Social Understandings

Monday, June 30, 2014

Soccer Champs 2014


Spoke to M. Davis today and they said that S. Davis had sent them an email saying that somebody for the WS city sanitation dept. should have called me; stated I did not give name or address=no privacy; thus M. Davis sent copy of email S. Davis sent to them stating that WS city sanitation person should have called me by now; told M. Davis to ask S. Davis if they could respond by email because of how cell phone has been acting; [which not allowing me to hear person or the other end or vice versa]; M. Davis said she would pass on information to S. Davis; also stated that the group next door had formed just as thought it would because the royal blue recyle bin had been moved=which to the group who goes next door=permission for them to hang out on street again and also them waiting for permission to hang in front of house where royal blue bin had been placed to keep them from parking in front of house; told M. Davis that I had taken pictures of them one day last week;[sent pictures to email, but will not  post];

V. Sw-tzer picked his grandson and myself up for work; when got to road where stand located=traffic was going about 15 miles an hour; it was a yellow truck with yellow flashing lights on top; asked Sw-tzer what was the hold up and he said, it is the truck up ahead, it is a state truck=code to Sw-tzer=to go slow=back up off the intimidation, harassment=after posting on 6/28/14 about :

Note: Exploitation is violation of the United States Codes=Conspiracy against Civil/human rights of citizens; along with fact that Gen. Stat. 18-4001 Control by Attorney General; "The attorney general may establish and conduct industries, farms, and other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation”

Also V. Sw-tzer asked me if I went to church; told him went to Solid Rock Missionary Baptist and caught the end of the talk=V. Sw-tzer asked what was the message; stated WAYmon Monroe told the people that God wanted them to have LESS; and V. Sw-tzer said in shock, "LESS"; the word says that "Above all things that God wants you to prosper"; told V. Sw-tzer that is what I have been taught that God wants me to have more of the good life vs. less;

Which based on research [Roots of Black Winston-Salem by Lozie Ann Gray(Reference Librarian; NC ROOM)p. 105 to 106; WS Journal article, ""Daddy -Oh" Is Back in Action -but not on the raidio" in State and Local Section] in which Daddy Oh! [Oscar Alexander]an African American DJ who was well known in the African American neighborhood while being interviewed by Tom Sieg stated;"I'm not rying to get RICH, but I swear I'm tired of being broke."

Which based on statement about "EXPLOITATION" =
Note: Exploitation is violation of the United States Codes=Conspiracy against Civil/human rights of citizens; along with fact that Gen. Stat. 18-4001 Control by Attorney General; "The attorney general may establish and conduct industries, farms, and other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation”

And the fact that exploitation is a form of blocking a persons flow and a method to hinder a person  from accessing the resources for them to be different, which the United States Constitution gurantees a person the right to be different;

Along with fact that Gen. Stat. 18-4001 Control by Attorney General; "The attorney general may establish and conduct industries, farms, and other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation;

Which V. Sw-tzer was given a van by a district attorney[connected to those higher up like the attorney general]; and has/is recieving privileges/resources from and through gov. agencies[posted a couple of license plates and each time the gov. official visit, V. Sw-tzer mis-treatment increased];

thus explains why V. Sw-tzer has been allowed to remain in [?] for over 30 years; because maybe/based on observation and experience V. Sw-tzer is operating in deception/concealing his real business that involve [other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation”]=thus a normal person who does not know that they are violating white males laws are subjected to ethnic intimidation, forced assimilation and cultural transformation in which V. Sw-tzer recieves the benefits[economically] for providing a secret/deceptive environment to intimidate African Americans who based upon the United States Constitution [United States States Supreme Court cases] have committed no crime; but based on white male systems who pay African Americans to punish, abuse, intimidate, threaten other African Americans, the African American who does not participate in abusing their own race is considered a criminal to white males;

  Thus an African American seeking work[which they have been blocked out of the main stream] encounters V. Sw-tzer; who understands that the African American does want to work and also understands that white males are blocking them from accessing work as form of punishment for not working for secret for white males;then white males inform V. Sw-tzer of the person's worth in the African American neighborhood, which they offer to transfere the worth the V. Sw-tzer in return for helping the white males to block/hinder the African American properity/progress by classifying the African American as an inmate; and V. Sw-tzer provides for the proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation” by the yelling, belittling, intimidating, threatening, etc. of the African American person who needs money and tries to keep little piece of job to have some money; while in the process conditioning the African American to accept less[while V. Sw-tzer increases through gov. payment]; which is why [because V. Sw-tzer was being paid]after going to the Greensboro, NC market,and working almost 6 days a week, V. Sw-tzer knocked me all the way down to one day a week last year= $20.00; while I tried to survive off of $20.00 a week; threaten by authority with confinement for working/law was passed in which 2nd system operation created a warrent[based on lie]so that application for food stamps would have ended in confinement;and V. Sw-tzer is a minister-which based on how some in this area operated, V. Sw-tzer did at least offer the $20.00 a week;

Thus this morning the state was informing V. Sw-tzer to go slow=
Exploitation is violation of the United States Codes=Conspiracy against Civil/human rights of citizens; along with fact that Gen. Stat. 18-4001 Control by Attorney General; "The attorney general may establish and conduct industries, farms, and other activities and classify the inmates; and provide for their proper government , discipline, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reformation”



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