560-gm10 Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University, CRB library
1.On 7/15/15-a TWO day-City of Winston-Salem white truck#4034 or 4024 came and picked up tree branches that GWYNs had put out on curb=code- to Gwyn Group;
2. Went to class about health issue-white female-in secret group; upon leaving=black male on cart was waiting outside of building-when did not go and get on the WSTA-he went around the building and was waiting on me when I came out of building-and then went into another door in building and after I stayed for about an hour-when came out he was gone?;
3. Also at CRCC last sunday there was " Black BUSINESS" Ink magazine with vivian h. burke on the cover[which can't locate on line?]; in the article "Winston-Salem's Iron Lady"-which should read "winston-salem's biggest secret prostitute working for white males in secret"; stated that b.burke help to start the "Human Relations Commission[which is why could not get appropriate response]which v. burke set up the Human Relations Commission to help white people only; mayor wayne corpening appointed v burke chair of the influential "PUBLIC Safety Committee"[which is why when I went to the public safety office to ask for help, I was basically threaten with don't bring complaints about white males did or are doing to black people];which v. burke "voluntarily relinquished to southeast wrd councilman james taylor"[who v. burke is training to help white males to attack blacks who complain about white males attack];
And convirmation of the [connection]to the man in the brown skin in the house that is white in Washinton, DC is a picture of Barack Obama and Vivan burke [page 14, black business ink., May, 2015 issue];
4. Which leads to the CRB library crew/message to the CRB library crew from Kate B. Reynolds charitable TRUST [ http://kbr.org/] located in Winston-Salem, NC-which is on property owned by Wake Forest University-[where white male authority wrote me a warning ticket -illegally- for looking up federal laws]in which CINTAS works for Babcock Reynolds foundation in which the title to the picture on the website at:
with a picture of a little black baby girl:

that is on the WSFC library website [http://www.forsyth.cc/library/?StoryID=20459]

is: "NURSE"-Family Partnership: Growing Stronger Families"
black "dick" [ fn_RK-Moby-Dick512.jpg]

With the greatest expectation being the hero[for white males being "CINTAS"[which means they[white males getting ready to kill CINTAS]=heard over the radio am/fm radio this morning=what is "right" is "right" no matter how much wrong wants it to be wrong; and CINTAS is in the mode of exactly where they had "LOUISE" before they killed her-enjoying helping white males to block me from everything good that is suppose to be in my life; in fact Louise thought she was in heaven, she was having so much fun-in her thinking based upon what white males was telling her-she was "beating" me; by helping white males to block me from accessing my wealth,etc,. and when the real GOD [rightousness] said stop, Louise couldn't stop; and CINTAS seems to be going in the same mode;
Because white male[s]have everything in control:
Which white male[s] have already put into motion their secret people/systems to ensure:

And the back up for "STAND YOUR GROUND" stance is just like the virus attacking healthy cells-where the virus changes/alters its appearance to fool the healthy cells:
Where ART "Barnes":
WSTA Exec Embracing Innovation With An Appreciation of History; | February 26, 2015 7:12 am
is being lifted up as one of the good people at WSTA city buses[who is actually helping white male[s] to harass/intimidate the African American[s] who ride WSTA][of which saw a picture in the May, 2015 issue of Black Business Inc, page 3 for the WSTA of the passengers for the WSTA=a BIG FAT LIE= there are usually all blacks riding the WSTA or all blacks and one white person every blue moon; now what the message from the picture may be coded to say is that white male[s] are going to kill the AFrican American riders except their AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white male[s]; but the picture of the WSTA city bus passengers on page 3 of May 2015 Black Business Ink is not of the typical WSTA bus load of passengers on white or black side of town];And ART Barnes is one of the ones have called and tried to talk to for over a decade; finally talked to him once about two years ago and after that could not get him back on the phone-he was always too busy; not in; and message communicted-do not come to office on Trade st.];[note: white male[s] are controlling ART BARNES through his health and his "SOCIAL" life-why the picture taken with the WSTA marquee reading" HEALTH CENTER and "SOCIAL" services;
The other virsus that is being lifted up is a male that looks black, Walter MARSHALL:
WALTER MARSHALL: Public Servant, Advocate for Social Justice and … Interior Decorator?; | January 26, 2015 6:56 am
"In 1988, when he was president of the Winston-Salem Branch of the NAACP, Walter Marshall wrote a letter to the Winston-Salem Board of Aldermen.
“As people of color of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, we are concerned with the increased level of police brutality and the ease at which city police commit lawless acts against people of color and the poor,” the letter began. “I include the poor because the number of poor whites calling the local NAACP has steadily increased over the past year.”"
Which did not know he was the president of the WS Branch of the NAACP and the above statement is where white male[s] set Walter Marshall up to sell out African American[s]; the white people who were calling were part of the white male[s] secret group to isolate/attack African American[s] in secret; the article and picture above are part of Walter Marshall's payment by white male[s] for his helping to hinder, and to block, harass, intimidate, ignore the plights of African American[s] that white males told/tell him to ignore:
[Note: both articles written by Laurie D. Willis][http://blackbusinessink.com/2015/01/26/walter-marshall-public-servant-advocate-for-social-justice-and-interior-decorator/]
There is illusion of African American[s]/culture/heritiage being helped/improved/being better; white male[s] culture/heritage has been improved/bettered/helped at the expense of African American[s] culture/heritage because white male[s] attack and pay other blacks to attack African American[s] who don't work in secret-to attack other AFrican Americans or be a slave to white white males; just like LOUISE/CINTAS[sad to say]-white males will one day get theirs-especially the ones "waiting liars" sitting in the background til the time is right to attack African American[s] openly;
Both the articles in the WS Chronicle on "Art Barnes" and "Walter Marshall"= TWO articles=code TWO to group in secret group=message to Melissa Williams,WAYmon and Leona Monroe, Ellen Given, Gwyndolyn Gwyn, etc., that the secret group is to do it/block/harass/attack the person connected to the stealing of the little black child-one more time-and don't worry about anything-white male[s] have everything in control over the real GOD and everybody else;
Confirmation is the upper right hand corner of the WS Journal-where members of the secret group look for specific instructions and sure enough in the upper right hand corner is the title of an article by "SEXTON"=cue=Sexton: TOWING of stolen car leads to big bill for owners/A4=code that to tell the secret group what is going on with the"towing" issue created by the city of winston-salem,nc. two weeks ago where threat was issue to tow a car of the city of winston-salem, nc would tow car until connection was made where it was obvious that something was not right=one dept. in the city is telling the person to tow a car while the other dept. that is suppose to protect the person's right to earn an honest income and do honest work is telling the person if they do the honest work/make an honest living that the person will be put in confinement;

[ http://www.journalnow.com/]
[Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 5:45 am; ;[The RIGHT Track=code to white males];
[note: Scott SEXton keeps the AFrican American [female prostitutes working for white male[s] in secret for white male[s]] informed of what white male[s] are using and doing to hinder the AFrican American female[s] that should be with the African American male white male[s] intimidate to stay with the African American female prostitute working for white male[s] in secret; example is guy by the name of say Joe Smith wanted to help me with "towing car issue"-well the next week, Joe Smith is out of JOB, and is not focused on helping with a "towing car issue" but is focused on how to make money to pay bills[true story[6/30/15 to7/13/15]-which is what white male[s] do to control black male[s] all the time-everytime the black male tries to remove themselves from the relationship-the white male[s] usually have one of the black male family members killed-which may be why the white bastards keep trying to put me in Brandon's life-they don't want to kill certain members of Brandon's family member[s]-who make in the six figures-a lot of questions would be asked-would raise alot of attention that white male[s] don't want;
1.On 7/15/15-a TWO day-City of Winston-Salem white truck#4034 or 4024 came and picked up tree branches that GWYNs had put out on curb=code- to Gwyn Group;
2. Went to class about health issue-white female-in secret group; upon leaving=black male on cart was waiting outside of building-when did not go and get on the WSTA-he went around the building and was waiting on me when I came out of building-and then went into another door in building and after I stayed for about an hour-when came out he was gone?;
3. Also at CRCC last sunday there was " Black BUSINESS" Ink magazine with vivian h. burke on the cover[which can't locate on line?]; in the article "Winston-Salem's Iron Lady"-which should read "winston-salem's biggest secret prostitute working for white males in secret"; stated that b.burke help to start the "Human Relations Commission[which is why could not get appropriate response]which v. burke set up the Human Relations Commission to help white people only; mayor wayne corpening appointed v burke chair of the influential "PUBLIC Safety Committee"[which is why when I went to the public safety office to ask for help, I was basically threaten with don't bring complaints about white males did or are doing to black people];which v. burke "voluntarily relinquished to southeast wrd councilman james taylor"[who v. burke is training to help white males to attack blacks who complain about white males attack];
And convirmation of the [connection]to the man in the brown skin in the house that is white in Washinton, DC is a picture of Barack Obama and Vivan burke [page 14, black business ink., May, 2015 issue];
4. Which leads to the CRB library crew/message to the CRB library crew from Kate B. Reynolds charitable TRUST [ http://kbr.org/] located in Winston-Salem, NC-which is on property owned by Wake Forest University-[where white male authority wrote me a warning ticket -illegally- for looking up federal laws]in which CINTAS works for Babcock Reynolds foundation in which the title to the picture on the website at:
with a picture of a little black baby girl:

that is on the WSFC library website [http://www.forsyth.cc/library/?StoryID=20459]

is: "NURSE"-Family Partnership: Growing Stronger Families"
The title on the WSFC website is:
'Carver School Road Branch Library to Host Kick-off for Great Expectations Launch'
With the point being that theWSFC website designer/creator sending "message"-Black issue[picture of black car]
black "dick" [ fn_RK-Moby-Dick512.jpg]

black "child"[fn_greatexpectations.jpg]
[great expections] at Reynolda[Reynolds][where CINTAS "work"]
"Library-Con @ Reynolda Manor Branch Library"
Because white male[s]have everything in control:
VICTORIA Christopher MURRAY coming to "Carver"
so message/code to Melissa Williams is:"STAND YOUR GROUND"
Which white male[s] have already put into motion their secret people/systems to ensure:

And the back up for "STAND YOUR GROUND" stance is just like the virus attacking healthy cells-where the virus changes/alters its appearance to fool the healthy cells:
Where ART "Barnes":
WSTA Exec Embracing Innovation With An Appreciation of History; | February 26, 2015 7:12 am
is being lifted up as one of the good people at WSTA city buses[who is actually helping white male[s] to harass/intimidate the African American[s] who ride WSTA][of which saw a picture in the May, 2015 issue of Black Business Inc, page 3 for the WSTA of the passengers for the WSTA=a BIG FAT LIE= there are usually all blacks riding the WSTA or all blacks and one white person every blue moon; now what the message from the picture may be coded to say is that white male[s] are going to kill the AFrican American riders except their AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white male[s]; but the picture of the WSTA city bus passengers on page 3 of May 2015 Black Business Ink is not of the typical WSTA bus load of passengers on white or black side of town];And ART Barnes is one of the ones have called and tried to talk to for over a decade; finally talked to him once about two years ago and after that could not get him back on the phone-he was always too busy; not in; and message communicted-do not come to office on Trade st.];[note: white male[s] are controlling ART BARNES through his health and his "SOCIAL" life-why the picture taken with the WSTA marquee reading" HEALTH CENTER and "SOCIAL" services;
The other virsus that is being lifted up is a male that looks black, Walter MARSHALL:
WALTER MARSHALL: Public Servant, Advocate for Social Justice and … Interior Decorator?; | January 26, 2015 6:56 am
"In 1988, when he was president of the Winston-Salem Branch of the NAACP, Walter Marshall wrote a letter to the Winston-Salem Board of Aldermen.
“As people of color of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, we are concerned with the increased level of police brutality and the ease at which city police commit lawless acts against people of color and the poor,” the letter began. “I include the poor because the number of poor whites calling the local NAACP has steadily increased over the past year.”"
Which did not know he was the president of the WS Branch of the NAACP and the above statement is where white male[s] set Walter Marshall up to sell out African American[s]; the white people who were calling were part of the white male[s] secret group to isolate/attack African American[s] in secret; the article and picture above are part of Walter Marshall's payment by white male[s] for his helping to hinder, and to block, harass, intimidate, ignore the plights of African American[s] that white males told/tell him to ignore:
[Note: both articles written by Laurie D. Willis][http://blackbusinessink.com/2015/01/26/walter-marshall-public-servant-advocate-for-social-justice-and-interior-decorator/]
There is illusion of African American[s]/culture/heritiage being helped/improved/being better; white male[s] culture/heritage has been improved/bettered/helped at the expense of African American[s] culture/heritage because white male[s] attack and pay other blacks to attack African American[s] who don't work in secret-to attack other AFrican Americans or be a slave to white white males; just like LOUISE/CINTAS[sad to say]-white males will one day get theirs-especially the ones "waiting liars" sitting in the background til the time is right to attack African American[s] openly;
Both the articles in the WS Chronicle on "Art Barnes" and "Walter Marshall"= TWO articles=code TWO to group in secret group=message to Melissa Williams,WAYmon and Leona Monroe, Ellen Given, Gwyndolyn Gwyn, etc., that the secret group is to do it/block/harass/attack the person connected to the stealing of the little black child-one more time-and don't worry about anything-white male[s] have everything in control over the real GOD and everybody else;
Confirmation is the upper right hand corner of the WS Journal-where members of the secret group look for specific instructions and sure enough in the upper right hand corner is the title of an article by "SEXTON"=cue=Sexton: TOWING of stolen car leads to big bill for owners/A4=code that to tell the secret group what is going on with the"towing" issue created by the city of winston-salem,nc. two weeks ago where threat was issue to tow a car of the city of winston-salem, nc would tow car until connection was made where it was obvious that something was not right=one dept. in the city is telling the person to tow a car while the other dept. that is suppose to protect the person's right to earn an honest income and do honest work is telling the person if they do the honest work/make an honest living that the person will be put in confinement;
"Sexton: Owners of stolen car are billed almost $1,000 to get it back "

[ http://www.journalnow.com/]
[Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 5:45 am; ;[The RIGHT Track=code to white males];
[note: Scott SEXton keeps the AFrican American [female prostitutes working for white male[s] in secret for white male[s]] informed of what white male[s] are using and doing to hinder the AFrican American female[s] that should be with the African American male white male[s] intimidate to stay with the African American female prostitute working for white male[s] in secret; example is guy by the name of say Joe Smith wanted to help me with "towing car issue"-well the next week, Joe Smith is out of JOB, and is not focused on helping with a "towing car issue" but is focused on how to make money to pay bills[true story[6/30/15 to7/13/15]-which is what white male[s] do to control black male[s] all the time-everytime the black male tries to remove themselves from the relationship-the white male[s] usually have one of the black male family members killed-which may be why the white bastards keep trying to put me in Brandon's life-they don't want to kill certain members of Brandon's family member[s]-who make in the six figures-a lot of questions would be asked-would raise alot of attention that white male[s] don't want;
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