Social Understandings

Monday, September 08, 2014

Wake Forest Universtity, Michael Brown, Winston-Salem, North Carolina


A. Watched three DVD's and none had connections to any local names[?]; however there was a connection to local theme- hispanics;and one DVD had a children's theme [twins attached];

B. The local Winston-Salem Journal; September 7, 2014 was full of codes for local secret group:
1. Article title in upper right courner=BB&T stays on couse for goal of TOP 5 share in its markets/c1;
2.Lead Article by Scott SEXton; "Verterans frustrated with VA "shell game"-code to tell AFrican American female prostitutes what to do next;[picture of white male] name STEVE-code-for steve WHITEHEART;
                                                           Veteran Steve Boggs

Veterans frustrated with VA 'shell game'

2a. Article in Winston-Salem Journal on 7th of September, 2014 with the Title, "Veterans frustrated with VA 'shell game'" being  code to guy[who is a veteran ,uses the internet,and throws Winston-salem newspapers] and his wife to be fed up with allowing me to eat meals once a day;[to push toward need for food stamps-control of eating by gov.];[];

2b.The term, "shell game"-code to a veteran that has been in war = if the veteran wants SEX [why Scott SEXton wrote article]; then he should be frustrated with VA [part of initials of person who is allowed one meal a week];[];

  2c. CONFIRMATION is article:

                              "Ukraine SHELLING claims lives lives, sets houses ablaze"

                                                                   [Winston-Salem Journal]
                                             Posted: Sunday, September 7, 2014 10:35 pm ;
                                                                   Associated Press |

Note: "SHELL GAME" is code from white males that if local veteran and his wife do not stop helping me to eat that they are going to start killing his family members;

3. 2nd Article [far left] by Wesley YOUNG; FARMEDout-code to Vern Sw-tzer that the abuse that he has committed against one of his workers is known;thus no more farm work[people want to know how the crooks keep getting away with the abuse]=because of information being passed to them through messages in the media[following orders=doing as told vs during the right thing];[note-young code word=do what is told if want to stay young];

4. Third Article[far right], REPORT sheds light on board dysfunction-for Centerpoint but is code to local secret group that someone knows about abuse by boards in winston-Salem and that they need to reorganize=code-that the boards in winston-salem need to be more deceptive and decietful to cover up abuse of African American citizens;

C. Today is the 8th=beginning:
1. Article title in upper right corner= TWIN City stage lets COMMUNITY look behind the scenes"-code to both Melissa's that the issue is TWINS and COMMUNITY;
2.Local Winston-Salem Journal Paper for Sempter 8,2014 response to white males money staying on TOP=response from code[BB&T stays on course for goal of TOP 5 share in its market] by putting picture of MELISSA Harris on the front page of Winston-Salem Journal up in tree on Wake Forest Campus with the title," This is the JOB I want to retire from";


Which Melissa Harris-Perry being up in tree is code to white males that she is in with the white males system[s] and is code to local people in secret group that they are to START new system to be designed off of Melissa Harris-Perry;
3. CONFIRMATION: is on the SPORTS pageB1-of the Winston-Salem Journal;

4. Article title, "In a GOOD SPOT"BILLy Horschel wins the BMW Championship to move up second place in the Fedex Cup  standings"  which is code to white males that their Wall street [white] MONEY is in a good spot to win; with African American female prostitute[s] working in secret for white males in key position;
4. First Article on sports page-Which code and is who Serena Williams represents[the younger of two lcoal sisters] through article "WILLIAMS   wins third straight US Open -code word for secret club to open/begin system;

2nd logging in took every bit of 15 minutes[asked that the third hour be reserved; Shey reserved=harassment-computer set to work super slow];

D.In reference to the above blog post If  Melissa Harris Perry statement, "This is a JOB, I want to
retire from" is the case; that means code message to Melissa Williams that she has back up; which means nothing but more harassment for local African Americans not working in secret for white males;

1a. With CONFIRMATION being the entire front page of  the Winston-Salem Journal on September 4,2014;with the third article[rightside/front page directly under #2 article]-"WATCHERSCLASH sets tone for rest of Campaign" by Bertrand M. Cutierrez(picture of a black male, Ellison);(picture of two white males Dinan and Cumbie)=code= CLASH =only CLASH  that African Americans will see in Winston-Salem[in reference to race rioits in FERGERSON, Mo.] is NOTHING-code-"SETS  TONE for rest of campaign=code-that there will be no clashing in Winsto-salem because WHITE MALES CONTROL;

1b.  The 4th article[entire bottom of front page of Winston-salem Journal], "Brothers FREED after 30years in PRISON" by Associated Press; picture of BROWN(near center of article) [like Michael BROWN in the FERGERSON riots]and picture of black male: HENRY MCCOLLUM -one of the TWO African American brothers that had been wrongfully accused who spent 30 years behind bars[in jail];-code-Picture of BROWN is code-CONFIRMATION that white males talking about Michael BROWNS death; that white males OFFERING black males the opportunity to chose being put in jail wrongly for long periors of time [like the McCullum brothers] or do the Michael BROWN thing and be killed; in which the jailed wrongly system was pattern off of Daryl Hunt; the bastard blacks in Winston-Salem working with white males to steal/rob from AFrican Americans made the deal with white males in order to get DarylHunt out of jail[in which white males and black males used Daryl Hunt as a bargaining chip-why Daryl Hunt is scared-gives him no control over his life]; why Daryl Hunts picture was in the paper after Michael Brown was killed;

Watchers: Debate sets tone for rest of race

                                                    [Winston-Salem Journal]
                                    [Email sent-Monday, September 8, 2014 5:43 PM]
                                                 [Picture Taken-9/9/14;4:16pm];

                                    "NC half brothers freed after 3 decades in prison"


Note-Article in Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy about McCollum brothers is different from the one on the internet; and the messages are completely opposite 
The pictures on the internet and on the front page of the hardcopy of the Winston-Salem Journal are different: the picture of Henry McCollum is a picture of him looking like what's next; "What are white males going to put me through next"[threat to black males]

                                                              [Henry Mccollum]

                                                                   [Henry McCollum]
                                               [Email sent- Monday, September 8, 2014 5:43 PM]
                                                   [Picture taken-9/8/14;4:03pm];                     
                              Notice how his arms are tight to the body to convey-no threat;
                             Pictures on the front page of the Winston-salem Journal Newspaper

but the picture of Henry McCollum on the internet is "I am glad that is over";

                                                                  [Henry McCollum]


E.  Point is all the local Winston-Salem Journal Hardcopy papers produced before and after the Michael Brown killings in Fergerson are codes to secret group about what to do to the African Americans who are not working in secret for white males[which put the AFrican American prostitutes [male and female] as people who are against their own race-which is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION];which based upon the local communication codes to the secret group on 600 WSJS radio is: ATTACK  IsI[s] means TAKING AWAY their territory-which would include eating a meal once a week at a veteran and his families house;[which may not be much to many; but you would understand if you stayed up under constant attack- to be able to just sit with people and eat] which the above is VERIFICATION of what have blogged about numerous times that part of their secret system operated is to TAKE AWAY anything that allows the person anytype of comfort as a normal human being  INCLUDING  any and all subjects/issues/situations in the person's life;

Studied in Sociology class that who controls a problem depends on the outcome of the problem; thus if a person has a big issue, lot of times the gov. tries to take over the problem to control the outcome; for example: white males are secretly [with black females/male prostitutes working in secret for white males] killing African Americans so that listening at the media talk about IsI[s] is almost a joke; African Americans suffering fates but can't tell anybody about their fate because they are not here and the white males control the media and decide what information is known and not known in a public/massive manner;

Example: Michael BROWN-there is no discussion about abuse, harassment, let along killing of African Americans,; it is like all the bad white authority just disappeared; which they did on paper; in reality; most African Americans cannot access a decent meal because of the PARTNERSHIP between the local social agencies;

Which includes Melissa Williams "using print media to communicate harassment, abuse, and now murder" placement of books:
                                             [Email sent-Monday, September 8, 2014 5:43 PM]
                                                 [Picture taken-9/8/14;4:17pm];

                                            [Email sent-Monday, September 8, 2014 5:43 PM]
                                                          [Picture taken-9/8/14;4:18pm];

Which have filed complaint with Sylvia Hamlin and Damion,(both employees of Winston-Salem Forsyth County) about Melissa Williams use of marque with Vanessa Williams as bride  and the magazine with dark negative ad as harassment=no results except more harassment;note-the purpose of the marque was like when Melissa Williams left books about slavery on table-harassment, they[white males told her about guy who wanted to date me] and Melissa Williams started the harassment process;

Note- cover of book on internet is different from cover of book at Carver Road Library;



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