Posted on 2/12/14:
“Being that Cynthia is getting instructions specifically for the BOARD MEMBERS AT B-bCOCK Foundation-which will be real easy to prove;[B-bCOCK-has 2B's and 2C's]”
Wrote the above after "Goodwill" truck :
2701 University Pkwy
Winston-Salem, NC[]

and "CINTAS" truck:
3775 Industrial Ave
Winston-Salem, NC

met me while on the way to the Reynolda Branch library on 2/12/14 with the Goodwill truck representing "the re-opening of an "Employment Program" at Goodwill after my suggestion as a result of research of African Ameican plights in housing projects" But the same people have blocked me from accessing employment[especially full-time];
Which offends me and pray that "all jobs through the Goodwill Employment program result in it being the equivalent of a millstone hanging around their necks and their being caste into the sea because it offends [one of the Devine God's little ones]me-
["And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."][mark 9:42][]
that they used one of my suggestion to restart an employment program to help people get jobs and then they blocked me from Full time employment or steady income [that increases through honest work];may EVERY JOB that has ever been obtained through my suggestion of restarting of the Goodwill employment training program, have the effect of a millstone hanging around their necks and their being caste into the sea until they unoffend me [by restoring every dollar taken through blocking me economically]from Full time employment or steady income that increases through honest work] without adding any sorrow:
The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." [Proverbs 10:22] []
Which is PROOF of the fact that their secret system of communication that if I earn MONEY from honest work; that they will put me in confinement is a violation of the Supreme Devine God's law; because if MONEY is earn from dishonest methods that would lead to some type of sorrow and [Proverbs 10:22] says "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." which means that I am to be blessed[4.blissfully happy or contented.][];
Saw a commerical on local television that Verify's white males system's designed to "GUIDE"-with B-bCOCK"system being one of the systems design to "GUIDE";
"Financial Storytelling with TD Ameritrade: "Joe"
In the commerical TDAmeritrade; the statement is made"He'll find some people to help "GUIDE" him;
Dec 20, 2012 - The commercial was from TD Ameritrade and can be found here: It's Common Sense. ... He'll find some good people to help guide him.];
With the KEY word being "GUIDE" in earlier B-bCOCK's" websites where it is VERY Evident that "B-bCOCK's" goal is to teach/guide African Americans of how to use the white male system[s] to steal/rob/block their own African American[s] family members of their MONEY and love relationships [which is part of Cynthia's job]
White males call it "GUIDE"; and it is IF that person choses to be allowed to be "GUIDED"; but Cynthia wasn't-she has been psychologically manipulated intimidated,and threaten since a child that to choose African American culture means punishment and to choose white culture means rewards; that is not choice-that is what pimps do: "forced slavery,prostitution";
And now that elements of the white male system have been overcame in the African American community; NOW white males want to re-train Cynthia that to select African American is GOOD and she will get rewards if she selects AFrican American all for the purpose of STEALING what belongs to CYNTHIA sister [to ensure that white males keep an African American female out front that the white males control to control the African American culture];"Would anybody trust Cynthia as a sibling?" she does not have her own mind; she has the mind white males decide to give her for the day;If white males control the African American female who has the money that AFrican American female is looked up to because they are the one in the family with the money[whose decisions carry more weight with the ignorant people in the family who tend to lean towards the person in a family with the money];
Walked to the store in the SNOW storm on 2/13/14; and with all the snow and all of the problems people where having because of the snow] verification of how close and invading the surveillance of white males systems of control of African Americans is the fact that; after I had put on a light blue hat that belongs to my nephew; three white people showed up; a couple with same light blue hats on and a white male with a dog[tan];and upon observation-"the a couple with same light blue hats on" separated from the white male with a dog[tan] to try and form a circle around me and the other person I was walking with; BUT after I switched sides and started to walk so that they could not encircle me; the white male with a dog[tan and couple with same light blue hats on immediately started walking back together and stopped trying to walk a circle around me and the person I had been walking with; IF they had encircle me and the person I had been walking with to the couple with same light blue hats on and the white male with a dog[tanthe white male with a dog[tan] and those who were watching through survellience; that would have meant to them that they [white males] owned me; they already own the person that I had been walking with;
Because they could not cirle me; the result was that with all the snow and all of the problems people where having there were four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing, no sound; and as the two other people and myself walked into McDonalds [where there were all white and hispanic men?] four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing stayed on Reynolda Road from "Shell" Service Station while walking into McDonalds to communicate to the two people forced and intimidated into working for white males that the person with them was NOT one of those helping white males in secret who were [probably]driving the four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing without sound;
After the big storm; came in Reynolda Branch library early on 2/14/14[TWO day] and an African American male and his son sat in front of me?[AFrican American male and son are what are suppose to be in my life in the natural]; then the white female[very nasty attitude][red hair shoulder length//at front desk] started "almost "YELLING" out names so loud it was like being at a ballfield; and as I was getting up to ask "Jennifer BARnett Boneno"[sp] if she could ask her to be quiet she called out the name "Sharlene" name of a relative; and after I asked her if the library clerk could please lower her voice;then the African American male and his son went to the next table-message- if white male control family member and then African American male and son that are suppose to be in your life appear; if white males do not control then white males will continue; think they had it on one of the talk show[s][documented] in one of their segment titles: "WAGE WAR"[which is code to white males and those who work in secret to "wage a war" against African American[s] notworking in secret for white males;innocent people looking at the segment would think that "WAGE WAR" meant that there is a war concerning "wages'[money] which is what the segement was talking about; but to those who read the secret code of the words and media "WAGE WAR" means "wage a war" against AFrican American[s] and it is becoming more evident to regular people who are not into politics that the current re-elected man in brown skin in the house that is white is really not supporting or trying to help African American[s];
Posted on 2/12/14:
“Being that Cynthia is getting instructions specifically for the BOARD MEMBERS AT B-bCOCK Foundation-which will be real easy to prove;[B-bCOCK-has 2B's and 2C's]”
Wrote the above after "Goodwill" truck :
2701 University Pkwy
Winston-Salem, NC[]

and "CINTAS" truck:
3775 Industrial Ave
Winston-Salem, NC

met me while on the way to the Reynolda Branch library on 2/12/14 with the Goodwill truck representing "the re-opening of an "Employment Program" at Goodwill after my suggestion as a result of research of African Ameican plights in housing projects" But the same people have blocked me from accessing employment[especially full-time];
Which offends me and pray that "all jobs through the Goodwill Employment program result in it being the equivalent of a millstone hanging around their necks and their being caste into the sea because it offends [one of the Devine God's little ones]me-
["And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."][mark 9:42][]
that they used one of my suggestion to restart an employment program to help people get jobs and then they blocked me from Full time employment or steady income [that increases through honest work];may EVERY JOB that has ever been obtained through my suggestion of restarting of the Goodwill employment training program, have the effect of a millstone hanging around their necks and their being caste into the sea until they unoffend me [by restoring every dollar taken through blocking me economically]from Full time employment or steady income that increases through honest work] without adding any sorrow:
The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." [Proverbs 10:22] []
Which is PROOF of the fact that their secret system of communication that if I earn MONEY from honest work; that they will put me in confinement is a violation of the Supreme Devine God's law; because if MONEY is earn from dishonest methods that would lead to some type of sorrow and [Proverbs 10:22] says "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." which means that I am to be blessed[4.blissfully happy or contented.][];
Saw a commerical on local television that Verify's white males system's designed to "GUIDE"-with B-bCOCK"system being one of the systems design to "GUIDE";
"Financial Storytelling with TD Ameritrade: "Joe"
In the commerical TDAmeritrade; the statement is made"He'll find some people to help "GUIDE" him;
Dec 20, 2012 - The commercial was from TD Ameritrade and can be found here: It's Common Sense. ... He'll find some good people to help guide him.];
With the KEY word being "GUIDE" in earlier B-bCOCK's" websites where it is VERY Evident that "B-bCOCK's" goal is to teach/guide African Americans of how to use the white male system[s] to steal/rob/block their own African American[s] family members of their MONEY and love relationships [which is part of Cynthia's job]
White males call it "GUIDE"; and it is IF that person choses to be allowed to be "GUIDED"; but Cynthia wasn't-she has been psychologically manipulated intimidated,and threaten since a child that to choose African American culture means punishment and to choose white culture means rewards; that is not choice-that is what pimps do: "forced slavery,prostitution";
And now that elements of the white male system have been overcame in the African American community; NOW white males want to re-train Cynthia that to select African American is GOOD and she will get rewards if she selects AFrican American all for the purpose of STEALING what belongs to CYNTHIA sister [to ensure that white males keep an African American female out front that the white males control to control the African American culture];"Would anybody trust Cynthia as a sibling?" she does not have her own mind; she has the mind white males decide to give her for the day;If white males control the African American female who has the money that AFrican American female is looked up to because they are the one in the family with the money[whose decisions carry more weight with the ignorant people in the family who tend to lean towards the person in a family with the money];
Walked to the store in the SNOW storm on 2/13/14; and with all the snow and all of the problems people where having because of the snow] verification of how close and invading the surveillance of white males systems of control of African Americans is the fact that; after I had put on a light blue hat that belongs to my nephew; three white people showed up; a couple with same light blue hats on and a white male with a dog[tan];and upon observation-"the a couple with same light blue hats on" separated from the white male with a dog[tan] to try and form a circle around me and the other person I was walking with; BUT after I switched sides and started to walk so that they could not encircle me; the white male with a dog[tan and couple with same light blue hats on immediately started walking back together and stopped trying to walk a circle around me and the person I had been walking with; IF they had encircle me and the person I had been walking with to the couple with same light blue hats on and the white male with a dog[tanthe white male with a dog[tan] and those who were watching through survellience; that would have meant to them that they [white males] owned me; they already own the person that I had been walking with;
Because they could not cirle me; the result was that with all the snow and all of the problems people where having there were four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing, no sound; and as the two other people and myself walked into McDonalds [where there were all white and hispanic men?] four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing stayed on Reynolda Road from "Shell" Service Station while walking into McDonalds to communicate to the two people forced and intimidated into working for white males that the person with them was NOT one of those helping white males in secret who were [probably]driving the four to five white authority vehicles with blue sirens flashing without sound;
After the big storm; came in Reynolda Branch library early on 2/14/14[TWO day] and an African American male and his son sat in front of me?[AFrican American male and son are what are suppose to be in my life in the natural]; then the white female[very nasty attitude][red hair shoulder length//at front desk] started "almost "YELLING" out names so loud it was like being at a ballfield; and as I was getting up to ask "Jennifer BARnett Boneno"[sp] if she could ask her to be quiet she called out the name "Sharlene" name of a relative; and after I asked her if the library clerk could please lower her voice;then the African American male and his son went to the next table-message- if white male control family member and then African American male and son that are suppose to be in your life appear; if white males do not control then white males will continue; think they had it on one of the talk show[s][documented] in one of their segment titles: "WAGE WAR"[which is code to white males and those who work in secret to "wage a war" against African American[s] notworking in secret for white males;innocent people looking at the segment would think that "WAGE WAR" meant that there is a war concerning "wages'[money] which is what the segement was talking about; but to those who read the secret code of the words and media "WAGE WAR" means "wage a war" against AFrican American[s] and it is becoming more evident to regular people who are not into politics that the current re-elected man in brown skin in the house that is white is really not supporting or trying to help African American[s];
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