Striking Distance Jimmy Fallen Tonight Show
While watching television over weekend of which on 2/16/14 while watching the WENDY's show which cut off in the middle of Wendy making a statement and a illegal ad was ran [part of it was a bunch of children saying something about adopting them]; then the television went to black[way to long][which was a cue it was not a regular television ad]; it was one of those ads which was the reason why I cut the television off in the first place and why I did not get a black box; which the television I am watching does not have a black box; but is cable;
To which on 2/15/14 saw DVD "STRIKE DISTANCE" []
Where segment of the movie Bruce Willis character was talking to someone and he said of his family members who were or had been authorities that "They are just criminals in offical clothing";which in the movie his family member[s] were the crooks; of which program before watching 'Wendy" from/through watching CBS This MOrning; Today's Take; The view; WXII noon news;The Talk, and the Steve Harvey show; plus situations that occured over the Happy Valentine Day weekend in which the communication is connected to system to force people not working in secret for white males who want to advance economically and socially in life to be gay[to the point of communicating that is thier system[which is why can't be part of their system] of which Cynthia is suppose to be out front[which over the week end Cynthia bought some plastic freezer bags that had the words TWINS on the outside to communicate to white bastards what to do; and then looks at me with a grin;
To which response is will not be gay; and the reason why there will be a lot of gay people in the public is because it is part of Obama's system for African American males to enter into white male system to make money[living wage] without being attacked; news commentator said, don't understand why Obama is so concerned with supporting and uplifting a NFL football player for coming out and telling society that he is gay than he is with selecting the best ambassadors for countries[which is really important to the United States];
A segment on Lean Forward [TJ Holmes] on msnbc on 2/16/14 talked about the fact that Obama has a program "My Brothers Keepers" which is designed to keep black males out of prison;and secretly force black males to be gay to earn money in white male system;being gay is way to prove to white males that white males are superior; and non threatening to white male society while at the same time decreasing the African American population/removing the healthy African American father/man out of the African American family, homes and community[s] through program, foundations, businesses and community groups which delevelop systems to block African American[s] from their natural wealth/heritage which I have blogged about since 2005 and have documented with pen and paper since 1990;
"The president's program would deal with literacy, education and healthy lifestyles."
"Under the "My Brother's Keeper" program, foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans to help men of color at particularly vulnerable times of their lives, administration officials said."[];
The truth about the "My Brother's Keeper" program is that foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans [that would direct African American males to be gay if they want any kind of help, especially ecnomical help or if they want a life without white males attacking them]to help men of African Americans color at particularly vulnerable times [created by abusive systems that intentional block access to resources in local community]of their lives,
In fact the programs, foundations, businesses and community groups in Winston-Salem , NC developed plans to block African American[s] [male and female]help at particularly vulnerable times which were created by white males system[s]who usually control the administration offices."
And the part of "The president's program that would deal with literacy, education and healthy lifestyles." all would be designed to direct African American males to be gay which would be lifted up as a healthy lifestyle vs being an African American male looking over t heir shoulder wondering when a white male would attack or wondering what system the white male had designed to remove the African American male off the face of the earth before their time; which based on health segment of news said that once a person has been bullied it takes years before they ever get over it; that their body still suffers from being abused and bullied;
Both Obama's are aware of the fact that the name "SAM" are connected to forcing African American[s] to serve white males or select something negative to live in life to keep white males from attacking them [AfricanAmerican[s]; that is why Michelle Obama congradulated Sam NFL football player for being the FIRST to come out :
"Gay NFL Prospect Michael SAM Gets White House Shout-Outs"
First Lady Michelle Obama today tweeted her praise of All-American defensive end Michael Sam’s “courage” for publicly announcing that he is gay.[];

Photo: Jacquelyn Martin, AP)
NotE: picture is taken by Jacquelyn[femanine version of JACKSON; and that the article "
Obama plans program to aid minority men" was written by David "JACKSON"
CONFIRMATION: that Obama's system "My Brothers Keepers" is a secret system to decrease the African American population/removing the healthy African American father/man image out of the African American family, homes and community while at the same time proving that they are non threatening to white male society to stop white males from attacking them:
if anyone ever took the time to listen to him[he is not gay; he was forced into being gay as a child; he has a learning disability; was placed around a group of males/white and black that used and abused him and rewarded him along the way with things that he would not have gotten if he had not participated with the bastards; Michael Sam is a picture of a victim;[that is part of their system[they locate African American[s] with low income or whose parents are working so hard they aren't paying attention; and in some cases the bastards just steal children;
Confirmation is a picture below the picture of Michael Sam on a website where the WHITE FEMALE is pointing imaginary gun;
And another article " Jason Whitlock On Michael Sa" on the same page to communicate that it is LOCKED in white male society for white males to leave black males alone who opt to be gay instead of being targeted to be attacked by white males;
note: saw DVD where African American Historian said that the next step after forcing Black males to walk around with their drawls showing was to put them in a skirt; the "That's my brother's keeper" program" is part of the curruption process
On 2/17/14 this morning on CBS "This Morning" television show saw segment were
Martin Greenfield survived the holocaust, who makes suits for Presidents stated that his father told him in order to survive "to Always do what they tell you; and always listen";
"MARTIN GREENFIELDM; Martin is code for [Travon Martin] and Greenfiend is code for [ MONEY][];
which am sure Martin Greenfield passed on the knowledge of "to Always do what they tell you; and always listen to the three or four Presidents he made suits for; which is probably root for what have heard some news commentators say; it is like he is following instructions[which he isss]; white males go in to office with back up from other white males; there is no back up for a real African American male or a man in brown skin brought up by white males; at least there is not back up for the brown part of him; the white part of him has no problem except what all other African Americans have: being accepted as equal to white people in brown skin;
CORRUPTION="JIMMY" was one of the key characters in "Striking Distance" movie- JIMMY was the one doing all of the killing; and being that JAY Leno has been removed and replaced with JIMMY FALLEN; the ad on msnbc, channel 50 promoting JIMMY FALLEN as the new host of the "Tonight Show" stated that "JIMMY Fallen will take the "Tonight Show" BACK to where it was 60 years ago"; which means that white males are in the process of taking society BACK 60 years instead of moving forward;
Because to move forward means that the elements such as "JIMMY" in the "STRIKING DISTANCE" movie will have to be dealt with by the United States Supreme Court to put it in writing that African American have the same rights as white males; and the sad part is that most AFrican American think all the stuff they are going through like they are equal was settled during the Martin Luther King era;
And only African American men that go off to white women[CHEERIOS commercial] [];
or that agree to skip decades of their youthful life and live like an elderly man [CHEERIOS commerial]

[] or say they are gay even if they are not through Obama's secret system in the "My Brother's Keeper" program will/may survive; But definately not an African American male who thinks he has the same rights as white males;
The "new" " Tonight Show" with JIMMY FALLEN will be take people[specifically African Americans] all the way back to the beginning when the "Tonight Show" first started 60 years agao=confirmation that everything Obama is doing is to position white males to do the same thing all over again to African American[s] versus doing things so that the laws are enforced so that African Americans are treated with the same rights as white males;
There were guest on one of the other news talk shows their segment was titled"The Fight for the Black Man" where a Dr. Joe Brewster[wrote "American Promise" who tells black males[we have options]; Jamell Boulie"Writer of the Daily Beast" who says "black males need to be aware of white unconscious bias"; Michelle Stepheson["American Promise"] professor Ivory Todson of Howard University; all said that Obama is reaching out with his "My Borthers Keepers" program to help black males of color to say on track and reach their potental; stated that to help black men to stay out of jail; Article written "White fears matter more than Black Lives-"The Beast"
"My brothers Keeper" program is secret program to turn African American men gay[to keep them alive] is TYLER PERRY [why he came up with the character Madea[he was acting in the role of female ] he would not have made acting as a healthy heterosexual African American male acting as if he had the same rights as white males;,,20266223,00.html]
Obama plans program to aid minority men
David Jackson, USA TODAY 5:10 p.m. EST February 12, 2014
President Obama is planning to unveil a new initiative with specific targets: African-American and Hispanic men who have disproportionate rates of unemployment.
Under the "My Brother's Keeper" program, foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans to help men of color at particularly vulnerable times of their lives, administration officials said.
In previewing the initiative during last month's State of the Union Address, Obama said, "I'm reaching out to some of America's leading foundations and corporations on a new initiative to help more young men of color facing tough odds stay on track and reach their full potential."
Obama had planned to hold a White House event Thursday to officially unveil the new project, but it has been postponed because of bad weather.
Among the challenges faced by the "My Brother's Keeper" program: The jobless rate for black men older than 20 in January was 12%, compared with 6.6% for the nation as a whole.
For Hispanic men over the age of 20, the jobless rate last month was 8.2%.
For younger African Americans and Hispanics, unemployment rates are even higher.
One model for the new effort is a mentoring program in Chicago called "Becoming A Man," which encourages young men to develop education and job-training goals.
In a meeting with Obama a year ago, members of the BAM program talked about the problems with gangs, drugs, gun violence and substandard schools in their neighborhoods, and how so many young people are at risk for lives of crime, poverty or early death.
Speaking after that meeting, the nation's first African-American president — who grew up with an absent father — said he told the group, "I had issues, too, when I was their age. I just had an environment that was a little more forgiving."
Just as individuals have to change their approach and behavior, Obama said, "that's what it takes for communities to change. That's what it takes for countries to change. It's not easy."
Young men in the BAM program are expected to attend the White House ceremony whenever it is re-scheduled.
Two Obama administration officials discussed the "My Brother's Keeper" program on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt Obama's announcement.
As part of the new effort, businesses and foundations would seek to develop strategies designed to help young men at critical and vulnerable parts of their lives. Goals range from helping boys get to school on time to avoiding problems with the criminal justice system.
Ideas include promoting literacy, early childhood education and healthy lifestyles, as well as disrupting what one official called "the school-to-prison pipeline."
"My Brother's Keeper" also involves a review of existing federal programs designed to address the challenges facing young men, discarding those that don't work and improving those that do — "all within existing federal resources," one official said.
Officials said program leaders will also reach out to Republican elected officials, faith leaders and corporate leaders.
One official said the goal of "My Brother's Keeper" is "to make sure that every young man of color who is willing to work hard and lift himself up has an opportunity to get ahead and reach his full potential."
Gay NFL Prospect Michael Sam Gets White House Shout-Outs
First Lady Michelle Obama today tweeted her praise of All-American defensive end Michael Sam’s “courage” for publicly announcing that he is gay.
While watching television over weekend of which on 2/16/14 while watching the WENDY's show which cut off in the middle of Wendy making a statement and a illegal ad was ran [part of it was a bunch of children saying something about adopting them]; then the television went to black[way to long][which was a cue it was not a regular television ad]; it was one of those ads which was the reason why I cut the television off in the first place and why I did not get a black box; which the television I am watching does not have a black box; but is cable;
To which on 2/15/14 saw DVD "STRIKE DISTANCE" []
Where segment of the movie Bruce Willis character was talking to someone and he said of his family members who were or had been authorities that "They are just criminals in offical clothing";which in the movie his family member[s] were the crooks; of which program before watching 'Wendy" from/through watching CBS This MOrning; Today's Take; The view; WXII noon news;The Talk, and the Steve Harvey show; plus situations that occured over the Happy Valentine Day weekend in which the communication is connected to system to force people not working in secret for white males who want to advance economically and socially in life to be gay[to the point of communicating that is thier system[which is why can't be part of their system] of which Cynthia is suppose to be out front[which over the week end Cynthia bought some plastic freezer bags that had the words TWINS on the outside to communicate to white bastards what to do; and then looks at me with a grin;
To which response is will not be gay; and the reason why there will be a lot of gay people in the public is because it is part of Obama's system for African American males to enter into white male system to make money[living wage] without being attacked; news commentator said, don't understand why Obama is so concerned with supporting and uplifting a NFL football player for coming out and telling society that he is gay than he is with selecting the best ambassadors for countries[which is really important to the United States];
A segment on Lean Forward [TJ Holmes] on msnbc on 2/16/14 talked about the fact that Obama has a program "My Brothers Keepers" which is designed to keep black males out of prison;and secretly force black males to be gay to earn money in white male system;being gay is way to prove to white males that white males are superior; and non threatening to white male society while at the same time decreasing the African American population/removing the healthy African American father/man out of the African American family, homes and community[s] through program, foundations, businesses and community groups which delevelop systems to block African American[s] from their natural wealth/heritage which I have blogged about since 2005 and have documented with pen and paper since 1990;
"The president's program would deal with literacy, education and healthy lifestyles."
"Under the "My Brother's Keeper" program, foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans to help men of color at particularly vulnerable times of their lives, administration officials said."[];
The truth about the "My Brother's Keeper" program is that foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans [that would direct African American males to be gay if they want any kind of help, especially ecnomical help or if they want a life without white males attacking them]to help men of African Americans color at particularly vulnerable times [created by abusive systems that intentional block access to resources in local community]of their lives,
In fact the programs, foundations, businesses and community groups in Winston-Salem , NC developed plans to block African American[s] [male and female]help at particularly vulnerable times which were created by white males system[s]who usually control the administration offices."
And the part of "The president's program that would deal with literacy, education and healthy lifestyles." all would be designed to direct African American males to be gay which would be lifted up as a healthy lifestyle vs being an African American male looking over t heir shoulder wondering when a white male would attack or wondering what system the white male had designed to remove the African American male off the face of the earth before their time; which based on health segment of news said that once a person has been bullied it takes years before they ever get over it; that their body still suffers from being abused and bullied;
Both Obama's are aware of the fact that the name "SAM" are connected to forcing African American[s] to serve white males or select something negative to live in life to keep white males from attacking them [AfricanAmerican[s]; that is why Michelle Obama congradulated Sam NFL football player for being the FIRST to come out :
"Gay NFL Prospect Michael SAM Gets White House Shout-Outs"
First Lady Michelle Obama today tweeted her praise of All-American defensive end Michael Sam’s “courage” for publicly announcing that he is gay.[];

Photo: Jacquelyn Martin, AP)
NotE: picture is taken by Jacquelyn[femanine version of JACKSON; and that the article "
CONFIRMATION: that Obama's system "My Brothers Keepers" is a secret system to decrease the African American population/removing the healthy African American father/man image out of the African American family, homes and community while at the same time proving that they are non threatening to white male society to stop white males from attacking them:
if anyone ever took the time to listen to him[he is not gay; he was forced into being gay as a child; he has a learning disability; was placed around a group of males/white and black that used and abused him and rewarded him along the way with things that he would not have gotten if he had not participated with the bastards; Michael Sam is a picture of a victim;[that is part of their system[they locate African American[s] with low income or whose parents are working so hard they aren't paying attention; and in some cases the bastards just steal children;
Confirmation is a picture below the picture of Michael Sam on a website where the WHITE FEMALE is pointing imaginary gun;
And another article " Jason Whitlock On Michael Sa" on the same page to communicate that it is LOCKED in white male society for white males to leave black males alone who opt to be gay instead of being targeted to be attacked by white males;
note: saw DVD where African American Historian said that the next step after forcing Black males to walk around with their drawls showing was to put them in a skirt; the "That's my brother's keeper" program" is part of the curruption process
On 2/17/14 this morning on CBS "This Morning" television show saw segment were
Martin Greenfield survived the holocaust, who makes suits for Presidents stated that his father told him in order to survive "to Always do what they tell you; and always listen";
"MARTIN GREENFIELDM; Martin is code for [Travon Martin] and Greenfiend is code for [ MONEY][];
which am sure Martin Greenfield passed on the knowledge of "to Always do what they tell you; and always listen to the three or four Presidents he made suits for; which is probably root for what have heard some news commentators say; it is like he is following instructions[which he isss]; white males go in to office with back up from other white males; there is no back up for a real African American male or a man in brown skin brought up by white males; at least there is not back up for the brown part of him; the white part of him has no problem except what all other African Americans have: being accepted as equal to white people in brown skin;
CORRUPTION="JIMMY" was one of the key characters in "Striking Distance" movie- JIMMY was the one doing all of the killing; and being that JAY Leno has been removed and replaced with JIMMY FALLEN; the ad on msnbc, channel 50 promoting JIMMY FALLEN as the new host of the "Tonight Show" stated that "JIMMY Fallen will take the "Tonight Show" BACK to where it was 60 years ago"; which means that white males are in the process of taking society BACK 60 years instead of moving forward;
Because to move forward means that the elements such as "JIMMY" in the "STRIKING DISTANCE" movie will have to be dealt with by the United States Supreme Court to put it in writing that African American have the same rights as white males; and the sad part is that most AFrican American think all the stuff they are going through like they are equal was settled during the Martin Luther King era;
And only African American men that go off to white women[CHEERIOS commercial] [];
or that agree to skip decades of their youthful life and live like an elderly man [CHEERIOS commerial]
[] or say they are gay even if they are not through Obama's secret system in the "My Brother's Keeper" program will/may survive; But definately not an African American male who thinks he has the same rights as white males;
The "new" " Tonight Show" with JIMMY FALLEN will be take people[specifically African Americans] all the way back to the beginning when the "Tonight Show" first started 60 years agao=confirmation that everything Obama is doing is to position white males to do the same thing all over again to African American[s] versus doing things so that the laws are enforced so that African Americans are treated with the same rights as white males;
There were guest on one of the other news talk shows their segment was titled"The Fight for the Black Man" where a Dr. Joe Brewster[wrote "American Promise" who tells black males[we have options]; Jamell Boulie"Writer of the Daily Beast" who says "black males need to be aware of white unconscious bias"; Michelle Stepheson["American Promise"] professor Ivory Todson of Howard University; all said that Obama is reaching out with his "My Borthers Keepers" program to help black males of color to say on track and reach their potental; stated that to help black men to stay out of jail; Article written "White fears matter more than Black Lives-"The Beast"
"My brothers Keeper" program is secret program to turn African American men gay[to keep them alive] is TYLER PERRY [why he came up with the character Madea[he was acting in the role of female ] he would not have made acting as a healthy heterosexual African American male acting as if he had the same rights as white males;

Perry was born and raised in New Orleans. His mother was a church-goer and took Perry along with her once a week. His father was a carpenter and they had a very strained and abusive relationship, which led Perry to suffer from depression as a teenager. In 1991, he was working an office job, when he saw an episode of [The Oprah Winfrey Show];
Oprah Winfrey /Tyler Perry/ and Obama's came up with the secret system of "My Brother's Keeper" program because of their fear of white males;instead of doing the right thing and having the white males systems of abuse identified and stopped;
A lot of the abusive[forcing African American males] system designed to force African American men to become gay will take place through the African American churches;]
Time out for RE-DO;pray that every African American male and female who are aware of white male systems of robbery send the message "hell no"; not being gay and that the Devine God leads and guides them on how to protect themselves and get what belongs to them starting right now."
David Jackson, USA TODAY 5:10 p.m. EST February 12, 2014
President Obama is planning to unveil a new initiative with specific targets: African-American and Hispanic men who have disproportionate rates of unemployment.
Under the "My Brother's Keeper" program, foundations, businesses and community groups would develop plans to help men of color at particularly vulnerable times of their lives, administration officials said.
In previewing the initiative during last month's State of the Union Address, Obama said, "I'm reaching out to some of America's leading foundations and corporations on a new initiative to help more young men of color facing tough odds stay on track and reach their full potential."
Obama had planned to hold a White House event Thursday to officially unveil the new project, but it has been postponed because of bad weather.
Among the challenges faced by the "My Brother's Keeper" program: The jobless rate for black men older than 20 in January was 12%, compared with 6.6% for the nation as a whole.
For Hispanic men over the age of 20, the jobless rate last month was 8.2%.
For younger African Americans and Hispanics, unemployment rates are even higher.
One model for the new effort is a mentoring program in Chicago called "Becoming A Man," which encourages young men to develop education and job-training goals.
In a meeting with Obama a year ago, members of the BAM program talked about the problems with gangs, drugs, gun violence and substandard schools in their neighborhoods, and how so many young people are at risk for lives of crime, poverty or early death.
Speaking after that meeting, the nation's first African-American president — who grew up with an absent father — said he told the group, "I had issues, too, when I was their age. I just had an environment that was a little more forgiving."
Just as individuals have to change their approach and behavior, Obama said, "that's what it takes for communities to change. That's what it takes for countries to change. It's not easy."
Young men in the BAM program are expected to attend the White House ceremony whenever it is re-scheduled.
Two Obama administration officials discussed the "My Brother's Keeper" program on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt Obama's announcement.
As part of the new effort, businesses and foundations would seek to develop strategies designed to help young men at critical and vulnerable parts of their lives. Goals range from helping boys get to school on time to avoiding problems with the criminal justice system.
Ideas include promoting literacy, early childhood education and healthy lifestyles, as well as disrupting what one official called "the school-to-prison pipeline."
"My Brother's Keeper" also involves a review of existing federal programs designed to address the challenges facing young men, discarding those that don't work and improving those that do — "all within existing federal resources," one official said.
Officials said program leaders will also reach out to Republican elected officials, faith leaders and corporate leaders.
One official said the goal of "My Brother's Keeper" is "to make sure that every young man of color who is willing to work hard and lift himself up has an opportunity to get ahead and reach his full potential."
Gay NFL Prospect Michael Sam Gets White House Shout-Outs
First Lady Michelle Obama today tweeted her praise of All-American defensive end Michael Sam’s “courage” for publicly announcing that he is gay.
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