Mayor Bill de Blasio
Posted on blog on 2/14/14 about the fact the Al Roker was right about Mayor Bill de Blasio [who is first white mayor elected to New York in twenty years]sending basically AFrican American children to school in bad weather; and the fact that Mayor Bill de Blasio is a white male using an African American female/and her children to carry out the instructions of a group of white males operating in secret which includes white mayor Mike Duggan
["Detroit elects first white mayor in more than 4 decades";By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN;updated 9:22 PM EST, Wed November 6, 2013;[];
Thus nobody has mentioned it in main stream media that there are TWO major cities with large African American populations where the first white mayor[s]are to be elected in decades;

New York the first white mayor [Bill De Blisio] in twenty years;

Detroit, the first white mayor in forty years;
Notice the African American female in white mayor Mike Duggan picture[he too will be hiding behind African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret];
One major city "Detroit" that went bankrupt [2008 bail out]; and now white male elected mayor; most of the African American population ran out of the city because of lack of jobs;and the other white mayor shows up in New York with an African American female who was forced into a protitution marriage;yet nobody has had the issue before the mainstream media; and saw on the news a map where there are quite a few states who population depends on obtaining food stamps inorder to survive of which North Carolina is one of those states where Governor McCory is presented being summoned to court for a "COAL ASHE" spill [code for [black] from "DUKE" energy [with Duke being the name of theteam of the guy [who wanted to date me]who is a Duke Blue devil fan]; code to Governor McCory in his new position as governor that his hold up is from African American[s] based upon his previous position at Duke Energy[before he became governor of North Carolina] tto help Gov. McCory to develop secret systems for white males to punish African Americans not working in secret for white males being that Gov. McCory KNOWS that DUKE Energy KEEPS white males in African American neighborhoods and that those white males are doing other things [which if it were a white neighborhood would be considered illegal]; and Gov. MCory also KNOWS the void of the AFrican American male in the AFrican American family and neighborhood; and he is personally shocked that anybody would surmmon him to answer for anything done; because as the white football player Richie Incognito (68) who was harassing Jonathan Martin (71) stated to Jonathan Martin that if he[Martin] tried to go anything to retaliate that he[Richie Incognito] is white and would get away with it; which is how white males are raised; they control/own and whatever they do they[white males] will get away with it; include adding an African American football player as ALSO harassing Jonathan Martin to make it look like it was not a white male dominating a black male[which is what it really was and is played out everyday of an African American male[s] life;
note: B-bcock sent Tim to work[double overtime] to keep him out of Cynthia[s] for Valentine[s] day; which means Tim[s] employer/supervisor is also connected with B-bcock system of control of African Americans;
TWO day:
Saw on the local television stations where "
"Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm. "
Al Roker was right [because BILL DeBalsio was doing his job] which is to make it as difficult [wage war] on/for African American children and African American[s] as possible; while making it look like he is actually trying to help African American[s];
TWO day:
Saw on the local television stations where "
"Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm. "
Al Roker was right [because BILL DeBalsio was doing his job] which is to make it as difficult [wage war] on/for African American children and African American[s] as possible; while making it look like he is actually trying to help African American[s];
With ALL of the talk about race/racism in the news talk shows=WHY has there been no comment about a white mayor being elected over an African American city [white males take over/controlling]while at the same time there is a white mayor BILL DE Balsio [forced marriage to an African] is elected to be over "African American children in New York's public Schools wher Justice Thomas of the United States Supreme Court was just on the news over the weekend for stating that there is more prejudice in the North than ever was in the South"
NOTE: [white female clerk at Reynolda branch library with red hair just stated,""Ann" calling to let you know that "Gold finch? is nowavailable at Reynolda Branch Library? on hold shelf"][harassment];[Thank you Devine God -response [ANN -KILL all who hold Ann Gold!]
"Roker apologizes for '1 term' dig at de Blasio, but stands by snowstorm criticism"
Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm.
Roker had blasted the mayor for not closing schools when the city was expecting to receive nearly a foot of snow. As a final dig, he gave his own "forecast" for de Blasio: he'd be a one-term mayor.
But he said he stands by the rest.
With ALL of the talk about race/racism in the news talk shows=WHY has there been no comment about a white mayor being elected over an African American city [white males take over/controlling]while at the same time there is a white mayor
NOTE: [white female clerk at Reynolda branch library with red hair just stated,""Ann" calling to let you know that "Gold finch? is nowavailable at Reynolda Branch Library? on hold shelf"][harassment];[response [Thank You Devine God: "ANN -KILL all who hold Ann Gold!"]
"Roker apologizes for '1 term' dig at de Blasio, but stands by snowstorm criticism"
Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm.
Roker had blasted the mayor for not closing schools when the city was expecting to receive nearly a foot of snow. As a final dig, he gave his own "forecast" for de Blasio: he'd be a one-term mayor.
But he said he stands by the rest.
"Detroit elects first white mayor in more than 4 decades";By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN;updated 9:22 PM EST, Wed November 6, 2013;[];
(CNN) -- Detroit elected Mike Duggan mayor Tuesday. And he's white.
Of course, he has numerous qualifications for the job -- experience as a hospital CEO, county executive, former prosecutor, etc. -- but in a city where four of five residents are African-American and no Caucasian has held the city's highest office in almost four decades, the headline is that Duggan is white.
The last white mayor to take the city's helm was former sheriff and prosecutor Roman Gribbs, who served from 1970 to 1974.
Duggan, 55, will replace outgoing Mayor Dave Bing after defeating his opponent, Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, by a margin of 55% to 45%, according to CNN affiliates WXYZ and WDIV.
His campaign slogan was "Every neighborhood has a future," and he ran on a platform of financial turnaround, crime reduction and economic development. He told the Detroit Free Press on Wednesday that his first priority will be cutting police response time.
"If you don't feel safe in this community, people don't want to live here and don't want to open a business here," he told the newspaper.
He'll have his work cut out in a city the FBI says saw 15,011 violent crimes and 386 murders last year. It also has more than 30,000 vacant buildings, WDIV reports, a telling mark of the fiscal crisis through which the city is struggling. It filed for bankruptcy in July.
Duggan may have to operate through consensus until at least September, as Gov. Rick Snyder in March appointed Kevyn Orr to serve as emergency manager for at least 18 months.
While Duggan told WDIV he'd liked to "shorten Kevyn Orr's stay," most of the authority in city matters lies with Orr while he's emergency manager. Snyder has said that will be until Detroit emerges from bankruptcy and repairs its finances.
Duggan's campaign website touts his record of fiscal turnaround: As president and CEO of Detroit Medical Center, Duggan led the hospital to its first profit since 1997; as general manager of the SMART bus system, he eliminated the deficit and increased bus service by 50%; and as deputy Wayne County executive, he eliminated a $130 million deficit and assisted in creating 15 straight balanced budgets.
The married father of two and former Wayne County prosecutor attended Detroit Catholic Central High School before graduating from the University of Michigan as an undergraduate and as a law student.
Posted on blog on 2/14/14 about the fact the Al Roker was right about Mayor Bill de Blasio [who is first white mayor elected to New York in twenty years]sending basically AFrican American children to school in bad weather; and the fact that Mayor Bill de Blasio is a white male using an African American female/and her children to carry out the instructions of a group of white males operating in secret which includes white mayor Mike Duggan
["Detroit elects first white mayor in more than 4 decades";By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN;updated 9:22 PM EST, Wed November 6, 2013;[];
Thus nobody has mentioned it in main stream media that there are TWO major cities with large African American populations where the first white mayor[s]are to be elected in decades;

New York the first white mayor [Bill De Blisio] in twenty years;

Detroit, the first white mayor in forty years;
Notice the African American female in white mayor Mike Duggan picture[he too will be hiding behind African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret];
One major city "Detroit" that went bankrupt [2008 bail out]; and now white male elected mayor; most of the African American population ran out of the city because of lack of jobs;and the other white mayor shows up in New York with an African American female who was forced into a protitution marriage;yet nobody has had the issue before the mainstream media; and saw on the news a map where there are quite a few states who population depends on obtaining food stamps inorder to survive of which North Carolina is one of those states where Governor McCory is presented being summoned to court for a "COAL ASHE" spill [code for [black] from "DUKE" energy [with Duke being the name of theteam of the guy [who wanted to date me]who is a Duke Blue devil fan]; code to Governor McCory in his new position as governor that his hold up is from African American[s] based upon his previous position at Duke Energy[before he became governor of North Carolina] tto help Gov. McCory to develop secret systems for white males to punish African Americans not working in secret for white males being that Gov. McCory KNOWS that DUKE Energy KEEPS white males in African American neighborhoods and that those white males are doing other things [which if it were a white neighborhood would be considered illegal]; and Gov. MCory also KNOWS the void of the AFrican American male in the AFrican American family and neighborhood; and he is personally shocked that anybody would surmmon him to answer for anything done; because as the white football player Richie Incognito (68) who was harassing Jonathan Martin (71) stated to Jonathan Martin that if he[Martin] tried to go anything to retaliate that he[Richie Incognito] is white and would get away with it; which is how white males are raised; they control/own and whatever they do they[white males] will get away with it; include adding an African American football player as ALSO harassing Jonathan Martin to make it look like it was not a white male dominating a black male[which is what it really was and is played out everyday of an African American male[s] life;
note: B-bcock sent Tim to work[double overtime] to keep him out of Cynthia[s] for Valentine[s] day; which means Tim[s] employer/supervisor is also connected with B-bcock system of control of African Americans;
TWO day:
Saw on the local television stations where "
"Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm. "
Al Roker was right [because BILL DeBalsio was doing his job] which is to make it as difficult [wage war] on/for African American children and African American[s] as possible; while making it look like he is actually trying to help African American[s];
TWO day:
Saw on the local television stations where "
"Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm. "
Al Roker was right [because BILL DeBalsio was doing his job] which is to make it as difficult [wage war] on/for African American children and African American[s] as possible; while making it look like he is actually trying to help African American[s];
With ALL of the talk about race/racism in the news talk shows=WHY has there been no comment about a white mayor being elected over an African American city [white males take over/controlling]while at the same time there is a white mayor BILL DE Balsio [forced marriage to an African] is elected to be over "African American children in New York's public Schools wher Justice Thomas of the United States Supreme Court was just on the news over the weekend for stating that there is more prejudice in the North than ever was in the South"
NOTE: [white female clerk at Reynolda branch library with red hair just stated,""Ann" calling to let you know that "Gold finch? is nowavailable at Reynolda Branch Library? on hold shelf"][harassment];[Thank you Devine God -response [ANN -KILL all who hold Ann Gold!]
"Roker apologizes for '1 term' dig at de Blasio, but stands by snowstorm criticism"
Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm.
Roker had blasted the mayor for not closing schools when the city was expecting to receive nearly a foot of snow. As a final dig, he gave his own "forecast" for de Blasio: he'd be a one-term mayor.
Speaking Friday on NBC's "Today," he said he regrets the latter tweet. "I apologize for that," he said.
With ALL of the talk about race/racism in the news talk shows=WHY has there been no comment about a white mayor being elected over an African American city [white males take over/controlling]while at the same time there is a white mayor
NOTE: [white female clerk at Reynolda branch library with red hair just stated,""Ann" calling to let you know that "Gold finch? is nowavailable at Reynolda Branch Library? on hold shelf"][harassment];[response [Thank You Devine God: "ANN -KILL all who hold Ann Gold!"]
"Roker apologizes for '1 term' dig at de Blasio, but stands by snowstorm criticism"
Weatherman Al Roker is ratcheting down his criticism of New York City's Bill de Blasio -- but only slightly -- after tearing into the mayor on Twitter over the city’s decision to keep schools open during Thursday’s winter storm.
Roker had blasted the mayor for not closing schools when the city was expecting to receive nearly a foot of snow. As a final dig, he gave his own "forecast" for de Blasio: he'd be a one-term mayor.
Speaking Friday on NBC's "Today," he said he regrets the latter tweet. "I apologize for that," he said.
"Detroit elects first white mayor in more than 4 decades";By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN;updated 9:22 PM EST, Wed November 6, 2013;[];
(CNN) -- Detroit elected Mike Duggan mayor Tuesday. And he's white.
Of course, he has numerous qualifications for the job -- experience as a hospital CEO, county executive, former prosecutor, etc. -- but in a city where four of five residents are African-American and no Caucasian has held the city's highest office in almost four decades, the headline is that Duggan is white.
The last white mayor to take the city's helm was former sheriff and prosecutor Roman Gribbs, who served from 1970 to 1974.
Duggan, 55, will replace outgoing Mayor Dave Bing after defeating his opponent, Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, by a margin of 55% to 45%, according to CNN affiliates WXYZ and WDIV.
His campaign slogan was "Every neighborhood has a future," and he ran on a platform of financial turnaround, crime reduction and economic development. He told the Detroit Free Press on Wednesday that his first priority will be cutting police response time.
"If you don't feel safe in this community, people don't want to live here and don't want to open a business here," he told the newspaper.
He'll have his work cut out in a city the FBI says saw 15,011 violent crimes and 386 murders last year. It also has more than 30,000 vacant buildings, WDIV reports, a telling mark of the fiscal crisis through which the city is struggling. It filed for bankruptcy in July.
Duggan may have to operate through consensus until at least September, as Gov. Rick Snyder in March appointed Kevyn Orr to serve as emergency manager for at least 18 months.
While Duggan told WDIV he'd liked to "shorten Kevyn Orr's stay," most of the authority in city matters lies with Orr while he's emergency manager. Snyder has said that will be until Detroit emerges from bankruptcy and repairs its finances.
Duggan's campaign website touts his record of fiscal turnaround: As president and CEO of Detroit Medical Center, Duggan led the hospital to its first profit since 1997; as general manager of the SMART bus system, he eliminated the deficit and increased bus service by 50%; and as deputy Wayne County executive, he eliminated a $130 million deficit and assisted in creating 15 straight balanced budgets.
The married father of two and former Wayne County prosecutor attended Detroit Catholic Central High School before graduating from the University of Michigan as an undergraduate and as a law student.
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