Give me my MONEY
A [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN was lying flat on Reynolda Road across from 2720 where a FOR SALE sign has been posted when Cintas rides past as communication that white males will buy Deanna's heritage[meaning they will pay Cintas for helping white males to rob Deanna of her heritage of which Melissa Harriss Perry conference "Gender, race, and incarciaration" discussed how family members [termed the panel used] "police" [meaning the family members deprive and punish] African American females within the African American family;
Being that a [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN is kept lying flat in front of the house on the black side of town to block the Moores and Judge Rolland Hayes son[who was taught to attack all African Americans not raising up white male system[s] on the black side of town] who have permission to do illegal activity to blacks to block them {hayes and moores] from parking in front of house;
The reason white males put the [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN lying flat on Reynolda Road across from 2720 where a FOR SALE sign has been posted is because it is white males [who live in house across the street]system[s] way to communicate to let Cintas have the life/wealth/[especially the love relationship] that belongs to me on the white side of town[black side of town everything is attacked; not allowed to flourish][everything on the white side of town is allowed to flourish, never attacked;or the result will be what was on the sign in page on yahoo [Olympus Has Fallen(2013)] where I sent an email last night 12/27/13 that stated: Verna Singletary and cintas joined in harassing me through verna threatening to call her degtective sister who know authorities on the ws forsyth po.force if I ask her to pay me for work that id eid for her, which was making thrity pair of earrings and sewisng together a blouse and sweater;melissa harrris perry had a "Gender, race and incarciration" conference where they discussed black females being tarketed on a national basisfor confinement and the hidden causes; Nov. six, two thousand and thirteen; cpan, channel six." [of which after sent email to; there was a Now developing story on CNN, channel 25; which was that 4 of the US people had been captured by same people who attacked and killed 4 people in bengazi[sp]; of which by the morning the 4 had been released=by who?]=communication to those in the black community who are working in secret for white males against black people]
Ant to communicate to me that unless I agree to allow Cintas to have my life on white side of town that they will start the process of whatever the Olympus Has Fallen(2013) movie is about;
[Guesstimation=guy who is blue devil fan[wear royal blue]will be attacked and threaten by white male system or worse they will start killing his family members or white males will have Cintas to have family members to start to attack me as punishment being that family members have been trained to listen to Cintas who is told how to treat me by white males[usually given through local authority in area that is over Reynolda Road and Carver Road area and any area connected to guy who is a blue devil fan; or that they will stop Cintas from allowing me to sleep on the floor, eating the wrong foods as punishment for not slaving to white males,which includes being told to go and eat outside[not allowed to eat in the house]; or based upon communication from Cintas last night 12/27/13 tell the white males to kill me[Cintas closed the BLACK curtains last night[which gave the effect of the windows looking kind of like the guys windows in the Sandy Hook killings-took picture of windows];

Notice that wedding ring that symbolizes MARRIAGE- that is a African American female prostitutes communication to white males that they control and that whatever the black female does; first is to ensure the dick security;[
A [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN was lying flat on Reynolda Road across from 2720 where a FOR SALE sign has been posted when Cintas rides past as communication that white males will buy Deanna's heritage[meaning they will pay Cintas for helping white males to rob Deanna of her heritage of which Melissa Harriss Perry conference "Gender, race, and incarciaration" discussed how family members [termed the panel used] "police" [meaning the family members deprive and punish] African American females within the African American family;
Being that a [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN is kept lying flat in front of the house on the black side of town to block the Moores and Judge Rolland Hayes son[who was taught to attack all African Americans not raising up white male system[s] on the black side of town] who have permission to do illegal activity to blacks to block them {hayes and moores] from parking in front of house;
The reason white males put the [ wsforsyth CITY]ROYAL BLUE RECYLE BIN lying flat on Reynolda Road across from 2720 where a FOR SALE sign has been posted is because it is white males [who live in house across the street]system[s] way to communicate to let Cintas have the life/wealth/[especially the love relationship] that belongs to me on the white side of town[black side of town everything is attacked; not allowed to flourish][everything on the white side of town is allowed to flourish, never attacked;or the result will be what was on the sign in page on yahoo [Olympus Has Fallen(2013)] where I sent an email last night 12/27/13 that stated: Verna Singletary and cintas joined in harassing me through verna threatening to call her degtective sister who know authorities on the ws forsyth po.force if I ask her to pay me for work that id eid for her, which was making thrity pair of earrings and sewisng together a blouse and sweater;melissa harrris perry had a "Gender, race and incarciration" conference where they discussed black females being tarketed on a national basisfor confinement and the hidden causes; Nov. six, two thousand and thirteen; cpan, channel six." [of which after sent email to; there was a Now developing story on CNN, channel 25; which was that 4 of the US people had been captured by same people who attacked and killed 4 people in bengazi[sp]; of which by the morning the 4 had been released=by who?]=communication to those in the black community who are working in secret for white males against black people]
Ant to communicate to me that unless I agree to allow Cintas to have my life on white side of town that they will start the process of whatever the Olympus Has Fallen(2013) movie is about;

Olympus Has Fallen(2013[];
"Disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terr-ri-t attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers"

And being that on 12/27/13, sent email to about Verna Singletary and her dectective sister[tried to send fact that Cintas was directed to move so that Verna's sister detective could be in the picture which provided a connection to/through local authorities to create a situation to threaten, intimidate and force to serve white males in ws]white males response was to put Olympus Has Fallen(2013) [];and
""he Hunger Games: Catching Fire"; around the sign in page on yahoo. [tried to copy and post; but computer would not allow]=threat to attack more and starve;

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Director: Francis Lawrence - Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson
Director: Francis Lawrence - Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson
"The film begins as Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts more. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever.

The movie is classified as Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy/Suspense/Thriller; but in actuality it is a reality for/in African Americans neighborhoods; thus stravation will push people into areas where there is food which means white males are prepared for that and will /have and are already have in place system[s] to kill before they ever reach white male territory:
Part of what denying the 1.3 million people extended benefits is about[mostly the African Americans will have the problem because they can't eat unless they bow to/through the African Americans prostitutes working for white males in secret; white people will eat regardless][part of the priviledge of being white];On 12/28/13; CNN; channel 25;PAUL HALLsby [white male][name is code]seg. "Lose Jobless Benefits today" is code to local people in winston-salem, nc to fire African Americans not working as prostitutes for white males in secret; PAUL =code name for PAULINE [system] of which Gwyndolyn Gwyn[who helped to steal TWIN child] [and her son who pulled a weapon on me] and Carver Road Church
[E. King Given sand W.E. Johnson; Greater Cleveland Ave. church[where obama visited]and "CHRIS" Hayes all help to rob,steal and kill African American[s] of the wealth and prosperity;not only is the "blocking of help" a message to not help African American; it is also a system to ensure that more JOBS will be secure; one commentator asked "what do CONGRESS expect people to do?" the black people will be forced into crimes which is the answer for more white males to have JOBSs which will allow authority[white males] to put African Ammerican people in confinement for doing things to have income/money to eat [which is what CONGRESS did to stop them from eating from legal means];if a person is cut off from social agencies and accessing economic means legally to eat and live[secret system operating in African Ameican neighborhoods; "IF you earn money legally, you will be put in confinement"'; then there is no other alternative other than starving or killing to eat[hunger games];Note: Paul HALLsby name being used as code is confirmation through Jane Pauly and Brian Gumbo being guest on the Today Show one day last week"
Melissa Harris Perry[] Gender, Race, and incarciration conference brought up the issue of so many African American females being put into jail and prisons that it is a national epidemic [at would like to say that the Melissa Harris Perry[] Gender, Race, and incarciration conference is confirmation and proof of white male system[s] of robbery at work; Melissa Harris Perry is allowed to do what she does because she has a WHITE parent[mother- Diana Gray];so Melissa Harris Perry is very tuned into the name "ANNA";ANNE";
and she is married to an African American male [James Perry];

orleans_transplant_has_a_l.html];which explains why at the Gender, race and incarciration conference on cspan they kept grouping African American females with quire[sp]those who are considered to be gay=agreement with white males to help turn African American females/males into gay group that donot work for white males in exchange white males don't attack Melissa Harris Perry's marriage:
"Oct 2, 2011 - It was showtime, and Melissa Harris-Perry was definitely ready to go. ... Her mother, Diana Gray, who is white, taught at a community college and was working on her doctorate when she met the man ..."
note: and cintas did say this morning[122813]"All right now" as in a threat=meaning don't think you are a human of equal value with equal rights; after stating the other day that "it"[meaning money and rights that go along with money is] "our";but yet and still no money in my pocket/bank account to do the basics in life;
To all connected with robbery, theft, intimidation systems and abuses;
Fu-k u mother fu-king ass bastards; may the Devine God take your money give it to your siblings and family members who are then told by the same people to starve your asses and then tell you when you complain; "it is our money." Yet I am suppose to it quietly while being starve; if I have to starve EVERYBODY-including you bastards will be starving[if there is a Devine God];
And hopefull people who read this will attack every dam thing you develop; try to develop or will ever develop; bastards;
And may the Devine God forgive me of all my sins;
Cintas is well aware that if she don't do as white males say do that she will not have Tim[a dick][so called boyfriend of 20 years in life]; when encountered a stateton,etc. then cintas was told to do act like she was helping me to eat [she took all heathy food and left everything that would turn to sugar]; since that period of time William Rockerfeller [has wrecked a train/killed people] to communicate to stateton that if they help it would begin the white males financial system of wealth being knocked down/wrecked; so don't help the African American female we [white males] are attacking, abusing, robbing;
Thus anybody who reads any of this blog-word to the wise if it is MINE; no white male or white male system[s] has a right to take it from me; then give to me the way they want me to have it and even if they do; I have a right to take whatever they have and take from them and give it back to them the way I want them to have what belongs to them and even if I don't; there is somebody who is reading this that does have that right;
Phil Robinson said. "DED"[Don't ever Do]=code-announced on television=what they say about African American[s] who do not serve white male[s] systems; "DED"- Don't ever do African Americans that don't yield to being white male[s] slaves"CNN;12/28/13";
Note: blogged on 12/27/13 that people should pay attention to reaction time for concerning certain situations in their life[even if it is not a normal atmosphere] that people should take things into their own hands so to speak; and on one of local news network was story of "Josephine county, Or.; "Northvalley community watch" in which citizens are strapped for CASH take law[organize as their own protectors[with weapons and all] into their own hands";But when African American[s] do the same to try and protect their neighborhoods they are called terr-r-i-t by white male authority; went to local meeting where African American teacher in Winston-Salem, NC said that a group of African American teachers had met to help figure out ways to alter African American males students from going behind bars or being put into confinement to give them a better outcome in life and the local authoritites knocked on their door and said told them they could not meet; that occured in appx-1994;image what they are doing now";
It is white people'se job to stop white people abuses of other races who do not have the resources to defend themselves; bottom line and all those who don't will have to answer to the devine God; so don't be shocked when the Devine God responds to having innoncent people abused, starved and threaten by white male system[s];
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