Smith Reynolds Airport Air Show, Michael Brown, Ray Rice, Winston-Salem North Carolina, Carver Road Branch Library
1.On 9/10/14 bastards at Carver road branch library stole an hour of computer time; Melissa Williams, Shey, and Chrsitine MAYhand all said nothing they could do; and that they could not give me a copy of the statement that they sent to harweda coe that I have been on the same computer for four hours; people only allowed three hours of library computer time; so the statement was a lie; but Melissa Williams seemed to be a little happy at me not being able to access computer for third hour; and earlier that day or the day before9/9/14 Shey was standing at reference computer because the computer was not doing something and she saw me put in my password=of which on 9/10/14 I worked at computer two hours and then went outside for about 1/2 hour and came back and reference/other computers would not allow me on computer=harassment;
2.The 13th year of September 11,2014 should have, sure it was off the chain-meaning white males systems were attacking AFrican Americans like '40 going north' meaning any African American in the white males path on 9-11-14 have stories to tell[if they can find the right person to tell it to]; meaning observed the 13th year of September 11,2014 through resting;
3. Confirmation of the above statement that this is the 13th year of 911[along with the YEAR, especially being the 13th YEAR of 911 is code to white males=attack all enemies for a year-[til 911 of 2015] which attack on African American males started the next day[today], one day after 911 of 2014;
The picture of a white male [authority] was intentionally not put on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper becaus white male authority in FERGERSON, Mo [riots] to take attention off of white male authority and to send the message to attackers do not look for white males-look for African American males to attack; as well as send the message to African America males that they will be MEMORIES AND HISTORY=
CONFIRMATION of the above:
is the fact that the picture of the white male [authority] is near the bottom on the left hand side meaning white male authority will have to be looked for=white males being memories and history left;includuing anything associated with them being missing;
The picture and title over picture on the internet is different from local hard copy title over picture:
Winston-Salem Journal Internet message[looks wholesome and the Black male finally in place of good recognition];
Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy message[Afrcian American male is the outfront issue to be attacked to be memories and history];

[email sent-Friday, September 12, 2014 3:04 PM]
[Picture taken-9/12/14;2:59pm]
Notice: the white male[s] directly all the way to the end-behind the African American male;
4. Of which seeking meaning to words:
Looked at book, "Respect" by Courtney Macavinta and Andrea Vander Pluym and was reading "TIPS" about negotiating:
"TIPS": Don't demand, Do negotiate"[there were six tips listed];
After looking at the page of tips; focused on the title, DON'T demand; DO negotiate; and asked the question; when does a person need to negotiate?; so look up definition to negotiate:
1. To carry on business; more at negate[1599]-to confer witn another was as to arrive at the settement of some MATTER;1a: to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling; manage);2a. To transfer(as a BILL of exchange) to another party by delivery orENDORSEMENT;
In other words based on the definition a person needs to negotiate when there is some MATTER
that needs to be managed;
Then looked negotiable(1758): capable of being negotiated as a: transferable from one person to another by being delivered with or without ENDORSEMENT so that the TITLE passes to the transferee; b: capable of being TRAVERSED, dealth with or accomplished;
With the word TRAVERSE [more at transverse] 1. something that crosses or lies across;
3a. to clim at an angle or in zigzag;
Which has basically been my life, a zigzag; which seeking meanings to words eventually lead to the word effect: 2a. To bring about OFTEN by summounting OBSTACLES[which is what have blogged about since 2005 the constant man made obstacles created and placed in path of normacy to the point of blocking access to food, clothing and shelther]
With term negate: 1: to deny the existence of truth of [which is what the bastards have been and do-deny the existence of;
Originally started with the question "Why Negotiate?"; The title said, "do not demand"; but "do negotiate" and based on written law citizens should have the right to demand rights; which if citizen is abiding by the written law; there should be nothing that needs to be negotiated; The book, "Respect" was talking about negotiating with family; being allowed to obtain or obtaining full time work should not have to be negotiated, having a person relationship with another human being should not need to negotiated; having access and the right to access honest work should not need to be negotiated-especially by outside forces;
A person[s] right to access honest work or full time honest work is an inalienable[sp] right and based on law is NONTRANSFERABLE; [which have blogged that bastards blogged me from full time work and gave to sibling Cynthia[who they use mind control on];
Traverse identifies the concept bastards have/use; traverse is the formal denying of facts and a matter of the facts alledge; Sent close to 200 to 300 pages of facts to the Untied States Supreme Court [which all are appearing in public now]; in which the response was more OBSTACLES were used to effect [to bring about ofter by surmmounting obstacles;[which is what stealing of hour of time on computers to block off of the internet- was on 9/10/14 by Carver Road Branch Library]; The United States Supreme Court negated-denied the existence of situation[s] whicll allows the effect to be left on the person[s] life; so the person has to deal with the situation[s]-which they can't because they were created in the national house that is white; thus the only option the person has[if they have a true understanding that they are dealing with a prison system without bars, so that they person can never live a normal life];
Radio announcer on 9/11/14 made statement after national speech was given:
"How can you fight an enemy if you can't identify who they are?" [Hannity commecial to ask people to go to a website to sign up to show support to stopgroup [Hamm-s] across seas from using/attacking women and children in fight; yet African American women and children are used in the same manner; why do people think so many AFrican American men are in confinement; it is not a coincidence; yet nobody speaks of the facts of African American men put in confinement, the world knows; then question why the African American female and her children have it so difficult; and have yet to address the issue that when the man with the brown skin got in office in the house that white; that white males acted like they were in a candy store; everywhere in winston-salem, white males with black females and you could tell that something just wasn't right about the situation[s]; but the issue can't be brought up because white males control the media; only the issues white males want before the media is allowed;
For example: 88fm radio; 9/12/14 on the Diane Rehm []show where Susan Page was sitting in very breifly the issue of FERGERSON, Mo riots was discussed which if it were on an African American radio show would be a big issue; with one of the issues being :Local pol-ce were making CASH off of the African American[s] people; The authorities would stop the African American, give them a ticket; the African American would go to court; could not pay; be charged again and because could not pay; then the African American was put in JAIL; which is what they did to me-put me behind bars for non payment of court cost; it was causally mentioned that blacks are stopped 80% more than whites; etc. and that someone suggested that the fines be dropped;
However nobody brought up the issue of MONEY -which is that white males are holding JOBS hostage so that African Americans cannot earn honest living[s]; not to mention the fact that the CITY used the fines made off of African Americans as a source of income[?]; that blacks were listed as a CASH ACCOUNT'
on the City of Fergerson books; which if anyone checked ticketing, harassing blacks to cause them to go to court is a cash account on books nationally and is an issue on every city.
note:the nation was address from the CROSS Hall on Wednesday=code=WIN;

Is the "L" in word "saLe" code for the saling of the guy who wears royal blue clothes[based on the "L" in word "sale" being blue?
Note- Part of the strike against the people who attack the American journalist last couple of months was to use AIR STRIKES which is AIR POWER"
Three to four days later-the Smith Reynolds Airport is having an air show[where local African Americans that live in the area are threaten if attented; so that the area looks as if only white people live in the area which is 97% African American-100% white males work in the area; but area is 99% AFrican American[?];Question is it code to local airport[s] to use chemicals on local African American[s] not working in secret for white males?;
What: Winston-Salem Air Show
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Where: Smith Reynolds Airport, 3801 N. Liberty St.
They[white males] will fly their planes,leave all their pollution in the air[on the black side of town]; and white people will come and view and go back to the clean white side of town[west];while local blacks who have to breath the pollution aren't even allowed in the gates[one because of no money-the other because they are the wrong color-and have not been approved by the white male secret club to social with white females and white children];
Radio Announcer[white male] stated that one of the strategies is to 1. Use Air Power, Air Power is POWERFUL;
Just like cities use Blacks to make CASH OFF of-form of attacking; so are the AIR shows , which are probably located throughout the country so they air flows into African American neighborhoods;
1.On 9/10/14 bastards at Carver road branch library stole an hour of computer time; Melissa Williams, Shey, and Chrsitine MAYhand all said nothing they could do; and that they could not give me a copy of the statement that they sent to harweda coe that I have been on the same computer for four hours; people only allowed three hours of library computer time; so the statement was a lie; but Melissa Williams seemed to be a little happy at me not being able to access computer for third hour; and earlier that day or the day before9/9/14 Shey was standing at reference computer because the computer was not doing something and she saw me put in my password=of which on 9/10/14 I worked at computer two hours and then went outside for about 1/2 hour and came back and reference/other computers would not allow me on computer=harassment;
2.The 13th year of September 11,2014 should have, sure it was off the chain-meaning white males systems were attacking AFrican Americans like '40 going north' meaning any African American in the white males path on 9-11-14 have stories to tell[if they can find the right person to tell it to]; meaning observed the 13th year of September 11,2014 through resting;
3. Confirmation of the above statement that this is the 13th year of 911[along with the YEAR, especially being the 13th YEAR of 911 is code to white males=attack all enemies for a year-[til 911 of 2015] which attack on African American males started the next day[today], one day after 911 of 2014;
The picture of a white male [authority] was intentionally not put on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper becaus white male authority in FERGERSON, Mo [riots] to take attention off of white male authority and to send the message to attackers do not look for white males-look for African American males to attack; as well as send the message to African America males that they will be MEMORIES AND HISTORY=
CONFIRMATION of the above:
is the fact that the picture of the white male [authority] is near the bottom on the left hand side meaning white male authority will have to be looked for=white males being memories and history left;includuing anything associated with them being missing;
The picture and title over picture on the internet is different from local hard copy title over picture:
Winston-Salem Journal Internet message[looks wholesome and the Black male finally in place of good recognition];
Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy message[Afrcian American male is the outfront issue to be attacked to be memories and history];

[email sent-Friday, September 12, 2014 3:04 PM]
[Picture taken-9/12/14;2:59pm]
Notice: the white male[s] directly all the way to the end-behind the African American male;
4. Of which seeking meaning to words:
Looked at book, "Respect" by Courtney Macavinta and Andrea Vander Pluym and was reading "TIPS" about negotiating:
"TIPS": Don't demand, Do negotiate"[there were six tips listed];
After looking at the page of tips; focused on the title, DON'T demand; DO negotiate; and asked the question; when does a person need to negotiate?; so look up definition to negotiate:
1. To carry on business; more at negate[1599]-to confer witn another was as to arrive at the settement of some MATTER;1a: to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling; manage);2a. To transfer(as a BILL of exchange) to another party by delivery orENDORSEMENT;
In other words based on the definition a person needs to negotiate when there is some MATTER
that needs to be managed;
Then looked negotiable(1758): capable of being negotiated as a: transferable from one person to another by being delivered with or without ENDORSEMENT so that the TITLE passes to the transferee; b: capable of being TRAVERSED, dealth with or accomplished;
With the word TRAVERSE [more at transverse] 1. something that crosses or lies across;
3a. to clim at an angle or in zigzag;
Which has basically been my life, a zigzag; which seeking meanings to words eventually lead to the word effect: 2a. To bring about OFTEN by summounting OBSTACLES[which is what have blogged about since 2005 the constant man made obstacles created and placed in path of normacy to the point of blocking access to food, clothing and shelther]
With term negate: 1: to deny the existence of truth of [which is what the bastards have been and do-deny the existence of;
Originally started with the question "Why Negotiate?"; The title said, "do not demand"; but "do negotiate" and based on written law citizens should have the right to demand rights; which if citizen is abiding by the written law; there should be nothing that needs to be negotiated; The book, "Respect" was talking about negotiating with family; being allowed to obtain or obtaining full time work should not have to be negotiated, having a person relationship with another human being should not need to negotiated; having access and the right to access honest work should not need to be negotiated-especially by outside forces;
A person[s] right to access honest work or full time honest work is an inalienable[sp] right and based on law is NONTRANSFERABLE; [which have blogged that bastards blogged me from full time work and gave to sibling Cynthia[who they use mind control on];
Traverse identifies the concept bastards have/use; traverse is the formal denying of facts and a matter of the facts alledge; Sent close to 200 to 300 pages of facts to the Untied States Supreme Court [which all are appearing in public now]; in which the response was more OBSTACLES were used to effect [to bring about ofter by surmmounting obstacles;[which is what stealing of hour of time on computers to block off of the internet- was on 9/10/14 by Carver Road Branch Library]; The United States Supreme Court negated-denied the existence of situation[s] whicll allows the effect to be left on the person[s] life; so the person has to deal with the situation[s]-which they can't because they were created in the national house that is white; thus the only option the person has[if they have a true understanding that they are dealing with a prison system without bars, so that they person can never live a normal life];
Radio announcer on 9/11/14 made statement after national speech was given:
"How can you fight an enemy if you can't identify who they are?" [Hannity commecial to ask people to go to a website to sign up to show support to stopgroup [Hamm-s] across seas from using/attacking women and children in fight; yet African American women and children are used in the same manner; why do people think so many AFrican American men are in confinement; it is not a coincidence; yet nobody speaks of the facts of African American men put in confinement, the world knows; then question why the African American female and her children have it so difficult; and have yet to address the issue that when the man with the brown skin got in office in the house that white; that white males acted like they were in a candy store; everywhere in winston-salem, white males with black females and you could tell that something just wasn't right about the situation[s]; but the issue can't be brought up because white males control the media; only the issues white males want before the media is allowed;
For example: 88fm radio; 9/12/14 on the Diane Rehm []show where Susan Page was sitting in very breifly the issue of FERGERSON, Mo riots was discussed which if it were on an African American radio show would be a big issue; with one of the issues being :Local pol-ce were making CASH off of the African American[s] people; The authorities would stop the African American, give them a ticket; the African American would go to court; could not pay; be charged again and because could not pay; then the African American was put in JAIL; which is what they did to me-put me behind bars for non payment of court cost; it was causally mentioned that blacks are stopped 80% more than whites; etc. and that someone suggested that the fines be dropped;
However nobody brought up the issue of MONEY -which is that white males are holding JOBS hostage so that African Americans cannot earn honest living[s]; not to mention the fact that the CITY used the fines made off of African Americans as a source of income[?]; that blacks were listed as a CASH ACCOUNT'
on the City of Fergerson books; which if anyone checked ticketing, harassing blacks to cause them to go to court is a cash account on books nationally and is an issue on every city.
note:the nation was address from the CROSS Hall on Wednesday=code=WIN;
Obama orders airstrikes in Syria
Campaign will 'degrade and ultimately destroy' militants, president vows
[Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:25 am];[
President Barack Obama addresses the nation from the CROSS Hall in the White House on Wednesday.

Is the "L" in word "saLe" code for the saling of the guy who wears royal blue clothes[based on the "L" in word "sale" being blue?
Note- Part of the strike against the people who attack the American journalist last couple of months was to use AIR STRIKES which is AIR POWER"
Three to four days later-the Smith Reynolds Airport is having an air show[where local African Americans that live in the area are threaten if attented; so that the area looks as if only white people live in the area which is 97% African American-100% white males work in the area; but area is 99% AFrican American[?];Question is it code to local airport[s] to use chemicals on local African American[s] not working in secret for white males?;
What: Winston-Salem Air Show
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Where: Smith Reynolds Airport, 3801 N. Liberty St.
They[white males] will fly their planes,leave all their pollution in the air[on the black side of town]; and white people will come and view and go back to the clean white side of town[west];while local blacks who have to breath the pollution aren't even allowed in the gates[one because of no money-the other because they are the wrong color-and have not been approved by the white male secret club to social with white females and white children];
Radio Announcer[white male] stated that one of the strategies is to 1. Use Air Power, Air Power is POWERFUL;
Just like cities use Blacks to make CASH OFF of-form of attacking; so are the AIR shows , which are probably located throughout the country so they air flows into African American neighborhoods;
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