Ray Rice, Michael Brown, Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, North Carolina
1.Today is a TWO day; Robin[African American female prostitute working for white malels] was driving the WSTA bus;note-lights up front were off;
2. upon walking up to Carver Road Branch Library were TWO white males[camofloged[sp] as postmen];
[email sent-]
[Picture taken-9/9/14;9:52am]
note-tried to take picture of when they appear[as I was walking up to Carver road Branch library; but they had gone into building;
3.and camofloged as regular white males were TWO white males-blocking the RIGHTentrance to the FRONT DOOR-code-killing everything American; can only enter the lEFT DOOR-code-GERMANY mindset taking over;[along with TWO other African American female prostitutes who are working in secret for white males; and to ensure total coverage,

[Email sent-Tuesday, September 9, 2014 12:39 PM];
[Pictures taken-9/9/14;10:51am]

[Email sent-Tuesday, September 9, 2014 11:09 AM];
[picture taken-9/9/14;10:51am]
4. white female was sitting at the ONLY table and sitting place outside;
5. Thus upon walking off of lansing drive onto the Carver Road Mazie Woodruff parking lot area; everything body looked white;the Mazie Woodruff building RIGHT DOOR was BLOCKED BY TWO WHITE MALES[to my right] and TWO WHITE MALES who were walking in front of me as a way to BLOCK [to my left/in front of me]; could only sit at table with white woman; in which today is a TWO [twin] day; it was no coinicidence for the white people to be outside;it is their job/to communicate to African Americans getting off of WSTA[especially on TWO days]that African Americans cannot access any door, table,comfort, money, LIFESTYLE unlessWHITE MALES give permission; and this is everyday,anywhere that I go;
6. Posted on 9/8/14 that Jim Clingman wrote an article,"Praying and Fasting in Ferguson-august,2014, in which he made statement that African American[s] should pray and fast; and that the fast should be a product fast and that then "the corporate CEO's would tell the politicians, who would tell the governors, who weould tell the mayors and prosecutors, who would tell the authority chiefs, who would tell their authority officers to STOP VIOLATING our RIGHTS" in which it was posted that James Clingman verified everything that had been posted on all blogs, that;
7. Also posted that:
a. Ron Johnson is code[name and person] for keeping blacks in slavery based upon William E. Johnson[s] deal with white males during the Martin Luther King riots;
b. Carver Road Christian Church is headquarters to where African American bastards being paid to help white males to block and hinder African American[s]:
c. Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library[Sylvia Hamlin director] and Carver Road Public Library [Melissa Williams-director]want to make sure that the local white males know that they are in agreement:

d. BIG poster is position by the RIGHT DOOR to entrance of the Carver Road Branch Library;the BIG ROYAL BLUE poster was position by door about a few days after the FERGERSON riots;

e. Sunday program for Carver Road Christian church; where TYrone JOHNSON is the pastor;sent there to support William E. JOHNSON [who made original deal with white males to help keep African Americans in poverty;only about 5 people had a job at church; the others were barely making it and were on food stamps and social service;BUT WHITE MALES WERE NOT ATTACKING THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH;
Note-1. Research Computer, websites,yahoo-all having issues that taking longer than usual;
Note 2. After posting that James Clingman article verified postings on blog since 2005; while walking authority vehicle drove pass on right side];
Praying and Fasting in Ferguson — August 2014
Remember the Jena Six? Some 15,000 to 20,000 protesters went to Jena, Louisiana in 2006 to demonstrate against injustice. After all the speeches, threats, marches, and church rallies, the people went home and nothing really changed. The prosecutors did their thing and the system rolled right over Mychal Bell and the other five defendants. It was business as usual. Did we learn anything from Jena that we can apply in Ferguson?
What will take place in Ferguson when the protesters leave? What happened in Sanford, Florida when they left? What has happened in Staten Island since Eric Garner was choked to death and the marches have ended? The latest report says the prosecutor is still trying to “collect the dots,” much less connect the dots, and most have forgotten about Garner and his family and moved on to Ferguson, as it now becomes the crisis du jour for Black people.
Eleven years ago Kenneth Walker was shot and killed by a police officer on I-185 in Columbus, Georgia. He was in a car that was pulled over by mistake. He was on the ground, unarmed, when a police officer shot him twice in the head. After protesters and marchers went home, the officer was acquitted.

There are many instances of Black men killed by police with impunity. So what’s my point? Well, as I watched the church services and listened to the speeches in Ferguson, I eagerly awaited the speakers’ solutions. I could have missed it, but I never heard a solution that centered on economics. I heard the obligatory voting solution, in light of an embarrassing 12% turnout among Black voters, but an “I Voted!” sticker will not stop a policeman’s bullet, and voting alone will not change our condition in this nation.
I also heard the praying solution, and I do believe that prayer changes things. However, I am suggesting that the folks in Ferguson and all across this country not only pray but fast as well. That combination will definitely create change.
Be clear now; I am not talking about giving up food for a period of time. The kind of fasting I am suggesting is a “product fast,” which does require doing without and less buying; but isn’t the cause worth it? Maybe the “leaders” who came to Ferguson were afraid to call for a product fast because they could lose a check or a contract or an endorsement or their status among corporate giants. Capitalism can tolerate marches that call for voting and prayer, but it has a great deal of angst when a decline in consumption and sales occurs.
“Black-Out” Days and other shotgun approaches are nice gestures but have no overall affect; they are simply more symbolism without substance. They make you feel good but won’t cause anyone to change. Folks just go out the next day and buy what they want.
A product fast is quite different. For instance, Black folks consume a lot of soft drinks, gym shoes, liquor, fast foods, and other items we don’t think we can do without. Just stop buying some of these products until corporate CEO’s tell the politicians who would tell the governors who would tell the mayors and prosecutors who would tell the police chiefs who would tell their officers to stop violating our rights. You better believe their voices will be heard.
Money runs politics, and when campaign donors are against something they will get results from the politicians they support, especially when their bottom-line is adversely affected. For example, can you imagine Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, Coca Cola CEO, Muhtar Kent, Pepsi Cola CEO, Indra Nooyi, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, Nike CEO, Mark Parker, McDonald’s CEO, Donald Thompson, Diageo Liquor’s CEO, Ivan Menezes, and even Anheuser Busch’s CEO, Thomas Santel, standing before national media and calling for an end to injustices against Black people? Nothing personal against these companies; it’s just as they say in war, “collateral damage.” But the damage would stop when the folks who run this country speak out.
Al, Jesse, and others have been marching for decades, and we got Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Timothy Thomas, Nathaniel Jones, Kenneth Walker, Patrick Dorismond, Amadou Diallo, John Crawford, Ezell Ford, and nameless others.
Stop the insanity of doing the same thing and hoping for different results. We need leaders who are unafraid to call for economic solutions, not leaders who will hurt you if you get between them and a news camera or microphone. Get the folks who are really in charge of this country to speak out, and we will see a positive change. Start your local Prayer and Fasting campaign now; and use the money you save to build businesses, create jobs, and recreate real Black communities.
1.Today is a TWO day; Robin[African American female prostitute working for white malels] was driving the WSTA bus;note-lights up front were off;
[Email sent-]
[picture taken-WSTA on 9/9/14;10:43am];2. upon walking up to Carver Road Branch Library were TWO white males[camofloged[sp] as postmen];
[email sent-]
[Picture taken-9/9/14;9:52am]
note-tried to take picture of when they appear[as I was walking up to Carver road Branch library; but they had gone into building;
3.and camofloged as regular white males were TWO white males-blocking the RIGHTentrance to the FRONT DOOR-code-killing everything American; can only enter the lEFT DOOR-code-GERMANY mindset taking over;[along with TWO other African American female prostitutes who are working in secret for white males; and to ensure total coverage,

[Email sent-Tuesday, September 9, 2014 12:39 PM];
[Pictures taken-9/9/14;10:51am]

[Email sent-Tuesday, September 9, 2014 11:09 AM];
[picture taken-9/9/14;10:51am]
4. white female was sitting at the ONLY table and sitting place outside;
5. Thus upon walking off of lansing drive onto the Carver Road Mazie Woodruff parking lot area; everything body looked white;the Mazie Woodruff building RIGHT DOOR was BLOCKED BY TWO WHITE MALES[to my right] and TWO WHITE MALES who were walking in front of me as a way to BLOCK [to my left/in front of me]; could only sit at table with white woman; in which today is a TWO [twin] day; it was no coinicidence for the white people to be outside;it is their job/to communicate to African Americans getting off of WSTA[especially on TWO days]that African Americans cannot access any door, table,comfort, money, LIFESTYLE unlessWHITE MALES give permission; and this is everyday,anywhere that I go;
6. Posted on 9/8/14 that Jim Clingman wrote an article,"Praying and Fasting in Ferguson-august,2014, in which he made statement that African American[s] should pray and fast; and that the fast should be a product fast and that then "the corporate CEO's would tell the politicians, who would tell the governors, who weould tell the mayors and prosecutors, who would tell the authority chiefs, who would tell their authority officers to STOP VIOLATING our RIGHTS" in which it was posted that James Clingman verified everything that had been posted on all blogs, that;
7. Also posted that:
a. Ron Johnson is code[name and person] for keeping blacks in slavery based upon William E. Johnson[s] deal with white males during the Martin Luther King riots;
b. Carver Road Christian Church is headquarters to where African American bastards being paid to help white males to block and hinder African American[s]:
c. Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library[Sylvia Hamlin director] and Carver Road Public Library [Melissa Williams-director]want to make sure that the local white males know that they are in agreement:

[Email sent- Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10:56 AM]
[Picture taken 9/9/14;10:56am];

e. Sunday program for Carver Road Christian church; where TYrone JOHNSON is the pastor;sent there to support William E. JOHNSON [who made original deal with white males to help keep African Americans in poverty;only about 5 people had a job at church; the others were barely making it and were on food stamps and social service;BUT WHITE MALES WERE NOT ATTACKING THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH;
Note-1. Research Computer, websites,yahoo-all having issues that taking longer than usual;
Note 2. After posting that James Clingman article verified postings on blog since 2005; while walking authority vehicle drove pass on right side];
Praying and Fasting in Ferguson — August 2014
Remember the Jena Six? Some 15,000 to 20,000 protesters went to Jena, Louisiana in 2006 to demonstrate against injustice. After all the speeches, threats, marches, and church rallies, the people went home and nothing really changed. The prosecutors did their thing and the system rolled right over Mychal Bell and the other five defendants. It was business as usual. Did we learn anything from Jena that we can apply in Ferguson?
What will take place in Ferguson when the protesters leave? What happened in Sanford, Florida when they left? What has happened in Staten Island since Eric Garner was choked to death and the marches have ended? The latest report says the prosecutor is still trying to “collect the dots,” much less connect the dots, and most have forgotten about Garner and his family and moved on to Ferguson, as it now becomes the crisis du jour for Black people.
Eleven years ago Kenneth Walker was shot and killed by a police officer on I-185 in Columbus, Georgia. He was in a car that was pulled over by mistake. He was on the ground, unarmed, when a police officer shot him twice in the head. After protesters and marchers went home, the officer was acquitted.

There are many instances of Black men killed by police with impunity. So what’s my point? Well, as I watched the church services and listened to the speeches in Ferguson, I eagerly awaited the speakers’ solutions. I could have missed it, but I never heard a solution that centered on economics. I heard the obligatory voting solution, in light of an embarrassing 12% turnout among Black voters, but an “I Voted!” sticker will not stop a policeman’s bullet, and voting alone will not change our condition in this nation.
I also heard the praying solution, and I do believe that prayer changes things. However, I am suggesting that the folks in Ferguson and all across this country not only pray but fast as well. That combination will definitely create change.
Be clear now; I am not talking about giving up food for a period of time. The kind of fasting I am suggesting is a “product fast,” which does require doing without and less buying; but isn’t the cause worth it? Maybe the “leaders” who came to Ferguson were afraid to call for a product fast because they could lose a check or a contract or an endorsement or their status among corporate giants. Capitalism can tolerate marches that call for voting and prayer, but it has a great deal of angst when a decline in consumption and sales occurs.
“Black-Out” Days and other shotgun approaches are nice gestures but have no overall affect; they are simply more symbolism without substance. They make you feel good but won’t cause anyone to change. Folks just go out the next day and buy what they want.
A product fast is quite different. For instance, Black folks consume a lot of soft drinks, gym shoes, liquor, fast foods, and other items we don’t think we can do without. Just stop buying some of these products until corporate CEO’s tell the politicians who would tell the governors who would tell the mayors and prosecutors who would tell the police chiefs who would tell their officers to stop violating our rights. You better believe their voices will be heard.
Money runs politics, and when campaign donors are against something they will get results from the politicians they support, especially when their bottom-line is adversely affected. For example, can you imagine Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, Coca Cola CEO, Muhtar Kent, Pepsi Cola CEO, Indra Nooyi, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, Nike CEO, Mark Parker, McDonald’s CEO, Donald Thompson, Diageo Liquor’s CEO, Ivan Menezes, and even Anheuser Busch’s CEO, Thomas Santel, standing before national media and calling for an end to injustices against Black people? Nothing personal against these companies; it’s just as they say in war, “collateral damage.” But the damage would stop when the folks who run this country speak out.
Al, Jesse, and others have been marching for decades, and we got Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Timothy Thomas, Nathaniel Jones, Kenneth Walker, Patrick Dorismond, Amadou Diallo, John Crawford, Ezell Ford, and nameless others.
Stop the insanity of doing the same thing and hoping for different results. We need leaders who are unafraid to call for economic solutions, not leaders who will hurt you if you get between them and a news camera or microphone. Get the folks who are really in charge of this country to speak out, and we will see a positive change. Start your local Prayer and Fasting campaign now; and use the money you save to build businesses, create jobs, and recreate real Black communities.
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