540-Michael Brown, Furgerson, Mo., Wake Forrest University, Winston-salem, NC, CRB library;
1. Happy St. Patrick's Day;
2. Heard Rush Limbough:
today[3/17/15] and he stated that he does not watch a lot of television; BUT when he does he tries to make sure that he doesn't associate what is happening in a story with/as possible outcomes in real life; BUT there is a new show on where the president in the story is working behind the scences against this female who is the head of a big "conglomerate"; being that Rush Limbough does not mention anything on his radio show 94.5 fm that he finds relevant=was his way of telling his audience what the current male in the brown skin is really doing to some female in their life:[working with white males to ensure the robbery of the females money-which speak every cent spent or block out of my life will lead to death to everybody [white and black] involved;[King James Bible;"Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.";[http://biblehub.com/psalms/55-15.htm];
3. Have been helping cousin[who worked for white male authority/obama] whose back was operated on by white males; the cousin called me to be in room with them because staff at hospital was attacking rather than helping them to heal; since that time in late December; they have gone home; also have helped them while at home where therapist[white male] comes to house; On 3/16/15 -Doris[African American female prostitute who flashes wedding ring] left- and sure enough, I said, Cousin was going to call me down to her bedroom while white male[bastard] was in it and sure enough-about three to five minutes later, cousin called me into her bedroom and when I asked what she needed-she said, I need for you to pick up the TWO white pieces of paper beside the bed; my thinking was and that could not wait til after your therapy; but I picked up the two pieces of paper along with a blue peice of paper[which was the color of her sheets], which supprised her; After the white male therapist left the house again was called to cousin[s] bedroom for a second time and asked to clean up the white therapist trash that he had left; cousin made the statement-don't know why he did that he usually picks up his own trash-he left the trash intentionally-that is all blacks who don't work for white males can do-is pick up their trash-clean up for white males;
Guess should mention that cousin worked at the local authority's building where lot of African American[s] are being used to make money off of; and that cousin has two sons and a grandson-of which cousin is batering with white males to fix it for her sons/grandson to the point that if cousin can get me to help take care of her on daily basis [and this is very important] without "PAY" ; then the reward goes to her sons and grandsons, of which presently Doris has to BOWL every WENSDAY[code for "WIN"] and cousin is in a fix and needs help=if help her on Wensday=code to them bastards to agree to let African American female prostitutes "win" and therefore African American females who are not prositutes working in secret for white males will not have their husbands; but because of helping on Wensday=agreeing to let African American female prostitutes working for white males work in secret -"WIN"; thus cousin's nurses/help with medical issues seem to keep disappearing-especially for WEDSDAY["WIN"];
4. They say a picture is worth a thousand words:
The BIGGEST ROBBERY oF AFRICAN AMERICAN[S] by whitemales and "oreo"[raised by white males];
Updated 1:58 am, Sunday, March 8, 2015];[ , http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/politics/article/Obama-to-join-Bloody-Sunday-anniversary-in-Selma-6120509.php#photo-7624248];
8. Man in brown skin that is head of white male system[s] in house that is white is an Oreo-An African-American who is seen, especially by other blacks, as wishing to be part of the white establishment;http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/Oreo?q=oreo
9.Went to Crisis Control-all white people;only reason got help is because of a white person asking them to help; when went to room in Crisis control-white male came in room after sat down-and stayed there; also lot of African American males there for medicine-?[not good]; and also Crisis control had remodeled and was still in the process of remodeling-where lot of white people in lobby-transformation-where there is suppose to be growth in the African American neighborhoods -white males transforming growth into-for white people which means that African American[s] are being killed at a greater rate; not recieving help;
Heard a guest on the Diane Rehmn

Knows and produces her shows arount the fact that white males operating system to steal from African American[s];[http://thedianerehmshow.org]show by the name of Jessica Stern:
Jessica Stern
[is a Lecturer on Terror-sm at Harvard University];
[where man in brown skin who is head of the United States in house that is white went to school];
who wrote a book ["Isis"-the state of terr-r]:
on "Isis" and how they use and abuse "women" and what "isis" style and techniques were one of them being to use women to recruit other women to join "isis"[which is what cousin "-andy" and "-ila" are trying to do to me now-if don't respond-they don't help with food,etc.]one of them being to withhold food from the women to force them to join "isis"; which is a "JOKE" because white males are doing the same thing to African American females; but the issues aren't in the news because white males control the media; Stern stated that the "jails" are used to recruit "isis" followers-which the "jail" is where a cousin use to work; Stern also said that "isis" are thugs, pedifiles[Davita martin helped] and criminals-which could all apply to white male[s] that are doing the same thing to African American[s]-which the man in brown skin who heads the United States in the house that is white is well aware of;
What is amazing to me is that Jessica Stern can see nothing that white males are doing to African American[s]-probably because a lot of white people know that if they want 'money' to turn their head;
10.In Essence magazine Feburary, 2015 issue which title is "Where do we go from here?" where Angelia Davis stated that "The work[protests] must be continued to take the issues to the streets and standing against routine actions of pol-ce and "DA's"[Davita martin] who collude with them";
11. "The Today Show" had on Sheyline [almost like Sharlene-name of African American female prositute who works at CRB library] with CARson after relative sent some tiny bit of money to help;it was doing the "insurgent" segment;
12. It would be nice if someone could please contact the United States Justice department and inform that the Fergurson, Mo issues are alive in Winston-salem, NC and when try to call the US Dept. of Justice, the old African american female who is suppose to transfer to the criminal section hangs the phone up so that the person can't talk to anyone in the criminal section that is handling the Fergurson, Mo cases;[Thank You]
1. Happy St. Patrick's Day;
2. Heard Rush Limbough:
today[3/17/15] and he stated that he does not watch a lot of television; BUT when he does he tries to make sure that he doesn't associate what is happening in a story with/as possible outcomes in real life; BUT there is a new show on where the president in the story is working behind the scences against this female who is the head of a big "conglomerate"; being that Rush Limbough does not mention anything on his radio show 94.5 fm that he finds relevant=was his way of telling his audience what the current male in the brown skin is really doing to some female in their life:[working with white males to ensure the robbery of the females money-which speak every cent spent or block out of my life will lead to death to everybody [white and black] involved;[King James Bible;"Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.";[http://biblehub.com/psalms/55-15.htm];
3. Have been helping cousin[who worked for white male authority/obama] whose back was operated on by white males; the cousin called me to be in room with them because staff at hospital was attacking rather than helping them to heal; since that time in late December; they have gone home; also have helped them while at home where therapist[white male] comes to house; On 3/16/15 -Doris[African American female prostitute who flashes wedding ring] left- and sure enough, I said, Cousin was going to call me down to her bedroom while white male[bastard] was in it and sure enough-about three to five minutes later, cousin called me into her bedroom and when I asked what she needed-she said, I need for you to pick up the TWO white pieces of paper beside the bed; my thinking was and that could not wait til after your therapy; but I picked up the two pieces of paper along with a blue peice of paper[which was the color of her sheets], which supprised her; After the white male therapist left the house again was called to cousin[s] bedroom for a second time and asked to clean up the white therapist trash that he had left; cousin made the statement-don't know why he did that he usually picks up his own trash-he left the trash intentionally-that is all blacks who don't work for white males can do-is pick up their trash-clean up for white males;
Guess should mention that cousin worked at the local authority's building where lot of African American[s] are being used to make money off of; and that cousin has two sons and a grandson-of which cousin is batering with white males to fix it for her sons/grandson to the point that if cousin can get me to help take care of her on daily basis [and this is very important] without "PAY" ; then the reward goes to her sons and grandsons, of which presently Doris has to BOWL every WENSDAY[code for "WIN"] and cousin is in a fix and needs help=if help her on Wensday=code to them bastards to agree to let African American female prostitutes "win" and therefore African American females who are not prositutes working in secret for white males will not have their husbands; but because of helping on Wensday=agreeing to let African American female prostitutes working for white males work in secret -"WIN"; thus cousin's nurses/help with medical issues seem to keep disappearing-especially for WEDSDAY["WIN"];
4. They say a picture is worth a thousand words:
The BIGGEST ROBBERY oF AFRICAN AMERICAN[S] by whitemales and "oreo"[raised by white males];
"Selma civil rights milestone marked by first black president";
Updated 1:58 am, Sunday, March 8, 2015 ];[http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/politics/article/Obama-to-join-Bloody-Sunday-anniversary-in-Selma-6120509.php#photo-7623372];
The above picture is of congradulations to a male in brown skin [who was raised by and for white people]for helping white male[bush]systems to rob African American[s] of wealth and economic system relating to BLACK WALLstreet wealth in the United States;and more specifically for stopping the street riots which should be taking place [based on white male research-white males do not change anything relating to African Americans that allow African Americans to prosper thier culture unless there is violence or the publicity-of which white males hold control of messages to the masses-which leaves on violence for African American[s] to get their issues addresses; great concern is the fact that while [bush] has a smile on his face of " You did it",[while calling him nigger behind his back]is the fact that innoncent African American[s] that were forced into negative situation[s] are and will continue to suffer-like they did in New Orleans before Katrina where they were so poor that they could not afford to leave the area when it was an emergency;
Al Sharpton[married to white female];Oprah "WIN"phrey[first threaten; then became a prositute who paid by white males, helped white males rob African Americans of their weath, heritage, and the man in the brown skin in the house that is white all represent a system designed by white males to pull the wool over a lot of white people[s] eyes and some nieve African American[s]; but most African American[s] are aware of the UNCLE TOMS out front and hopefully, somehow the truth that the Uncle Tom's are really helping white males to secretly steal, rob and kill innoncent African Americans;
There is a picture on the front of the WS Chronicle[which can't locate the picture on the internet] of the man in the brown skin in the house the is white who is staninding out front with group of African American[s][mostly probably paid by white males] on the Edmnd "PETUS" Bridge where authority killed a lot of African American[s] for wanting the rights given to white people; the sad thing about the picture of the head of the United States standing on the bridge with the other paid informants is that none of them have the same rights that white people have; they are told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it and if they venture from the "role" or script, then they too are attacked by white male system[s];
Where are the other African American[s]?[just as in the picture only a FEW up front-so it will be in real life-only a few blacks[working in secret for white males will see any benefits from the "Selma" march or the Fergurson, Mo. riots;
"Selma civil rights milestone marked by first black president"
Updated 1:58 am, Sunday, March 8, 2015];[ , http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/politics/article/Obama-to-join-Bloody-Sunday-anniversary-in-Selma-6120509.php#photo-7624248];
And being that there is an "OLD" lady in the picture-most of the people who support the attacking and the blocking of AFrican American[s](both male and female) are the elderly-like William E. Johnson at Carver Road Christian Church; who have made deals with white males-thinking that white males were going to protect them; such as an aunt [who made a deal with white males to block a close relative[male and myself]-which they did block the black may-my daddy and helped white males to hide fact of stealing TWIN child; but they also blocked her from having a husband-which everybody knew she wanted-the white males blocked her so that they could use her[an old African American female prostitute working in secret for white males] against other African American[s]-male and female; which is what they do to all African American christians in the AFrican American church-use them to make "MONEY" off of- with the African American church being controlled by white males-like in Fergurson, Mo. where the authority target African American[s] to make "MONEY" off of through stopping them and writing tickets, then sending them to court[usually without notificiation]; then a warrent is issued and just like that a 20.00 dollar ticket becomes close to 500.00 dollars or more=a racket;
In the picture in the Winston-salem Chronicle, the man in the brown skin who is head of the United States in the house that is white is intentionally holding the hand of the old African American female who worked in secret as a prostitute for white males to block other African American[s]-to communicate to other African American female prostitutes in the later years that he is working with them to work for white males against other innoncent African Americans;
6. There are no cars at Gwyndolyn Gwyn's except of a RED VW-which is usually covered[have posted on line before]; and across the street from Gwyndolyn Gwyn, the senior AFrican American female prositute working in secret for white males has a new "red" car=code-that there is a "way" for person to exist-which is what "The TODAY SHOW" has been communicating-which is why "CARson" has been on with MAT[matter] and SaVANna[Van] to communicate to bastards[members of secret club] that there is a way; along with instructions to block;
7. Can now post pictures from internet; but now can't access pictures in email[mf];
8. Man in brown skin that is head of white male system[s] in house that is white is an Oreo-An African-American who is seen, especially by other blacks, as wishing to be part of the white establishment;http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/Oreo?q=oreo
9.Went to Crisis Control-all white people;only reason got help is because of a white person asking them to help; when went to room in Crisis control-white male came in room after sat down-and stayed there; also lot of African American males there for medicine-?[not good]; and also Crisis control had remodeled and was still in the process of remodeling-where lot of white people in lobby-transformation-where there is suppose to be growth in the African American neighborhoods -white males transforming growth into-for white people which means that African American[s] are being killed at a greater rate; not recieving help;
Heard a guest on the Diane Rehmn

Knows and produces her shows arount the fact that white males operating system to steal from African American[s];[http://thedianerehmshow.org]show by the name of Jessica Stern:
Jessica Stern
[is a Lecturer on Terror-sm at Harvard University];
[where man in brown skin who is head of the United States in house that is white went to school];
who wrote a book ["Isis"-the state of terr-r]:
on "Isis" and how they use and abuse "women" and what "isis" style and techniques were one of them being to use women to recruit other women to join "isis"[which is what cousin "-andy" and "-ila" are trying to do to me now-if don't respond-they don't help with food,etc.]one of them being to withhold food from the women to force them to join "isis"; which is a "JOKE" because white males are doing the same thing to African American females; but the issues aren't in the news because white males control the media; Stern stated that the "jails" are used to recruit "isis" followers-which the "jail" is where a cousin use to work; Stern also said that "isis" are thugs, pedifiles[Davita martin helped] and criminals-which could all apply to white male[s] that are doing the same thing to African American[s]-which the man in brown skin who heads the United States in the house that is white is well aware of;
What is amazing to me is that Jessica Stern can see nothing that white males are doing to African American[s]-probably because a lot of white people know that if they want 'money' to turn their head;
10.In Essence magazine Feburary, 2015 issue which title is "Where do we go from here?" where Angelia Davis stated that "The work[protests] must be continued to take the issues to the streets and standing against routine actions of pol-ce and "DA's"[Davita martin] who collude with them";
11. "The Today Show" had on Sheyline [almost like Sharlene-name of African American female prositute who works at CRB library] with CARson after relative sent some tiny bit of money to help;it was doing the "insurgent" segment;
12. It would be nice if someone could please contact the United States Justice department and inform that the Fergurson, Mo issues are alive in Winston-salem, NC and when try to call the US Dept. of Justice, the old African american female who is suppose to transfer to the criminal section hangs the phone up so that the person can't talk to anyone in the criminal section that is handling the Fergurson, Mo cases;[Thank You]
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