560-llu-0j Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. While waiting for the WSTA city bus, TWO [TWINS] authority vehicles[white with blue and red strips]; did not see the # of the first, the # of the second was 925 [while male driver] road past on Carver Road one right behind the other while waiting at the bus stop;
2. Road the WSTA to downtown to pay water bill/no major incidents EXCEPT when coming back; on the corner of LIBERTY and 4th STREET TWO[TWINS] UPS trucks parked on each side of LIBERTY street:
while city of winston salem car parked on 4th street going east, turning south:
that is how closely they track certain African American[s] who ride the WSTA city bus;
3. The other thing is that on 12/10/15 "JOHN" [white male] postman left ONLY one piece of mail-it looked like a christmas post card, but was actually a "threat", which was from the "piedmont memorial gardens"=threat=TWO for the price of one=have postedon blog that the ONLY businesses that thrive in the African American neighborhods are funeral homes; and based on local communication=which is why the WIZ was RE-produced-like they did Michael JACKSON; they are in the process of killing off another group of AFrican American[s]-why there is never anything NEW in the AFrican American neighborhoods=the same system keeps getting played over and over by different AFrican American prostitutes that sell their AFrican American heritage out to white males to enjoy the benefits of prosperity;
4. Which when going to pay water bill at the city of ws water dept. NEW letter "V" on the street; not on the other side of the street, but on the side of the street-iusaually walk on=which it is "easy" for the white male[s] system to send messages to a target-because people do the same thing just about every time out of "HABIT"-so white male[s] system[s] usually know 99.99% of people[s] "habits"-which is why "isis"-the "terr-rist" are going to be able to identify the time/place/and person who white males and "C.A.I.R."[the terror-st group white male[s] paying to help them cover for white male[s];
Not coincidence that there is a "V" by the square [?]on the sidewalk=coded message; which is why the guy
"Winston-Salem police release few details about how man died in police custody"
[Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2015 11:45 pm;

Travis Nevelle Page, 31, of 2900 New Walkertown Road, died after Winston-Salem police said four officers were trying to take Page into custody after a report of a discharged weapon in the parking lot of Family Dollar at 4404 Old Rural Hall Road[NOTE: "family DOLLAR"/PAGE=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn group=Keep STEALING];
[note: the reason why "PAGE" died=his name was suppose to be symbolic of killing of allowing AFrican Americans not working with white male[s] dying=was to communicate to local secret groups/Gwyndolyn gwyn and groups that person using "documentation/pages" not allowed to have a "MAN"; and "PAGES" name fit the bill; prior to day or so before; something was in the NATIONAL NEWS [documented] to communicate that the person using "documentation" was at level to have a "man"; part of it was that the "Salvation Army"'s RED Kettle[MONEY" had been stolen=which was code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group that the AFrican American[s] they were helping white males to ROB; were not to be Robbed any more and could live a normal life like the Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret groups; and to send the message to the secret groups to cancel that message and nothing changed; white male authority had to kill "PAGE":
"Questions were sent to Police Chief Barry Rountree to get additional information about the incident."
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/family-members-of-winston-salem-man-who-died-in-police/article_f0f42d78-a5f6-5fab-b8d8-727be5852da8.html];[note: his JOB is to cover up all wrong doing of white male authority];

The four officers in Winston-Salem placed on administrative leave (image courtesy WGHP)
[http://abc11.com/news/4-nc-officers-on-leave-after-man-dies-in-police-custody/1117612/][Thursday, December 10, 2015 05:09PM];[note: notice the caption"PLACED ON ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE"not anything connected with an AFrican American males death];
There is a video of the four white male authority standing over "PAGES" [African American male[s]body at the Winstn-Salem Journal website; it looks like a modern day hanging=only thing missing are the white sheets; and it reminds me of what relative Bernard P. went through, there were no cameras on cell phones at the time when four big white males were called to his fahter house [very skinny AFrican American male] and they dropped him on his head and he died;
Which what the Daniel Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma City Police officer did was nothing], he just got caught:
"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A "serial rapist with a badge" who faces many years in prison for raping black women on his police beat was caught because of the courage of a grandmother who refused to remain silent after he sexually assaulted her, her lawyer said Friday."
[note: which is why say; if ANYTHING happens to myself/those connected=not an accident because they are and have admitted they are a "BROTHERHOOD"; like the "BROTHERHOOD" overseas, which is why "C.A.I. R." and them are "working together. one "BROTHERHOOD"[white male[s] and white male authority] helping the other "BROTHERHOOD"[male[s] from overseas/terr-rist];
[Note:Robert[white male] that was at 5th street main library[before they tore it down] is at reynolda road branch library:
[Note:There were NO seats to sit in downtown-black people's punishment for AFrican American not serving white male[s]= because there has to be more freedom for AFricanAmerican[s]=use of the "terr-rist" as excuse to take from AFrican American[s] growth/progress=0;= why white male[s] don't want the boarder closed, hispanics and musl-m[s] in the United States=white males can use to say the musl-ms causing problem=thus everybody punished[sort of like sending out a lot to get one concept]=but only AFrican American[s] usually know the real reason=to punish them for having access and white male[s] don't control=so they will create some form of crisis[pay musl-m to create crisis] to control:
6. Pictures taken of the wood outline of a FEMALE placed at the Winston-Salem Chronicle to communicate to PITT/Paula "HALL" and secret crew to "BAR" all AFrican American female[s] not working as secret prostitutes for white male[s] like "Paula" "HALL":
7. Frames in DVD's that are codes to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group[s]
Code for Richie BROOKS secret group in Winston-salem, NC;
[ducumented name DVD];
Code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group about African American[s] that they help white male[s] to attack;
Picture taken of V. Switzer's NEW BLACK CASH register that he bought after white males kept communicating to him that MONEY belongs to AFrican American[s] based on my working for V. Switzer=because he has to know how and what to EXPLOIT; prior to V. Switzer had a WHITE CASH register to communicate to white male[s] that he is working for them to help them steal from AFrican American[s];
Picture of Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] [son who pulled weapon on me] BLUE Jaguar that is parked at "3713" [with an emphais on "13"];
11.Pictures taken near Holloween in October of the [white male[s]] witchcraft system:
White male that went out of his way to come and bump my chair while white male in orange was sitting beside me in Ocotober,2015;
1. While waiting for the WSTA city bus, TWO [TWINS] authority vehicles[white with blue and red strips]; did not see the # of the first, the # of the second was 925 [while male driver] road past on Carver Road one right behind the other while waiting at the bus stop;
2. Road the WSTA to downtown to pay water bill/no major incidents EXCEPT when coming back; on the corner of LIBERTY and 4th STREET TWO[TWINS] UPS trucks parked on each side of LIBERTY street:
while city of winston salem car parked on 4th street going east, turning south:
that is how closely they track certain African American[s] who ride the WSTA city bus;
3. The other thing is that on 12/10/15 "JOHN" [white male] postman left ONLY one piece of mail-it looked like a christmas post card, but was actually a "threat", which was from the "piedmont memorial gardens"=threat=TWO for the price of one=have postedon blog that the ONLY businesses that thrive in the African American neighborhods are funeral homes; and based on local communication=which is why the WIZ was RE-produced-like they did Michael JACKSON; they are in the process of killing off another group of AFrican American[s]-why there is never anything NEW in the AFrican American neighborhoods=the same system keeps getting played over and over by different AFrican American prostitutes that sell their AFrican American heritage out to white males to enjoy the benefits of prosperity;

Notice about two days prior, the TWO black TIRE marks on the steet walking to house=threat=black=code for death;
4. Which when going to pay water bill at the city of ws water dept. NEW letter "V" on the street; not on the other side of the street, but on the side of the street-iusaually walk on=which it is "easy" for the white male[s] system to send messages to a target-because people do the same thing just about every time out of "HABIT"-so white male[s] system[s] usually know 99.99% of people[s] "habits"-which is why "isis"-the "terr-rist" are going to be able to identify the time/place/and person who white males and "C.A.I.R."[the terror-st group white male[s] paying to help them cover for white male[s];
Not coincidence that there is a "V" by the square [?]on the sidewalk=coded message; which is why the guy
"Winston-Salem police release few details about how man died in police custody"
[Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2015 11:45 pm;

Travis Nevelle Page, 31, of 2900 New Walkertown Road, died after Winston-Salem police said four officers were trying to take Page into custody after a report of a discharged weapon in the parking lot of Family Dollar at 4404 Old Rural Hall Road[NOTE: "family DOLLAR"/PAGE=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn group=Keep STEALING];
[note: the reason why "PAGE" died=his name was suppose to be symbolic of killing of allowing AFrican Americans not working with white male[s] dying=was to communicate to local secret groups/Gwyndolyn gwyn and groups that person using "documentation/pages" not allowed to have a "MAN"; and "PAGES" name fit the bill; prior to day or so before; something was in the NATIONAL NEWS [documented] to communicate that the person using "documentation" was at level to have a "man"; part of it was that the "Salvation Army"'s RED Kettle[MONEY" had been stolen=which was code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group that the AFrican American[s] they were helping white males to ROB; were not to be Robbed any more and could live a normal life like the Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret groups; and to send the message to the secret groups to cancel that message and nothing changed; white male authority had to kill "PAGE":
"Questions were sent to Police Chief Barry Rountree to get additional information about the incident."
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/family-members-of-winston-salem-man-who-died-in-police/article_f0f42d78-a5f6-5fab-b8d8-727be5852da8.html];[note: his JOB is to cover up all wrong doing of white male authority];

The four officers in Winston-Salem placed on administrative leave (image courtesy WGHP)
[http://abc11.com/news/4-nc-officers-on-leave-after-man-dies-in-police-custody/1117612/][Thursday, December 10, 2015 05:09PM];[note: notice the caption"PLACED ON ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE"not anything connected with an AFrican American males death];
There is a video of the four white male authority standing over "PAGES" [African American male[s]body at the Winstn-Salem Journal website; it looks like a modern day hanging=only thing missing are the white sheets; and it reminds me of what relative Bernard P. went through, there were no cameras on cell phones at the time when four big white males were called to his fahter house [very skinny AFrican American male] and they dropped him on his head and he died;
Which what the Daniel Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma City Police officer did was nothing], he just got caught:
"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A "serial rapist with a badge" who faces many years in prison for raping black women on his police beat was caught because of the courage of a grandmother who refused to remain silent after he sexually assaulted her, her lawyer said Friday."
[note: which is why say; if ANYTHING happens to myself/those connected=not an accident because they are and have admitted they are a "BROTHERHOOD"; like the "BROTHERHOOD" overseas, which is why "C.A.I. R." and them are "working together. one "BROTHERHOOD"[white male[s] and white male authority] helping the other "BROTHERHOOD"[male[s] from overseas/terr-rist];
[Note:Robert[white male] that was at 5th street main library[before they tore it down] is at reynolda road branch library:
[Note:There were NO seats to sit in downtown-black people's punishment for AFrican American not serving white male[s]= because there has to be more freedom for AFricanAmerican[s]=use of the "terr-rist" as excuse to take from AFrican American[s] growth/progress=0;= why white male[s] don't want the boarder closed, hispanics and musl-m[s] in the United States=white males can use to say the musl-ms causing problem=thus everybody punished[sort of like sending out a lot to get one concept]=but only AFrican American[s] usually know the real reason=to punish them for having access and white male[s] don't control=so they will create some form of crisis[pay musl-m to create crisis] to control:
Video of those who control the computers-how there turn certain computer off and leave certain computers on[white male[s]], etc.[black female was being used to STOP the downfall of blacks female prostitutes working with white males];[video would not post]
Picture of the same white male in the viedo that was posted on blog the last time was here about three to four months ago[8/2015 to 10/205]; yet the AME white male finds his way to sit beside me and harass me; has the same bottle with the "G" on it; and KNOWS his job is to harass "CERTAIN" African American female[s]= the ones not working as secret prostitutes for white male[s] secret clubs;

7. Frames in DVD's that are codes to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group[s]
Code for Richie BROOKS secret group in Winston-salem, NC;
[ducumented name DVD];
Code for HALL secret group in Winston-Salem, NC and whereever there is a "Salvation ARmy";
[ducumented name DVD];8.
Code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group about African American[s] that they help white male[s] to attack;
Picture taken of V. Switzer's NEW BLACK CASH register that he bought after white males kept communicating to him that MONEY belongs to AFrican American[s] based on my working for V. Switzer=because he has to know how and what to EXPLOIT; prior to V. Switzer had a WHITE CASH register to communicate to white male[s] that he is working for them to help them steal from AFrican American[s];
Picture of Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] [son who pulled weapon on me] BLUE Jaguar that is parked at "3713" [with an emphais on "13"];
11.Pictures taken near Holloween in October of the [white male[s]] witchcraft system:
White female in BLACK is not a costume[the 5th street main public library staff was basically if they had a job for a long period of time -witches:
White male[s] behind counter knows his job; just like "Robert" the white male working today [12/11/15];
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