Social Understandings

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

542-Michael Brown, Furgerson, Mo, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB library


1.Road WSTA to CRB library-WHITE female with lime green-sanitation jacket driving bus-authority vehicle showed while waiting for bus, after got on bus authority vehicle[different kind] drove around the bus; and white  female was harassing an African American male bus rider-"this is the END of the line"; which have never heard any of the bus drivers say before;

Upon coming into the CRB library- white male in wheel chair came out of his way to touch me while standing at the counter;Shey and Melissa Williams both watching-neither said anything;

Heard on one of the radio stations[white male] state that some people like the guy who flew the plane into the mountain top do not need to be pilots; just like some people do not need to be bus drivers; or working in authority;

Of  which before coming to the CRB library called city link[727-8000] and asked where would a person call if they were experiencing the type of situation similar to the blacks in Fergurson, Mo.  The response from "ANN"-new stated, "you should call the non-emergercy pol-ce number"; I said, "so I am to call the same people who are the ones that are doing it?" and "Ann" said "yes"; I j ust hung up the phone;

With confirmation of the fact that African American[s] still need to be in the street because there is still no one to address their being abused and as one of the people at a local meeting in "Greensboro, NC" stated, there have been meetings in the past with the authorities and nothing happened" and one stated "been there, done that"; The name of the article is "New Chief wants more dialogue" by Yasmine Regester in the Carolina Peacemaker;front page.The point is the article verifies that African American[s] throughout the United States are not seeing any difference or the difference is that there is more suttle type situation[s] and more like the African American[s] that are complaining are being redirected to a secret area where the situation is not recorded, no records kept;

2. The big issue about the bill that was passed that is accused of discrimination against gays getting married is there for the purpose of communicating to jamie that what males working on making him normal in white male society for working in secret for white males;

3. Rush Limbough, Glenn Beck full of crap; both along with a lot of the other white male radio talk show host know exactly what is going on; but "burying the truth" as rush limbough states it; one of the stated that someone body KNOWS whats really going on, etc.-both were contacted and asked to help African American female to stop intimidation from white males-the response=white males stick together-either join white males in attacking blacks or be attacked by the white males=truth;

4. Heard on the Redi Radio program;980 am; 1:30am on 3/27/15 ,"You want to talk race,you really want to talk race. There are millions of blacks killed and murdered in this country everyday and nothing is said about it.", which confirms blog posts about African Americans being killed in secret;

5. The hosts of the Reid radio show confirmed blog posts that people are punished if they don't do as told by authority and those working in secret for authority; "They punish a person if they do not wagree with what they are doing[even if it is wrong] or if the person does not do as told or celebrate what  is being done wrong  and they try to force the person to participate with what they are doing, even if it is wrong", which confirms posts on blogs about punishment for not joining their secret group;

6. When coming out of house Gwynolyn Gwyn's son who pulled the weapon on me was in his car that he pointed in my direction; which he pulled up to the curb like he was going to drive into the yard, I had my phone out and acted like I was taking a picture of what he was doing-he thinks I took a picture of him pulled up the curb with his car looking like it was being driven into yard;\

7.On the Mike Salvage [nation] local radio program on 3/26/15, Mike Salvage confirmed posts on blogs that white males were operating a secret prostitution ring using African American females when he made the statement, "How many of you are ticking time b-mbs like the pilot that just crashed a plane because of what your doctor has done to you and you don't know it.  "iT IS THE MUSL-M WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE TO SAVE US FROM THE FILTH OF THE MUS-M MEN WHO ARE TERR-RIZING THE WORLD! and where are the American WOMEN?" with Mike Salvage being on the outside of the core of the white male radio network; he tries not to participate in what organized white males are doing to African American women-why he made the statement on public radio-while the white males that are forcing African American females to prostitute in secret are alreading using the women-lot of white females know;

8. Which the following article sums up the mindset any African American[s] who refuses to denounce their African American heritage,who refused to accept white society as superior, who continue to seek their wealth based on Black Wallstreet-which white male system is designed to stop African American[s] from accessing their wealth based on Black Wallstreet before white males destroyed Black Wallstreet-any African American not bowing down to white superiority will be put in the catagory of being an "extremist";

Panelists: Believers must watch for extremism

[Posted: Monday, March 30, 2015 10:06 pm;John Hinton/Winston-Salem Journal]
[Rev. John Mendez (from left) , Rev. Nathan Parrish, Rev. Amy Rio-Anderson, Carl Lut Williams, Timothy Auman, Rabbi Andrew Ettin, and Rev. Fermin Bocanegra during the "I Have a Question About...Religious Extremism" meeting at the Public Meeting Room of The Stuart Municipal Building in Winston-Salem, N.C., Monday, Mar. 30, 2015.][]

 And therefore will recieve punishments as created by various panels who have permission from certain controlled African American[so called leaders] who have been or are in the process of being paid off;They are using "RELIGION" as the concept to identify "extremist"; but remember that posts on blogs have been about how the "CHURCH" in the AFrican American neighborhoods are not there for African American[s]; and that the African American churches are really helping white males to abuse, rob, steal and kill African American[s] in secret; and it is no coincidence that one of the leaders is named "CARL"[who is at the Carver Road Branch library as a security guard-who drives an expensive vet.[car]]; "ANDREW"[name associated with person that use to go to the 5th street public library[before it closed];"PARRISH"[name of L.Parrish at the Salvation Army who it took a month to write a letter to agencies so they could help me get medicine[because it took her so long-had to go to Crisis Control];etc..
[Note: most African Americans will not have a clue=JAIL=ones to be targeted to make "MONEY off of=Fergurson, Mo.]

Note: A.- Carl the security guard at CRB library saw me sit my things down and as I was sitting my things down he went and got the WSJournal-which I usually do=harassment-suppose to be code-of being in JAIL-which is suppose to be where am at when helping cousin on weekend-JAIL-being that she has worked with "inmates" for over 10 years-she knows how to harass/abuse legally-had to ask her to please turn off TV when in room helping her- because she pre-records shows with certain phrases and concepts and plays them whenever I come in room to help her. One of the shows she pre-records is "Fatal Attraction"-suppose to be communicating any African American female not working in secret for white males and the white males are not controlling the relatiobnship will eventually end up in a relationship where the attraction is a fatal and the result is extremely negatiave; 

 But as Redi Radio show host[s] stated that attack/punish person till they force them into a subservent type position to force them to shut up and stop seeking to do things on their own;

9. On 3/25/15 at 11:40pm on the Mike Galleger radio show a recording of a retired US Admiral stated, "The strategy of the Obam- administration is pro-islam-c, pro-asian, pro-anti-american"; which Galleger played the recording about four times; the question is-why are all of the white males who dominate the radio air waves do not have an outcry to the American public to raise their voices to protest the "treason" that is occuring in the house that is white?  The reason is that because everything that is being set up is suppose to be put in place to attack AFrican American[s] who do not get in place or as the article:

Panelists: Believers must watch for extremism

[Posted: Monday, March 30, 2015 10:06 pm;John Hinton/Winston-Salem Journal];

states, people[specifically] African American[s]-why there are TWO African American[s] sitting on panel; who do not comply with white males intimidation[s] are to be put in category of being an extremist; therefore
to be targeted- and confirmation was head on local radio station [94.5 fm, 980am] that they do not think that it will not be too far fetch for there to be a political partner ship in the future with the people who knocked down the twin towers;

10. The following picture is code= TWO African American males on panel of whites;

Rev. John Mendez [local longtime pastor](from left) in picture is pastor of EMANual baptist church who was assigned role of supporting classifying African American male[s] and female[s] who could not/would not  yield to the harassment techniques of white males, as having mental issues;[note: a real pastor-Melvin "RIP" Wilkins-which is why most African American pastors choose to act real-body was recently put in the ground and his spirit to God because he was a real pastor that did the right thing instead of doing the white thang-ignoring African American[s] that are/were abused of white males];

11. Of which because of being starved half to death-now have to take medication; and as stated by locat health experts[except for need for medicine]-"You are healthy"-thus any complications will be cause from medicine-all of which is controlled by white[s]];

[Note:B.- First nurse was "VALINTINE"-like love; 2nd nurse was "KING"[like lord-like robbing of citizenship?];



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