ROCK what you've got
Road the WSTA bus to the Carver Road Branch Library and EVERYbody on the WSTA route #1 was WHITE in a 98%African American neighborhood; asked the WSTA driver where did all the white folk come from; first time I have ever seen ALL white people on route #1;answer they were in somebody's basement[like the shovel ready jobs[where everything in my basement had been cleaned out EXCEPT a shovel; and I nor any of my family members cleaned the basement out; so who did it; must have been the white people[who suddenly appeared that theWSTA bus driver said was living in somebody's basement]; there were Five white people; three white males got off at Lansing and Oak ridge; white male and female got off at the next street on Lasing on the left side of the street;
Then upon walking into the Carver Road branch Library; there was a white male posted guard at the front entrance on the right side of the Carver Road Library entrance; and then upon turning right there at computer #13 was a white male [even though all other computers were empty except about three where there were African American[s] on them;
Today's day is #10[TEN] a money day like 1010 Downing Street; what Obama called the NEW wage increase 1010=code for increase the pay of those who are helping white males to steal from African American neighborhoods;
1010 Downing Street connected to ROCKerfeller "Project"=girls ROCK =code to put young African American teenage girls on "rock"[dr-gs]=ROCK[erfeller]feller=code-fellow=male=code ROCK [dr-g]is ER [her]feller[man]-dr-ug is her man project;
The white people on route#1 is code that everything done concerning "PROGRESS" and PROSPERITY" [economically/socially] in the African American neighborhood in Carver Road Area belongs to the white males those working for [KKK]311 [highWAY] and Carver Road; based upon attendance at ["WAY"mon] L. Monroe, Jr. 7th Anniversary as celebration of ["WAY"mon] who helped white males[kkk] force the pastor who orginally started the SOLID "ROCK" "MISSION" ary Baptist Church out to make "WAY" for "NEW" 2nd system to rob/steal and kill African American[s] of wealth/heritage/relationships, etc. in the Carver Road area in Winston-Salsem, NC;
Have blogged about the African American female prostitutes[who sit in church pulpits-calling themselves wifes] working in secret for white males during the "Valentine Day Fashion show"at Goler Memorial [which is positioned beside the Regenerative Research project]on PATTERSON Ave. where NEW pastor "BANKS" had just replaced the old AFRICAN pastor [Larta] who had helped white males over fifteen to twenty year period of time to remove/block and destroy the African American businesses in the PATTERSON/Liberty/Winston-Salem, NC area; All of the females who participated were African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males [who married males who carry the title of pastor/husband are acutally "JOHN'S" in secret]; During the "Valentine Day Fashion show"at Goler Memorial [where the wife of BANKS had just come through a "MAJOR" health[Obama care in the making]crisis, where the it was communicated to the husband "Banks" that if he does not follow orders;white males have his wife's health and can make it better or worse;
"WAY"mon's, African American female prostitutes[who sits in the church pulpit[SOLID ROCK MISSIONary Baptist ]-[usurping the title wife] when ACTUALLY working secret for white males-Leola has been re-assigned to include continuation of her "NURSING" career at one of the local hospitals in the medical field connect with the "HEART"; which is the health problem that was created by white males harassment/intimidation at "K"&W where the guy with who wants to date me who wears a lot of "Royal Blue" was working at the time.
Based upon announcements/statements/etc.=Leola Monroe working as "NURSE" at local hospital in area connect with the "HEART" dept. is a threat from white males [part of the white males are connected and owned the DOLLAR GENERAL store just builty beside the Solid ROCK MISSION ary baptist chuch];
Usually link is posted by the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library to send message/threat about/to guy who wears a lot of Royal blue to communicate being that part of his name has "WILL" in it; and the above link was posted after Sunday services at Soild ROCK MISSIONary baptist church on 3/8/14 to let those in city/operating local WSFC public libraries what they are doing;
3709 -------- -----, Winston-Salem, NC is where a "NURSE" lives that works at Forsyth Hospital who is connected/participating in the stealing and hiding of the TWIN child;
3711 -------- -----, Winston-salem, NC was knocked down/cleared so that there is no house to communicate to the "NURSE" who lives across the street at 3709 -------- -----,Winston-Salem, NC that instead of there being a building up of the TWIN situation involving her; that the TWIN situation was being torned down[where RICHie Brooks drove TWO red Tractor trailor type trucks and parked them in front my door];
3711 Carver Road,Winston-Salem, NC is house where African American female who use to work for Reynolds Health Care who participated in the stealing of TWIN child[who also has a set of TWINS in her family]=3711=TWO adresses connected to stealing of TWIN child as well as TWO[11's] connected with Sept.11,2001=the knocking down of the TWIN tower/World Trade Center in New York;
"NURSE Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son knocked down my mailbox and then pulled a weapon on me when I tried to put my mailbox back up=Identity Theft/Financial Identity Theft;
Thus there are THREE "NURSES" involved in the hiding of the stealing of the "TWIN"=includes one other "NURSE" ;Thus there are FOUR "NURSES the other is a relative who has been intimidated into participating in helping to hide the stealing of the TWIN child by local authority; who live beside her[kept a hole in the middle of her floor for decades[just closed about two to three months ago]; who had a retirement ceremeony; but still working for those in authoritiy who threaten to put me in confinement if I earn money/do work in an honest manner;they even made a book for her from the "Detention Center" with her in ALL WHITE when at a wedding; had a dinner for her 87 year old mother; my aunt; where the "NURSE" [with special privileges asked me to take out the garbage which was in a "WHITE" bag; insisted that I get in line behind [ANGIES[list] who had on shirt "AM RAG" to get my food
The food was cooked by members of the family who I have asked for over three to four months to help me eat=no result/not one person called to help during snow storm either[only response was the aunt's BIRTHday where family communicating to the white male authority who live next door to family member who is a "NURSE" who have cameras in her house that everything associated with me-is to be garbage-[by having me to take the garbage out in a white bag]=long as they eat and live the good life while I suffer and watch them live the good life-the family supports white male authority abuse of me=my thoughts if I can't live the good life=neither can they;also communication suppose to be that while those preselected by white male authority to be in white males economic society are allowed to live a normal life; that I am to live the life of an 87 year old women=not so bastards;
The family "NURSE" was behind me in line to get food and had her grandson "JACOB" [7yr old]behind her=code to white male system=For all that the family "NURSE" does not do to help cousin access TWINS/husband/life that the cousin would have if the cousin were an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males-PAY "JACOB"for all done by family member who is a "NURSE"to block and hinder cousin;[for decades whenever went to cousin "NURSE" house, there was always an authority vehicle parked in driveway; and now the fire hydrant near cousin house has been painted "ORANGE";like the fire hydrant on street where I live that use to be red and blue;
CONNECTION=AUTHORITY=NURSES=Family NURSE live beside authority/work in building with/where authority put people in confinement]=Leola MONroe=NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church];
"Black Girls Rock Show/BET"];They had a televison special in 2013 "BLACK Girls ROCK";[];
NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[ and her john pretending to be a husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church 7th anniversary program =code-way for New Nurse to direct [her john who is pretending to be a husband] on how to help rob the African American neighborhoods who have been surrounded by "DOLLAR GENERAL[s] and FAMILY DOLLAR stores by helping the DOLLAR GENERAL and FAMILY DOLLAR stores to help convert African American[girls/boys/youth] to be gay or get on dr-gs/rock by releasing the gay and dr-g spirits in the African American community and by not helping the African American neighborhood address the gay//dr-gs[rock] issues in the African American neighborhoods, but instead "the NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[ and her john pretending to be a husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church] will focus on who to attack in the African American neighborhood[s] to force to be gay or intimidate/threaten/abuse to do [rock/dr-gs];
Codes of written communication that give the order to be followed in Carver Road area/thus based on last four presidents visits to Winston-Salem, NC-then concept to be used in African American neighborhoods throughout the United States:
[3/9/14[9= number of birth=] 
Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church "ORDER OF SERVICE "page:

Notice the "ORDER" of the last names: [Wright"Barnes;Gay;PeakeBANKS;WRIGHT]
starting with 1."JORDAN""Wright"[Jordan-name of guy who wanted to marry me/tricked into marrying an African american female prostitute working for white males in secret]
note:[SHIRELY JORDAN [Therman Jordan's mama] gave "WAY"mon Monroe-a basket from GODieva at Hanes Mall-thus lot of issues concerning my love life with Therman Jordan's came from his mama[his mama did him the same way my mama did me]/blocked his relationship;[based on the concept that the black in Winston-Salem are clanish];
2. Rajanee Barnes[Barnes is the name of the African American male that is in charge of the WSTA buses who never answered my phone call about why the supervisors on Route #1 tried to force me into his supervisor bus and not allow me to ridre the regular route #1 bus];
3. India Gay[part of the Obama Plan[include gays[that for every AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males as he does; then force/intimidate/threaten African Americans that if they are gay; they can access the white male economic/bank system];
4.Stacy Peake -code-the only way African American[s]that will not work in secret for white males can access BANK is to "STAY"; if AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males want to reach their "peake";
5.KEona BANKS-Being gay is the "KEY"[KEona] if AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males want to access the BANKS;
6. Lavar WRIGHT-code-2nd WRIGHT[right]-relates specifically for the issue with the person who had a TWIN stolen; they have to accept being gay or no BAMKS[money];
The order of the last names are codes to tell the bastards the "ORDER" of the flow of the Carver Road area-with the understanding that a "PEN"[somebody writing] is the problem; thus the message the slave["Barnes" is code for keeping blacks in barnes/slaves] is the be "gay"[not have a herterosexual mate] and that is to be the "peake" of the experenience of the person; and those who help to force the person to be gay/rock[dr-gs] will have access to the "BANK"; that is the "WRIGHT"[right] for the person/TWIN issue=TWO -WRIGHTS[rights]
The whole system has already been mapped out to follow the instructions given to Solid Rock MISSIONary baptist church; part of what the NEW "MOTOR" road opening is symbolic of the "OPENING of the new "KILL" system ] by the opening of the NEW "MOTOR" road at the north end of Carver Road; the NEW "MOTOR" road has hardly any houses;easy to use big tractor trailers trucks with loads of people removed/taken from their homes in the middle of the night] therefore nobody to question why so many trucks in the middle of the night; the NEW "MOTOR" road goes directly into the hispanic area to create an extension of the hispanic area; to make it appear as though the growth came through normal means; instead of through removing African American[s] in the Carver Road area out of their bed in the middle of the night and replacing hispanics in their houses;
When in apprx. 2004 when selling ads for "HUNTER", white male asked me'"What happen to all the black folk, and where did all the hispanics come from?; It waslike the hispanics appeared over night and that is when Devine God showed me white males system[s]; with t he main place being the Smith Reynolds Airport; where first white males have approval from downtown; then white males took out the African Americans in Piedmont circle;even if the African Americans filed a report; the report would be missing;lot of the wooded area around Smith Reynolds Airport was removed to clear path for equipment/systems to remove African Americans out of their homes and replace with hispanic people;
Melissia Williams/staffare aware of the fact that they are to attack African American[s] in any capacity that they can get away with and help hispanics[why Melissa Williams hired a hispanic female[who is probably being trained to be a hispanic prostitute working in secret for white males]in the midst of a 98% AFrican American neighborhood with so many people[especially African American[s] are out of work;which is Economic/income Identity Theft for the African American neighborhood because someone told me that every business is suppose to represent the neighborhood; so why are they no African American[s] who live in the Caraver Road area working either at the Carver Road library or the Forsyth Tech Mazie Woodruff Center [which is closed today[3/11/14]=11thday and a Wensday=WIN=code=?]
Melissa Williams and her staff located a book ["ROCK" What You've Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty from Someone Who's Been There and Back";by Katherine Schwarzenegger] that subliminally directs African American girls towards [ROCK/dr-gs]:

Road the WSTA bus to the Carver Road Branch Library and EVERYbody on the WSTA route #1 was WHITE in a 98%African American neighborhood; asked the WSTA driver where did all the white folk come from; first time I have ever seen ALL white people on route #1;answer they were in somebody's basement[like the shovel ready jobs[where everything in my basement had been cleaned out EXCEPT a shovel; and I nor any of my family members cleaned the basement out; so who did it; must have been the white people[who suddenly appeared that theWSTA bus driver said was living in somebody's basement]; there were Five white people; three white males got off at Lansing and Oak ridge; white male and female got off at the next street on Lasing on the left side of the street;
Then upon walking into the Carver Road branch Library; there was a white male posted guard at the front entrance on the right side of the Carver Road Library entrance; and then upon turning right there at computer #13 was a white male [even though all other computers were empty except about three where there were African American[s] on them;
Today's day is #10[TEN] a money day like 1010 Downing Street; what Obama called the NEW wage increase 1010=code for increase the pay of those who are helping white males to steal from African American neighborhoods;
1010 Downing Street connected to ROCKerfeller "Project"=girls ROCK =code to put young African American teenage girls on "rock"[dr-gs]=ROCK[erfeller]feller=code-fellow=male=code ROCK [dr-g]is ER [her]feller[man]-dr-ug is her man project;
The white people on route#1 is code that everything done concerning "PROGRESS" and PROSPERITY" [economically/socially] in the African American neighborhood in Carver Road Area belongs to the white males those working for [KKK]311 [highWAY] and Carver Road; based upon attendance at ["WAY"mon] L. Monroe, Jr. 7th Anniversary as celebration of ["WAY"mon] who helped white males[kkk] force the pastor who orginally started the SOLID "ROCK" "MISSION" ary Baptist Church out to make "WAY" for "NEW" 2nd system to rob/steal and kill African American[s] of wealth/heritage/relationships, etc. in the Carver Road area in Winston-Salsem, NC;
Have blogged about the African American female prostitutes[who sit in church pulpits-calling themselves wifes] working in secret for white males during the "Valentine Day Fashion show"at Goler Memorial [which is positioned beside the Regenerative Research project]on PATTERSON Ave. where NEW pastor "BANKS" had just replaced the old AFRICAN pastor [Larta] who had helped white males over fifteen to twenty year period of time to remove/block and destroy the African American businesses in the PATTERSON/Liberty/Winston-Salem, NC area; All of the females who participated were African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males [who married males who carry the title of pastor/husband are acutally "JOHN'S" in secret]; During the "Valentine Day Fashion show"at Goler Memorial [where the wife of BANKS had just come through a "MAJOR" health[Obama care in the making]crisis, where the it was communicated to the husband "Banks" that if he does not follow orders;white males have his wife's health and can make it better or worse;
"WAY"mon's, African American female prostitutes[who sits in the church pulpit[SOLID ROCK MISSIONary Baptist ]-[usurping the title wife] when ACTUALLY working secret for white males-Leola has been re-assigned to include continuation of her "NURSING" career at one of the local hospitals in the medical field connect with the "HEART"; which is the health problem that was created by white males harassment/intimidation at "K"&W where the guy with who wants to date me who wears a lot of "Royal Blue" was working at the time.
Based upon announcements/statements/etc.=Leola Monroe working as "NURSE" at local hospital in area connect with the "HEART" dept. is a threat from white males [part of the white males are connected and owned the DOLLAR GENERAL store just builty beside the Solid ROCK MISSION ary baptist chuch];
Usually link is posted by the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library to send message/threat about/to guy who wears a lot of Royal blue to communicate being that part of his name has "WILL" in it; and the above link was posted after Sunday services at Soild ROCK MISSIONary baptist church on 3/8/14 to let those in city/operating local WSFC public libraries what they are doing;
3709 -------- -----, Winston-Salem, NC is where a "NURSE" lives that works at Forsyth Hospital who is connected/participating in the stealing and hiding of the TWIN child;
3711 -------- -----, Winston-salem, NC was knocked down/cleared so that there is no house to communicate to the "NURSE" who lives across the street at 3709 -------- -----,Winston-Salem, NC that instead of there being a building up of the TWIN situation involving her; that the TWIN situation was being torned down[where RICHie Brooks drove TWO red Tractor trailor type trucks and parked them in front my door];
3711 Carver Road,Winston-Salem, NC is house where African American female who use to work for Reynolds Health Care who participated in the stealing of TWIN child[who also has a set of TWINS in her family]=3711=TWO adresses connected to stealing of TWIN child as well as TWO[11's] connected with Sept.11,2001=the knocking down of the TWIN tower/World Trade Center in New York;
"NURSE Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son knocked down my mailbox and then pulled a weapon on me when I tried to put my mailbox back up=Identity Theft/Financial Identity Theft;
Thus there are THREE "NURSES" involved in the hiding of the stealing of the "TWIN"=includes one other "NURSE" ;Thus there are FOUR "NURSES the other is a relative who has been intimidated into participating in helping to hide the stealing of the TWIN child by local authority; who live beside her[kept a hole in the middle of her floor for decades[just closed about two to three months ago]; who had a retirement ceremeony; but still working for those in authoritiy who threaten to put me in confinement if I earn money/do work in an honest manner;they even made a book for her from the "Detention Center" with her in ALL WHITE when at a wedding; had a dinner for her 87 year old mother; my aunt; where the "NURSE" [with special privileges asked me to take out the garbage which was in a "WHITE" bag; insisted that I get in line behind [ANGIES[list] who had on shirt "AM RAG" to get my food
The food was cooked by members of the family who I have asked for over three to four months to help me eat=no result/not one person called to help during snow storm either[only response was the aunt's BIRTHday where family communicating to the white male authority who live next door to family member who is a "NURSE" who have cameras in her house that everything associated with me-is to be garbage-[by having me to take the garbage out in a white bag]=long as they eat and live the good life while I suffer and watch them live the good life-the family supports white male authority abuse of me=my thoughts if I can't live the good life=neither can they;also communication suppose to be that while those preselected by white male authority to be in white males economic society are allowed to live a normal life; that I am to live the life of an 87 year old women=not so bastards;
The family "NURSE" was behind me in line to get food and had her grandson "JACOB" [7yr old]behind her=code to white male system=For all that the family "NURSE" does not do to help cousin access TWINS/husband/life that the cousin would have if the cousin were an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males-PAY "JACOB"for all done by family member who is a "NURSE"to block and hinder cousin;[for decades whenever went to cousin "NURSE" house, there was always an authority vehicle parked in driveway; and now the fire hydrant near cousin house has been painted "ORANGE";like the fire hydrant on street where I live that use to be red and blue;
CONNECTION=AUTHORITY=NURSES=Family NURSE live beside authority/work in building with/where authority put people in confinement]=Leola MONroe=NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church];
"Black Girls Rock Show/BET"];They had a televison special in 2013 "BLACK Girls ROCK";[];
NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[ and her john pretending to be a husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church 7th anniversary program =code-way for New Nurse to direct [her john who is pretending to be a husband] on how to help rob the African American neighborhoods who have been surrounded by "DOLLAR GENERAL[s] and FAMILY DOLLAR stores by helping the DOLLAR GENERAL and FAMILY DOLLAR stores to help convert African American[girls/boys/youth] to be gay or get on dr-gs/rock by releasing the gay and dr-g spirits in the African American community and by not helping the African American neighborhood address the gay//dr-gs[rock] issues in the African American neighborhoods, but instead "the NEW NURSE at local hospital in heart dept/[ and her john pretending to be a husband/"WAY"mon at Solid ROCK MISSIONary church] will focus on who to attack in the African American neighborhood[s] to force to be gay or intimidate/threaten/abuse to do [rock/dr-gs];
Codes of written communication that give the order to be followed in Carver Road area/thus based on last four presidents visits to Winston-Salem, NC-then concept to be used in African American neighborhoods throughout the United States:

Solid ROCK MISSIONary baptist church "ORDER OF SERVICE "page:

Notice the "ORDER" of the last names: [Wright"Barnes;Gay;PeakeBANKS;WRIGHT]
starting with 1."JORDAN""Wright"[Jordan-name of guy who wanted to marry me/tricked into marrying an African american female prostitute working for white males in secret]
note:[SHIRELY JORDAN [Therman Jordan's mama] gave "WAY"mon Monroe-a basket from GODieva at Hanes Mall-thus lot of issues concerning my love life with Therman Jordan's came from his mama[his mama did him the same way my mama did me]/blocked his relationship;[based on the concept that the black in Winston-Salem are clanish];
2. Rajanee Barnes[Barnes is the name of the African American male that is in charge of the WSTA buses who never answered my phone call about why the supervisors on Route #1 tried to force me into his supervisor bus and not allow me to ridre the regular route #1 bus];
3. India Gay[part of the Obama Plan[include gays[that for every AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males as he does; then force/intimidate/threaten African Americans that if they are gay; they can access the white male economic/bank system];
4.Stacy Peake -code-the only way African American[s]that will not work in secret for white males can access BANK is to "STAY"; if AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males want to reach their "peake";
5.KEona BANKS-Being gay is the "KEY"[KEona] if AFrican American that will not work in secret for white males want to access the BANKS;
6. Lavar WRIGHT-code-2nd WRIGHT[right]-relates specifically for the issue with the person who had a TWIN stolen; they have to accept being gay or no BAMKS[money];
The order of the last names are codes to tell the bastards the "ORDER" of the flow of the Carver Road area-with the understanding that a "PEN"[somebody writing] is the problem; thus the message the slave["Barnes" is code for keeping blacks in barnes/slaves] is the be "gay"[not have a herterosexual mate] and that is to be the "peake" of the experenience of the person; and those who help to force the person to be gay/rock[dr-gs] will have access to the "BANK"; that is the "WRIGHT"[right] for the person/TWIN issue=TWO -WRIGHTS[rights]
The whole system has already been mapped out to follow the instructions given to Solid Rock MISSIONary baptist church; part of what the NEW "MOTOR" road opening is symbolic of the "OPENING of the new "KILL" system ] by the opening of the NEW "MOTOR" road at the north end of Carver Road; the NEW "MOTOR" road has hardly any houses;easy to use big tractor trailers trucks with loads of people removed/taken from their homes in the middle of the night] therefore nobody to question why so many trucks in the middle of the night; the NEW "MOTOR" road goes directly into the hispanic area to create an extension of the hispanic area; to make it appear as though the growth came through normal means; instead of through removing African American[s] in the Carver Road area out of their bed in the middle of the night and replacing hispanics in their houses;
When in apprx. 2004 when selling ads for "HUNTER", white male asked me'"What happen to all the black folk, and where did all the hispanics come from?; It waslike the hispanics appeared over night and that is when Devine God showed me white males system[s]; with t he main place being the Smith Reynolds Airport; where first white males have approval from downtown; then white males took out the African Americans in Piedmont circle;even if the African Americans filed a report; the report would be missing;lot of the wooded area around Smith Reynolds Airport was removed to clear path for equipment/systems to remove African Americans out of their homes and replace with hispanic people;
Melissia Williams/staffare aware of the fact that they are to attack African American[s] in any capacity that they can get away with and help hispanics[why Melissa Williams hired a hispanic female[who is probably being trained to be a hispanic prostitute working in secret for white males]in the midst of a 98% AFrican American neighborhood with so many people[especially African American[s] are out of work;which is Economic/income Identity Theft for the African American neighborhood because someone told me that every business is suppose to represent the neighborhood; so why are they no African American[s] who live in the Caraver Road area working either at the Carver Road library or the Forsyth Tech Mazie Woodruff Center [which is closed today[3/11/14]=11thday and a Wensday=WIN=code=?]
Melissa Williams and her staff located a book ["ROCK" What You've Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty from Someone Who's Been There and Back";by Katherine Schwarzenegger] that subliminally directs African American girls towards [ROCK/dr-gs]:

The "Rock" in the title of ""ROCK" What You've Got" says is all; Solid "ROCK" MISSIONary baptist chuch is to be the "guide"/template to be used for other African American organizations in the United States fronting as churches that help white males to rob African American[s] of their wealth, health, heritage;
On the back of the book [""ROCK" What You've Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty from Someone Who's Been There and Back]is a specific subliminal message to AFrican American girls that the right WAY for the African American girl to sit higherthan white girls is to ROCK[use dr-gs]
This is done by having the African American girl to sit higher on the right side of the photo to send the subliminal message=ROCK if you want to be higher/better than white girls-code=use ROCK [dr-gs]to be higher than white females your age vs the other [WHITE] girls who were position to sit lower to send subliminal message to the white girls that [rock/dr-gs is wrong];
Note: Greater Cleveland Church [Sheldon Carter;why street was named after him for helping white males to rob/steal/kill African American[s]], Quality Eduacation Institute[QEI [elementary and high school]are also participating in raising up hispanic people/know of the killing of African American[s]; the principal,his secretary, and other staff members are well aware which is why whenever I have gone into their school to offer to volunteer, get job; they have always acted as if I was committing some crime by just being in their presence;
Being a girl by Kim Cattrall;p. 88-91;
Mean Girls;
“Even R=rugged individualists are not immune to the joy of belonging, but it you’re giving up your self respect, your principles, or your integrity to do what other people think you should do, the price you’re paying for going along with the group is too high.
Sometimes groups of girls move from being friendly individuals enjoying each other’s company to behaving like queen bees ruling a hive. Suddenly, the goup you feel most comfortable hanging out with inexplicably morphs into a clinque where no one gets in-and no one gets out-without paying a heavy emotional price.
If this is happening in y our group, you might want to kick yourself out and look for some new friends. Be aware that this may make you the subject of the group’s gossip or ridicule. You’ll need to find strength in your own convictions in order to move on.p.88
“Sadly, I can report that toxic cliques do not end in school. In my adult life, I have witnessed an alarming amount of this disturbing social dynamic. In social and professional circles of power and influence, the queen-bee mentality is alive and kicking.[think high school, with money.] [Would like to add that in local community/professional and social circles of power and influence that the toxic cliques are alive and kicking];p.89
Try to distinguish between information and gossip;
Bullying is more than just teasing. It can take the form of name-calling, intimidation, spreading rumors, sending harassing or backbiting emails or texts, taking someone else’s stuff,[Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son taking down my mailbox/and pulling a weapon on me for trying to put my mailbox back up], as well as physicall aggression like pushing, shoving or hitting. Bullies typically feel inadequate, ugly or weak in some critical way`and gain a perverse sense of power and control by making other people suffer.
The worse kind of bully is what experst identify as the “UNDERCOVER” type. This person is Miss or Mr. congeniality on the surface but, unfortunately, you know better. Undercover bullies are the most poisonous of all because they are the hardest to spot.p.90
Mean Girls;
“Even R=rugged individualists are not immune to the joy of belonging, but it you’re giving up your self respect, your principles, or your integrity to do what other people think you should do, the price you’re paying for going along with the group is too high.
Sometimes groups of girls move from being friendly individuals enjoying each other’s company to behaving like queen bees ruling a hive. Suddenly, the goup you feel most comfortable hanging out with inexplicably morphs into a clinque where no one gets in-and no one gets out-without paying a heavy emotional price.
- Your group insists on approving all your social choices.
- 2. Your group has targeted someone to ridicule.
- A set number of girls must be maintained in your group. A new person can be admitted only when someone else gets kicked out.
- Your fiends have rules regarding clothing, hairstyles, or lunch room/hallway conduct that must be followed.
- Those who don’t follow the rules are punished in some agreed-way.
- Group discussions revolve around gossip.
If this is happening in y our group, you might want to kick yourself out and look for some new friends. Be aware that this may make you the subject of the group’s gossip or ridicule. You’ll need to find strength in your own convictions in order to move on.p.88
“Sadly, I can report that toxic cliques do not end in school. In my adult life, I have witnessed an alarming amount of this disturbing social dynamic. In social and professional circles of power and influence, the queen-bee mentality is alive and kicking.[think high school, with money.] [Would like to add that in local community/professional and social circles of power and influence that the toxic cliques are alive and kicking];p.89
Try to distinguish between information and gossip;
Bullying is more than just teasing. It can take the form of name-calling, intimidation, spreading rumors, sending harassing or backbiting emails or texts, taking someone else’s stuff,[Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son taking down my mailbox/and pulling a weapon on me for trying to put my mailbox back up], as well as physicall aggression like pushing, shoving or hitting. Bullies typically feel inadequate, ugly or weak in some critical way`and gain a perverse sense of power and control by making other people suffer.
The worse kind of bully is what experst identify as the “UNDERCOVER” type. This person is Miss or Mr. congeniality on the surface but, unfortunately, you know better. Undercover bullies are the most poisonous of all because they are the hardest to spot.p.90
- Tell someone in AUTHORITY;
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