First let me say that 'SHAY"[code Chey's Rebellion] and Melissa Williams participating=hid all of the WSJournal papers from two or more weeks[which I was looking at yesterday;but documented info of articles;;thus 'SHAY"[code Chey's Rebellion] and Melissa Williams participating in helping white males to "AFFIRM II" removal of African American[s] males in Winston-Salem, NC .
This is based on the fact that there have been THREE DOLLAR stores placed in the African American community since 2010 in Winston-Salem, N.C.[One is the FAMILY DOLLAR store off Akron Drive which is the northern part of Carver Road area];TWO DOLLAR General stores[one on PATTERSON Ave and one on hwy311[which is at the south end of Carver Road] with 311 code=3k's; with the THREE DOLLAR stores owned by WHITE MALES and the REMOVAL OF THE ONLY AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE NAME OFF OF A BUILDING that public attends which was bought by WAKE FORREST UNIVERSITY [who gave me a 'WARNING TICKET" that based upon what the head person in charge of the Wake Forest campus security stated"Lasts a life time"=slavery; and there after has put in African American male prostitutes working for white males in secret as front men [who man in brown skin in house that is white is doing]while white males do their killing/robbery behind the scences sand a picture is worth a thousand words [including the caption under the pictures]
[Being that the the ONLY building in Winston-Salem, NC which was named after an African American male - the Winston-Salem Joel Colisium was/is to be renamed for the "C ity of Winston-Salem"=the taking away of Progress for the African American male in the city of Winston-salem who serves as a template for the rest of the United States[basing that on the fact that there have been at least four presidents in consequtive order who have made Winston-Salem one of the first places that they visit after being elected into office];
Thus with the renaming of the Joel Colisium; on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal is an article titled,
"Regenerative institute takes lead in $75 million Defense Department project" by RICHard Craver
David Rolfe/Journal
Dr. John McConnell (from left), CEO of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, talks with Dr, Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr., M.D., at the launch of "AFIRM II" at the Wake Forest Bio Tech Place.
David Rolfe/Journal
The launch of the second phase of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), in conjunction with the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, was held at the Wake Forest Biotech Place in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014.

one African American look like a female?-looks the sickess];
"The 242,000-square-foot BioTech Place at 575 N. "PATTERSON" Ave. is the biggest project in the park and is considered the largest capital investment in downtown Winston-Salem." [];
[ beside the Bio Tech Place is Goler Memorial where DR. BANKS who graduated from Wake Forrest University[been train to help white males to kill African Americans];
"New Goler Memorial pastor is filling big shoes"
Rev. Dr. George Banks, a Wake Forest alumnus, will preach his initial sermon during a special service Sunday.
Located where the CHRISTine MAYhand as the children libarian[code to white males to "crucify African American children"], hired by sylvia hamlin who was appointed to a counsel by Gov. McCrory connected to DUKE enegy and BLACK ash=
"The largest tenant is Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, which includes the Departments of Physiology/Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering, Immunology and Microbiology as well as the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma. Innovation Quarter's marketing and administrative offices are also located Biotech Place"
Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma is a part/start of some of the crucifiction;
Regenerative institute takes lead in $75 million Defense Department project Richard Craver/Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
First let me say that 'SHAY"[code Chey's Rebellion] and Melissa Williams participating=hid all of the WSJournal papers from two or more weeks[which I was looking at yesterday;but documented info of articles;;thus 'SHAY"[code Chey's Rebellion] and Melissa Williams participating in helping white males to "AFFIRM II" removal of African American[s] males in Winston-Salem, NC .
This is based on the fact that there have been THREE DOLLAR stores placed in the African American community since 2010 in Winston-Salem, N.C.[One is the FAMILY DOLLAR store off Akron Drive which is the northern part of Carver Road area];TWO DOLLAR General stores[one on PATTERSON Ave and one on hwy311[which is at the south end of Carver Road] with 311 code=3k's; with the THREE DOLLAR stores owned by WHITE MALES and the REMOVAL OF THE ONLY AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE NAME OFF OF A BUILDING that public attends which was bought by WAKE FORREST UNIVERSITY [who gave me a 'WARNING TICKET" that based upon what the head person in charge of the Wake Forest campus security stated"Lasts a life time"=slavery; and there after has put in African American male prostitutes working for white males in secret as front men [who man in brown skin in house that is white is doing]while white males do their killing/robbery behind the scences sand a picture is worth a thousand words [including the caption under the pictures]
[Being that the the ONLY building in Winston-Salem, NC which was named after an African American male - the Winston-Salem Joel Colisium was/is to be renamed for the "C ity of Winston-Salem"=the taking away of Progress for the African American male in the city of Winston-salem who serves as a template for the rest of the United States[basing that on the fact that there have been at least four presidents in consequtive order who have made Winston-Salem one of the first places that they visit after being elected into office];
Thus with the renaming of the Joel Colisium; on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal is an article titled,
"Regenerative institute takes lead in $75 million Defense Department project" by RICHard Craver
David Rolfe/Journal
Dr. John McConnell (from left), CEO of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, talks with Dr, Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr., M.D., at the launch of "AFIRM II" at the Wake Forest Bio Tech Place.

The launch of the second phase of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), in conjunction with the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, was held at the Wake Forest Biotech Place in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014.

one African American look like a female?-looks the sickess];
"The 242,000-square-foot BioTech Place at 575 N. "PATTERSON" Ave. is the biggest project in the park and is considered the largest capital investment in downtown Winston-Salem." [];
[ beside the Bio Tech Place is Goler Memorial where DR. BANKS who graduated from Wake Forrest University[been train to help white males to kill African Americans];
"New Goler Memorial pastor is filling big shoes"
Rev. Dr. George Banks, a Wake Forest alumnus, will preach his initial sermon during a special service Sunday.
Located where the CHRISTine MAYhand as the children libarian[code to white males to "crucify African American children"], hired by sylvia hamlin who was appointed to a counsel by Gov. McCrory connected to DUKE enegy and BLACK ash=
"The largest tenant is Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, which includes the Departments of Physiology/Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering, Immunology and Microbiology as well as the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma. Innovation Quarter's marketing and administrative offices are also located Biotech Place"
Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma is a part/start of some of the crucifiction;
Regenerative institute takes lead in $75 million Defense Department project
Posted: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:30 pmRegenerative institute takes lead in $75 million Defense Department project Richard Craver/Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
Taking regenerative medicine from the laboratory to the bedside of a wounded soldier seems to be a goal that will take years, if not decades, to accomplish.
But as Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine takes the helm on phase two of a $75 million initiative with the U.S. Defense Department, life-changing surgery and therapy is already at hand.
Regenerative therapies use the body’s natural healing powers to restore or replace damaged tissue and organs. The focus remains on the use of regenerative treatment for lost limbs or severe burns, the signature injuries of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The institute, part of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, was put in charge of a consortium of more than 30 research institutions in September. Local research began in earnest in January on 14 direct projects, half of which are new directives from the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM).
Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr., commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, praised the first phase as being “incredibly successful for patients who need this technology the most.” He was the guest speaker for the local institute’s formal launch Tuesday of its $20 million piece of the contract.
“More than 180 patients have received treatments with AFIRM funded technologies,” Caravalho said.
Caravalho cited the story of an Army sergeant who became a quad amputee as the result of wounds suffered during battle in Afghanistan. Because the soldier underwent successful bilateral arm transplantation in 2012 – the first of its kind – Caravalho said he can manage his lower extremity prosthetics and is even able to drive.
“This is a great, great success story, just one of many with AFIRM I,” Caravalho said. “The science of regenerative medicine is one of the ways we fulfill our promise to service members who put themselves in harm’s way, that we will work our hardest and do our very best to take care of them.”
Caravalho said he expects to begin seeing results from the second phase in 2016, and clinical trials and clinical care based on the research within the five-year period.
Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute, said the new funding will “help current research mature and reach the clinical trial stages in humans, as well as keep feeding the research pipeline.”
The second phase will focus on five regenerative areas: restoring function to severely traumatized arms and legs; head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the mouth, jaw and face; skin for burn injuries; tissue transplantation for the face and hands; and lower-torso reconstruction.
“The challenge with getting to the clinical trial stage is that it takes greater funding demands that what these contracts are designed to provide,” Atala said.
Atala said seven of the projects have commenced, with the other seven getting under way within months.
Atala said he expects to conduct some incremental hiring over the course of AFIRM II. The institute has about 300 employees.
Caravalho gave the Wake Forest institute researchers a charge to “bear the heavy burden” of enhanced regenerative medicine “because the whole nation depends on you since the armed forces belong to everyone.”
“Wake Forest scored the highest on the requirements we need to take this second phase forward,” Caravalho said. “Dr. Atala has done great work in this field.
“I am confident that Wake Forest has broad-enough shoulders to carry the burden we have cast upon it.”
The commencing of the second AFIRM phase is just one of two major initiatives under way locally.
On Sept. 10, the institute said it is participating in research helping to develop countermeasures to chemical and biological attacks or deadly viruses.
The institute is one of six groups participating in a $24 million, five-year grant from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific division, on behalf of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The institute gets 40 percent of the funding, or about $9.6 million, officials said.
The goal is to develop a “body on a chip” that will be used to develop countermeasures for sarin, ricin and viruses such as Ebola.
Wake Forest Biotech Place
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is driving the redevelopment and economic revitalization of a large section on the eastern edge of downtown Winston-Salem. The latest evidence of this development is Wake Forest Biotech Place, a state-of-the-art multipurpose biotechnology research and innovation center and the sixth building Wake Forest Baptist has opened in the growing Wake Forest Innovation Quarter, formerly Piedmont Triad Research Park.
The new research building is a world-class 242,000 square foot historic structure comprised of two former R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. warehouses that have been redeveloped into a modern biotech research laboratory where internationally renowned Wake Forest Baptist researchers are pioneering new fields of medicine discovering tomorrow’s treatments today.
The largest tenant is Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, which includes the Departments of Physiology/Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering, Immunology and Microbiology as well as the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma. Innovation Quarter's marketing and administrative offices are also located Biotech Place.
Other tenants include:
The building uses green technologies and is built to LEED standards.
"New Goler Memorial pastor is filling big shoes"
Rev. Dr. George Banks, a Wake Forest alumnus, will preach his initial sermon during a special service Sunday.
We are excited about the opportunity to officially be introduced as the pastor to the larger congregation and excited about what God is going to do here at Goler. We’re excited about the opportunity to do our part to help make Winston-Salem be the best city in America, if not the world,” declared Banks, who relocated here from Knoxville, Tenn. with his wife Keisha and their three “rambunctious” boys last week.
Banks’ arrival comes several months after Goler’s longtime pastor, Dr. Seth Lartey, left the church to serve as bishop of the AME Zion Church’s Western West Africa Episcopal District.
Goler is the sixth congregation that Banks, a native of Ladysmith, Va., has led since answering the call to ministry in 1998.
“I did not think that I would returning to Winston-Salem, but God does work in wonderful and mysterious ways,” commented the 39 year-old. “We’re excited to have the baton passed to us and carry on the work of the Lord as God has so deemed it for this place.”
Banks spent 12 years working as an educator before becoming a full-time pastor. At Wake, he played on the school’s football team under Coach Jim Caldwell.
“I sensed the call to some extent when I was a senior at Wake Forest,” revealed Banks, who was awarded his doctorate from Hood Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio in June. “I’m back, 21 years later, to where God brought me in 1991.”
Banks, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and his wife, an alumna of Winston-Salem State University, still have ties to the local community from their college days. Rev. Banks, a former secretary of the Western North Carolina Conference of the AME Zion Church, to which Goler belongs, is already acquainted with his predecessor as well as some of Goler’s congregants.
“I’m very familiar with some of the members and look forward to meeting all of them and soldiering together as we do God’s work,” he remarked. “…I’ve known Dr. Lartey and have long admired him and, as a matter-of-fact, have called on him over the years to help me out, especially as a younger pastor coming up.”
Goler has made a name for itself over the years as a driver of economic empowerment. Through its Community Development Corporation, it has transformed the historic Goler/Depot area by erecting a number of modern housing complexes and, most recently, the Goler Family Enrichment Center. Banks talks of “continuing to build on the legacy that’s been left here by Bishop Lartey,” including keeping Goler a church that is God-centered and ministers to the whole person and continuing in the vein of economic empowerment.
Though his unique gifts and talents will undoubtedly influence Goler’s services and work in the community, Banks says not much will change about the church under his leadership.
“I don’t think you change vision when you change pastors if the vision is God-given, and I do believe in my heart and soul that this is God’s vision for his kingdom,” he concluded. “Prayerfully, we will do our part and help God’s people carry out God’s vision for the kingdom as it has been assigned to Goler Memorial Church.”
Longtime Goler member James Hunder said he is pleased that the AME Zion Church has appointed someone who he believes is the right man for the job.
“We are thankful to God for answering our prayers and bringing us someone that will be able to lead us,” said Hunder, the founder of the Liberian Organization of the Piedmont. “Here we have this young man that is going to allow God to use him to take us to another level, and that is what we’ve been praying for, to keep the church united.”
The Rev. Dr. George Banks will hold his first worship services at Goler, 630 N. Patterson Ave., on Sunday, Nov. 4, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The service will be followed by a reception in Banks’ honor. For more information, ..
But as Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine takes the helm on phase two of a $75 million initiative with the U.S. Defense Department, life-changing surgery and therapy is already at hand.
Regenerative therapies use the body’s natural healing powers to restore or replace damaged tissue and organs. The focus remains on the use of regenerative treatment for lost limbs or severe burns, the signature injuries of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The institute, part of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, was put in charge of a consortium of more than 30 research institutions in September. Local research began in earnest in January on 14 direct projects, half of which are new directives from the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM).
Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr., commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, praised the first phase as being “incredibly successful for patients who need this technology the most.” He was the guest speaker for the local institute’s formal launch Tuesday of its $20 million piece of the contract.
“More than 180 patients have received treatments with AFIRM funded technologies,” Caravalho said.
Caravalho cited the story of an Army sergeant who became a quad amputee as the result of wounds suffered during battle in Afghanistan. Because the soldier underwent successful bilateral arm transplantation in 2012 – the first of its kind – Caravalho said he can manage his lower extremity prosthetics and is even able to drive.
“This is a great, great success story, just one of many with AFIRM I,” Caravalho said. “The science of regenerative medicine is one of the ways we fulfill our promise to service members who put themselves in harm’s way, that we will work our hardest and do our very best to take care of them.”
Caravalho said he expects to begin seeing results from the second phase in 2016, and clinical trials and clinical care based on the research within the five-year period.
Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute, said the new funding will “help current research mature and reach the clinical trial stages in humans, as well as keep feeding the research pipeline.”
The second phase will focus on five regenerative areas: restoring function to severely traumatized arms and legs; head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the mouth, jaw and face; skin for burn injuries; tissue transplantation for the face and hands; and lower-torso reconstruction.
“The challenge with getting to the clinical trial stage is that it takes greater funding demands that what these contracts are designed to provide,” Atala said.
Atala said seven of the projects have commenced, with the other seven getting under way within months.
Atala said he expects to conduct some incremental hiring over the course of AFIRM II. The institute has about 300 employees.
Caravalho gave the Wake Forest institute researchers a charge to “bear the heavy burden” of enhanced regenerative medicine “because the whole nation depends on you since the armed forces belong to everyone.”
“Wake Forest scored the highest on the requirements we need to take this second phase forward,” Caravalho said. “Dr. Atala has done great work in this field.
“I am confident that Wake Forest has broad-enough shoulders to carry the burden we have cast upon it.”
The commencing of the second AFIRM phase is just one of two major initiatives under way locally.
On Sept. 10, the institute said it is participating in research helping to develop countermeasures to chemical and biological attacks or deadly viruses.
The institute is one of six groups participating in a $24 million, five-year grant from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific division, on behalf of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The institute gets 40 percent of the funding, or about $9.6 million, officials said.
The goal is to develop a “body on a chip” that will be used to develop countermeasures for sarin, ricin and viruses such as Ebola.
Wake Forest Biotech Place
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is driving the redevelopment and economic revitalization of a large section on the eastern edge of downtown Winston-Salem. The latest evidence of this development is Wake Forest Biotech Place, a state-of-the-art multipurpose biotechnology research and innovation center and the sixth building Wake Forest Baptist has opened in the growing Wake Forest Innovation Quarter, formerly Piedmont Triad Research Park.
The new research building is a world-class 242,000 square foot historic structure comprised of two former R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. warehouses that have been redeveloped into a modern biotech research laboratory where internationally renowned Wake Forest Baptist researchers are pioneering new fields of medicine discovering tomorrow’s treatments today.
The largest tenant is Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, which includes the Departments of Physiology/Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering, Immunology and Microbiology as well as the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma. Innovation Quarter's marketing and administrative offices are also located Biotech Place.
Other tenants include:
- Carolina Liquid Chemistries
- Allegacy Federal Credit Union
- Private start-up companies
- Space for a Cafe
The building uses green technologies and is built to LEED standards.
"New Goler Memorial pastor is filling big shoes"
Rev. Dr. George Banks, a Wake Forest alumnus, will preach his initial sermon during a special service Sunday.
We are excited about the opportunity to officially be introduced as the pastor to the larger congregation and excited about what God is going to do here at Goler. We’re excited about the opportunity to do our part to help make Winston-Salem be the best city in America, if not the world,” declared Banks, who relocated here from Knoxville, Tenn. with his wife Keisha and their three “rambunctious” boys last week.
Banks’ arrival comes several months after Goler’s longtime pastor, Dr. Seth Lartey, left the church to serve as bishop of the AME Zion Church’s Western West Africa Episcopal District.
Goler is the sixth congregation that Banks, a native of Ladysmith, Va., has led since answering the call to ministry in 1998.
“I did not think that I would returning to Winston-Salem, but God does work in wonderful and mysterious ways,” commented the 39 year-old. “We’re excited to have the baton passed to us and carry on the work of the Lord as God has so deemed it for this place.”
Banks spent 12 years working as an educator before becoming a full-time pastor. At Wake, he played on the school’s football team under Coach Jim Caldwell.
“I sensed the call to some extent when I was a senior at Wake Forest,” revealed Banks, who was awarded his doctorate from Hood Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio in June. “I’m back, 21 years later, to where God brought me in 1991.”
Banks, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and his wife, an alumna of Winston-Salem State University, still have ties to the local community from their college days. Rev. Banks, a former secretary of the Western North Carolina Conference of the AME Zion Church, to which Goler belongs, is already acquainted with his predecessor as well as some of Goler’s congregants.
“I’m very familiar with some of the members and look forward to meeting all of them and soldiering together as we do God’s work,” he remarked. “…I’ve known Dr. Lartey and have long admired him and, as a matter-of-fact, have called on him over the years to help me out, especially as a younger pastor coming up.”
Goler has made a name for itself over the years as a driver of economic empowerment. Through its Community Development Corporation, it has transformed the historic Goler/Depot area by erecting a number of modern housing complexes and, most recently, the Goler Family Enrichment Center. Banks talks of “continuing to build on the legacy that’s been left here by Bishop Lartey,” including keeping Goler a church that is God-centered and ministers to the whole person and continuing in the vein of economic empowerment.
Though his unique gifts and talents will undoubtedly influence Goler’s services and work in the community, Banks says not much will change about the church under his leadership.
“I don’t think you change vision when you change pastors if the vision is God-given, and I do believe in my heart and soul that this is God’s vision for his kingdom,” he concluded. “Prayerfully, we will do our part and help God’s people carry out God’s vision for the kingdom as it has been assigned to Goler Memorial Church.”
Longtime Goler member James Hunder said he is pleased that the AME Zion Church has appointed someone who he believes is the right man for the job.
“We are thankful to God for answering our prayers and bringing us someone that will be able to lead us,” said Hunder, the founder of the Liberian Organization of the Piedmont. “Here we have this young man that is going to allow God to use him to take us to another level, and that is what we’ve been praying for, to keep the church united.”
The Rev. Dr. George Banks will hold his first worship services at Goler, 630 N. Patterson Ave., on Sunday, Nov. 4, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The service will be followed by a reception in Banks’ honor. For more information, ..
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