0 Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University, Carver Road Branch Library
1.NEW WSTA bus driver=?-still he[African American male][?] has issues he has been trained by WSTA supervisors which train the WSTA bus drivers to intimidate/harass African American[s];[it is part of their job;which in the "Opinion" section of the Winston-Salem Journal;10/28/14; page A13[how coincidental-13=13th amendment=blacks free from slavery];title of article, "DONE in by JOHN Doe"; by GEORGE [code for money] WILL [code name of relative of guy who wears Royal Blue clothes];
In the article, "Done in by JOHN Doe" the first paragraph states:
"The early morning para-mil-tary-style raids on citizens' homes were conducted by law enforcement officers, sometimes wearing bull-tproof vests and lugging battering rams, pounding on doors and issuing "threats". "SPOUSES were seperated" as the pol-ce seized computers, cincluding those of children still inpajamas. Clothes drawers, including the children's, were ransacked,cellphones were confiscated and the citizaens were told it would be a cr-me to tell anyone of the raids.[note:1a-have experienced versions of the above and versions are quite common in the African American neighborhood-including not having a "warrent"]
This attempted crimininalization of politics in order to silence person occupying just one portion of the political spectrum has happened in Wisconsin, which often has conducted robust political arguments with Midwestern civility.[Note:1aaa-African American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret for white males experience the above all the time-why most African American[s] say nothing];
Futher in the article a paragraph reads[which is "focus"]:
But Chisholm's aim-to have a chilling effect on conservative speech-has been achieved by b-mbarding Walker supporters with raids and subpoenas: Instead of raising funds to disseminate their political speech, conservative individuals and groups, "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED" HAVE GONE INTO A DEFENSIVE CROUCH, RAISING LITTLE MONEY AND SPENDING MUCH MONEY on defensive litigation; Note:1aaaa- Not that am only one who use the term "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED", however just as the issues sent to the United States Supreme Court [who sent back communication that "Red"[name of relative] could be a BIG time "ganster"] seem to be being uplifted in the main stream media, yet the no response from the bastards that address the issues in my life; so will the terms "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED" begin to rise by the white male system[s] that rob, steal, kill African American[s] to keep AFrican American[s] from their wealth as based upon BLACK WALLSTREET before white males destroyed BLACK WALL STREET];
2. While reading newspapers, was looking at white males operating their INTIMIDATION and THREAT system to AFrican American[s] not working in secret to white male[s]; and had taken one of the chairs out from under one of the tables and sat beside the window; when finished with chair- who was sitting where took chair from?-white male-with a "ROYAL BLUE bookbag;

[emails sent- Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:29 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;2:00pm];
Note:1b- From the above picture one would think the white male is minding his own business and not connected that is being posted: think again-why he has on the "PINK"-code concerning local relationships-why the Winston-Salem Journal had a "PINK" day on the "9th" of October and why in local churches the African American female prostitutes [posing as wifes] will have some form of pink on as they did this past Sunday; the place where he is sitting is where I had taken a chair from[that is how closely white males track African American females who do not work in secret for white males]; and if one were to look futher into the identity of the white male, am pretty sure there is a connection with someone who is in authority and connected to forcing African American females to either joing their "REPLACEMENT WIFE" club or the white males kill their African American husbands:
Of the "PINK" factor:
Flyer posted on the "RIGHT" front door entrance:
Pink is code between white males and African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males[why white male has on "PINK" with a royal blue bookbag;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:33 PM];
[picture taken: 10/28/14; 4:04pm];
A.Melissa Williams and staff put up book titles to communicate to white males that they are part of the white males secret system[s]; and that they are for being a "member" of the "Replacement Wife" club;
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:12 PM];
[Picture taken:10/28/14;4:10pm];
A1-In Your Corner (Redemption #2)
A2-Mama Flora's Family by David Stevens and Alex Haley (1998, Hardcover)
A3- "Nothing to Lose" (D.C. Series) [Kindle Edition]
Angela Winters:
4. Replacement Wife "flyer" on right hand side in SECOND ROW:
A5-"Mogul:" A Novel Paperback – June 14, 2011
melissa williams plea to white males don't take her dick;
B. The communication flyer [on the front door of the CRB library] that says-"YOUR LIBRARY"[which is posted on the "EXIT" door];code for Exit; not just the CRB library; but "LIFE"-lot of people will follow instructions-because there will be no conflict in doing what is told;that guy who wears royal blue belongs to white males;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:04 PM]
[Picture Taken: 10/28/14;2:57pm];
B1.-Message to black CRB library patrons to exit life-that Carver Road Branch library is not their library-melissa Williams and white males trying to take over for hispanics.
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:13 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;4:09pm];
2. The Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy- code is to the African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males for [SEX/dick] that to keep "bond"[white pimps and black prostitues]it is "TIME"-meaning to attack African American females who do not work as prostitutes in secret for white males

Code word will be "VAMP"/ "REVAMP" based on article where
Code phrases to African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret are that they are to be,"Good stewardship" and in return the white males are "Making a case" to the "JOHN's" [African American males who are johns to the AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret fro white males; some johns know they are johns and others do not know that they are johns;
[Amber Vinson with white male [who thinks he's God]mean doctor;
“I'm so grateful to be well,” Vinson said during a news conference. “I sincerely believe that with God all things are possible.”[code-long as African American females are prostitutes in secret for white males, they will be well]; Amber Vinson is well because she is the #2;second nurse to be accused of having "ebola"; and white males could not kill the number "2" nurse because the United States is full of African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males that pose as "nurses";
5. "Ebola"-Diane Rhem Show; 10/28/14; 88 fm radio:
Note: 1a-a African American female called into the 600 WSJS radio program and asked the attorney, Mike Wells what to do about people who claim to be a company, but give no contact address, but call her, her place of work, etc.; they tell her that they have a "warrrent" for her arrest; make threats of what they will do if she does not put money on a card to pay off a debt- which she says she knows nothing about;[Attorney Mike Wells told her to tell them that the next time they call, that she was going to call the authorities and to get in touch with a finance organization that might be able to help her][personal experience has been that person [African American not working in secret for white males is ignored when they call those authorized by society based upon the United States Constitution to compell compliance with the written laws to protect the African American[s] rights];
Note: 2a- house at 3720 Carver Road where hispanic hired by white males to harass blacks; and protect "cookie" who lives next door" and who help to steal TWIN child; hispanics in "white" trucks
working on house; while blacks who live in neighborhood-punished for trying to improve/do work on their houses:
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:39 PM]
[picture taken:10/28/14; 1:05pm]
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:47 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:29pm];
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:40 PM]
[Picture Taken:10/28/14;1:28pm];
Note: 4a-front of the voting section at Mazzie Woodruff/Carver School Road buildings; black male in WHITE for protection;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014;1:41 PM]
[Picture taken:October 27,2014;5:35pm];
Note: 5a1-Always white males working digging in African Ameican neighborhoods:
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:48 PM]
[Picture taken: 10/28/14;1:43pm];
Note: 5a2-harassment of African American[s] by white males posing as workers;
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:48 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;1:30pm];
Note: 5a -white males systems at Carver Road Branch Library/Mazzie Woodruff center of threats to blacks who vote:
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:50 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:30pm];
Note: 5aa- white male treat, intimidation driving BLUEline rental equipment as harassment and intimdiation;
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:51 PM]
[picture taken:10/28/14;1:46pm];
Melissa Williams and white male[s] had to go to a lot of trouble to find "BLUE" line rental company to send message that white males think they decide who guy who wears roayl blue have relationships with="slavery";
Note: 5aaaa-BLUEline logo on side of equipment:
[Email sent- Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:46 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:29pm];
On the backside the white males sending message that they are killing all blacks connected with the next group of African American[s] associated with "BLUline-while on the front end-white males and African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret give the illusion that they don't know why African American neighborhoods, marriages, businesses do not prosper:
"Marker recognizes "BELEWS" Street neighborhood":
Note: Belews is pronounced "BLUES"
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/marker-recognizes-belews-street-neighborhood/article_e7c66cce-2132-5dc4-9549-e82740d87d8a.html];Note: picture of "Winston "TOWER" is code for TWIN TOWER means rund the same system as "911", "TWIN TOWER," World TRADE center";
Note: Now anybody who calls the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library concerning anything negative is automatically placed in category associated with "JAIL"-the WSFC 5th street public library number 703-2665 [336] has been connected to the Forsty County "Gov.center"; which was designed by white males to communicate that anybody who comes to the "center" to complain is put into a category of being a "nut"; mean address to the Forsyth County "Gov. center" is :
Forsyth County Government Center
201 North Chestnut Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Which is where the department of "deed" was put some time ago; which is where African American[s] seeking to save/stay in the homes/black neighborhoods would have to come to in order to deal with an issue; which is why white males put the WSFC "Gov. center" on Chest-"NUT" street-which coincides with the "new avenue" or white male "system" of classifying AFrican American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret to help white males rob/steal/kill African American[s]-which is "all African American[s] not workinig in secret as prostitutes[male and female] for white males are to be classified as "mentally ill", which has already been okayed by the African American male who was suppose to stand up against illegal/immoral attacks on local African American[s]-John Mendenz[but as one of his members stated-he is really more interested and conerned with being "YOUNG"[and in order to stay "YOUNG" person has to be servant and serve white male[s]-ONLY];Note: when went to pay water bill-got off of WSTA city buses and walked from "CHURCH" Street to 2nd/3rd Street[was met corner of Church and 2nd Street] by white female authority as crossing the Church Street to 2nd Street;
Note: Really am not concerned about other people[s] problems; the problem is their secret group keeps trying to take from me and tired of it; including the relative who went to A&T STATE University the bastards intimidated out of the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina while the AFrican American female prostitute relatives get to stay in the city with them-code=reward for being a prostitute in secret for white males; etc. to have close family members in same city around the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males-so they can learn how to do and be a prostitute in secret[male and female] who work for white males;
Note: Would love to ignore situations; that is like telling the jews ignore the Nazi's?;Attorney Mike Wells and the radio host for 600 WSJS radio today [10/28/14] after telling African American female to contact certain people for help-stated that if something is wrong; he needs to be made public,revealed so something can be done about it=JOKE-being that both are well connected with the "UNITED WAY"[
and the "PARTNERS" are:
Partner Agencies and Breakthrough Initiatives[secret mission is to help only African Americans working in secret to help white males rob/steal/kill other African Americans or hispanics who do the same:
United Way's 32 partner agencies are key players in producing sustained, positive changes in the lives of children and adults in our community. Our partner agencies also collaborate to provide valuable services through United Way Breakthrough Initiatives;
Career Connections and The Prosperity Center: Led by GOODWILL Industries in partnership with Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Family Services “Ways to Work” Program, Center for Homeownership and Experiment in Self-Reliance, helps families and individuals move toward greater economic stability, higher earnings and home ownership.
American Red Cross, Northwest North Carolina Chapter;[said they could not help];
Amos Cottage Therapeutic Day Program;
The Bethesda Center for the Homeless;
1.NEW WSTA bus driver=?-still he[African American male][?] has issues he has been trained by WSTA supervisors which train the WSTA bus drivers to intimidate/harass African American[s];[it is part of their job;which in the "Opinion" section of the Winston-Salem Journal;10/28/14; page A13[how coincidental-13=13th amendment=blacks free from slavery];title of article, "DONE in by JOHN Doe"; by GEORGE [code for money] WILL [code name of relative of guy who wears Royal Blue clothes];
In the article, "Done in by JOHN Doe" the first paragraph states:
"The early morning para-mil-tary-style raids on citizens' homes were conducted by law enforcement officers, sometimes wearing bull-tproof vests and lugging battering rams, pounding on doors and issuing "threats". "SPOUSES were seperated" as the pol-ce seized computers, cincluding those of children still inpajamas. Clothes drawers, including the children's, were ransacked,cellphones were confiscated and the citizaens were told it would be a cr-me to tell anyone of the raids.[note:1a-have experienced versions of the above and versions are quite common in the African American neighborhood-including not having a "warrent"]
This attempted crimininalization of politics in order to silence person occupying just one portion of the political spectrum has happened in Wisconsin, which often has conducted robust political arguments with Midwestern civility.[Note:1aaa-African American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret for white males experience the above all the time-why most African American[s] say nothing];
Futher in the article a paragraph reads[which is "focus"]:
But Chisholm's aim-to have a chilling effect on conservative speech-has been achieved by b-mbarding Walker supporters with raids and subpoenas: Instead of raising funds to disseminate their political speech, conservative individuals and groups, "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED" HAVE GONE INTO A DEFENSIVE CROUCH, RAISING LITTLE MONEY AND SPENDING MUCH MONEY on defensive litigation; Note:1aaaa- Not that am only one who use the term "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED", however just as the issues sent to the United States Supreme Court [who sent back communication that "Red"[name of relative] could be a BIG time "ganster"] seem to be being uplifted in the main stream media, yet the no response from the bastards that address the issues in my life; so will the terms "HARASSED AND INTIMIDATED" begin to rise by the white male system[s] that rob, steal, kill African American[s] to keep AFrican American[s] from their wealth as based upon BLACK WALLSTREET before white males destroyed BLACK WALL STREET];
2. While reading newspapers, was looking at white males operating their INTIMIDATION and THREAT system to AFrican American[s] not working in secret to white male[s]; and had taken one of the chairs out from under one of the tables and sat beside the window; when finished with chair- who was sitting where took chair from?-white male-with a "ROYAL BLUE bookbag;

[emails sent- Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:29 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;2:00pm];
Note:1b- From the above picture one would think the white male is minding his own business and not connected that is being posted: think again-why he has on the "PINK"-code concerning local relationships-why the Winston-Salem Journal had a "PINK" day on the "9th" of October and why in local churches the African American female prostitutes [posing as wifes] will have some form of pink on as they did this past Sunday; the place where he is sitting is where I had taken a chair from[that is how closely white males track African American females who do not work in secret for white males]; and if one were to look futher into the identity of the white male, am pretty sure there is a connection with someone who is in authority and connected to forcing African American females to either joing their "REPLACEMENT WIFE" club or the white males kill their African American husbands:
Of the "PINK" factor:
Flyer posted on the "RIGHT" front door entrance:
Pink is code between white males and African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males[why white male has on "PINK" with a royal blue bookbag;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:33 PM];
[picture taken: 10/28/14; 4:04pm];
A.Melissa Williams and staff put up book titles to communicate to white males that they are part of the white males secret system[s]; and that they are for being a "member" of the "Replacement Wife" club;
[Picture taken:10/28/14;4:10pm];
A1-In Your Corner (Redemption #2)
A2-Mama Flora's Family by David Stevens and Alex Haley (1998, Hardcover)
A3- "Nothing to Lose" (D.C. Series) [Kindle Edition]
Angela Winters:

4. Replacement Wife "flyer" on right hand side in SECOND ROW:
A5-"Mogul:" A Novel Paperback – June 14, 2011
melissa williams plea to white males don't take her dick;
B. The communication flyer [on the front door of the CRB library] that says-"YOUR LIBRARY"[which is posted on the "EXIT" door];code for Exit; not just the CRB library; but "LIFE"-lot of people will follow instructions-because there will be no conflict in doing what is told;that guy who wears royal blue belongs to white males;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:04 PM]
[Picture Taken: 10/28/14;2:57pm];
B1.-Message to black CRB library patrons to exit life-that Carver Road Branch library is not their library-melissa Williams and white males trying to take over for hispanics.
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:13 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;4:09pm];
2. The Winston-Salem Journal hardcopy- code is to the African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males for [SEX/dick] that to keep "bond"[white pimps and black prostitues]it is "TIME"-meaning to attack African American females who do not work as prostitutes in secret for white males

"‘It’s time’ Sexton: Mayor, citizens' group ramp up promotion of city bond packages"
Code word will be "VAMP"/ "REVAMP" based on article where
Code phrases to African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret are that they are to be,"Good stewardship" and in return the white males are "Making a case" to the "JOHN's" [African American males who are johns to the AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret fro white males; some johns know they are johns and others do not know that they are johns;
"Ebola-free nurse Amber Vinson discharged from Atlanta hospital"
[Amber Vinson with white male [who thinks he's God]mean doctor;
“I'm so grateful to be well,” Vinson said during a news conference. “I sincerely believe that with God all things are possible.”[code-long as African American females are prostitutes in secret for white males, they will be well]; Amber Vinson is well because she is the #2;second nurse to be accused of having "ebola"; and white males could not kill the number "2" nurse because the United States is full of African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males that pose as "nurses";
5. "Ebola"-Diane Rhem Show; 10/28/14; 88 fm radio:
Note: 1a-a African American female called into the 600 WSJS radio program and asked the attorney, Mike Wells what to do about people who claim to be a company, but give no contact address, but call her, her place of work, etc.; they tell her that they have a "warrrent" for her arrest; make threats of what they will do if she does not put money on a card to pay off a debt- which she says she knows nothing about;[Attorney Mike Wells told her to tell them that the next time they call, that she was going to call the authorities and to get in touch with a finance organization that might be able to help her][personal experience has been that person [African American not working in secret for white males is ignored when they call those authorized by society based upon the United States Constitution to compell compliance with the written laws to protect the African American[s] rights];
Note: 2a- house at 3720 Carver Road where hispanic hired by white males to harass blacks; and protect "cookie" who lives next door" and who help to steal TWIN child; hispanics in "white" trucks
working on house; while blacks who live in neighborhood-punished for trying to improve/do work on their houses:
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:39 PM]
[picture taken:10/28/14; 1:05pm]
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:47 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:29pm];
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:40 PM]
[Picture Taken:10/28/14;1:28pm];
Note: 4a-front of the voting section at Mazzie Woodruff/Carver School Road buildings; black male in WHITE for protection;
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014;1:41 PM]
[Picture taken:October 27,2014;5:35pm];
Note: 5a1-Always white males working digging in African Ameican neighborhoods:
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:48 PM]
[Picture taken: 10/28/14;1:43pm];
Note: 5a2-harassment of African American[s] by white males posing as workers;
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:48 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;1:30pm];
Note: 5a -white males systems at Carver Road Branch Library/Mazzie Woodruff center of threats to blacks who vote:
[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:50 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:30pm];
Note: 5aa- white male treat, intimidation driving BLUEline rental equipment as harassment and intimdiation;
[email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:51 PM]
[picture taken:10/28/14;1:46pm];
Which ["BLUEline" equipment is "shaking" the entire Carver Road Branch buliding now;
Note: 5aaa-White male [driving blue/line] equipment suppose to be symbolic of killing "guy who wears royal blue" who wants to date me:
Note: 5aaa-White male [driving blue/line] equipment suppose to be symbolic of killing "guy who wears royal blue" who wants to date me:

[Email sent-Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:41 PM];
[Picture Taken:10/28/14; 1:49pm]BlueLine Rental - Greensboro, North Carolina
6004 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC, 27409[http://www.bluelinerental.com/equipment-rental-center/guilford-randolph-rockingham-alamance-piedmont-triad-metro-region-nc];
Melissa Williams and white male[s] had to go to a lot of trouble to find "BLUE" line rental company to send message that white males think they decide who guy who wears roayl blue have relationships with="slavery";
Note: 5aaaa-BLUEline logo on side of equipment:
[Email sent- Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:46 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14; 1:29pm];
On the backside the white males sending message that they are killing all blacks connected with the next group of African American[s] associated with "BLUline-while on the front end-white males and African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret give the illusion that they don't know why African American neighborhoods, marriages, businesses do not prosper:
"Marker recognizes "BELEWS" Street neighborhood":
Note: Belews is pronounced "BLUES"
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/marker-recognizes-belews-street-neighborhood/article_e7c66cce-2132-5dc4-9549-e82740d87d8a.html];Note: picture of "Winston "TOWER" is code for TWIN TOWER means rund the same system as "911", "TWIN TOWER," World TRADE center";
Posted: Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:00 pm
Note: Now anybody who calls the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library concerning anything negative is automatically placed in category associated with "JAIL"-the WSFC 5th street public library number 703-2665 [336] has been connected to the Forsty County "Gov.center"; which was designed by white males to communicate that anybody who comes to the "center" to complain is put into a category of being a "nut"; mean address to the Forsyth County "Gov. center" is :
Forsyth County Government Center
201 North Chestnut Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Which is where the department of "deed" was put some time ago; which is where African American[s] seeking to save/stay in the homes/black neighborhoods would have to come to in order to deal with an issue; which is why white males put the WSFC "Gov. center" on Chest-"NUT" street-which coincides with the "new avenue" or white male "system" of classifying AFrican American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret to help white males rob/steal/kill African American[s]-which is "all African American[s] not workinig in secret as prostitutes[male and female] for white males are to be classified as "mentally ill", which has already been okayed by the African American male who was suppose to stand up against illegal/immoral attacks on local African American[s]-John Mendenz[but as one of his members stated-he is really more interested and conerned with being "YOUNG"[and in order to stay "YOUNG" person has to be servant and serve white male[s]-ONLY];Note: when went to pay water bill-got off of WSTA city buses and walked from "CHURCH" Street to 2nd/3rd Street[was met corner of Church and 2nd Street] by white female authority as crossing the Church Street to 2nd Street;
Note: Really am not concerned about other people[s] problems; the problem is their secret group keeps trying to take from me and tired of it; including the relative who went to A&T STATE University the bastards intimidated out of the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina while the AFrican American female prostitute relatives get to stay in the city with them-code=reward for being a prostitute in secret for white males; etc. to have close family members in same city around the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males-so they can learn how to do and be a prostitute in secret[male and female] who work for white males;
Note: Would love to ignore situations; that is like telling the jews ignore the Nazi's?;Attorney Mike Wells and the radio host for 600 WSJS radio today [10/28/14] after telling African American female to contact certain people for help-stated that if something is wrong; he needs to be made public,revealed so something can be done about it=JOKE-being that both are well connected with the "UNITED WAY"[
and the "PARTNERS" are:
Partner Agencies and Breakthrough Initiatives[secret mission is to help only African Americans working in secret to help white males rob/steal/kill other African Americans or hispanics who do the same:
United Way's 32 partner agencies are key players in producing sustained, positive changes in the lives of children and adults in our community. Our partner agencies also collaborate to provide valuable services through United Way Breakthrough Initiatives;
Career Connections and The Prosperity Center: Led by GOODWILL Industries in partnership with Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Family Services “Ways to Work” Program, Center for Homeownership and Experiment in Self-Reliance, helps families and individuals move toward greater economic stability, higher earnings and home ownership.
American Red Cross, Northwest North Carolina Chapter;[said they could not help];
Amos Cottage Therapeutic Day Program;
The Bethesda Center for the Homeless;
Big Brother Big Sisters Services;
Bowman Gray Child Guidance;
Boy Scouts of America, Old Hickory Council;[under the Salvation Army];
Cancer Services, Inc;
Catholic Charities;
The Centers for Exceptional Children;
Community Care Center;
Crosby Scholars Community Partnership;
The Enrichment Center: An Affiliated Chapter of The Arc, Inc.;
Exchange SCAN, Inc.[was first organization that taught me Blacks do not get same service as whites];
Experiment in Self-Reliance;[next ogranization that taught blacks do not get same service as whites;
Family Services, Inc.;[same];
Fellowship Home of Winston-Salem, Inc.;
Financial Pathways of the Piedmont;[proof-where Attorney Mike Wells told black female to go to get help];
Girl Scouts, Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont;
Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina, Inc.;
Group Homes of Forsyth, Inc.;
Hospice and Palliative CareCenter;[bastards that killed my daddy];
Imprints for Families;
Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc.;[letters from LANC that state-"LANC does not deal with those issues";
Mediation Services of Forsyth County, Inc.;[nobody called me back; would answer the phone];
Mental Health Association, Inc;[no matter what the issue-when being attacked by white male system[s] always sent to MHA for not agreeing to be prostitute in secret that work for white males to rob other African American[s] ;
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina;
Partnership for a Drug-Free NC (STEP ONE);
Imprints for Families;
Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc.;[letters from LANC that state-"LANC does not deal with those issues";
Mediation Services of Forsyth County, Inc.;[nobody called me back; would answer the phone];
Mental Health Association, Inc;[no matter what the issue-when being attacked by white male system[s] always sent to MHA for not agreeing to be prostitute in secret that work for white males to rob other African American[s] ;
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina;
Partnership for a Drug-Free NC (STEP ONE);
The Salvation Army;[where ROBBIN BROWN, Roachel TAYLOR's job is to rob African American[s] and to help white males to taylor a situation that leads to African American[s] the having "roaches";
Winston-Salem Urban League;[Alvin[black male] put me out because would not join their secret group];
YMCA of Northwest North Carolina;
YWCA of Greater Winston-Salem;
Youth Opportunities;
Have blogged about the term "PARTNERSHIPS"- which is why African American[s] suffer-the partnerships are designed to rob/steal/kill African american[s] and seperate and subtract them from their wealth as AFrican American[s] based on "BLACK WALLSTREET" before white males destroyed it"
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