Janet Jackson hostage to white male billionare
Read article in the USA Today newspaper:
1. Confirmed that white males are being ordered to marry African American females based on "SUPERBOWL" half time show theme "LOVE",because there is a shortage on African American men and it is a way to ensure ethnic cleansing;
a. The first code of communication to white males=was saw in the Winston-Salem Chronicle concerning ART[white male standing behind an African American female in a pose] with the code being for white males to date/? African American females; reference-Winston-Salem Chronicle];
Aida” opening March 21;
March 5, 2014
b. Second code of communication to [RICH]white males=to date/marry African American males and threats if the white males don't is the article in the USA Today,"On the run with John Mcafee" by John Swartrz;;

Picture of John Mcafee and his NEW African American WIFE;
[that is not the picture on the front of the USA TODAY newspaper];

Janet Jacksons billionaire husband fires employee after she is raped in Daubi [the husband already knew the rape was going to take place];
note: the rape was punishment not to Janet Jackson but what she represents to African Americans and/or punishment to someone in Janet Jackson family for not doing as they were told;[one of Michael Jackson children];
c. First took notice of the fact of white male[billionaire]marrying Janet Jackson;during/after her brother Michael Jackson[s] dying[the marriage is based on intimidation;they killed her brother and she is cooperating to protect her family]; and the marriage is to make sure that the money acquired from/through Michael Jackson[s] sales from his dying is kept in white male culture; marrying Janet Jackson is way to block money out of/from African American culture; Google "
The white males will be marrying African American females based on their potential to add to the prosperity of the white male community; who will not be able to communicate to their ignorant family the abuse they will endure; when Obama first got into office, the white males in Winston-Salem all economic levels was having field day, every where white males with innoncent AFrican American females who as in the picture above; something just did not seem quite right;
The story, "On the run with John Mcafee" by John Swartz is almost like proof right out of the horses mouth as they say; especially concerning lot of local issues for AFrican Americans who are considered to be deviant because of not agreeing to work in secret for white males; or as Mcafee who created antiviruses for computers, African Americans not working in secret for white males have to create anitabuse systems to protect them selves from white male systems of abuse[ethnic intimdiation/forced assimilation and cultural transformation]; and just as AFrican Americans have to try and live while defending themselves from systems of abuse, so does Mcafee create a strart-up business while on the run with his NEW wife[that he married in October][because he was instructed to-to send messages to RICH white males]; andconfirmation= thename of Mcafees business is "FUTURE tense" and the first product is "D-Central-1"-sure that is a code that white males know what it means;
Mcafee states,s "Our program makes you aware of the apps that track you. No one is anonymous", and his statement confirms the use of cameras in the tracking by WSTA city buses of African American[s] regardless of where they are at;he says the fact that he is launching a startup while he is on the run is one of those things where thruth is stranger than fiction. This is the age of paranoia witht he N-A, hit squads, gov. snooping,you name it."
2nd [John Casanetto][investigative reporter] stated that his research on the Mcaffee case backs up Mcafees story;[note-The fact that there are TWO johns's-code to white males-Marry African American females [who would be part of the Black Wall Street to stop/block the development of the Black Wall Street];And John Casaretta stated, "There is too much evidence, too many coincidences, for this not to be true."[which confirms the blog about the fact that there are too many coincidences concerning names, people and places concerning my situation].
Another confirmation is that there is no way a person can be "NORMAL" after being exposed to such negativity which is confirmed by the billionaire John Mcafee by telling anyone he will be the first to admit he is "NOT NORMAL"
And just like Mcafee who says he would gladly trade a few of his exciting days for those who live a dead life, which is tragic.
Point being Mcafee is living what most African Americans not working for white males in secret are going through, true they don't have the major issues that Mcafee has; but eating, staying warm, maintaining the basic nececcities forces African Americns not working for white males in secret to address survival issues on another level;
note: and the fact that the story was in the Middle of the Front page[huge picture] is key to the fact that they wanted to make sure that white males get the message/crucial];
Read article in the USA Today newspaper:
1. Confirmed that white males are being ordered to marry African American females based on "SUPERBOWL" half time show theme "LOVE",because there is a shortage on African American men and it is a way to ensure ethnic cleansing;
a. The first code of communication to white males=was saw in the Winston-Salem Chronicle concerning ART[white male standing behind an African American female in a pose] with the code being for white males to date/? African American females; reference-Winston-Salem Chronicle];
Aida” opening March 21;
March 5, 2014
b. Second code of communication to [RICH]white males=to date/marry African American males and threats if the white males don't is the article in the USA Today,"On the run with John Mcafee" by John Swartrz;;

Picture of John Mcafee and his NEW African American WIFE;
[that is not the picture on the front of the USA TODAY newspaper];

Janet Jacksons billionaire husband fires employee after she is raped in Daubi [the husband already knew the rape was going to take place];
note: the rape was punishment not to Janet Jackson but what she represents to African Americans and/or punishment to someone in Janet Jackson family for not doing as they were told;[one of Michael Jackson children];
c. First took notice of the fact of white male[billionaire]marrying Janet Jackson;during/after her brother Michael Jackson[s] dying[the marriage is based on intimidation;they killed her brother and she is cooperating to protect her family]; and the marriage is to make sure that the money acquired from/through Michael Jackson[s] sales from his dying is kept in white male culture; marrying Janet Jackson is way to block money out of/from African American culture; Google "
The white males will be marrying African American females based on their potential to add to the prosperity of the white male community; who will not be able to communicate to their ignorant family the abuse they will endure; when Obama first got into office, the white males in Winston-Salem all economic levels was having field day, every where white males with innoncent AFrican American females who as in the picture above; something just did not seem quite right;
The story, "On the run with John Mcafee" by John Swartz is almost like proof right out of the horses mouth as they say; especially concerning lot of local issues for AFrican Americans who are considered to be deviant because of not agreeing to work in secret for white males; or as Mcafee who created antiviruses for computers, African Americans not working in secret for white males have to create anitabuse systems to protect them selves from white male systems of abuse[ethnic intimdiation/forced assimilation and cultural transformation]; and just as AFrican Americans have to try and live while defending themselves from systems of abuse, so does Mcafee create a strart-up business while on the run with his NEW wife[that he married in October][because he was instructed to-to send messages to RICH white males]; andconfirmation= thename of Mcafees business is "FUTURE tense" and the first product is "D-Central-1"-sure that is a code that white males know what it means;
Mcafee states,s "Our program makes you aware of the apps that track you. No one is anonymous", and his statement confirms the use of cameras in the tracking by WSTA city buses of African American[s] regardless of where they are at;he says the fact that he is launching a startup while he is on the run is one of those things where thruth is stranger than fiction. This is the age of paranoia witht he N-A, hit squads, gov. snooping,you name it."
2nd [John Casanetto][investigative reporter] stated that his research on the Mcaffee case backs up Mcafees story;[note-The fact that there are TWO johns's-code to white males-Marry African American females [who would be part of the Black Wall Street to stop/block the development of the Black Wall Street];And John Casaretta stated, "There is too much evidence, too many coincidences, for this not to be true."[which confirms the blog about the fact that there are too many coincidences concerning names, people and places concerning my situation].
Another confirmation is that there is no way a person can be "NORMAL" after being exposed to such negativity which is confirmed by the billionaire John Mcafee by telling anyone he will be the first to admit he is "NOT NORMAL"
And just like Mcafee who says he would gladly trade a few of his exciting days for those who live a dead life, which is tragic.
Point being Mcafee is living what most African Americans not working for white males in secret are going through, true they don't have the major issues that Mcafee has; but eating, staying warm, maintaining the basic nececcities forces African Americns not working for white males in secret to address survival issues on another level;
note: and the fact that the story was in the Middle of the Front page[huge picture] is key to the fact that they wanted to make sure that white males get the message/crucial];
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