560-llf Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1.Read the Winston-Salem Chronicle, and one of the lead articles is, " ENOUGH is ENOUGH", ministers conference tells "CARSON" by Tevin STinson,Oct.1,2015, Vol 42,Number 5;
A. Tina CARSON works for the WSTA city bus[?]use to live in the PATTERSON area-reason Ben CARSON running for president and tina CARSON is/has signed on with white male system-or has some big dirt on white male system-if she has a male[JOHN] that she calls a husband or thier sibling=one of them sold African American[s] out;the other CARSON works for the Salvation Army;
B. The issue with BEN CARSON and the Winston-Salem ,NC ministers conference is that of the black that supports African American culture rising[which would mean the musl-ms attacking for AFrican American[s]] against the black that supports helping white male[s] culture to rise to keep white males from attacking AFrican American[s]
Ministers of the Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity during the press conference to protest Ben CARSON on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at Emmanuel Baptist Church[where the Reverend/Dr.[?] "JOHN" Mendez is the pastor [who chose to side with white male[s] against the AFrican American neighborhoods,
And now the white male[s] are getting ready to put one of him[Ben CARSON]-bought and paid for-to do to Mendez exactly what he has been helping white male[s] to do to the local AFrican American neighborhoods-that is why they all look so disgusted w-they know what they did to other AFrican American[s] and know if CARSON gets in, he is going to helpt do the same thing to them;
Tyra BANKS[new show]-FABlife connected to OPera Winphrey, Donald TRUMP; and the Ben CARSON[CARSONS[in secret];

[notice that ALL co-host are WHITE or I should say "NOT BLACK"]
Have been trying to download pictures from camera and messages comes up the process cancelled-because of how they have programmed the computers;
1.Read the Winston-Salem Chronicle, and one of the lead articles is, " ENOUGH is ENOUGH", ministers conference tells "CARSON" by Tevin STinson,Oct.1,2015, Vol 42,Number 5;
A. Tina CARSON works for the WSTA city bus[?]use to live in the PATTERSON area-reason Ben CARSON running for president and tina CARSON is/has signed on with white male system-or has some big dirt on white male system-if she has a male[JOHN] that she calls a husband or thier sibling=one of them sold African American[s] out;the other CARSON works for the Salvation Army;
B. The issue with BEN CARSON and the Winston-Salem ,NC ministers conference is that of the black that supports African American culture rising[which would mean the musl-ms attacking for AFrican American[s]] against the black that supports helping white male[s] culture to rise to keep white males from attacking AFrican American[s]
Enough is enough, ministers tell Carson
Posted On 01 Oct 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[https://www.wschronicle.com/2015/10/enough-enough-ministers-tell-carson/]
And now the white male[s] are getting ready to put one of him[Ben CARSON]-bought and paid for-to do to Mendez exactly what he has been helping white male[s] to do to the local AFrican American neighborhoods-that is why they all look so disgusted w-they know what they did to other AFrican American[s] and know if CARSON gets in, he is going to helpt do the same thing to them;
Tyra BANKS[new show]-FABlife connected to OPera Winphrey, Donald TRUMP; and the Ben CARSON[CARSONS[in secret];

[notice that ALL co-host are WHITE or I should say "NOT BLACK"]
Have been trying to download pictures from camera and messages comes up the process cancelled-because of how they have programmed the computers;
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