Godevia Chocolate what?
See TOWERS on Page A07
Caught ride from Carver Road Library to the Carl Russell Recreation Center from Daffney who is an educational teacher about "COLD BLOODED animals:; she was the guest speaker for the "CHILDREN'S" Dept. at Carver Road Library=code-on 3-11[kkk]-14=something to do with "COLD BLOODED" is it a subliminal message to African American children to be "COLD BLOODED?"[sure Melissa Williams was well pleased being that on 3/11[kkk]/14 that African American children were connected with something to do with being "COLD BLOODED"=cold blood=dead person;don't think Daffney is clued yet; but if she continues she will be;
The name of the company for the Cold Blooded program is "Cold Blooded Encounters - REPTILE ZOO that Daffeney said was out of Charlotte,NC; but there is also one in "MONROE",NC, which also coincides with the theme of the Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church to help white males[kkk] put African American girls/boys [children] on rock[dr-gs] or force them to be gay-which is "cold blooded";
The Address of the Cold Blooded Encounters - REPTILE ZOO is 3513 W US HWY 74, Ste. B in Monroe, NC 28110[http://www.angieslist.com/companylist/us/nc/monroe/cold-blooded-encounters-reptile-zoo-reviews-6796368.htm];
In which Melissa Williams as manager of Carver Road branch Library and her staff
have been given instructions to be "cold blooded" to African American children; based on the "ORDER" given at/through the theme of the Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church to help white males[kkk] put African American girls/boys [children] on rock[dr-gs] or force them to be gay;
Which instructions was confirmed through the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper for 3/11[kkk]/14 of which if anyone went back at looked at the newspapers anywhere in the United States that was published on 3/11 [any year] there is a great chance that the front page is coded with instructions to those who are participating in the [kkk] secret abusive system of African Americans;with the instructions being to those who are participating in the secret system of ethnic intimidation of African Americans to block the African American females who are suppose to be wives that do no work in secret for white males;and everything has been okayed through the Winston-Salem Forsyth Commissioners who participated with Shirley Jordan[who works at
Godevia at Hanes Mall in WS,NC]
Godeiva "CHOCOLATE"-with the term "CHOCOLATE" being a "KEY" term in the Reynoda Road/Reynolda Gardens/Reynolda and North West BLVD area=Shirley Jorden connected to term "CHOCOLATE"
[code 1="person" 2="working" 3="with" 4="white" 5="males" language="black"][/code]like CINTAS connected to "GOODWILL";
I am sure Shirley Jordanwho is a senior citizen is being given the mindset like Mia Anjelo that she is young and beautiful as payment for her part in helping white males[kkk] block AFrican American[s] wealth and heritage; such as in breaking up the marriage of her son "TJ"[only person called him "TJ" was the female who was going to marry] and tricked him into marrying [Debra-African American female prostitute working in secre for white males]; The WSFC Commissioners okayed everything after Shirley Jordan okayed [for the "WAY"mon L. MONROE] to be made to for the 2nd time to kill/block the life path of the female "TJ" was going to marry from being a wife/having sex with husband in 2014;with the celebration ceremony held on 3/9/14 at the Solid ROCK MISSIOIONary baptist church where the "ORDERS were given to block the female who Shirley Jordan tricked "TJ" out of marrying from becoming a wife in 2014;and the "ORDER" that the female is to be forced to be "gay"; if access to the white males BANK is ever hoped to be obtain;[let's see if Shirley Jordan is going to be gay; she is already an African American female prostitue working in secret for white males; "wonder if her son knows?"Now if Shirely Jordan all of sudden gets a new job [to remove her out of the path of threats-KNOW that white male[s] moved their prostitute Shirley Jordan/but KNOW this-no man can hide anybody from the DEVINE GOD!!!]thus that makes "GODEVIA" a participant-becase board members are always aware of major issue/people who make affect their profit [they are propably giving Shirley Jordan instructions] like they do CINTAS [tell them what to];
To CONFIRM code is concerning the female "TJ" was going to marry and about "SEX" the article in the lower "RIGHT hand" corner,titled, "Officer fires at driver; no one hurt";JOHN HINTON;Winston-Salem" Journal; is concerning a code name"PINKNEY" [
"Pinkney was released"which is the name of an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who poses as a local minister who use to live on the same street as the female that "TJ" was going to marry;[coincidence or code?] "PINKNEY was released" is communication/code by authority that those in the Carver School Road Area who participated in stealing of the TWIN don't have to worry about have the issue of their part in stealing of the TWIN child addressed; BUT someone should tell them they do have to worry about having the issue of their part in stealing of the TWIN child addressed to the DEVINE GOD and that is with or without me on the face of the earth; BASTARDS!!! and whole dam system "GREATLY OFFENDS ME"=it is better that a milstone be hung around their neck and they be cast into the sea than to offend one of the DEVINE GOD's little ones[child][I am a child of the DEVINE GOD];
And if anyone thinks that it is a coinicidence that [Cold Blooded Encounters - REPTILE ZOO is 3513 W US HWY 74, Ste. B] from MONROE, NC coincidently appeared in the Children's section to present a program after the "ORDERS" had been given through the theme/order of the Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church to help white males[kkk] put African American girls/boys [children] on rock[dr-gs] or force them to be gay;The appearance by the [Cold Blooded Encounters - REPTILE ZOO is 3513 W US HWY 74, Ste. B] from MONROE, NC confirms that the "OPENING" of the "NEW MOTOR" Road just built by the city of Winston-Salem, NC/DOT,etc. is the signal that the "WAY" has been made which is through ["WAY"mon L. MONROE] of the Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church who wive is a NEW "NURSE" in heart dept. at local hospital;
**At the end of the article, " "Cellphone towers loom over houses in this neighborhood on Jonestown Road near Interstate 40."; there are TWO pictures and names-code-to the African American people who act in a capacity of protecting African American[s]=Wise to follow instructions= "Whisenhunt" and " Marshall";
"Cellphone towers loom over houses in this neighborhood on Jonestown Road near Interstate 40.";WALT UNKS/JOURNAL
Article Continued Below
See TOWERS on Page A07
From Page A1
Commissioners Walter Marshall and Everette Witherspoon were the only commissioners to vote against it, saying they were in favor of the city version. They believe it is in the public's best interest to have requests come before the elected body.
'You're telling the residents of the county that they can throw up a pole anywhere in their community and you duck and dodge,' Marshall told the board majority.
Vocal opposition
Marshall has been vocal in recent meetings about his concerns that cell towers are hazardous to health when placed too close to homes. He said Monday that he is not opposed to cell towers but wants to make sure that adequate safeguards are in place.
Marshall asked the board to buy a monitor so it can measure radio frequency emissions.
Commissioner Mark Baker confirmed with staff that even if the county monitored emissions, it would have no power to regulate them.
The Federal Communications Commission regulates tower emissions but does not routinely inspect these towers because the emissions are so low.
When Chairman Richard Linville asked commissioners to raise their hands if they supported Marshall's monitor request, Witherspoon was the only one who offered his support.
'Unbelievable,' Marshall said.
Questioning impact
Robert Leak III also used the word 'unbelievable' when describing the board's position Monday night. He is the president of the New South Community Coalition and said the planning board version will have a negative impact on the community.
Carolyn Highsmith, the vice president of the coalition, said the biggest concern was the lack of redress for county residents, whose city neighbors can go before their elected body with tower concerns while they can't.
'It's poor public policy,' Highsmith said.
Whisenhunt said the county is different from the city, and the residential areas aren't as dense.
'That's why there's a county government and a city government, because we're so different,' Whisenhunt said.
She also said the public will still have a chance to speak, since the Board of Adjustment holds public hearings.
The Board of Adjustment is quasijudicial and conducts public hearings with sworn testimony. The members are appointed by the county commissioners.
'I'm comfortable that they'll be able to make good decisions in their judgment, and there's criteria they use to make those decisions,' Linville said after the meeting.
Industry officials say the increase in wireless device usage has strained existing networks and created a need for more towers, especially in residential areas.
The new county ordinance encourages companies to put up less impactful towers by giving a simpler review process for concealed or 'stealth' towers of 150 feet or less on residential lots that have nonresidential uses, such as school or church properties. This would only require a zoning permit from inspections staff.
Residents within 300 feet of the proposed towers will be notified of community meetings in the county. The city version has a radius to 500 feet.
The county version has a 40-foot setback requirement from public streets while the city requires the setback to be equal to the tower height.
The city also requires photosimulations for many towers in residential areas while the county does not.
mevans@wsjournal.com (336) 727-7204


From Page A1
Commissioners Walter Marshall and Everette Witherspoon were the only commissioners to vote against it, saying they were in favor of the city version. They believe it is in the public's best interest to have requests come before the elected body.
'You're telling the residents of the county that they can throw up a pole anywhere in their community and you duck and dodge,' Marshall told the board majority.
Vocal opposition
Marshall has been vocal in recent meetings about his concerns that cell towers are hazardous to health when placed too close to homes. He said Monday that he is not opposed to cell towers but wants to make sure that adequate safeguards are in place.
Marshall asked the board to buy a monitor so it can measure radio frequency emissions.
Commissioner Mark Baker confirmed with staff that even if the county monitored emissions, it would have no power to regulate them.
The Federal Communications Commission regulates tower emissions but does not routinely inspect these towers because the emissions are so low.
When Chairman Richard Linville asked commissioners to raise their hands if they supported Marshall's monitor request, Witherspoon was the only one who offered his support.
'Unbelievable,' Marshall said.
Questioning impact
Robert Leak III also used the word 'unbelievable' when describing the board's position Monday night. He is the president of the New South Community Coalition and said the planning board version will have a negative impact on the community.
Carolyn Highsmith, the vice president of the coalition, said the biggest concern was the lack of redress for county residents, whose city neighbors can go before their elected body with tower concerns while they can't.
'It's poor public policy,' Highsmith said.
Whisenhunt said the county is different from the city, and the residential areas aren't as dense.
'That's why there's a county government and a city government, because we're so different,' Whisenhunt said.
She also said the public will still have a chance to speak, since the Board of Adjustment holds public hearings.
The Board of Adjustment is quasijudicial and conducts public hearings with sworn testimony. The members are appointed by the county commissioners.
'I'm comfortable that they'll be able to make good decisions in their judgment, and there's criteria they use to make those decisions,' Linville said after the meeting.
Industry officials say the increase in wireless device usage has strained existing networks and created a need for more towers, especially in residential areas.
The new county ordinance encourages companies to put up less impactful towers by giving a simpler review process for concealed or 'stealth' towers of 150 feet or less on residential lots that have nonresidential uses, such as school or church properties. This would only require a zoning permit from inspections staff.
Residents within 300 feet of the proposed towers will be notified of community meetings in the county. The city version has a radius to 500 feet.
The county version has a 40-foot setback requirement from public streets while the city requires the setback to be equal to the tower height.
The city also requires photosimulations for many towers in residential areas while the county does not.
mevans@wsjournal.com (336) 727-7204


1. Of NEW 2nd System being created based on "PAULA" system=Walter Marshall's WIFE is name Married to PAULETTE GWYN Marshall[http://www.forsyth.cc/commissioners/meet_marshall.aspx];with GWYN being the name of the son of Gwyndolyn GWYN who kniocked down my mailbox and pulled a weapon on me when I was putting my mailbox back up; After Walter Marshal had a meeting with the Dudley WATTS over the CARVER ROAD BRANCH of the WSFC Public Library putting me out for no reason when Mr. Marshall found out that a "PAULA" was involved in the issue-suddenly the issue of the CARVER ROAD BRANCH of the WSFC Public Library about putting me out for no reason was not as big an issue; Walter Marshall came out of the meeting and told me the charges had been dropped even though as intelligent as he is suppose to be-he did not know what the charges were and did not know who could tell me what the charges were;Thus Mr. Marshall should be a big KEY player in the current NEW 2nd system of harassment/intimidation/abuse of African Americans with "PAULA"[ who was at the Carver Road Branch being relocated at the big 5th Street Public Library[DOWNTOWN]of which am sure Mr. Marshall has had to have meeting with Sylvia Sprinkle in order to relay the message to protect wife "PAULA= it is wise to go along with the NEW 2nd system of abuse being developed by white males;
1. Of NEW 2nd System being created based on "PAULA" system=Walter Marshall's WIFE is name Married to PAULETTE GWYN Marshall[http://www.forsyth.cc/commissioners/meet_marshall.aspx];with GWYN being the name of the son of Gwyndolyn GWYN who kniocked down my mailbox and pulled a weapon on me when I was putting my mailbox back up; After Walter Marshal had a meeting with the Dudley WATTS over the CARVER ROAD BRANCH of the WSFC Public Library putting me out for no reason when Mr. Marshall found out that a "PAULA" was involved in the issue-suddenly the issue of the CARVER ROAD BRANCH of the WSFC Public Library about putting me out for no reason was not as big an issue; Walter Marshall came out of the meeting and told me the charges had been dropped even though as intelligent as he is suppose to be-he did not know what the charges were and did not know who could tell me what the charges were;Thus Mr. Marshall should be a big KEY player in the current NEW 2nd system of harassment/intimidation/abuse of African Americans with "PAULA"[ who was at the Carver Road Branch being relocated at the big 5th Street Public Library[DOWNTOWN]of which am sure Mr. Marshall has had to have meeting with Sylvia Sprinkle in order to relay the message to protect wife "PAULA= it is wise to go along with the NEW 2nd system of abuse being developed by white males;
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