; when went to visit=strange how everybody in charge was 'hispanic'-in charge of a lake=good place to put negative evidence/get ride of blacks who "Cooperating"=code word=favorite word used by sylvia hamlin; the water is not a normal color and looks strange=what are they really doing at Salem Lake and the new RESEARCH Park where the ROCK[code name] quarry was-see if there ends up being a lot more Hispanic[s] vs. the African American[s] who have lived in the area for decades;
note: white male just tried to walk around me at Office Depot ;when i moved so that he couldn't he made a turn to the bathroom on his cell phone
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