560 13LLb-Michael Brown, Fergurson,Mo. Winston-salem, nc, Wake Forest University, CRB library
1.Today is a [6] day= 2+4=6; road the WSTA city bus to CRB library, and when got off of the bus, there were TWO A&T trucks; one on lansing drive by telphone wireboxes and the other on Carver Road by the wsta bus stop; both white males; the white male by te lansing side is name kevin-he showed me his badge because I was taking pictures; told him the local people in charge of the neighborhood told the people who live in the neighborhood to take pictures bieng that there have been a lot of problems with the telephone boxes; kevin had a man hole[big] that w as openen with a ladder down the hole; but the most interesting thing is that the truck was an A&T truck with a license plate for a "chevrolet"-78F4385-expires 9-29-15-word ancira on hte license plate-think it is extremely unusual for an A&T truck to have a license plate that expires[?]; keven was about 61; long brownish/blond beard;[note did inform a member of the CRB library staff of the strangeness of the situation; which they said they would look into];
2.The research computer has a "sam" [print] notice on comuter and will n ot go off of schreen, so half of what is written is not able to be seen; Mayhand[the librarian] said that they would report it; and think that after yesterday with the computers being down, somebody should have caught the situation-which they probably did, butr left up for the specific reason of why Kevin the white male was at the man hole outside the CRB library-suppose to be symbolic of killing the male/or any male being in my life; thus am thanking the Supreme Devine God was fixing it so that the death is of white males who harass/intimidate/threaten or try to rob of anything Good ;
3. Which brings me to the "POPE"=not a joke in terms of position in white male[s] system[s] of abuse of African American[s]-which is why the push to the white people in white churches[thus African American churches that are working for white males in secret instead of the Supreme Devine God]to accept immigrants-because immigrants from another country will help white males systems to attack/rob/steal/kill African Americans not working to advance white male secret systems of robbery, abuse, intimidation, killings of African American[s]; which is why the "POPE" is not advocating that white people in the United States stop the slaughter of black babies;
Glenn Beck[who thinks because he is advocating the stopping of the planned parenthood program to slaughter fully formed black babies that he will not be judge by God; think it is really interesting that two of the main people that went to for help to stop white males abuse and robbery in my life[Glenn Beck and Rush Limbough] now are yelling to the public-standup; do something; they are going to come after you next;
Glenn Beck asked, why is not the "POPE" addressing the issues of the slaughter of [black] babies[?]; that is what he is known for; Glenn Beck already knows the answer-because he is working with the white male system[s] to kill African American[s]; planned parenthood kills them when they are in or exiting the womb; white male systems kill them from birth to [whatever age] the white male system can legally and socially acceptable kill them;
Rush Limbough yelling and screaming because the "POPE" is telling the United States[those who control] to let in the "immigrants"; Rush Limbough broke it down to the point that he is offended by the foreign "POPE" who comes to the United States and complains that the United States in not diverse enoough;Rush Limbough said, The United States is a place where "CULTURE" is "SHARED"=1/2 truth-as long as the person puts white male "culture" above thiers;Rush Limbough also said, the United STates is the ONLY countryin the world where the gov. has to respect and serve the individual"; which is the whole problem, the individual[s] that the gov. is to respect is "AFRICAN AMERICAN" and the gov. is controlled by white male[s] [republicans]who secretly use the gov. to secretly destroy/rob/kill/intimidate African American[s]-which is why "Obama" is doing what he is doing because he knows that the 'republicans' will not change; that the white male[s] in charge of the United States will do everything-including destroying the United States before they will allow an African American to be recognized with the same rights as a white male;[94.5fm radio/9/24/14;12:40pm];
The "POPE" based upon what Rush Limbough said, stted that Americans should help and include "immigrants" in the United States society, because they all have been immigrants at some point and time in their life;ANSWER to the "POPE"-nobody is shutting the door o immigrabnnts who apply to enter the United STates legally; however, May the DEVINE GODE do everything inhis power to kick at all "illegal" immigrants-immigrants who do not follow the procedures to access the benefits of living in the United STates; and may the DEVINE GOD let death sieze upon all "immigrants" and white male[s] participating in ethnic inimidation/abuse/robbery/killing/theft of an African American [whose mother and father were born in the United States];
No 'immigrant" has the right to come into a country and rob those who were born in the country to
help a bunch of greedy white male[s]; and if the 'immigrants' are going to help those white male[s] to rob AFrican American[s]; then African American[s] not only have the right; but a "DUTY" to resist by whatever means necessary;
The "POPE was raised up by white male[s] for white male[s]!;
4.Statement heard on radio an ad for finances:
The three most important words in retirement are INCOME! INCOME! INCOME![94.5fm;9/24/15;12:05pm];
so what are African American[s] who have been threaten with confinement for earning honest MONEY from hones "WORK" suppose to do?
5. Clark Howard stated on his raido show[600am]; 9/23/15 that, "There are a lot of good people in the "WALL STREET" group who can do good, but instead they sit around in their "BOARD" rooms and say, "WAIT! We found a way to "EXPLOIT this or that!"
[note: that is why Vern Switzer and other black males in group that is helping white males to rob AFrican Americans is so comfortable; white male[s] control the systems and protects other AFrican Americans from attacking them];
Clark Howard stated, "Lot of Anger and some of it is CLEARLY JUSTIFIED and obviously somthing needs to be done to stop the criminal extortion of people!;[600am radio];9/23/15;[which is why those who are doing the abuse EXPECT those who are being abused to retaliate at any moment; which is why most AFrican American males are put behind bars; to control their "retaliation";
Clark Howard is a white male[s] observing from a reserve seat=do not mess with white male[s] wealth and therefore can express his anger emotionally; AFrican American male[s] do not have that option;
Hopefully someone will read this and kill the "Obama's male mentoring program" that some bastards brought to WS; which is to rob AFrican American male[s] who do not agree to raise up white male culture and attack African American culture:
President Obama’s male mentoring program comes to W-S
Posted On 17 Sep 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/09/president-obamas-male-mentoring-program-comes-w-s/];

On Saturday, Sept. 12, the Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity kicked off its Male Mentoring Program with a community day that blocked off the intersection of Graham Avenue and First Street for over five hours.[note-the blocking off of the street=symbolic of blocking AFrican American males from access to the wealth in the African American culture];
The My Brother’s Keeper initiative was launched by President Barack Obama to address the persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential.
Note: A. Eleven [11] million volkswagons on the United STates road that are in violation of "emission cheating" by the Volkswagon Co.; of which have blogged about Gwyndolyn Gwyn keeping a 'red" volkswagan in driveway as code to members of the secret group that stay in houses around me; this morning saw K. Fluitt[twin/part of secret gg group] relative driving a [black] VW, which is suppose to be robbery of Vanessa and Willie relationship[thank you Devine God for killing all the bastards];
B. The CEO that killed people through sending out peanut butter with syimanella in it; it just representatiave of what all of the "BOARDs" are doing, legally of coarse, even if they have to pass a law to make it legal for them to legally kill/make people sick; have posted issue on blog before;
C. Page A4 and A5 headlines summerizes what the bastards think their next steps to be; one being on page A5 preserve "JOHNSON"[W.E. Johnson at Carver Road Christian Church-where the system is based on underground railroad slavery system]-somebody needs to kill all underground issues and slavery type systems;
D. One of CRB library staff [m] stated that Shey said that white male Kevin was authorized to be outside=shey working with white males as secret prostititue;
E. One of CRB library staff [m] stated that the other computers do not have a little black print man on the comuters that person has to match on to print; only the research computer;
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