Winston-Salem Journal AND JIMMY FALLON
Note: "JIMMY" Fallon had people/celebrities who placed $100.00 bills on his desk" at end of show while "WILL" Smith was first guest at the beginning of "Tonight Show"; Jimmy-code for a white male killer of authority][WILL-code for "WILLIE Lynch" letter-wrote by slave owner during slavery about how to control black people];
These are short notes concerning Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Governor of North Carolina, Duke Energy, cities, situations located in North Carolina CONNECTED to curruption in Sochi designed to expand in North Carolina and the United States of America through officials, business, programs, communities,etc.especially with the use of TWINS and name ANDREW and ANN[anna/annette/annie any name associated with "ANN",etc.];
Winston-Salem Journal-front page:
A. U.S. Tops Russia in Olympic hockey/B1;
1.JIMMY FALLon tunes up for new 'Tonight gig"[inside];Jimmy[code-white male killer];
2. THOMASville lumber company finds succuss on GLOBAL STAGE"/C1;Thomas[code-kill];global-world wide];-ethical[code-have to pursue another issue/make it harder]; medical[code-use diseases through Obmacare]; and legal[code-block in court]; RICHARD[code to be rich]; Craver-[code=black people in Carver Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina area language];
4." WHY?" "This was a senseless crime. My aunt minded her own business." "Homicides in Winston-Salem in 2013";[by Cassandra GREEN-WALKER]; WHY?" [code-reason for killings]"This was a senseless crime. My aunt minded her own business[message to nephew who will participate in helping to hide killing[so he does not have to be gay]." [by Cassandra GREEN-WALKER [code-green=MONEY]WALKER = nephew will be paid to nephew he will walk if he helps];
5." Inaction could be cause of probe""Lawsuit says governor, DUKE knew ash dump was in violation of Clean Water Act"[by Bertrand M. Gutierrez]; Inaction could be cause of probe-[code-if nephew does not participate; then fed/governor authorities could create situation to probe being in car with Gwyndolyn Gwyns nephew[which was a set up] and nephew could be seperated from his love[wife];DUKE knew ash dump was in violation of Clean Water Act-[code-keep "DUKE"[guy who is a DuKE fan who is aunt's husband] from his wife ;so marriage remain ash] so that the "CLEAN Water ACT [code- to keep record "clean" can be maintained by fed/governor];
6." City, residents look for solutions to stem deadly violence"[by JOHN HINTon];[code-City[Winston-Salem/code-residents Carver Road area/code-solution to how to deal with aunt not participating in secret group helping white males to rob African Americans of heritage and wealth being than aunt maintains/obeys laws[so something done other than medical,ethical or legal would raise lot of questions];
Winston-Salem Journal-front page:
1."PUBLIC SAFETY trailBLAZERS honored" "fire, pol-ce dept. join in BLACK "HISTORY" month program"; [by Meghann Evans];[picture of RETIRED Sgt. JIMMY Boyd is recognized and honored by Asst. chief CONnie Southern; public safety[code-white people safety only; blazers-code blaze all not working for white people safety only;fire, pol-ce "black HISTORY" [code-make fire/pol-ce dept. make black people history];
2. "TOP-SECRET service" "BILTMORE hid precious ART during World War II [associated press];[biltmore-code[build more]; art-art blevins[coach at hanes hosery recreation center in Winston-Salem, N C who is over African American male youth;world war II-code-do again/twins/connection to art stolen in germany during holocaust;[
3. MAN shot to death" "Rural HALL shooting send another man to hospital"; [by Meghann Evans];code-rural hall-vern switzer; hall-wilma dean hall;
4. Teacher pay-raise PLAN FOCUSes on the less-experienced"[code-FOCUS on less experienced teachers to fulfill PLANS
A. Rams, Tar Heels pick up WINS/B1;
"N.C. table getting prime time exposure at Sochi Olympics"
2. Head of Northwest "BBB" leaves abruptly/A9;
3. "Schools Face textbook shortage"[by Arika HERron];;code-Only teachers who helping to direct African American boys to be gay allowed access to textbooks for their students[everybody knows that a GOOD teacher tries to get the best for their students to learn;HERron-[code-HER=African American female/teacher allowed to flow in white males systems];
4. City's snow-removal efforts under review"OFFICIALS hope to learn from snowstorm "CLEANUP";[by Wesley YOUNG];
5. STATE panel briefed on "SPILL""LAWMAKERS get report on COAL-waste pollution"[by Bertrand M. Gutierrez]; [code-State panel=white males who follow mindset any person[black] not working for white males in secret]in charge of government;code- briefed on spill=somebody black not in line;Lawmakers[those who decide what NEW law to create to block/punish black people not working for white males in secret] get a report on COAL[code-Black= waste pollution[African American seeking to live with the same rights and privileges as white males[upcoming name="zombies"];
6." Elections OFFICIALS FINALIZE EARLY voting Proposals";[by Megann Evans]; [code-OFFICIALS FINALIZE EARLY decision=white males in charge of the government who decide what NEW law to create to block/punish black people not working for white males in secret] final decision/proposal reached EARLY is go use African[s] working in public/Ray[cousin of aunt] to kill[Russell]=[means start quick]-three pictures -El-Amin[African][connection/WSSU professor/table in Sochi-to current rearrangement of the United States by the current re-elected man in brown skin in the house that is white[who visited Winston-Salem, North Carolina/Oprah Winfrey/Mia Angelou];Raymond[African American male][cousin helping white males in secret]; RUSSELL[WHITE MALE][connection to Russell's funeral home in Winston-Salem, NC which is owned by African American family that helps white males in secret hide the intentional systems of killing [Thomas[code-kill];global-world wide];-ethical[code-have to pursue another issue/make it harder]; medical[code-use diseases through Obmacare]; and legal[code-block in court]; RICHARD[code to be rich]; Craver-[code=black people in Carver Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina area language]; in Winston-Salem, North Carolina;
Winston-Salem Journal front page:
1. City Fired Meter reader filed false water data;"Officials recalculating affected accounts to prevent overcharges";[BY WESLEY YOUNG];
2. GLOBAL EDUCATION""School offers taste of live in OTHER COUNTRIES";[By Arikka HERron]; [code-Global Education="Table made by Boone company lands NBC's interview set in Sochi/A9/2/18/14/front paged=code-School offers taste of live in OTHER COUNTRIES"="Schools face textbook Shortage"=Teacher pay-raise-PLAN FOCUSes on the LESS-EXPERIENCED;
note: "Today Show": ""segment Night Club Life in Russi-="CLUB" ROSE";Club So"HO"=All Females shown in the night club segment; not one foreign male in night club segment'Willie and female russ--n athlete did segement=code to Willie Guist[sp] to join the "CLUB" [those in the United States who are working with those in Russi- who are working in secret that keep females in bondage/prostitutes that are working with Russi- in secret with current re-elected man in brown skin in house that is white [who is working for white males in secret to rob African American[s] of heritage/wealth and prosperity];code-to Willie Guist[sp] of "Today Show" join the group who help white males rise that keep females in bondage/prostitution in Russia and the United States;
3."McCory moves ASH storage ponds""All options remain open, his spokesperson says"[by BY BERTRAND M. GUTIERREZ ];
4. "Allbritten leaving UNCSA to head Piedmont Opera" "DICKerson will step down from post after five years"[by BY LYNN FELDER ][code-ALLBRITTEN =The cruel beauty of nature, & everlasting beauty of monotony." are to be done to/for the African American female[s] [husbands dick]who do not work in secret for white males];
"Allbritten was named the" general director" Tuesday of Piedmont Opera."
Matching Quote
-Benjamin Britten;
World English Dictionary;( Edward ) Benjamin , Baron Britten. 1913--76, English composer, pianist, and conductor. His works include the operas Peter Grimes (1945) and Billy Budd (1951), the choral works Hymn to St Cecilia (1942) and A War Requiem (1962), and numerous orchestral pieces];Brit·ten;ˈ[brɪt
n/ Show Spelled [brit-n] Show IPA

noun;(Edward) Benjamin, 1913–76, English composer and pianist.
"N.C. table getting prime time exposure at Sochi Olympics"
A piece of North Carolina is getting prime time exposure during NBC Sports’ broadcast of the Winter Olympics.
An Oculus cocktail table, made by metal-furniture manufacturer Charleston Forge of Boone, is featured prominently on the set where NBC personalities, such as Bob Costas and Matt Lauer, have interviewed athletes at the games in Sochi, Russia.
Art Barber, co-owner and president of Charleston Forge, said he was unaware the cocktail table had been chosen as a display item by the network until he saw an interview segment during the early days of the Olympics.
“I jumped up from the sofa, grabbed my iPad and started taking pictures of the TV screen,” Barber said.
The company said the table features a 34-inch inset round glass top supported by a matching circular open base. It sells for $1,000 at retail.
Barber said he was able to track the sale of the table to a New York firm that does sets for TV networks.
Barber said the table has been used primarily when there are three or more announcers on stage.
“Small company in North Carolina mountains lands American-made table in the Olympics,” Barber said. “It just goes to show the huge amount of support there is out there for American-made products.”
Philip Holman, marketing director the company, said the global exposure for the company has been “very positive.”
“We sent an eBlast to 1,200 dealer accounts around the country last week, and have been posting about it frequently on our Facebook page,” Holman said. “We have seen an increase of more than 600 likes on our Facebook page since Thursday,” representing about a 50 percent increase in likes on the page.”
Charleston Forge is no stranger to having its customized furniture displayed in prominent locations. Other sites include Augusta National Golf Club, site of The Masters in Augusta, Ga., Hilton Hotels & Resorts and Marriott International Inc.’s headquarters in Maryland.
A hands-on approach is a symbol of pride and a means of survival at Charleston Forge, which has a workforce of 25 production and 15 office employees.
The company was founded in 1984 by Art and Susan Barber. They remain co-owners, along with partner Rick Grant, who serves as company president.
Its products include dining and occasional tables, barstools, benches and chairs, baker’s racks, kitchen storage, beds and mirrors.
Remaining a domestic manufacturer in a sea of furniture imports has not been without challenges for Charleston Forge.
In 2004, the company had as many as 200 employees in 2004 and two additional operations in Sparta.
It eliminated 35 jobs in 2005. It closed the Sparta facilities in March 2008, eliminating 53 jobs.
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