1. Road the WSTA city bus to CR branch library; bus driver-black male with nasty attitude=always closes door nastily;Shey on desk; when returning DVD's and checking out other DVD's Shey took DVD-"Exit Wounds" and said, I have to put this one in another case; then she went to the back she walked over to CARL the communist security guard and let him touch it; then walked to the back again and then came back to the counter; I asked her what was the name of the DVD; she showed it to me-"Exit Wounds"; then I told her do not check that DVD out to me;

2.Shey [who has worked/trained as authority]is helping Carl the communist when she took DVD "Exit Wound" to carl to touch and then for me to check it out-I call it witchcraft;
3. The people in the Cleveland Avenue Homes[projects for the poor] was suppose to be protected by Sheldon McCarter -the pastor of Greater Cleveland Avenue Church; but the blacks that live on the EAST side of town were sold out and NOW Sheldon's McCarter new associate minister is name Manual[hispanic name] and the hispanics are making MONEY by cutting the grass, which use to be cut by AFrican American males;The picture of the three high powered pastors that are suppose to protect AFrican American[s] from being robbed are pictured below:

With Sheldon McCarter in the center; Mack-posted about his sister who is muscian at UNION Baptist church who chose to be a prostitute in secret to have a "JOHN"; and Macks sister the one have posted on blog about who worked at the Urban league-name Cynthia who was by white societies standards-very pretty-light skin/long hair; but after she spent about three years working in white males culture with no coverage/deals made-three years later she returned to the Urban League looking like she had been through a WAR- and looked like she was about 100 years of age; but in reality she was about maybe 35 at the time and she has not recovered since-in fact last heard she had had quite a bit of medical issues; And Mendez is the person who was communicated that if he continuted to help me whould end up LOONEY-which posted that is their system; heard over the radio las t week= "IF THEY CANNOT SAY YOU ARE WRONG; THEY WILL TRY AND SAY THAT THE PERSON IS CRAZY" and sure enough that is exactly what white males are trying to do and trying to do as quickly as possible which is what white males intend to do to the people "OVER HERE" that live on the black side of town as Marquita Wisley stated:
What Marquita Wisley does not know is that to WHITE people there is nothing GOOD that can come from the black people on the EAST side; The fact that Marquite in the statement below said:
It's always the bas side of EAST Winston that's showcased. I wish people would take a look at the GOOD things that are going on and the GOOD people that are over "HERE"" Marquita Wisley
Posted by Jordan Green on Wednesday, March 30, 2016];[http://triad-city-beat.com/triad-city-beat-this-week-march-30-2016/]
"It's always the bas side of EAST Winston that's showcased. I wish people would take a look at the GOOD things that are going on and the GOOD people that are over "HERE"" Marquita Wisley
Means that Marquita Wisley is well aware of "OVER THERE" being the WHITE side of town and the fact that "OVER HERE" is on the BLACK side of town;
As stated above-"IF THEY CANNOT SAY YOU ARE WRONG; THEY WILL TRY AND SAY THAT THE PERSON IS CRAZY" and sure enough that is exactly what they are trying to do; which is what they intend to do to the people "OVER HERE" on the black side of town as Marquita Wisley stated; which is why the article :
"Feds SET final RULE to enSURE MENTAL Health parity" ; by RICHard Craver/Winston-Salem Joural:
Winston-Salem Jurnal; pageA4; 3/30/16
Could not locate on Winston-Salsem Journal Website;
4. In the Amsterdam news there is an article:
Muddy Waters: Michigan governor slow to react to water crisis
As government officials discuss action, community members have established a fund to help children affected by a city's water crisis. The fund, established by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, is a supplemental resource for state and federal funding. WNEM; [note:Notice the WHITE males]
The White males are there to ENSURE that the AFrican American[s] are still struggling-why always see WHITE males working in the black neighborhoods; and the WHITE males are the ones who have the JOBS in the AFrican American neighborhoods to enSURE that there is no real change and that Blacks remain in a struggle;
"I spent a lot of time last week being outraged by what’s happening in Flint, Michigan,” Clinton said, “and I think every single American should be outraged. We’ve had a city in the United States of America, where the population, which is poor in many ways and majority African- American, has been drinking and bathing in lead-contaminated water. And the governor of that state acted as though he didn’t really care. “He had requests for help that he basically stonewalled."
note: the only problemis that the gov. got caught because he ran into a person who refused to participate in one of the killing systems of white males;
Which Marquita Wisley is noticing and running into; in the future she will recognize the systems designed to steal/kill African American[s] even more and evenutally Marquita can look forward to being put in the category of the Mentally ILL-no matter how smart she is;
hispanic that can't be found out in the open
6.Concerning when Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son pulled weapon on me-and as of about three/four days ago still trying to inimidate=what happen to people who the authorities did not take seriously:
"Relative of Wake County shooting victims cites work disput"
Posted: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 1:19 pm | Updated: 1:45 pm, Tue Mar 29, 2016
"Records show that Sander had been charged with communicating threats last month. Sussman told the newspaper that Sandy and Stephanie Mazzella were granted a temporary restraining order against Sander on the grounds that he threatened to kill them.;
Sussman said they wanted a permanent restraining order, but the temporary order was lifted by a judge on Thursday, one day before the shootings.";
"The judge said it was just words," Sussman said about the threat. ";
Of which same system[s] use five white male authority to intimidate after being in the hospital for over a week because of raising issues about concern for safety and getting help to eat;
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