Social Understandings

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wake Forest University; Michael Brown, Fergerson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolona


Notes: A. Picture is scene from Black Nativity where the African American teenage boy and his grandmother are walking to his grandfather[s] church on CHRISTmas eve and TWO white males  walk past both of them;

                                        [Email sent-Friday, September 19, 2014 10:52 PM]

 B.Picture of scene from dvd by dreamworks-black nativity where two white males walk pass a black boy and his grandma who are going into the boys grandfathers and his grandmothers husband,s church, for a christmas program ,to send subliminal message to black actors and the audiances that black boys are notto experiece the next scene where all of the black boys family gets back together and becomes whole again-the two white male then turn left into church on the right side of the boy and his grand mother, which the dvd was part of jenniffer hudson being trained to help white males block blacks and that her real job is to cover and hide white male abuse of blacks, to stop black families from becoming whole and her reward would be a husband and a whole family;

                                               [Email sent-Friday, September 19, 2014 10:23 PM]

C. Picture of scene that shows that the position and placement of white males in scene walking pass black boy and his grandma who are on way to church for his family to get back together- By the TWO white males walking past the black boy and his grandmother on the way to church it sends the  message that African American boys in church not to have or experience whole famlies in the church; it any black serves white males they are not to help black boys have whole families; they are to walk pass[meaning do everything to stop black boys from having whole famlies];

[ email sent[Friday, September 19, 2014 10:23 PM]
[Pictures taken];

D. TWO white males have walked past the boy and his grandmother and to confirm the message the white males turn to the left when they get to the door of the church;after the TWO white males make the left turn to the church they end up on the right side of the black boy and his grandmother=]black boy and grandmother going to grandfather[s] church[family]left= doing what white males want=right;

[Email sent-Friday, September 19, 2014 10:49 PM]

E. Part of a picture on the front door entrance to Carver Road Branch Library =harassment;-code-to the
to the bastards if or because person walks through the door to them it is agreeing with what ever they do; 

                                           [Email sent-Friday, September 19, 2014 10:52 PM]



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