What is a clachan?
This is a TWO day=20th of March;
Response from Winston-Salem Forsyth County to analogy of the WS Journal article "Voters may be asked to consider millions for new construction, "UPgrades"; was:
1. I was intimidated the entire time while on the WSTA; at Reynolda road[route#16] authority vehicle #1010/1 white male driver at Broad and 6th when route #1 made left hand turn=Black driver working in secret as a prostitute for white males =informed ALL riders get off in the back only handicapped people leave through the front door=code-only handicapped blacks allowed to be in white male society; it will be revealed to all others that white male have always had them in slavery,etc.=authority vehicle 122 -black female driver who working in secret as a prostitute for white malesparked on liberty across from the WSTA=when route 16 pulled into WSTA; while waiting for route #1 bus-a PART bus pulled into stall A4; loaded some people; then WSTA route #1 bus pulled into stall A4 ;afterWSTA bus route 1 loaded it was over crowded;
When WSTA route 1 bus got to 311[kkk] it made a left; while WSTA route #1 was making a left=a black suv, WSTA supervisor mini bus and a small WHITE Winston-Salem city pickup truck drove pass the WSTA route1 bus and kept straight on 311[kkk];
After WSTA route bus got to 311[kkk]made a left on to Carver Road, WSTA route 1 bus pulled over to the right side of Carver Road and stopped and the black[light skin WSTA driver] told all the African Americans to get off and go and get on the "PART" black Bus, which had been parked on Carver Road on the right side by the first street? on the right hand side on Carver Road;
I did not get on the "Part" bus; but walked to the Carl Russell Recreation Center; upon walking to the Carl Russell Recreation Center, one of the new authority white vehicles with broad royal blue stripes was backed into the parking space at the front entrance of the Carl Russel Recreation Center; upon walking up to the door of the Carl Russell Recreation Center and before taking step to open the door; a black authority officer stepped out; open the door wide and motion to go in; I said, No, thank you, he motion again, I said No thank you sir,. He shut the door[he did not look pleased that I had not gone through the door, he walked to the white authority car that had been parked in the parking lot; sat there and when it appeared that I had gone to another part of the building beside standing where he could see me; he sped off;
Upon asking to go into the Carl Russell Recreation center computer lab;Beverly informed me that Ben Pickett closed it because of children and I said can you please open up the computer lab; at which Beverly said, ask Mr. Pickett; so I had to carry a load of heavy bags to the other side of the RRRC gym to ask Mr. Pickett to open up the CRRC computer lab; which he did[ON WEDsday][every Wensday that I have gone to the CRRC computer lab; there has ALWAYS been something negative or that I have to do that I don't do on other days to use the CRRC-figured it out=Wensday=WINNING day-so every Wensday the staff at CRRC make me do something extra to have access tot he CRRC computer lab=which is form of witchcraft-which is make me violate my religion and practice their religion];
Upon walking to house, lighting up kerosene heater, which worked perfectly two days ago, after the bus incident-it barely put out any heat-because the participanta/Gwyndolyn Gwyn group that lives on street went in and messed with heater-punishment for not joining group- not participating/doing what Verna/Cynthia say in the Reynolda Road area;

Thus this morning in the WS Journal [to communicate to Verna and
Cynthia that they are not to shut the door to participation]; the article "Closing Time" is about Duddley Watts [County Manager] [who sent me an apology one week and the next after he had been educated that there are two types of African Americans[thier slaves] and those African Americans not participating-so that the next time Mr. Duddly Watts was called-he attitude and response was that he was basically appauled at my even attempting to communicate with him]buying the Reynolda Branch Library which is code to close/stop African American[s]access to white Reynolda Road; situated around the Reynolda area are lot of government houses where people can't hardly eat-thought it was strange to see poverty in the midst of all that wealth on Reynolda Road-but it is a business management tool-used in Patterson Ave and Reynolda Road area-nothing really changes economically for African American[s]; by having African Americans on governmental programs in gov. houses in the midst of white people prospserity; nobody can yell discrimination/or that it is all white because there are black people and poor ones all over the place]; so it is not Reynolda Branch Library that is closing; but African American[s]easy access to computers, knowledge in Reynolda area; white people just put computers in their houses;=no change to the whites; just makes them have better access to knowledge;

and selling the WSFC Old Court house

Forsyth County sold the old county courthouse Tuesday to Clachan Properties, which plans to convert it to apartment units
The old Forsyth County courthouse is where WSTA use to operate out of to open as Apt.complex[where everybody will work for white males to promote white males only=confirmation of start of revelation to blacks not working for white males that they were always in slavery];
1. CODE=confirmed by Clachan Properties[http://www.clachanproperties.com/];
What’s a Clachan?
Clachan Properties focuses on the acquisition, renovation and management of historic residential and commercial properties in Virginia and North Carolina.Clachan (klăk’ən) n. 1. Scottish word for a hamlet or small village, generally containing a church. 2. a small cluster of cottages. [Earliest date 1459, from the Gaelic clach, a stone; Irish clochán, stepping stones. It is supposed that clachan, applied first to the standing stones raised by the Druids for religious purposes and regarded with superstitious awe, was later used to denote a graveyard, and then a village containing a church.]
Founded in 2003, Clachan has extensive experience renovating historic structures having completed approximately $85 million in historic renovation. We now own and manage approximately 500 rental units, in settings ranging in size from single-family homes to 171-unit luxury apartment communities.
Partners=Herbert Coleman, III and Hugh Shytle
NC Historic Preservation Office;Richmond Wiki;[http://www.clachanproperties.com/about-us
HERBERT=real reason why Clachan Properties was sold the WSFC Old Court house= communication/code to white males to block African American male and African American female marriages who don't PRESERVE white males Riches/society;being that marriages establish a society;
HER[bert]man-use to work in the Carver Road Children's section to communicate to Melissa Williams that the Black man was [hers-meaning the AFrican American female not working in secret for white males against other African Americans]; and in order to communicate to other white males what to do to block African American male and African American female marriages who don't PRESERVE white males Riches/society;being that marriages establish a society;
Code=Block HER [African American female not working in secret as a prostitute to white males]marriage to block a prosperous/wealthy African American society from being establish=real reason why WSFC old court house was sold and why Clachan Properties was the buyer of WSFC old court house;
Their name Clachan = coded=would be "Clan" if "cha"was removed; "Cha"-is the beginning of the name/spelled differently from Sharlene[works at Carver road library]which sounds like a close family member; and the fact that there are TWO [a's]=code=clAAn=TWINS=AAn=An=ANNE=name of close relative connected to stealing of TWIN by Gwyndolyn Gwyn who son knocked down my mailbox then pulled weapon on me when I was putting mail box back up;
Which means that Duddly Watts[they all move in a group] must have some connection/knowledge of the stealing of the TWIN; just like Sylvia Hamlin,Melissa Williams;
Thus the Winstons-Salem forsyth County sold the old WSFC courthouse to a bunch of CLANS who will be in the next block to the WSTA bus station where only African Americans ride=easy way to kill bunch of black people[through deception]; the Clachan Properites group are clans in secret and evidently control the Winston-Salem Forsyth County government;[note-change the people in government=change the government]=that is the people's choice];
Clachan Properties even tells person in their ad by asking the question; what is CLACHAN?=right answer [Clan connected with stealing of theTWIN child of Anne];
The article, "Voters may be asked to consider MILLIONS for new construction, "UPgrades" was the announcement of the fact that African American[s] wealth [MILLIONS]is to be stolen again because they will not work in secret for white males to steal other African American wealth is the article, " " where the TWO councilmembers, Burke and and TAYLOR

picture in paper looking as young as James TAYLOR psyches Burke up to think she is as young as Taylor; [they do Larry Womble the same way];


[in TWO different time spans] both in the WS Journal with pictures where they both appear to be in the same range=code-
TAYLOR same type robbery of African Americans wealth that was taken through BURKE=2nd time=because ANNE[Anna's Linen] will not serve white males in secret;being that Burke KNOWS the white males system of robbery and has participated in stealing from African American[s] before and Burkes' TWIN sons were rewarded for her participation being that it would be the same person [ theTWIN child of Anne];that the wealth is being stolen from ]
When walking to the Carver Road Branch library by WHITE Street-White male in city of Winstons-Salem truck drove past me and raised his hand up-like how much-like the white males did when an African American pastor had to hide me from white males who were driving WSFC city trucks who drove past me and raised his hand up-like how much? after white males at WSFC court /tatoos set me and would not stop the harassment;
When I got to the Carver Road branch Library-white male at Carver Road branch library approaching door like I better go in door with him; while big white male in white van [license #ALJ9399]is watching= suppose to be the start of the white males taking over my wealth because of not working as a secret prostitute for them; did inform BERNIE at Mazie Woodruff security that there were white males trying to intimidate AFrican American females into prostitution; Shey at the Carver Road Library [connected]seemed to be very friendly with the white male that tried to intimidate me through the door; and am very sure/instinct that the big white male in the white van[license# ALJ9399] is conncected and knows where the TWIN child that was stolen is at;
Voters may be asked to consider millions for new construction, "UPgrades
The MILLIONS that will be used come from BURKE and TALOR system that will be tailored to rob African American[s] of MILLIONS of DOLLARS and white males will use to remodel WSFC old Courthouse=[Clachan properties"Founded in 2003, Clachan has extensive experience renovating historic structures][if anybody bothered to do any research they will find that lot of the money was founded to fund the renovation projects during transitional times in African Amrican neighborhoods, which got worse as white male buildings got better];
Burke and Taylor are helping white males devise system to rob African Americans of their MONEY[If they were allowed to open up legitimate businesses; but since African Americans are threatening with jail if they don't do anything illegal; most not having legal counsel[cost money] and not in crooked churches=means do as told-do something legal-which they do; and while white males intimidate African Ameicans into doing illegal things; white male authority make money off African Americans illegal behavior by creating jobs that put AFrican Americans in confinement for doing exactly what white male authority told them to do; Lot of which is based on PUBLIC Safety-because for the AFrican Americans who KNOW they are being railroaded;rights being denied, who decide to take things into their own hands being that the African American is denied access to the white male authority legal system; thus white male authority need PUBLIC Safety for the white people that are in the general public from African Americans who know they are being blocked from access to thier [African American] wealth;
Thus-on 3/19/14 on the WSTA buses/[rte #16 and rte#1]and WSFC authority dept. performed what Larry J. Siegel[Criminology,the core,2011,p185 to p. 202] called labeling ceremony[?]; which is process to demote/degrade/rob a person of their identity in the mainstream"
Note: Criminology;the core;?Edition; Larry J. Siegel;page 185
SOCIAl Reaction[LABELING]Theory; 3rd type of Social Process; Social Reaction Theory, also called LABELING THEORY(2 terms are used interchangeably), explains criminal careers in terms of STIGMA-PRODUCING ENCOUNTERS; Social Reaction theory has a number of KEY POINTS:
1. Behaviors that are considered criminal are highly subjective;
2. Crime is defined by those in POWER. The content and shape of criminal law is defined by the values of those who rule and is not an objective standard of moral conduct[which most people such as myself think it is][basically morals to those in power don't count] Howard Becker refers to people who create rules as moreal entrepreneurs.
3. Not only acts are labeled; but aslo PEOPLE. LABELS DEFINE NOT JUST AN ACT BUT ALSO THE ACTOR. Valued labels such as smart, honest, hard working[which I was trained to think] suggest overall competence. sometimes labels are highly symblolic, such as being named "most likely to succeed" or class valedictorian. People who hold these titles are automatically assumed to be leaders who are well on their way to success witout meeting them we know they are hardworking, industrious and bright. These positive labels can imporve self-image and social standing.
Research shows that people who are labeled with one positive trait such as physically attractive are assumed to have other positive traits such as being intelligent and competent.
In contrast people who run afoul of the law or othr authority[s], such as school officials[Mr. JIM Shaw[couselor at Hanes Middle School,WS, NC] are given negative labels, including trouble makers, mentally ill[local/national technique-Rev. Mendez[church?]; and stupid that stigmatize them and reduce their self-image. Negative labels aslo define the whole person.
4.Both positive and negative labels involve subjective interpretation of behavior. A trouble make is merely someone who people label as troublesome[African American not working in secret for white males; African American seeking wealth based on African American heritage and culture; African American working to improve the AFrican American culture and heritage without white male approval]
In a famous statement, Howard Becker sums up the improtance of audiences reaction:
Social groups create deveiance by making rules whose infractions constitute deviance and by applying those rulss to particulare people and labeling them as outsiders[Any AFrican American [not working in secret for white males to advance white male sociey only]. From this point of view, deveiance is is not of quality of act a person commits; but rather a CONSEQUENCE OF the application of others of rules, SANCTIONS to an offener, the deviant is one to who the label has successfully been applied; deviant behavior is behavior that people[white males and those who work in secret for white males[BURKE and TAYLOR] so label.

Which is why the United States Supreme Court is the only one who can address the situation because authority has been permission to abuse/intimidate African Americans not working in secret to uplifte and promote only white male society[s] prosperity-which was decided through a court case that is a violation of the United States Constitution to punish African Americans for not slaving for white male/society; and not being able to have issues addressed so person can have some type of relief is "SLOW DEATH";
[C-Span channel 6 titled "MARKETING Consumer Info Conference" "Sen. JAY ROCKERFELLER stated that, "It is segmenting America and its citizens and causes them to have traumatic experiences; The NSA knows; there is something Lethal and unfair about that; that the people are stigmatized and have to live with the stigmtation all of their life and people are making MONEY off of people[immorally]; it is a dark underside of American and We don't want that." [12/21/13;11:53am;Channel 6; C-Span];
"And I am not living with your stigmatization"];
Even if some acts are labeled as bad or evil, those who participate in them can be spared a negative label-[Gwyndolyn Gwyn and the son of Gwyndolyn Gwyn who pulled weapon on me];
Acts have negative Consequences ONLY when they are labeled by others[white males] as being wrong or evil.[anything done by African Americans to be prosperous, to advance the good in the African American community without a white males permission, anythng done to protect themselves or other African Americans is labeled evil and wrong by white males];
Consequences of labeling:
PUBLIC denuciation play an important part in the labeling process.[the humiliation ceremony when:
After WSTA route bus got to 311[kkk]made a left on to Carver Road, WSTA route 1 bus pulled over to the right side of Carver Road and stopped and the black[light skin WSTA driver] told all the African Americans to get off and go and get on the "PART" black Bus, which had been parked on Carver Road on the right side by the first street? on the right hand side on Carver Road];
"CONDIMINATION" is often carried out in ceremonies in which the individuals dignity is officially transformed.
One example of such a reidentification ceremony is a compentency hearing in which a person is decalred mentally ill; another is a PULBIC TRIAL in which a person is found to be a rapist or a child molester;
During the PROCESS, apermanent record is produced, such as an arrest or conviction record,so that the denounced person is ritually seperated from a place in the legitimate order and set outside the world occupied by citizens of good standing[which is the goal of white male system for all African Americans not doing what white males say];
Harold Garfinkle has called transactions that produce IRREVERSIBLE, PERMANENT labels "successful degradation ceremonies" [thus every time one of the "successful degradation ceremonies is overcame by an African American not working in secret for white males, etc.; then the PROCESS is started all over again to create a better "successful degradation ceremonies" process[like waves from the ocean that come out of nowhere];\
"Successful degradation ceremony" is a course of action or ritual in which someone's IDENTITY is Publically RE-defined [IDENTITY THEFT/FINANCIAL IDENTITY THEFT]and DESTROYED and he or she is therefore viewed as SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
Because of the pROCESS of becomingSTIGMATIZED is essentially INTERACTIVE, labeling theorists BLAME the establishment of CIMINAL CAREERS ON THE SOCIAL AGENCIES originally designed for crime control, sucha s poloice, courts and correctional agencies. These institutions, labeling theorists claim are inflicting the very stigma that harms the people they are trying to treat or correct, as a result they actually help to maintain and amplify criminal behavior.[Went to Carl Russell recreation Center this morning to use computers[being that on Fridays they are closed and can't use them in the evening]; on the way back to house-four authority vehicles[all kinds] drove towards Carl Russell Recreation Center; one parked on only street person can turn and sliver SUV with Black female parked across from the authority vehicle[like one that was at Carl Russell Recreation Center when black authority male[white vehicle with broad blue stripe[s];Andupon getting ride to Carver Road library-same type authority vehicle was pulling out of Carver Road library];=result of informing the Mazzie Woodruff security and the Carver Road Branch Library that white males had been in the parking lot and in the Carver Road Branch Library trying to intimidate African American females into prostitution; the result=JOKE-ALL white males in authority vehicles looking for the white males=joke-which they never found and will never find;
An important priniciple of Social Reaction Theory is that the LAW is DIFFERENTIALLY APPLIED, benefiting those who hold economic and social power=white males;
In Sum, a major premises of social reaction theory is that the LAWE is differently constructed and applied, depending on the offender. It favors pwerful members of society, who direct its content, and penalizes the powerless, such as MINORITY group members[African American[s] not working in secret for white males]who demand equal rights;
Research on Social Reaction Theory:
Targets of labeling-there is EVIDENCE that just as predicted by labeling theory, poor and powerless people are victimized by the law and justice system[s]. Labels are not equeally distrubuted across class and racial lines. Racial profiling=example.
Empirical evidence shows that negative labels amay dramatically influence self image of offenders. Considereable evidence indicates that SOCIAL SANCTIONS lead to self labeling and deviance amplifications.[note: The local Winston-Salem Social agencies [Crisis Control ]inflict Social Sanctions on African Americans not working in secret for white males at a rate that is criminial by denying them access to food, water, heat];
Because crime and deviance are defined by the social audiences reation to people and their behavior and by the subsequent effects of that reaction, these institutions form the audience that keeps define behavior as evil or wrong, locking people into deviant identities.
Strain-anger frustration and resentment experienced by people who believe they cannnot achieve their goalsthrough regular, legitimate means;
Because Strain and SOCIAL ISOLATION, a unique-lower class culture developing in disorganized neighborhoods. The independent subculture maintan unique values and beliefs that conflict with conventional SOCIAL NORMS-[African Americans not working for white males in secret develop survival values which protect them from the conflict that arises from not being allowed to be socially normal in white male system[s]]
CRIMINAL behavior is an expression of conformity to lower class subcultural values and traditions, not a rebellion from conventional society.[Gwyndolyn Gwyn and son [who knocked down my mailbox and pulled weapon on me when I was putting my mailbox back up] both came from the "PROJECTS"[where low-income housing development], in fact everybody on the street just about came from the projects=explains the crime=" the expression of conformity to lower class subcultural values and tradition"-white males have enforced the conformity in the African American neighborhoods that no African American [not working in secret for white males]and even those working in secret for white males are allowed to produce GOOD/POSITIVE actions,products, experiences in/for/of/by the African American neighborhood/people]
Subcultural values are handed down from one generation to the next in a process called CULTURAL TRANSMISSION.[And in order to accomplish the CULTURAL TRANSMISSION those in the African American neighborhoods who have the talent, knowledge, insight are targeted by white male system[s] operating in the African American neighborhoods through raising up African American[s] who work in secret that attack/STEAL the IDENTITY of the African American[s] with the talent, knowledge,insight that would create produce GOOD/POSITIVE actions,products, experiences in/for/of/by the African American neighborhood/people];
Thus-WSTA bus policy that only HANDICAPPED African Americans can get off in the front of the WSTA bus; all other healthy African Americans- have to get off in the back=can't make you sit at the back of the bus; but can make you get off at the back of the bus=produce mindset to accept being told to go/get to the back of anything;
Intro to Criminal Justice by Larry J. Siegel and John L. Worral; p. 116
1. Initial criminal act
2. Detction by the Justice System
3. Decisions to label some are labeled official criminals by police and court authorities
4. Creation of a NEW IDENTITY, those labeled are known as called trouble makers, criminals and so , and they are shunned by conventional society.
5. Acceptance by Label-Labeled people begin to see themeslves as outsiders. Secondary deviance. Self labeling;
6. Deviance amplification-Stigmatized offenders are locked into the criminal career
[Basically the authors are saying a CRIMINAL is MADE by authorities]
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