Social Understandings

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wake Forest University


1.WHITE male is security guard at/for Forsyth Tech Mazzie Woodruff and Carver road Branch Library=?=first time I ever seen a white security gurard;

2.Alisha Brooks [volunteer] who use to work with Mr. JACKSON [street connected with my brother who was murdered] is working with Mellissa Williams[directior of the Carver Branch Library;Of which Vern Switzer and Tyree drove white truck  to the right on highway 8/Germanton Road; while leaving Vern Switzer's watermelon van parked beside large refrigerator with Tyree's[guy who stays with Switzer from New York/hiding from?]door open; but blocking my path so that each time I put something in cooler I have to walk past the back of the van which has a lot of stickers on the back, such as "

7=23-14  Vern sw-tzer told me to be at k w at eight a.m., and ambulance showed where i catch wsta bus and guy. Who knew brother who was murdered is driving bus on route one, this is after working switzer veg. , Stand on 72214 where la blue water truck drove thru and then truck with words military order, which ambulance just road past wsta rte.1 bus on 311,evesy wed. Switzer goes to s.c. And puts ann switzer at veg stand and me in field as code to white males he is helping to abuse me for money, what cece store on 5th street is about, cce2002 is vern switzer sister name,is money code, proofi s red car kept parked in front of hispannic whose sister was nurse for switzer mother. And hispanic wife name ann also who lives house bside switzers, the us laws state it is a viojation for gov to take citizens belogings when not in war-or to force then to give up relatiomship that robs them of wealth, proof, 4 white males on wsta bus who got on at specific street names;
Am concerned for safety because Tyree keeps pushing hard intimidation;

3.Heard on the news radio [600 WSJS; 94.5 fm] that DUKE energy is to stop electicity service at Heritage Apartments= and the city is to stop WATER services at Heritage Apartments=code-to white males to block and stop African Americans from prospering in their African American heritage:

Greensboro to condemn, close Heritage House on July 30

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It will be water, lights and people out of the Heritage House condominium complex on July 30

"Heritage House has also been a spot of continuous complaints about drugs and other criminal activity. Police and emergency workers visited the complex 2,860 times from June 2013 to June 2014." and the reason why the Heritageis to be closed is because those who have visited 2,860=JOBS,JOBS< and more JOBS, and if there is something happening so that those who have  visited for 2,860 times will have to stop=means that something new has to be developed so close "heritage house"=code=for African American heritage= close to block heritage to good growth;



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