WAKEmed, Wake Forest Baptist, James Fergerson, Winston-Salem, NC, Carver Road Branch Library
1. Being that after went to west side of town on 9/23/14 [23rd was also the last day for salvation army on west side of town; they were moving to 901 Cleveland Ave. on the east side of town[black neighborhood]and bastards at Lowes grocery store[white males] stole gift card that I was going to get groceries with;so came back home and then the next day took back item to Lowes home improvement store where MONEY truck met me;
[email sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:39 PM]
[picture taken-9/24/14;2:07pm];
"Went to lowes on 9,24,14 and money truck pulled up,which happens when ever i go to the west side of winston salem or cintas trucks-usually driven by white males-who track my and others who are suppose to be rich-proof is yellow message door hanger for george-code name for money-left by authorities along with threat for not giving up george meaning money -three black malers sent ahead of white male ."[9/24/14]
After the WSTA had people who work for them in secret to harass me on the WSTA city buses
A. Wsta van specializes in harassing certain blacks for white males.jpg
[email sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:59 PM];
B. black female with dread locks:
[Email Sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:46 PM];
After got groceries, black male with major health problems put at bus stop was sitting on bench; thus did not sit on bench to avoid negativity; but stood with heavy grocieries which upset two white males; one was a white male in a mid size white truck [who screeched off fast] and the other was a browish type color driven by a white male[who also screeched his tires fast];both trucks screeched about a minute apart-going in opposite directions;
After got the food and went home; stayed there the next day [9/25/14]; which white males did not like, so they sent three African American males that work for them in secret to area; one African American male with dread locks knocked on my door which I did not answer; and as he was walking away; there were two African American males[looked like they had regular hair] that pulled in in a grey looking oldsmobile type car and sat there for about ten minutes; [which I was calling people to let them know that they were outside]; then about five to seven minutes later white male authority fully uniformed knocked on door, which I did not answer; he stood out side after knocking a few times for about five to seven minutes, which I did not answer the door; then while on the phone calling somebody; looked out side and he was sitting in front of house in authority car; after got somebody on the phone, then looked back outside and the white male authority was gone;
After the white male authority had left, made a few more phone calls and then went outside to see what was left on doorknob;
[Email sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:15 PM]
Wrote "Wrong Address" at top of notice to leave on door[note-they already know a GEORGE SMITH doesn't live the OTHER GEORGE associate with the DOLLAR BILL does;
The next day[9/25/14] female had her head cut off[?]; by NOLAND [Nolan] in MOORE, OKLAHOMA[which is where ex-employer [SAM'S CLUB] started in the same year 1983 that TWIN child was stolen; with MOORE being the last name of the black boy who broke my windows and who group of African American punks was trying to train and teach ethnic intimidation off of me; except directed him to his mammy;I was suppose to be the good christian and pray God forgive them and turn my head each time they did something to harass me; basically I told the MOORE boy; he need to go to his mammy to get his lessons cause I will hurt him and them; that I am not his mama[part of the system used in African American communities for somebody else to raise their child\;
Note-[9/26/14]Cpt. RONNIE Hampton-bus on way to GAINSville, TX filled with girls wrecked with a simi trailer truck-code -Females are not to GAIN in white male system];;
In response to the female in MOORE getting her head cut off; Gwyndolyn Gwyn group immediately went into action with the car codes to WHITE MALES who track and monitor African American neighborhoods in the Carver School Road Area:
[email sent-Friday, September 26, 2014 8:51 PM]
[Email sent- Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:08 AM]
[Day after fire burning cars were parked in different spaces; they had a blue and red chair beside
black car and in back of tan car]
[Note- Gwyns and the other males in each house stayed outside til late last night[9/26/14]-to Gwyns the lady head being cut off in MOORE, Oklahoma is code for head of Moore female in their group being in operative-not working-thus the need to tell white males they are still their slaves];
Note: Because did not come out of house for white males to harass; they parked so could see them; people at 3713 work with them so they can come to their house anytime;
[email sent- Friday, September 26, 2014 11:51 AM]
Note: harassment from secret member-pretending to sweep walk infront of bus stop but actually method to harass African Americans that get on bus;
[email sent- Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:14 PM];
[Picture taken-9/24/14;10:09am];
[Note: Maximize Living on ROBINHOOD ROAD;dr. tom nixon; pastor alvin reynolds-code-stealing from african americans and pastors are to join in blacks health being robbed by white males-why programs comes on after Charlie Clemmons show on 1340 am;
[note-2:53pm-computer #8 went off and came back on without my help=bastards messing with computer=27 is the birthdate of the twin the bastards stole];
1. Being that after went to west side of town on 9/23/14 [23rd was also the last day for salvation army on west side of town; they were moving to 901 Cleveland Ave. on the east side of town[black neighborhood]and bastards at Lowes grocery store[white males] stole gift card that I was going to get groceries with;so came back home and then the next day took back item to Lowes home improvement store where MONEY truck met me;
[email sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:39 PM]
[picture taken-9/24/14;2:07pm];
"Went to lowes on 9,24,14 and money truck pulled up,which happens when ever i go to the west side of winston salem or cintas trucks-usually driven by white males-who track my and others who are suppose to be rich-proof is yellow message door hanger for george-code name for money-left by authorities along with threat for not giving up george meaning money -three black malers sent ahead of white male ."[9/24/14]
After the WSTA had people who work for them in secret to harass me on the WSTA city buses
A. Wsta van specializes in harassing certain blacks for white males.jpg
"Van is code for girl and gay African American male WSTA bus driver with dreadlocks and black males hired by wsta to go into action to start harassing process"
B. black female with dread locks:
[Email Sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:46 PM];
"Black femlae hired by wsta to target african americans that go to hanes mall on west side of winston salem";
C. White male that smelled like garbage]
After got groceries, black male with major health problems put at bus stop was sitting on bench; thus did not sit on bench to avoid negativity; but stood with heavy grocieries which upset two white males; one was a white male in a mid size white truck [who screeched off fast] and the other was a browish type color driven by a white male[who also screeched his tires fast];both trucks screeched about a minute apart-going in opposite directions;
After got the food and went home; stayed there the next day [9/25/14]; which white males did not like, so they sent three African American males that work for them in secret to area; one African American male with dread locks knocked on my door which I did not answer; and as he was walking away; there were two African American males[looked like they had regular hair] that pulled in in a grey looking oldsmobile type car and sat there for about ten minutes; [which I was calling people to let them know that they were outside]; then about five to seven minutes later white male authority fully uniformed knocked on door, which I did not answer; he stood out side after knocking a few times for about five to seven minutes, which I did not answer the door; then while on the phone calling somebody; looked out side and he was sitting in front of house in authority car; after got somebody on the phone, then looked back outside and the white male authority was gone;
After the white male authority had left, made a few more phone calls and then went outside to see what was left on doorknob;
[Email sent-Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:15 PM]
"White male police came and left note for a george which they know the is no male george that. Lives here-there is wealth that lives here that converts into dollars associated with wealth of george washington who is on hundred dollar bills,before wgte male authority came to doorsent black male, then two black males who paqked accross the str3t in front of gwyns for ten min.left,then white male showed with threat -george belongs to white males using authority job as cover to rob or strange black thugs will be sent, choice-after telling johnnie taylor that randy britton left marion davis a nasty message that upset her and that everybody cant call or talk or say what they want,they are treated as invisible-or they get to be attacked or threate for seeking help-letting somebody know whose abusing them"
Rosey Odonell of "THE VIEW" made the statement that she thought[which verifies blog[s]]; that the reason for the United States[white males] going to war was for MONEY and while everybody is yelling about the abuse being done by those who are cutting people[s] heads off; they are doing the same; cutting off African American[s] financial heads/robbing/stealing and killing; but have the media turn the people[s] heads to what people over seas are doing;
In which verification was the "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" show confirmed the bastards messages from this morning=to expect the same as "LOU" why "Louisana had the BLACK Oil spill"-was code about robbery of African American[s] MONEY; specifically Louise's;
What was left on the door knob was a yellow notice that the white male authority was looking for GEORGE [last name]; the main focus was the name GEORGE [which is code for MONEY]; the message from the white male authority is that after overcoming the bastards intimidation systems from 9/24/14 to either give the white bastard males my money[billions] or suffer the consequences of having bastards black male[punks] to come and knock on my door[for intimidation/etc.];
The next day[9/25/14] female had her head cut off[?]; by NOLAND [Nolan] in MOORE, OKLAHOMA[which is where ex-employer [SAM'S CLUB] started in the same year 1983 that TWIN child was stolen; with MOORE being the last name of the black boy who broke my windows and who group of African American punks was trying to train and teach ethnic intimidation off of me; except directed him to his mammy;I was suppose to be the good christian and pray God forgive them and turn my head each time they did something to harass me; basically I told the MOORE boy; he need to go to his mammy to get his lessons cause I will hurt him and them; that I am not his mama[part of the system used in African American communities for somebody else to raise their child\;
Note-[9/26/14]Cpt. RONNIE Hampton-bus on way to GAINSville, TX filled with girls wrecked with a simi trailer truck-code -Females are not to GAIN in white male system];;
In response to the female in MOORE getting her head cut off; Gwyndolyn Gwyn group immediately went into action with the car codes to WHITE MALES who track and monitor African American neighborhoods in the Carver School Road Area:
[email sent-Friday, September 26, 2014 8:51 PM]
"Gwyndolyn gwyn and group fire burning at night is suppose to be symbolic of burning the bad-witch craft-what vern switzer use to do;"
[Email sent- Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:08 AM]
[Day after fire burning cars were parked in different spaces; they had a blue and red chair beside
black car and in back of tan car]
"Gwyndolyn gwyn group met after it was announced that a lady in moore,oaklahoma had her head cut off, gwyndolyn gwyn car was moved-not in yard, a white car facing fence has replaced gwndolyn gwyns car-which is usually backed in to side door where her sons lives, gwyndolyn sons black car was moved from in the corner in the back away from side door by the back of the fence to the near the front of the driveway on driveway the left side -and white truck has been parked where gwyn son black car was parked-to gwyn group thd head cutting is code for moore female in their group-men are out in front at gwyns,shirleys,3713 and all have visitors cars in driveway;"
[email sent-Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:09 AM]
[New order of cars this morning at Gwyns];
And sure enough this morning WHITE MALES in white vehicles covered the street:
[email sent-Saturday, September 27, 2014 12:41 PM]
{picture taken-9/27/14; 12:51pm];
a."White male driving white truck went to Mccraes house;license plate 10159"
[email sent-Saturday, September 27, 2014 12:46 PM];
[picture taken-9/27/14;1:47pm];
b. White male that was driving white vehicle is sitting up under car port-code-the white males not going to kill their slaves;
Note: Because did not come out of house for white males to harass; they parked so could see them; people at 3713 work with them so they can come to their house anytime;
[email sent- Friday, September 26, 2014 11:51 AM]
"9-26-14 after the coded message from auhority yesterday at t truck parked as threat and harassment to relative who attended att college and who intimidated out of winston salem-they sent dmail titled-is it a crime to raise a criminal as a threat to force to make join them-single african american females-regardless of of age are easy targets for white maler who do things in a secret manner to provoke the female to point of retaliation-then white males charge black female who gets no help from authorities because they are running a system to control females-why radio talk host was bring the issue of teen girls dressing like hootchie girls-
Note: harassment from secret member-pretending to sweep walk infront of bus stop but actually method to harass African Americans that get on bus;
[email sent- Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:14 PM];
[Picture taken-9/24/14;10:09am];
"On 9-24-14 black male tried to intimidate -he is member of white male club-sams club-that is associated with black car ckp4894 who is working with hispanic at the second house 1320 or 3720 airport whose license plate is ckp7017-the black male stayed there till i got on bus.;
[Note: Maximize Living on ROBINHOOD ROAD;dr. tom nixon; pastor alvin reynolds-code-stealing from african americans and pastors are to join in blacks health being robbed by white males-why programs comes on after Charlie Clemmons show on 1340 am;
[note-2:53pm-computer #8 went off and came back on without my help=bastards messing with computer=27 is the birthdate of the twin the bastards stole];

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